blob: 2fc426d20cd7d0604ee5e027bf34920a128cd4a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Doug Gregor and Dave Abrahams. Distributed
# under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# This module defines rules to handle generation of PDF and
# PostScript files from XSL Formatting Objects via Apache FOP
import os ;
import generators ;
import common ;
import errors ;
generators.register-standard fop.render.pdf : FO : PDF ;
generators.register-standard : FO : PS ;
rule init ( fop-command ? : java-home ? : java ? )
fop-command = [ common.get-invocation-command fop : fop : $(fop-command)
: [ modules.peek : FOP_DIR ] ] ;
if $(.initialized)
if $(.FOP_COMMAND) != $(fop-command) || $(JAVA_HOME) != $(java-home)
|| $(JAVACMD) != $(java)
errors.user-error "fop: reinitialization with different options" ;
.initialized = true ;
.FOP_COMMAND = $(fop-command) ;
# What is the meaning of this logic? Needs more comments!! --DWA
java-home ?= $(java) ;
.FOP_SETUP = [ common.variable-setting-command JAVA_HOME : $(java-home) ] ;
# Make sure the fop command is executed from within the directory where it's located.
# DPG: I can't see how this could ever be correct, because it
# messes up path names that are used in the command.
# if $(.FOP_COMMAND:D)
# {
# cd "$(.FOP_COMMAND:D) ;
# }
local rule find-by-absolute-path ( target )
# Mask off any vars by these names that may be hanging around in
# outer dynamic scopes.
# simulate the target binding process to find the target
local found = [ on $(target) GLOB $(LOCATE) (SEARCH) : $(target:G=) ] ;
if $(found)
# Re-LOCATE the target with an absolute path if it isn't
# already absolute.
local found-dir = $(found[1]:D) ;
local cwd = [ PWD ] ;
local absolute-dir = $(found-dir:R=$(cwd)) ;
# Translate cygwin paths to Windows iff the user is running on
# cygwin but using a Windows FOP. We detect a Windows FOP by
# looking to see if FOP_COMMAND ends with ".bat"
if [ ] = CYGWIN && [ MATCH .*\\.([Bb][Aa][Tt])$ : $(.FOP_COMMAND) ]
absolute-dir = "`cygpath --windows '$(absolute-dir)'`" ;
LOCATE on $(target) = $(absolute-dir) ;
rule render.pdf ( source : target : properties * )
find-by-absolute-path $(source) ;
find-by-absolute-path $(target) ;
rule ( source : target : properties * )
find-by-absolute-path $(source) ;
find-by-absolute-path $(target) ;
actions render.pdf
$(.FOP_SETUP) $(.FOP_COMMAND) $(>) $(<)
$(.FOP_SETUP) $(.FOP_COMMAND) $(>) -ps $(<)