blob: 8c51b664581556c5c086855d36c9d4fe4ba3009d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2002 2004 2006 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler
Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Guest
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/filesystem/v2/convenience.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/v2/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "quickbook.hpp"
#include "actions.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "markups.hpp"
#include "actions_class.hpp"
#include "grammar.hpp"
namespace quickbook
char const* quickbook_get_date = "__quickbook_get_date__";
char const* quickbook_get_time = "__quickbook_get_time__";
int qbk_major_version = -1;
int qbk_minor_version = -1;
unsigned qbk_version_n = 0; // qbk_major_version * 100 + qbk_minor_version
namespace {
std::string fully_qualified_id(std::string const& library_id,
std::string const& qualified_section_id,
std::string const& section_id)
std::string id = library_id;
if(!id.empty() && !qualified_section_id.empty()) id += '.';
id += qualified_section_id;
if(!id.empty() && !section_id.empty()) id += '.';
id += section_id;
return id;
// Handles line-breaks (DEPRECATED!!!)
void break_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator) const
position const pos = first.get_position();
detail::outwarn(pos.file,pos.line) << "in column:" << pos.column << ", "
<< "[br] and \\n are deprecated" << ".\n";
phrase << break_mark;
void error_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator /*last*/) const
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Syntax Error near column " << pos.column << ".\n";
void tagged_action::operator()(std::string const& str) const
out << pre << str << post;
void phrase_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
std::string str;
out << pre << str << post;
void implicit_paragraph_action::operator()() const
std::string str;
// TODO: Use spirit to do this?
pos = str.begin(),
end = str.end();
while(pos != end && (
*pos == ' ' || *pos == '\t' || *pos == '\n' || *pos == '\r'))
if(pos != end) {
out << pre << str << post;
void header_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
std::string str;
if (qbk_version_n < 103) // version 1.2 and below
out << "<anchor id=\""
<< section_id << '.'
<< detail::make_identifier(str.begin(), str.end())
<< "\" />"
<< pre << str << post
else // version 1.3 and above
std::string id =
!element_id.empty() ? element_id :
qbk_version_n >= 106 ? detail::make_identifier(first, last) :
detail::make_identifier(str.begin(), str.end());
std::string anchor =
fully_qualified_id(library_id, qualified_section_id, id);
out << "<anchor id=\"" << anchor << "\"/>"
<< pre
<< "<link linkend=\"" << anchor << "\">"
<< str
<< "</link>"
<< post
void generic_header_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
int level_ = section_level + 2; // section_level is zero-based. We need to use a
// 0ne-based heading which is one greater
// than the current. Thus: section_level + 2.
if (level_ > 6) // The max is h6, clip it if it goes
level_ = 6; // further than that
std::string str;
std::string id =
!element_id.empty() ? element_id :
qbk_version_n >= 106 ? detail::make_identifier(first, last) :
detail::make_identifier(str.begin(), str.end());
std::string anchor =
fully_qualified_id(library_id, qualified_section_id, id);
<< "<anchor id=\"" << anchor << "\"/>"
<< "<bridgehead renderas=\"sect" << level_ << "\">"
<< "<link linkend=\"" << anchor << "\">"
<< str
<< "</link>"
<< "</bridgehead>"
void simple_phrase_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
out << pre;
std::string str(first, last);
if (std::string const* ptr = find(macro, str.c_str()))
out << *ptr;
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, out.get());
out << post;
void cond_phrase_action_pre::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
std::string str(first, last);
conditions.push_back(find(macro, str.c_str()));
out.push(); // save the stream
void cond_phrase_action_post::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
bool symbol_found = conditions.back();
if (first == last || !symbol_found)
out.pop(); // restore the stream
std::string save;
out.pop(); // restore the stream
out << save; // print the body
void list_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
BOOST_ASSERT(!list_marks.empty()); // there must be at least one item in the stack
out << list_buffer.str();
while (!list_marks.empty())
char mark =;
out << std::string((mark == '#') ? "\n</orderedlist>" : "\n</itemizedlist>");
if (list_marks.size() >= 1)
out << "</listitem>";
list_indent = -1; // reset
void list_format_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
int new_indent = 0;
while (first != last && (*first == ' ' || *first == '\t'))
char mark = *first++;
if (mark == ' ')
else // must be a tab
BOOST_ASSERT(mark == '\t');
// hardcoded tab to 4 for now
new_indent = ((new_indent + 4) / 4) * 4;
char mark = *first;
BOOST_ASSERT(mark == '#' || mark == '*'); // expecting a mark
if (list_indent == -1) // the very start
BOOST_ASSERT(new_indent == 0);
if (new_indent > list_indent)
list_indent = new_indent;
list_marks.push(mark_type(mark, list_indent));
if (list_marks.size() > 1)
// Make this new list a child of the previous list.
