blob: 0c67b01abb41a8229e81478bca3c83fee2cfe2c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001-2008.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for the library home page.
// File : $RCSfile$
// Version : $Revision: 49313 $
// Description : tests output_test_stream test tool functionality
// ***************************************************************************
// Boost.Test
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
// STL
#include <iomanip>
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_constructor )
output_test_stream output;
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( (char const*)0 );
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( "" );
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( "%&^$%&$%" );
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( "pattern.temp" );
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( "pattern.temp2", false );
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output_test_stream output( "pattern.temp2" );
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_is_empty )
output_test_stream output;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output << 12345;
BOOST_CHECK( !output.is_empty() );
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output << "";
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_empty() );
output << '\0';
BOOST_CHECK( !output.is_empty( false ) );
BOOST_CHECK( !output.is_empty() );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_check_length )
output_test_stream output;
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 0 ) );
output << "";
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 0 ) );
output << '\0';
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 1 ) );
output << 1220;
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 4 ) );
output << "Text message";
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 12, false ) );
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 12 ) );
output.width( 20 );
output << "Text message";
BOOST_CHECK( output.check_length( 20 ) );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_is_equal )
output_test_stream output;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( "" ) );
output << 1;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( "1" ) );
output << "";
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( "" ) );
output << '\0';
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( boost::unit_test::const_string( "", 1 ) ) );
output << std::setw( 10 ) << "qwerty" << '\n';
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( " qwerty\n" ) );
std::string s( "test string" );
output << s << std::endl;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( "test string\n", false ) );
output << s << std::endl;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( "test string\ntest string\n" ) );
char const* literal_string = "asdfghjkl";
std::string substr1( literal_string, 5 );
std::string substr2( literal_string+5, 4 );
output << substr1;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( boost::unit_test::const_string( literal_string, 5 ), false ) );
output << substr2;
BOOST_CHECK( output.is_equal( boost::unit_test::const_string( literal_string, 9 ) ) );
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_match_pattern )
for( int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++ ) {
output_test_stream output( "pattern.test", i1 == 1 );
output << "text1\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
output << "text2\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
output << "text3\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
output_test_stream output( "pattern.test" );
output << "text4\n";
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
output << "text2\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
output << "text3\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
output_test_stream output( "pattern.test" );
output << "text\n";
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
output << "text2\n";
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
output << "text3\n";
BOOST_CHECK( !output.match_pattern() );
for( int i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++ ) {
output_test_stream output( "pattern.test", i2 == 1, false );
output << "text\rmore text\n";
BOOST_CHECK( output.match_pattern() );
// EOF