blob: fcb110f9e110b22a871d89bd55152cdd6aef9bbf [file] [log] [blame]
(C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:changes Changes since boost 1.40]
The 1.41.0 release of Boost adds futures to the thread library. There are also a few minor changes.
[heading Changes since boost 1.35]
The 1.36.0 release of Boost includes a few new features in the thread library:
* New generic __lock_multiple_ref__ and __try_lock_multiple_ref__ functions for locking multiple mutexes at once.
* Rvalue reference support for move semantics where the compilers supports it.
* A few bugs fixed and missing functions added (including the serious win32 condition variable bug).
* `scoped_try_lock` types are now backwards-compatible with Boost 1.34.0 and previous releases.
* Support for passing function arguments to the thread function by supplying additional arguments to the __thread__ constructor.
* Backwards-compatibility overloads added for `timed_lock` and `timed_wait` functions to allow use of `xtime` for timeouts.
[heading Changes since boost 1.34]
Almost every line of code in __boost_thread__ has been changed since the 1.34 release of boost. However, most of the interface
changes have been extensions, so the new code is largely backwards-compatible with the old code. The new features and breaking
changes are described below.
[heading New Features]
* Instances of __thread__ and of the various lock types are now movable.
* Threads can be interrupted at __interruption_points__.
* Condition variables can now be used with any type that implements the __lockable_concept__, through the use of
`boost::condition_variable_any` (`boost::condition` is a `typedef` to `boost::condition_variable_any`, provided for backwards
compatibility). `boost::condition_variable` is provided as an optimization, and will only work with
`boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>` (`boost::mutex::scoped_lock`).
* Thread IDs are separated from __thread__, so a thread can obtain it's own ID (using `boost::this_thread::get_id()`), and IDs can
be used as keys in associative containers, as they have the full set of comparison operators.
* Timeouts are now implemented using the Boost DateTime library, through a typedef `boost::system_time` for absolute timeouts, and
with support for relative timeouts in many cases. `boost::xtime` is supported for backwards compatibility only.
* Locks are implemented as publicly accessible templates `boost::lock_guard`, `boost::unique_lock`, `boost::shared_lock`, and
`boost::upgrade_lock`, which are templated on the type of the mutex. The __lockable_concept__ has been extended to include publicly
available __lock_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ member functions, which are used by the lock types.
[heading Breaking Changes]
The list below should cover all changes to the public interface which break backwards compatibility.
* __try_mutex__ has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into __mutex__. __try_mutex__ is left as a `typedef`,
but is no longer a separate class.
* __recursive_try_mutex__ has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into
__recursive_mutex__. __recursive_try_mutex__ is left as a `typedef`, but is no longer a separate class.
* `boost::detail::thread::lock_ops` has been removed. Code that relies on the `lock_ops` implementation detail will no longer work,
as this has been removed, as it is no longer necessary now that mutex types now have public __lock_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ member
* `scoped_lock` constructors with a second parameter of type `bool` are no longer provided. With previous boost releases,
``boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,false);`` could be used to create a lock object that was associated with a mutex,
but did not lock it on construction. This facility has now been replaced with the constructor that takes a
`boost::defer_lock_type` as the second parameter: ``boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,boost::defer_lock);``
* The `locked()` member function of the `scoped_lock` types has been renamed to __owns_lock_ref__.
* You can no longer obtain a __thread__ instance representing the current thread: a default-constructed __thread__ object is not
associated with any thread. The only use for such a thread object was to support the comparison operators: this functionality has
been moved to __thread_id__.
* The broken `boost::read_write_mutex` has been replaced with __shared_mutex__.
* __mutex__ is now never recursive. For Boost releases prior to 1.35 __mutex__ was recursive on Windows and not on POSIX platforms.
* When using a __recursive_mutex__ with a call to [cond_any_wait_link `boost::condition_variable_any::wait()`], the mutex is only
unlocked one level, and not completely. This prior behaviour was not guaranteed and did not feature in the tests.