blob: b8e55af3550ba35b26b6ea43ab25642a2410e004 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams
# Copyright 2002, 2005 Rene Rivera
# Copyright 2002, 2003 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
# Polymorphic class system built on top of core Jam facilities.
# Classes are defined by 'class' keywords::
# class myclass
# {
# rule __init__ ( arg1 ) # constructor
# {
# self.attribute = $(arg1) ;
# }
# rule method1 ( ) # method
# {
# return [ method2 ] ;
# }
# rule method2 ( ) # method
# {
# return $(self.attribute) ;
# }
# }
# The __init__ rule is the constructor, and sets member variables.
# New instances are created by invoking [ new <class> <args...> ]:
# local x = [ new myclass foo ] ; # x is a new myclass object
# assert.result foo : [ $(x).method1 ] ; # $(x).method1 returns "foo"
# Derived class are created by mentioning base classes in the declaration::
# class derived : myclass
# {
# rule __init__ ( arg )
# {
# myclass.__init__ $(arg) ; # call base __init__
# }
# rule method2 ( ) # method override
# {
# return $(self.attribute)XXX ;
# }
# }
# All methods operate virtually, replacing behavior in the base classes. For
# example::
# local y = [ new derived foo ] ; # y is a new derived object
# assert.result fooXXX : [ $(y).method1 ] ; # $(y).method1 returns "foo"
# Each class instance is its own core Jam module. All instance attributes and
# methods are accessible without additional qualification from within the class
# instance. All rules imported in class declaration, or visible in base classses
# are also visible. Base methods are available in qualified form:
# base-name.method-name. By convention, attribute names are prefixed with
# "self.".
import modules ;
import numbers ;
rule xinit ( instance : class )
module $(instance)
__class__ = $(2) ;
__name__ = $(1) ;
rule new ( class args * : * )
.next-instance ?= 1 ;
local id = object($(class))@$(.next-instance) ;
xinit $(id) : $(class) ;
INSTANCE $(id) : class@$(class) ;
$(id).__init__ $(args) : $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ;
# Bump the next unique object name.
.next-instance = [ numbers.increment $(.next-instance) ] ;
# Return the name of the new instance.
return $(id) ;
rule bases ( class )
module class@$(class)
return $(__bases__) ;
rule is-derived ( class : bases + )
local stack = $(class) ;
local visited found ;
while ! $(found) && $(stack)
local top = $(stack[1]) ;
stack = $(stack[2-]) ;
if ! ( $(top) in $(visited) )
visited += $(top) ;
stack += [ bases $(top) ] ;
if $(bases) in $(visited)
found = true ;
return $(found) ;
# Returns true if the 'value' is a class instance.
rule is-instance ( value )
return [ MATCH "^(object\\()[^@]+\\)@.*" : $(value) ] ;
# Check if the given value is of the given type.
rule is-a (
instance # The value to check.
: type # The type to test for.
if [ is-instance $(instance) ]
return [ [ modules.peek $(instance) : __class__ ] : $(type) ] ;
local rule typecheck ( x )
local class-name = [ MATCH "^\\[(.*)\\]$" : [ BACKTRACE 1 ] ] ;
if ! [ is-a $(x) : $(class-name) ]
return "Expected an instance of "$(class-name)" but got \""$(x)"\" for argument" ;
rule __test__ ( )
import assert ;
import "class" : new ;
# This will be the construction function for a class called 'myclass'.
class myclass
import assert ;
rule __init__ ( x_ * : y_ * )
# Set some instance variables.
x = $(x_) ;
y = $(y_) ;
foo += 10 ;
rule set-x ( newx * )
x = $(newx) ;
rule get-x ( )
return $(x) ;
rule set-y ( newy * )
y = $(newy) ;
rule get-y ( )
return $(y) ;
rule f ( )
return [ g $(x) ] ;
rule g ( args * )
if $(x) in $(y)
return $(x) ;
else if $(y) in $(x)
return $(y) ;
return ;
rule get-class ( )
return $(__class__) ;
rule get-instance ( )
return $(__name__) ;
rule invariant ( )
assert.equal 1 : 1 ;
rule get-foo ( )
return $(foo) ;
# class myclass ;
class derived1 : myclass
rule __init__ ( z_ )
myclass.__init__ $(z_) : X ;
z = $(z_) ;
