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Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section String]
This module includes parsers for strings. Currently, this module
includes the literal and string parsers and the symbol table.
[heading Module Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/string.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
Also, see __include_structure__.
[section:string String (`string`, `lit`)]
[heading Description]
The `string` parser matches a string of characters. The `string` parser
is an implicit lexeme: the `skip` parser is not applied in between
characters of the string. The `string` parser has an associated
__char_encoding_namespace__. This is needed when doing basic operations
such as inhibiting case sensitivity. Examples:
string(s) // s is a std::string
`lit`, like `string`, also matches a string of characters. The main
difference is that `lit` does not synthesize an attribute. A plain
string like `"hello"` or a `std::basic_string` is equivalent to a `lit`.
lit(s) // s is a std::string
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/string/lit.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_lit.hpp>
[heading Namespace]
[[`boost::spirit::lit // alias: boost::spirit::qi::lit`]]
In the table above, `ns` represents a __char_encoding_namespace__.
[heading Model of]
[variablelist Notation
[[`s`] [A __string__ or a __qi_lazy_argument__ that evaluates to a __string__.]]
[[`ns`] [A __char_encoding_namespace__.]]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is
not defined in __primitive_parser_concept__.
[[Expression] [Semantics]]
[[`s`] [Create string parser
from a string, `s`.]]
[[`lit(s)`] [Create a string parser
from a string, `s`.]]
[[`ns::string(s)`] [Create a string parser with `ns` encoding
from a string, `s`.]]
[heading Attributes]
[[Expression] [Attribute]]
[[`s`] [__unused__]]
[[`lit(s)`] [__unused__]]
[[`ns::string(s)`] [`std::basic_string<T>` where `T`
is the underlying character type
of `s`.]]
[heading Complexity]
where `N` is the number of characters in the string to be parsed.
[heading Example]
[note The test harness for the example(s) below is presented in the
__qi_basics_examples__ section.]
Some using declarations:
Basic literals:
From a `std::string`
Lazy strings using __phoenix__
[endsect] [/ lit/string]
[section:symbols Symbols (`symbols`)]
[heading Description]
The class `symbols` implements a symbol table: an associative container
(or map) of key-value pairs where the keys are strings. The `symbols`
class can work efficiently with 8, 16, 32 and even 64 bit characters.
Traditionally, symbol table management is maintained separately outside
the grammar through semantic actions. Contrary to standard practice, the
Spirit symbol table class `symbols` is-a parser, an instance of which may
be used anywhere in the grammar specification. It is an example of a
dynamic parser. A dynamic parser is characterized by its ability to
modify its behavior at run time. Initially, an empty symbols object
matches nothing. At any time, symbols may be added, thus, dynamically
altering its behavior.
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/home/qi/string/symbols.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_symbols.hpp>
Also, see __include_structure__.
[heading Namespace]
[heading Synopsis]
template <typename Char, typename T, typename Lookup>
struct symbols;
[heading Template parameters]
[[Parameter] [Description] [Default]]
[[`Char`] [The character type
of the symbol strings.] [`char`]]
[[`T`] [The data type associated
with each symbol.] [__unused_type__]]
[[`Lookup`] [The symbol search
implementation] [`tst<Char, T>`]]
[heading Model of]
[variablelist Notation
[[`Sym`] [A `symbols` type.]]
[[`Char`] [A character type.]]
[[`T`] [A data type.]]
[[`sym`, `sym2`][`symbols` objects.]]
[[`sseq`] [An __stl__ container of strings.]]
[[`dseq`] [An __stl__ container of data with `value_type` `T`.]]
[[`s1`...`sN`] [A __string__.]]
[[`d1`...`dN`] [Objects of type `T`.]]
[[`f`] [A callable function or function object.]]
[[`f`, `l`] [`ForwardIterator` first/last pair.]]
[heading Expression Semantics]
Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not
defined in __primitive_parser_concept__.
[[Expression] [Semantics]]
[[`Sym()`] [Construct an empty symbols.]]
[[`Sym(sym2)`] [Copy construct a symbols from `sym2` (Another `symbols` object).]]
[[`Sym(sseq)`] [Construct symbols from `sseq` (An __stl__ container of strings).]]
[[`Sym(sseq, dseq)`] [Construct symbols from `sseq` and `dseq`
(An __stl__ container of strings and an __stl__ container of
data with `value_type` `T`).]]
[[`sym = sym2`] [Assign `sym2` to `sym`.]]
[[`sym = s1, s2, ..., sN`] [Assign one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`) to `sym`.]]
[[`sym += s1, s2, ..., sN`] [Add one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`) to `sym`.]]
[[`sym.add(s1)(s2)...(sN)`] [Add one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`) to `sym`.]]
[[`sym.add(s1, d1)(s2, d2)...(sN, dN)`]
[Add one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`)
with associated data (`d1`...`dN`) to `sym`.]]
[[`sym -= s1, s2, ..., sN`] [Remove one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`) from `sym`.]]
[[`sym.remove(s1)(s2)...(sN)`] [Remove one or more symbols (`s1`...`sN`) from `sym`.]]
[[`sym.clear()`] [Erase all of the symbols in `sym`.]]
[[``] [Return a reference to the object associated
with symbol, `s`. If `sym` does not already
contain such an object, `at` inserts the default
object `T()`.]]
[[`sym.find(s)`] [Return a pointer to the object associated
with symbol, `s`. If `sym` does not already
contain such an object, `find` returns a null
[[`sym.prefix_find(f, l)`] [Return a pointer to the object associated
with longest symbol that matches the beginning
of the range `[f, l)`, and updates `f` to point
to one past the end of that match. If no symbol matches,
then return a null pointer, and `f` is unchanged.]]
[[`sym.for_each(f)`] [For each symbol in `sym`, `s`, a
`std::basic_string<Char>` with associated data,
`d`, an object of type `T`, invoke `f(s, d)`.]]
[heading Attributes]
The attribute of `symbol<Char, T>` is `T`.
[heading Complexity]
The default implementation uses a Ternary Search Tree (TST) with
[:O(log n+k)]
Where k is the length of the string to be searched in a TST with n
TSTs are faster than hashing for many typical search problems especially
when the search interface is iterator based. TSTs are many times faster
than hash tables for unsuccessful searches since mismatches are
discovered earlier after examining only a few characters. Hash tables
always examine an entire key when searching.
An alternative implementation uses a hybrid hash-map front end (for the
first character) plus a TST: `tst_map`. This gives us a complexity of
[:O(1 + log n+k-1)]
This is found to be significantly faster than plain TST, albeit with a
bit more memory usage requirements (each slot in the hash-map is a TST
node). If you require a lot of symbols to be searched, use the `tst_map`
implementation. This can be done by using `tst_map` as the third
template parameter to the symbols class:
symbols<Char, T, tst_map<Char, T> > sym;
[heading Example]
[note The test harness for the example(s) below is presented in the
__qi_basics_examples__ section.]
Some using declarations:
Symbols with data:
When `symbols` is used for case-insensitive parsing (in a __qi_no_case__
directive), added symbol strings should be in lowercase. Symbol strings
containing one or more uppercase characters will not match any input
when symbols is used in a `no_case` directive.
[endsect] [/ symbols]
[endsect] [/ String]