blob: 6b2f74ec7e809aedcadea9e860de544e48cf3ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// this file deliberately contains non-ascii characters
// boostinspect:noascii
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auxiliary.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_bind.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "test.hpp"
using spirit_test::test_attr;
using spirit_test::test;
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
using namespace boost::spirit::qi::labels;
using boost::spirit::qi::locals;
using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
using boost::spirit::qi::int_;
using boost::spirit::qi::uint_;
using boost::spirit::qi::fail;
using boost::spirit::qi::on_error;
using boost::spirit::qi::debug;
using boost::spirit::qi::lit;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
{ // basic tests
rule<char const*> a, b, c, start;
a = 'a';
b = 'b';
c = 'c';"a");"b");"c");"start");
start = *(a | b | c);
BOOST_TEST(test("abcabcacb", start));
start = (a | b) >> (start | b);
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", start));
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, false));
// ignore the skipper!
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, space, false));
{ // basic tests with direct initialization
rule<char const*> a ('a');
rule<char const*> b ('b');
rule<char const*> c ('c');
rule<char const*> start = (a | b) >> (start | b);
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", start));
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, false));
// ignore the skipper!
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, space, false));
{ // basic tests w/ skipper
rule<char const*, space_type> a, b, c, start;
a = 'a';
b = 'b';
c = 'c';"a");"b");"c");"start");
start = *(a | b | c);
BOOST_TEST(test(" a b c a b c a c b ", start, space));
start = (a | b) >> (start | b);
BOOST_TEST(test(" a a a a b a b a b a a a b b b ", start, space));
BOOST_TEST(test(" a a a a b a b a b a a a b b a ", start, space, false));
{ // basic tests w/ skipper but no final post-skip
rule<char const*, space_type> a, b, c, start;
a = 'a';
b = 'b';
c = 'c';"a");"b");"c");"start");
start = *(a | b) >> c;
using boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse;
using boost::spirit::qi::skip_flag;
char const *s1 = " a b a a b b a c ... "
, *const e1 = s1 + std::strlen(s1);
BOOST_TEST(phrase_parse(s1, e1, start, space, skip_flag::dont_postskip)
&& s1 == e1 - 5);
start = (a | b) >> (start | c);
char const *s1 = " a a a a b a b a b a a a b b b c "
, *const e1 = s1 + std::strlen(s1);
BOOST_TEST(phrase_parse(s1, e1, start, space, skip_flag::postskip)
&& s1 == e1);
char const *s1 = " a a a a b a b a b a a a b b b c "
, *const e1 = s1 + std::strlen(s1);
BOOST_TEST(phrase_parse(s1, e1, start, space, skip_flag::dont_postskip)
&& s1 == e1 - 1);
{ // test unassigned rule
rule<char const*> a;
BOOST_TEST(!test("x", a));
{ // alias tests
rule<char const*> a, b, c, d, start;
a = 'a';
b = 'b';
c = 'c';
d = start.alias(); // d will always track start
start = *(a | b | c);
BOOST_TEST(test("abcabcacb", d));
start = (a | b) >> (start | b);
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", d));
{ // copy tests
rule<char const*> a, b, c, start;
a = 'a';
b = 'b';
c = 'c';
// The FF is the dynamic equivalent of start = *(a | b | c);
start = a;
start = start.copy() | b;
start = start.copy() | c;
start = *(start.copy());
BOOST_TEST(test("abcabcacb", start));
// The FF is the dynamic equivalent of start = (a | b) >> (start | b);
start = b;
start = a | start.copy();
start = start.copy() >> (start | b);
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", start));
BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, false));
{ // context tests
char ch;
rule<char const*, char()> a;
a = alpha[_val = _1];
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
{ // auto rules tests
char ch = '\0';
rule<char const*, char()> a;
a %= alpha;
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
a = alpha; // test deduced auto rule behavior
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
{ // auto rules tests: allow stl containers as attributes to
// sequences (in cases where attributes of the elements
// are convertible to the value_type of the container or if
// the element itself is an stl container with value_type
// that is convertible to the value_type of the attribute).
std::string s;
rule<char const*, std::string()> r;
r %= char_ >> *(',' >> char_);
BOOST_TEST(test("a,b,c,d,e,f", r[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
r = char_ >> *(',' >> char_); // test deduced auto rule behavior
BOOST_TEST(test("a,b,c,d,e,f", r[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
r %= char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_;
BOOST_TEST(test("abcdef", r[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
r = char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_;
BOOST_TEST(test("abcdef", r[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
{ // synth attribute value-init
std::string s;
rule<char const*, char()> r;
r = alpha[_val += _1];
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("abcdef", +r, s));
BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
{ // auto rules aliasing tests
char ch = '\0';
rule<char const*, char()> a, b;
a %= b;
b %= alpha;
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
a = b; // test deduced auto rule behavior
b = alpha;
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
ch = '\0';
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
{ // context (w/arg) tests
char ch;
rule<char const*, char(int)> a; // 1 arg
a = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1];
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a(phx::val(1))[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x' + 1);
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("a", a(1), ch)); // allow scalars as rule args too.
