blob: b507e1edd67159f00350d6bcc5837e0d41b3ac7b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
# Copyright 2003, 2006 Rene Rivera
# Copyright 2003, 2006 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
# This module is the plug-in handler for the --help and --help-.*
# command-line options
import modules ;
import assert ;
import doc : do-scan set-option set-output set-output-file print-help-usage print-help-top ;
import sequence ;
import set ;
import project ;
import print ;
import os ;
import version ;
import path ;
# List of possible modules, but which really aren't.
.not-modules =
boost-build bootstrap site-config test user-config
-tools allyourbase boost-base features python stlport testing unit-tests ;
# The help system options are parsed here and handed off to the doc
# module to translate into documentation requests and actions. The
# understood options are:
# --help-disable-<option>
# --help-doc-options
# --help-enable-<option>
# --help-internal
# --help-options
# --help-usage
# --help-output <type>
# --help-output-file <file>
# --help [<module-or-class>]
rule process (
command # The option.
: values * # The values, starting after the "=".
assert.result --help : MATCH ^(--help).* : $(command) ;
local did-help = ;
switch $(command)
case --help-internal :
local path-to-modules = [ modules.peek : BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
path-to-modules ?= . ;
local possible-modules = [ GLOB $(path-to-modules) : *\\.jam ] ;
local not-modules = [ GLOB $(path-to-modules) : *$(.not-modules)\\.jam ] ;
local modules-to-list =
[ sequence.insertion-sort
[ set.difference $(possible-modules:D=:S=) : $(not-modules:D=:S=) ] ] ;
local modules-to-scan ;
for local m in $(modules-to-list)
local module-files = [ GLOB $(path-to-modules) : $(m)\\.jam ] ;
modules-to-scan += $(module-files[1]) ;
do-scan $(modules-to-scan) : print-help-all ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-enable-* :
local option = [ MATCH --help-enable-(.*) : $(command) ] ; option = $(option:L) ;
set-option $(option) : enabled ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-disable-* :
local option = [ MATCH --help-disable-(.*) : $(command) ] ; option = $(option:L) ;
set-option $(option) ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-output :
set-output $(values[1]) ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-output-file :
set-output-file $(values[1]) ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-doc-options :
local doc-module-spec = [ split-symbol doc ] ;
do-scan $(doc-module-spec[1]) : print-help-options ;
did-help = true ;
case --help-options :
print-help-usage ;
did-help = true ;
case --help :
local spec = $(values[1]) ;
if $(spec)
local spec-parts = [ split-symbol $(spec) ] ;
if $(spec-parts)
if $(spec-parts[2])
do-scan $(spec-parts[1]) : print-help-classes $(spec-parts[2]) ;
do-scan $(spec-parts[1]) : print-help-rules $(spec-parts[2]) ;
do-scan $(spec-parts[1]) : print-help-variables $(spec-parts[2]) ;
do-scan $(spec-parts[1]) : print-help-module ;
EXIT "Unrecognized help option '"$(command)" "$(spec)"'." ;
version.print ;
# First print documentation from the current Jamfile, if any.
# FIXME: Generally, this duplication of project.jam logic is bad.
local names = [ modules.peek project : JAMROOT ]
[ modules.peek project : JAMFILE ] ;
local project-file = [ path.glob . : $(names) ] ;
if ! $(project-file)
project-file = [ path.glob-in-parents . : $(names) ] ;
for local p in $(project-file)
do-scan $(p) : print-help-project $(p) ;
# Next any user-config help.
local user-path = [ os.home-directories ] [ os.environ BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
local user-config = [ GLOB $(user-path) : user-config.jam ] ;
if $(user-config)
do-scan $(user-config[1]) : print-help-config user $(user-config[1]) ;
# Next any site-config help.
local site-config = [ GLOB $(user-path) : site-config.jam ] ;
if $(site-config)
do-scan $(site-config[1]) : print-help-config site $(site-config[1]) ;
# Then the overall help.
print-help-top ;
did-help = true ;
if $(did-help)
UPDATE all ;
NOCARE all ;
return $(did-help) ;
# Split a reference to a symbol into module and symbol parts.
local rule split-symbol (
symbol # The symbol to split.
local path-to-modules = [ modules.peek : BOOST_BUILD_PATH ] ;
path-to-modules ?= . ;
local module-name = $(symbol) ;
local symbol-name = ;
local result = ;
while ! $(result)
local module-path = [ GLOB $(path-to-modules) : $(module-name)\\.jam ] ;
if $(module-path)
# The 'module-name' in fact refers to module. Return the full
# module path and a symbol within it. If 'symbol' passed to this
# rule is already module, 'symbol-name' will be empty. Otherwise,
# it's initialized on the previous loop iteration.
# In case there are several modules by this name,
# use the first one.
result = $(module-path[1]) $(symbol-name) ;
if ! $(module-name:S)
result = - ;
local next-symbol-part = [ MATCH ^.(.*) : $(module-name:S) ] ;
if $(symbol-name)
symbol-name = $(next-symbol-part).$(symbol-name) ;
symbol-name = $(next-symbol-part) ;
module-name = $(module-name:B) ;
if $(result) != -
return $(result) ;