blob: 27cc4f0dde3d8d860b78696d21de9198aec89dcb [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_argument.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_match.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_match_auto.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_statement.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
template <typename Char, typename Expr>
bool test(Char const *toparse, Expr const& expr)
namespace spirit = boost::spirit;
BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT_MATCH(spirit::qi::domain, Expr);
std::istringstream istrm(toparse);
istrm >> spirit::qi::compile<spirit::qi::domain>(expr);
return istrm.good() || istrm.eof();
template <typename Char, typename Expr, typename CopyExpr, typename CopyAttr
, typename Skipper, typename Attribute>
bool test(Char const *toparse,
Expr, CopyExpr, CopyAttr, Skipper, Attribute> const& mm)
std::istringstream istrm(toparse);
istrm >> mm;
return istrm.good() || istrm.eof();
bool is_list_ok(std::list<char> const& l)
std::list<char>::const_iterator cit = l.begin();
if (cit == l.end() || *cit != 'a')
return false;
if (++cit == l.end() || *cit != 'b')
return false;
return ++cit != l.end() && *cit == 'c';
using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
using boost::spirit::qi::_2;
using boost::spirit::qi::match;
using boost::spirit::qi::phrase_match;
using boost::spirit::qi::typed_stream;
using boost::spirit::qi::stream;
using boost::spirit::qi::int_;
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
char c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
char_[phx::ref(c) = _1]
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
match(char_[phx::ref(c) = _1])
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( " a",
phrase_match(char_[phx::ref(c) = _1], space)
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
match(char_, c)
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( " a",
phrase_match(char_, space, c)
) && c == 'a');
typedef typed_stream<char> char_stream_type;
char_stream_type const char_stream = char_stream_type();
typedef typed_stream<int> int_stream_type;
int_stream_type const int_stream = int_stream_type();
char c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
char_stream[phx::ref(c) = _1]
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
match(char_stream[phx::ref(c) = _1])
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( " a",
phrase_match(char_stream[phx::ref(c) = _1], space)
) && c == 'a');
int i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( "42",
int_stream[phx::ref(i) = _1]
) && i == 42);
i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( "42",
match(int_stream[phx::ref(i) = _1])
) && i == 42);
i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( " 42",
phrase_match(int_stream[phx::ref(i) = _1], space)
) && i == 42);
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "a",
match(stream, c)
) && c == 'a');
c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( " a",
phrase_match(stream, space, c)
) && c == 'a');
i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( "42",
match(stream, i)
) && i == 42);
i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( " 42",
phrase_match(stream, space, i)
) && i == 42);
char a = '\0', b = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "ab",
char_[phx::ref(a) = _1] >> char_[phx::ref(b) = _1]
) && a == 'a' && b == 'b');
a = '\0', b = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "ab",
match(char_[phx::ref(a) = _1] >> char_[phx::ref(b) = _1])
) && a == 'a' && b == 'b');
a = '\0', b = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b",
phrase_match(char_[phx::ref(a) = _1] >> char_[phx::ref(b) = _1], space)
) && a == 'a' && b == 'b');
fusion::vector<char, char> t;
BOOST_TEST(test( "ab",
match(char_ >> char_, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b');
t = fusion::vector<char, char>();
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b",
phrase_match(char_ >> char_, space, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b');
char a = '\0', b = '\0', c = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
char_[phx::ref(a) = _1] >> char_[phx::ref(b) = _1] >> char_[phx::ref(c) = _1]
) && a == 'a' && b == 'b' && c == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
match(char_('a') >> char_('b') >> char_('c'))
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(char_('a') >> char_('b') >> char_('c'), space)
BOOST_TEST(!test( "abc",
match(char_('a') >> char_('b') >> char_('d'))
BOOST_TEST(!test( " a b c",
phrase_match(char_('a') >> char_('b') >> char_('d'), space)
fusion::vector<char, char, char> t;
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
match(char_ >> char_ >> char_, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b' && fusion::at_c<2>(t) == 'c');
t = fusion::vector<char, char, char>();
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(char_ >> char_ >> char_, space, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b' && fusion::at_c<2>(t) == 'c');
t = fusion::vector<char, char, char>();
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b' && fusion::at_c<2>(t) == 'c');
t = fusion::vector<char, char, char>();
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(t, space)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 'b' && fusion::at_c<2>(t) == 'c');
char a = '\0';
int i = 0;
BOOST_TEST(test( "a2",
(char_ >> int_)[phx::ref(a) = _1, phx::ref(i) = _2]
) && a == 'a' && i == 2);
fusion::vector<char, int> t;
BOOST_TEST(test( "a2",
match(char_ >> int_, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 2);
t = fusion::vector<char, int>();
BOOST_TEST(test( " a 2",
phrase_match(char_ >> int_, space, t)
) && fusion::at_c<0>(t) == 'a' && fusion::at_c<1>(t) == 2);
BOOST_TEST(!test( "a2",
match(char_ >> alpha, t)
BOOST_TEST(!test( " a 2",
phrase_match(char_ >> alpha, space, t)
// parse elements of a vector
std::vector<char> v;
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
(*char_)[phx::ref(v) = _1]
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
match(*char_, v)
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(*char_, space, v)
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(v, space)
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
// parse a comma separated list of vector elements
BOOST_TEST(test( "a,b,c",
match(char_ % ',', v)
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
BOOST_TEST(test( " a , b , c",
phrase_match(char_ % ',', space, v)
) && 3 == v.size() && v[0] == 'a' && v[1] == 'b' && v[2] == 'c');
// output all elements of a list
std::list<char> l;
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
match(*char_, l)
) && 3 == l.size() && is_list_ok(l));
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(*char_, space, l)
) && 3 == l.size() && is_list_ok(l));
BOOST_TEST(test( "abc",
) && 3 == l.size() && is_list_ok(l));
BOOST_TEST(test( " a b c",
phrase_match(l, space)
) && 3 == l.size() && is_list_ok(l));
return boost::report_errors();