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'a' + 1);
rule<char const*, char(int, int)> b; // 2 args
b = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1 + _r2];
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("a", b(1, 2), ch));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'a' + 1 + 2);
{ // context (w/ reference arg) tests
char ch;
rule<char const*, void(char&)> a; // 1 arg (reference)
a = alpha[_r1 = _1];
BOOST_TEST(test("x", a(phx::ref(ch))));
BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
{ // context (w/locals) tests
rule<char const*, locals<char> > a; // 1 local
a = alpha[_a = _1] >> char_(_a);
BOOST_TEST(test("aa", a));
BOOST_TEST(!test("ax", a));
{ // context (w/args and locals) tests
rule<char const*, void(int), locals<char> > a; // 1 arg + 1 local
a = alpha[_a = _1 + _r1] >> char_(_a);
BOOST_TEST(test("ab", a(phx::val(1))));
BOOST_TEST(test("xy", a(phx::val(1))));
BOOST_TEST(!test("ax", a(phx::val(1))));
{ // void() has unused type (void == unused_type)
std::pair<int, char> attr;
rule<char const*, void()> r;
r = char_;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123ax", int_ >> char_ >> r, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr.first == 123);
BOOST_TEST(attr.second == 'a');
{ // bug: test that injected attributes are ok
rule<char const*, char(int) > r;
// problem code:
r = char_(_r1)[_val = _1];
{ // show that ra = rb and ra %= rb works as expected
rule<char const*, int() > ra, rb;
int attr;
ra %= int_;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", ra, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
rb %= ra;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", rb, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
rb = ra;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", rb, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
{ // std::string as container attribute with auto rules
rule<char const*, std::string()> text;
text %= +(!char_(')') >> !char_('>') >> char_);
std::string attr;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("x", text, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr == "x");
// test deduced auto rule behavior
text = +(!char_(')') >> !char_('>') >> char_);
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("x", text, attr));
BOOST_TEST(attr == "x");
{ // error handling
using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
using boost::phoenix::construct;
using boost::phoenix::bind;
rule<char const*> r;
r = '(' > int_ > ',' > int_ > ')';
r, std::cout
<< phx::val("Error! Expecting: ")
<< _4
<< phx::val(", got: \"")
<< construct<std::string>(_3, _2)
<< phx::val("\"")
<< std::endl
BOOST_TEST(test("(123,456)", r));
BOOST_TEST(!test("(abc,def)", r));
BOOST_TEST(!test("(123,456]", r));
BOOST_TEST(!test("(123;456)", r));
BOOST_TEST(!test("[123,456]", r));
#pragma setlocale("french")
{ // specifying the encoding
typedef boost::spirit::char_encoding::iso8859_1 iso8859_1;
rule<char const*, iso8859_1> r;
r = no_case['á'];
BOOST_TEST(test("Á", r));
r = no_case[char_('á')];
BOOST_TEST(test("Á", r));
r = no_case[char_("å-ï")];
BOOST_TEST(test("É", r));
BOOST_TEST(!test("ÿ", r));
r = no_case["áÁ"];
BOOST_TEST(test("Áá", r));
r = no_case[lit("áÁ")];
BOOST_TEST(test("Áá", r));
#pragma setlocale("")
typedef boost::variant<double, int> v_type;
rule<const char*, v_type()> r1 = int_;
v_type v;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", r1, v) && v.which() == 1 &&
boost::get<int>(v) == 1);
typedef boost::optional<int> ov_type;
rule<const char*, ov_type()> r2 = int_;
ov_type ov;
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", r2, ov) && ov && boost::get<int>(ov) == 1);
// test handling of single element fusion sequences
using boost::fusion::vector;
using boost::fusion::at_c;
rule<const char*, vector<int>()> r = int_;
vector<int> v(0);
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", r, v) && at_c<0>(v) == 1);
using boost::fusion::vector;
using boost::fusion::at_c;
rule<const char*, vector<unsigned int>()> r = uint_;
vector<unsigned int> v(0);
BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", r, v) && at_c<0>(v) == 1);
return boost::report_errors();