blob: 0b82d231d72ca21a64000b813fa70d87d42b6a3f [file] [log] [blame]
# Status: being ported by Steven Watanabe
# Base revision: 47077
# Copyright (C) Andre Hentz 2003. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
# distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in
# all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
# warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
# Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Rivera.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Watanabe
# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
# License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
##import type ;
##import generators ;
##import feature ;
##import errors ;
##import scanner ;
##import toolset : flags ;
from import type, toolset, generators, scanner, feature
from import builtin
from b2.util import regex
from import flags
from b2.manager import get_manager
__debug = None
def debug():
global __debug
if __debug is None:
__debug = "--debug-configuration" in bjam.variable("ARGV")
return __debug
type.register('RC', ['rc'])
def init():
def configure (command = None, condition = None, options = None):
Configures a new resource compilation command specific to a condition,
usually a toolset selection condition. The possible options are:
* <rc-type>(rc|windres) - Indicates the type of options the command
Even though the arguments are all optional, only when a command, condition,
and at minimum the rc-type option are given will the command be configured.
This is so that callers don't have to check auto-configuration values
before calling this. And still get the functionality of build failures when
the resource compiler can't be found.
rc_type = feature.get_values('<rc-type>', options)
if rc_type:
assert(len(rc_type) == 1)
rc_type = rc_type[0]
if command and condition and rc_type:
flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC', condition, command)
flags('rc.compile.resource', '.RC_TYPE', condition, rc_type.lower())
flags('rc.compile.resource', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
flags('rc.compile.resource', 'INCLUDES', [], ['<include>'])
if debug():
print 'notice: using rc compiler ::', condition, '::', command
engine = get_manager().engine()
class RCAction:
"""Class representing bjam action defined from Python.
The function must register the action to execute."""
def __init__(self, action_name, function):
self.action_name = action_name
self.function = function
def __call__(self, targets, sources, property_set):
if self.function:
self.function(targets, sources, property_set)
# FIXME: What is the proper way to dispatch actions?
def rc_register_action(action_name, function = None):
global engine
if engine.actions.has_key(action_name):
raise "Bjam action %s is already defined" % action_name
engine.actions[action_name] = RCAction(action_name, function)
def rc_compile_resource(targets, sources, properties):
rc_type ='get-target-variable', targets, '.RC_TYPE')
global engine
engine.set_update_action('rc.compile.resource.' + rc_type, targets, sources, properties)
rc_register_action('rc.compile.resource', rc_compile_resource)
'"$(.RC)" -l 0x409 "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -fo "$(<)" "$(>)"')
'"$(.RC)" "-U$(UNDEFS)" "-D$(DEFINES)" -I"$(>:D)" -I"$(<:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -o "$(<)" -i "$(>)"')
# FIXME: this was originally declared quietly
'as /dev/null -o "$(<)"')
# Since it's a common practice to write
# exe hello : hello.cpp hello.rc
# we change the name of object created from RC file, to
# avoid conflict with hello.cpp.
# The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not
# seem to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ.
# See
# Using 'register-c-compiler' adds the build directory to INCLUDES
# FIXME: switch to generators
builtin.register_c_compiler('rc.compile.resource', ['RC'], ['OBJ(%_res)'], [])
__angle_include_re = "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>"
# Register scanner for resources
class ResScanner(scanner.Scanner):
def __init__(self, includes):
scanner.__init__ ;
self.includes = includes
def pattern(self):
"[ ]+([^ \"]+|\"[^\"]+\"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|\"[^\"]+\")))" ;
def process(self, target, matches, binding):
angle = regex.transform(matches, "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>")
quoted = regex.transform(matches, "#include[ ]*\"([^\"]+)\"")
res = regex.transform(matches,
"[ ]+(([^ \"]+)|\"([^\"]+)\")", [3, 4])
# Icons and other includes may referenced as
# IDR_MAINFRAME ICON "res\\icon.ico"
# so we have to replace double backslashes to single ones.
res = [ re.sub(r'\\\\', '/', match) for match in res ]
# CONSIDER: the new scoping rule seem to defeat "on target" variables.
g ='get-target-variable', target, 'HDRGRIST')
b = os.path.normalize_path(os.path.dirname(binding))
# Attach binding of including file to included targets.
# When target is directly created from virtual target
# this extra information is unnecessary. But in other
# cases, it allows to distinguish between two headers of the
# same name included from different places.
# We don't need this extra information for angle includes,
# since they should not depend on including file (we can't
# get literal "." in include path).
g2 = g + "#" + b
g = "<" + g + ">"
g2 = "<" + g2 + ">"
angle = [g + x for x in angle]
quoted = [g2 + x for x in quoted]
res = [g2 + x for x in res]
all = angle + quoted'mark-included', target, all)
engine = get_manager().engine()
engine.add_dependency(target, res)'NOCARE', all + res)
engine.set_target_variable(angle, 'SEARCH', ungrist(self.includes))
engine.set_target_variable(quoted, 'SEARCH', b + ungrist(self.includes))
engine.set_target_variable(res, 'SEARCH', b + ungrist(self.includes)) ;
# Just propagate current scanner to includes, in a hope
# that includes do not change scanners.
get_manager().scanners().propagate(self, angle + quoted)
scanner.register(ResScanner, 'include')
type.set_scanner('RC', ResScanner)