blob: 441681605340ac7628f95177680c244b69696951 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2010 John Maddock.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:add_lvalue_reference add_lvalue_reference]
template <class T>
struct add_lvalue_reference
typedef __below type;
__type If `T` names an object or function type then the member typedef `type`
shall name `T&`; otherwise, if `T` names a type ['rvalue reference to U] then
the member typedef type shall name `U&`; otherwise, type shall name `T`.
__compat If the compiler does not support partial specialization of class-templates
then this template will compile, but the member `type` will always be the same as
type `T` except where __transform_workaround have been applied.
__header ` #include <boost/type_traits/add_lvalue_reference.hpp>` or ` #include <boost/type_traits.hpp>`
[table Examples
[ [Expression] [Result Type]]
[[`add_lvalue_reference<int const&>::type`] [`int const&`]]
[[`add_lvalue_reference<int*>::type`] [`int*&`]]
[[`add_lvalue_reference<int*&>::type`] [`int*&`]]