blob: e924e9b161ee49599b27441c29c5c590c55cf3c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) Copyright William E. Kempf 2001.
# (C) Copyright 2007 Anthony Williams.
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# Boost.Threads test Jamfile
# Additional configuration variables used:
# 1. PTW32 may be used on Win32 platforms to specify that the pthreads-win32
# library should be used instead of "native" threads. This feature is
# mostly used for testing and it's generally recommended you use the
# native threading libraries instead. PTW32 should be set to be a list
# of two strings, the first specifying the installation path of the
# pthreads-win32 library and the second specifying which library
# variant to link against (see the pthreads-win32 documentation).
# Example: jam -sPTW32="c:\pthreads-win32 pthreadVCE.lib"
# bring in rules for testing
import testing ;
: requirements <library>/boost/test//boost_unit_test_framework/<link>static
rule thread-run ( sources )
[ run $(sources) ../build//boost_thread ]
[ run $(sources) ../src/tss_null.cpp ../build//boost_thread/<link>static
: : : : $(sources[1]:B)_lib ]
test-suite "threads"
: [ thread-run test_thread.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_id.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_hardware_concurrency.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_move.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_return_local.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_move_return.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_launching.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_mf.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_thread_exit.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_move_function.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_mutex.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_condition_notify_one.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_condition_timed_wait_times_out.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_condition_notify_all.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_condition.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_tss.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_once.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_xtime.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_barrier.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_shared_mutex.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_shared_mutex_part_2.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_shared_mutex_timed_locks.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_lock_concept.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_generic_locks.cpp ]
[ thread-run test_futures.cpp ]
[ compile-fail no_implicit_move_from_lvalue_thread.cpp ]
[ compile-fail no_implicit_assign_from_lvalue_thread.cpp ]