blob: 4d5dc39379d8c81b847d542f63ab8123be7a401a [file] [log] [blame]
[section:insert insert]
[heading Prototype]
class Container,
class SinglePassRange
Container& insert(Container& target,
typename Container::iterator before,
const SinglePassRange& from);
[heading Description]
`insert` all of the elements in the range `from` before the `before` iterator into `target`.
[heading Definition]
Defined in the header file `boost/range/algorithm_ext/insert.hpp`
[heading Requirements]
# `SinglePassRange` is a model of the __single_pass_range__ Concept.
# `Container` supports insert at a specified position.
# `SinglePassRange`'s value type is convertible to `Container`'s value type.
[heading Complexity]
Linear. `distance(from)` assignments are performed.