blob: d87fccc3ef7416cc14e5552255f5469ce4e37a6b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2007 John Maddock.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:is_convertible is_convertible]
template <class From, class To>
struct is_convertible : public __tof {};
__inherit If an imaginary lvalue of type `From` is convertible to type `To` then
inherits from __true_type, otherwise inherits from __false_type.
Type From must not be an incomplete type.
Type To must not be an incomplete, or function type.
No types are considered to be convertible to array types or abstract-class types.
This template can not detect whether a converting-constructor is `public` or not: if
type `To` has a `private` converting constructor from type `From` then instantiating
`is_convertible<From, To>` will produce a compiler error. For this reason `is_convertible`
can not be used to determine whether a type has a `public` copy-constructor or not.
This template will also produce compiler errors if the conversion is ambiguous,
for example:
struct A {};
struct B : A {};
struct C : A {};
struct D : B, C {};
// This produces a compiler error, the conversion is ambiguous:
bool const y = boost::is_convertible<D*,A*>::value;
__std_ref 4 and 8.5.
__compat This template is currently broken with Borland C++ Builder 5 (and earlier),
for constructor-based conversions, and for the Metrowerks 7 (and earlier)
compiler in all cases. If the compiler does not support `__is_abstract`, then the
template parameter `To` must not be an abstract type.
__header ` #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>` or ` #include <boost/type_traits.hpp>`
[:`is_convertible<int, double>` inherits from `__true_type`.]
[:`is_convertible<const int, double>::type` is the type `__true_type`.]
[:`is_convertible<int* const, int*>::value` is an integral constant
expression that evaluates to /true/.]
[:`is_convertible<int const*, int*>::value` is an integral constant
expression that evaluates to /false/: the conversion would require a `const_cast`.]
[:`is_convertible<int const&, long>::value` is an integral constant
expression that evaluates to /true/.]
[:`is_convertible<int, int>::value` is an integral constant
expression that evaluates to /false/.]
[:`is_convertible<T, T>::value_type` is the type `bool`.]