blob: 367892b886705e84bf581fc3884917bc652ae6f5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
namespace scheme { namespace detail
template <typename UTreeX, typename UTreeY>
struct visit_impl;
struct index_impl;
template <typename T>
struct get_impl;
// Our POD double linked list. Straightforward implementation.
// This implementation is very primitive and is not meant to be
// used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
// of lists in our utree.
struct list // keep this a POD!
struct node;
template <typename Value>
class node_iterator;
void free();
void copy(list const& other);
void default_construct();
template <typename T>
void insert_before(T const& val, node* node);
template <typename T>
void insert_after(T const& val, node* node);
template <typename T>
void push_front(T const& val);
template <typename T>
void push_back(T const& val);
void pop_front();
void pop_back();
node* erase(node* pos);
node* first;
node* last;
std::size_t size;
// A range of utree(s) using an iterator range (begin/end) of node(s)
struct range
list::node* first;
list::node* last;
// A range of char*s
struct string_range
char const* first;
char const* last;
// A void* plus type_info
struct void_ptr
void* p;
std::type_info const* i;
// Our POD fast string. This implementation is very primitive and is not
// meant to be used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
// of strings in our utree. This is deliberately a POD to allow it to be
// placed in a union. This POD fast string specifically utilizes
// (sizeof(list) * alignment_of(list)) - (2 * sizeof(char)). In a 32 bit
// system, this is 14 bytes. The two extra bytes are used by utree to store
// management info.
// It is a const string (i.e. immutable). It stores the characters directly
// if possible and only uses the heap if the string does not fit. Null
// characters are allowed, making it suitable to encode raw binary. The
// string length is encoded in the first byte if the string is placed in-situ,
// else, the length plus a pointer to the string in the heap are stored.
struct fast_string // Keep this a POD!
static std::size_t const
buff_size = (sizeof(list) + boost::alignment_of<list>::value)
/ sizeof(char);
static std::size_t const
small_string_size = buff_size-sizeof(char);
static std::size_t const
max_string_len = small_string_size - 1;
struct heap_store
char* str;
std::size_t size;
char buff[buff_size];
heap_store heap;
int get_type() const;
void set_type(int t);
bool is_heap_allocated() const;
std::size_t size() const;
char const* str() const;
template <typename Iterator>
void construct(Iterator f, Iterator l);
void swap(fast_string& other);
void free();
void copy(fast_string const& other);
char& info();
char info() const;
short tag() const;
void tag(short tag);