# Override g.
rule g ( args * )
return derived1.g ;
rule h ( )
return derived1.h ;
rule get-z ( )
return $(z) ;
# Check that 'assert.equal' visible in base class is visible here.
rule invariant2 ( )
assert.equal 2 : 2 ;
# Check that 'assert.variable-not-empty' visible in base class is
# visible here.
rule invariant3 ( )
local v = 10 ;
assert.variable-not-empty v ;
# class derived1 : myclass ;
class derived2 : myclass
rule __init__ ( )
myclass.__init__ 1 : 2 ;
# Override g.
rule g ( args * )
return derived2.g ;
# Test the ability to call base class functions with qualification.
rule get-x ( )
return [ myclass.get-x ] ;
# class derived2 : myclass ;
class derived2a : derived2
rule __init__
derived2.__init__ ;
# class derived2a : derived2 ;
local rule expect_derived2 ( [derived2] x ) { }
local a = [ new myclass 3 4 5 : 4 5 ] ;
local b = [ new derived1 4 ] ;
local b2 = [ new derived1 4 ] ;
local c = [ new derived2 ] ;
local d = [ new derived2 ] ;
local e = [ new derived2a ] ;
expect_derived2 $(d) ;
expect_derived2 $(e) ;
# Argument checking is set up to call exit(1) directly on failure, and we
# can not hijack that with try, so we should better not do this test by
# default. We could fix this by having errors look up and invoke the EXIT
# rule instead; EXIT can be hijacked (;-)
if --fail-typecheck in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
try ;
expect_derived2 $(a) ;
"Expected an instance of derived2 but got" instead
#try ;
# new bad_subclass ;
# bad_subclass.bad_subclass failed to call base class constructor myclass.__init__
# ;
#try ;
# class bad_subclass ;
#catch bad_subclass has already been declared ;
assert.result 3 4 5 : $(a).get-x ;
assert.result 4 5 : $(a).get-y ;
assert.result 4 : $(b).get-x ;
assert.result X : $(b).get-y ;
assert.result 4 : $(b).get-z ;
assert.result 1 : $(c).get-x ;
assert.result 2 : $(c).get-y ;
assert.result 4 5 : $(a).f ;
assert.result derived1.g : $(b).f ;
assert.result derived2.g : $(c).f ;
assert.result derived2.g : $(d).f ;
assert.result 10 : $(b).get-foo ;
$(a).invariant ;
$(b).invariant2 ;
$(b).invariant3 ;
# Check that the __class__ attribute is getting properly set.
assert.result myclass : $(a).get-class ;
assert.result derived1 : $(b).get-class ;
assert.result $(a) : $(a).get-instance ;
$(a).set-x a.x ;
$(b).set-x b.x ;
$(c).set-x c.x ;
$(d).set-x d.x ;
assert.result a.x : $(a).get-x ;
assert.result b.x : $(b).get-x ;
assert.result c.x : $(c).get-x ;
assert.result d.x : $(d).get-x ;
class derived3 : derived1 derived2
rule __init__ ( )
assert.result : bases myclass ;
assert.result myclass : bases derived1 ;
assert.result myclass : bases derived2 ;
assert.result derived1 derived2 : bases derived3 ;
assert.true is-derived derived1 : myclass ;
assert.true is-derived derived2 : myclass ;
assert.true is-derived derived3 : derived1 ;
assert.true is-derived derived3 : derived2 ;
assert.true is-derived derived3 : derived1 derived2 myclass ;
assert.true is-derived derived3 : myclass ;
assert.false is-derived myclass : derived1 ;
assert.true is-instance $(a) ;
assert.false is-instance bar ;
assert.true is-a $(a) : myclass ;
assert.true is-a $(c) : derived2 ;
assert.true is-a $(d) : myclass ;
assert.false is-a literal : myclass ;