// The previous listelem has already ended so we erase
// "</listitem>" to accomodate this sub-list. We'll close
// the listelem later.
std::string str;
std::string::size_type pos = str.rfind("</listitem>");
BOOST_ASSERT(pos <= str.size());
str.erase(str.begin()+pos, str.end());
out << str;
out << std::string((mark == '#') ? "<orderedlist>\n" : "<itemizedlist>\n");
else if (new_indent < list_indent)
list_indent = new_indent;
while (!list_marks.empty() && (list_indent <
char mark =;
out << std::string((mark == '#') ? "\n</orderedlist>" : "\n</itemizedlist>");
if (list_marks.size() >= 1)
out << "</listitem>";
if (mark != // new_indent == list_indent
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Illegal change of list style near column " << pos.column << ".\n";
<< "Ignoring change of list style" << std::endl;
void span::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
out << "<phrase role=\"" << name << "\">";
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, out.get());
out << "</phrase>";
void unexpected_char::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
position const pos = first.get_position();
detail::outwarn(pos.file, pos.line)
<< "in column:" << pos.column
<< ", unexpected character: " << std::string(first, last)
<< "\n";
// print out an unexpected character
out << "<phrase role=\"error\">";
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, out.get());
out << "</phrase>";
void anchor_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
out << "<anchor id=\"";
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, out.get());
out << "\" />\n";
void do_macro_action::operator()(std::string const& str) const
if (str == quickbook_get_date)
char strdate[64];
strftime(strdate, sizeof(strdate), "%Y-%b-%d", current_time);
phrase << strdate;
else if (str == quickbook_get_time)
char strdate[64];
strftime(strdate, sizeof(strdate), "%I:%M:%S %p", current_time);
phrase << strdate;
phrase << str;
void space::operator()(char ch) const
detail::print_space(ch, out.get());
void space::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
while (first != last)
detail::print_space(*first++, out.get());
void pre_escape_back::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
escape_actions.phrase.push(); // save the stream
void post_escape_back::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
out << escape_actions.phrase.str();
escape_actions.phrase.pop(); // restore the stream
void code_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
// preprocess the code section to remove the initial indentation
std::string program(first, last);
if (program.size() == 0)
return; // Nothing left to do here. The program is empty.
iterator first_(program.begin(), program.end());
iterator last_(program.end(), program.end());
std::string save;
// print the code with syntax coloring
std::string str = syntax_highlight(first_, last_, actions, actions.source_mode);
// We must not place a \n after the <programlisting> tag
// otherwise PDF output starts code blocks with a blank line:
out << "<programlisting>";
out << str;
out << "</programlisting>\n";
void inline_code_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
std::string save;
// print the code with syntax coloring
std::string str = syntax_highlight(first, last, actions, actions.source_mode);
out << "<code>";
out << str;
out << "</code>";
void raw_char_action::operator()(char ch) const
phrase << ch;
void raw_char_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator /*last*/) const
phrase << *first;
void plain_char_action::operator()(char ch) const
detail::print_char(ch, phrase.get());
void plain_char_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator /*last*/) const
detail::print_char(*first, phrase.get());
void escape_unicode_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
while(first != last && *first == '0') ++first;
// Just ignore \u0000
// Maybe I should issue a warning?
if(first == last) return;
std::string hex_digits(first, last);
if(hex_digits.size() == 2 && *first > '0' && *first <= '7') {
using namespace std;
detail::print_char(strtol(hex_digits.c_str(), 0, 16), phrase.get());
else {
phrase << "&#x" << hex_digits << ";";
void attribute_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
position const pos = first.get_position();
if (!attributes.insert(
attribute_map::value_type(attribute_name, std::string(first, last))
<< "Repeated attribute: " << attribute_name << ".\n";
void image_action::operator()(iterator, iterator) const
fs::path const img_path(image_fileref);
attribute_map::iterator it = attributes.find("alt");
std::string alt_text = it != attributes.end() ? it->second : img_path.stem();
attributes.insert(attribute_map::value_type("fileref", image_fileref));
if(img_path.extension() == ".svg")
// SVG's need special handling:
// 1) We must set the "format" attribute, otherwise
// HTML generation produces code that will not display
// the image at all.
