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<!DOCTYPE header PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN"
<header name="boost/variant/get.hpp">
<namespace name="boost">
<class name="bad_get">
<inherit access="public">
<simpara>The exception thrown in the event of a failed application of
<code><functionname>boost::get</functionname></code> on the given
operand value.</simpara>
<method name="what" specifiers="virtual" cv="const">
<type>const char *</type>
<overloaded-function name="get">
<template-type-parameter name="U"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T1"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T2"/>
<template-type-parameter name="TN"/>
<type>U *</type>
<parameter name="operand">
<paramtype><classname>variant</classname>&lt;T1, T2, ..., TN&gt; *</paramtype>
<template-type-parameter name="U"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T1"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T2"/>
<template-type-parameter name="TN"/>
<type>const U *</type>
<parameter name="operand">
<paramtype>const <classname>variant</classname>&lt;T1, T2, ..., TN&gt; *</paramtype>
<template-type-parameter name="U"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T1"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T2"/>
<template-type-parameter name="TN"/>
<type>U &amp;</type>
<parameter name="operand">
<paramtype><classname>variant</classname>&lt;T1, T2, ..., TN&gt; &amp;</paramtype>
<template-type-parameter name="U"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T1"/>
<template-type-parameter name="T2"/>
<template-type-parameter name="TN"/>
<type>const U &amp;</type>
<parameter name="operand">
<paramtype>const <classname>variant</classname>&lt;T1, T2, ..., TN&gt; &amp;</paramtype>
<simpara>Retrieves a value of a specified type from a given
<simpara>The <code>get</code> function allows run-time checked,
type-safe retrieval of the content of the given
<code><classname>variant</classname></code>. The function succeeds
only if the content is of the specified type <code>U</code>, with
failure indicated as described below.</simpara>
<simpara><emphasis role="bold">Warning</emphasis>: After either
<code>operand</code> or its content is destroyed (e.g., when the
given <code><classname>variant</classname></code> is assigned a
value of different type), the returned reference is invalidated.
Thus, significant care and caution must be extended when handling
the returned reference.</simpara>
<simpara>As part of its guarantee of type-safety, <code>get</code>
enforces <code>const</code>-correctness. Thus, the specified type
<code>U</code> must be <code>const</code>-qualified whenever
<code>operand</code> or its content is likewise
<code>const</code>-qualified. The converse, however, is not required:
that is, the specified type <code>U</code> may be
<code>const</code>-qualified even when <code>operand</code> and its
content are not.</simpara>
<simpara>If passed a pointer, <code>get</code> returns a pointer to
the value content if it is of the specified type <code>U</code>;
otherwise, a null pointer is returned. If passed a reference,
<code>get</code> returns a reference to the value content if it is of
the specified type <code>U</code>; otherwise, an exception is thrown
(see below).</simpara>
<simpara>Overloads taking a
<code><classname>variant</classname></code> pointer will not
throw; the overloads taking a
<code><classname>variant</classname></code> reference throw
<code><classname>bad_get</classname></code> if the content is not of
the specified type <code>U</code>.</simpara>
<simpara>While visitation via
is generally preferred due to its greater safety, <code>get</code> may
may be more convenient in some cases due to its straightforward