blob: 8d0481f99aedcff75c18084ec77feb9ab4648dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
[section:copy_n copy_n]
[heading Prototype]
template<class SinglePassRange, class Size, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator copy_n(const SinglePassRange& rng, Size n, OutputIterator out);
[heading Description]
`copy_n` is provided to completely replicate the standard algorithm header,
it is preferable to use Range Adaptors and the extension functions to achieve
the same result with greater safety.
`copy_n` copies elements from `[boost::begin(rng), boost::begin(rng) + n)` to the range `[out, out + n)`
[heading Definition]
Defined in the header file `boost/range/algorithm_ext/copy_n.hpp`
[heading Requirements]
# `SinglePassRange` is a model of the __single_pass_range__ Concept.
# `Size` is a model of the `Integer` Concept.
# `OutputIterator` is a model of the `OutputIteratorConcept`.
[heading Complexity]
Linear. Exactly `n` elements are copied.