// 2) We need to set the "contentwidth" and "contentdepth"
// attributes, otherwise the image will be displayed inside
// a tiny box with scrollbars (Firefox), or else cropped to
// fit in a tiny box (IE7).
attributes.insert(attribute_map::value_type("format", "SVG"));
// Image paths are relative to the html subdirectory:
fs::path img;
img = "html" / img_path; // relative path
img = img_path; // absolute path
// Now load the SVG file:
std::string svg_text;
fs::ifstream fs(img);
char c;
while(fs.get(c) && fs.good())
// Extract the svg header from the file:
std::string::size_type a, b;
a = svg_text.find("<svg");
b = svg_text.find('>', a);
svg_text = (a == std::string::npos) ? "" : svg_text.substr(a, b - a);
// Now locate the "width" and "height" attributes
// and borrow their values:
a = svg_text.find("width");
a = svg_text.find('=', a);
a = svg_text.find('\"', a);
b = svg_text.find('\"', a + 1);
if(a != std::string::npos)
std::string(svg_text.begin() + a + 1, svg_text.begin() + b)));
a = svg_text.find("height");
a = svg_text.find('=', a);
a = svg_text.find('\"', a);
b = svg_text.find('\"', a + 1);
if(a != std::string::npos)
std::string(svg_text.begin() + a + 1, svg_text.begin() + b)));
phrase << "<inlinemediaobject>";
phrase << "<imageobject><imagedata";
attr_first = attributes.begin(), attr_last = attributes.end();
attr_first != attr_last; ++attr_first)
phrase << " " << attr_first->first << "=\"";
first = attr_first->second.begin(),
last = attr_first->second.end();
first != last; ++first)
if (*first == '\\' && ++first == last) break;
detail::print_char(*first, phrase.get());
phrase << "\"";
phrase << "></imagedata></imageobject>";
// Also add a textobject -- use the basename of the image file.
// This will mean we get "alt" attributes of the HTML img.
phrase << "<textobject><phrase>";
detail::print_string(alt_text, phrase.get());
phrase << "</phrase></textobject>";
phrase << "</inlinemediaobject>";
void macro_identifier_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
actions.macro_id.assign(first, last);
actions.phrase.push(); // save the phrase
void macro_definition_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
, actions.macro_id.end()
, actions.phrase.str());
actions.phrase.pop(); // restore the phrase
void template_body_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
if (!actions.templates.add(
template_symbol(actions.template_identifier, actions.template_info,
std::string(first, last), first.get_position(),
actions.template_block, &actions.templates.top_scope())))
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Template Redefinition: " << actions.template_identifier << std::endl;
iterator find_bracket_end(iterator begin, iterator const& end)
unsigned int depth = 1;
while(depth > 0) {
char const* search_chars = "[]\\";
begin = std::find_first_of(begin, end, search_chars, search_chars + 3);
if(begin == end) return begin;
if(*begin == '\\')
if(++begin == end) return begin;
depth += (*begin == '[') ? 1 : -1;
return begin;
iterator find_first_seperator(iterator const& begin, iterator const& end)
if(qbk_version_n < 105) {
char const* whitespace = " \t\r\n";
return std::find_first_of(begin, end, whitespace, whitespace + 4);
else {
iterator pos = begin;
char const* search_chars = " \t\r\n\\[";
pos = std::find_first_of(pos, end, search_chars, search_chars + 6);
if(pos == end) return pos;
case '[':
pos = find_bracket_end(++pos, end);
case '\\':
if(++pos == end) return pos;
return pos;
bool break_arguments(
std::vector<template_body>& args
, std::vector<std::string> const& params
, position const& pos
// Quickbook 1.4-: If there aren't enough parameters seperated by
// '..' then seperate the last parameter using
// whitespace.
// Quickbook 1.5+: If '..' isn't used to seperate the parameters
// then use whitespace to separate them
// (2 = template name + argument).
if (qbk_version_n < 105 || args.size() == 1)
while (args.size() < params.size())
// Try to break the last argument at the first space found
// and push it into the back of args. Do this
// recursively until we have all the expected number of
// arguments, or if there are no more spaces left.
template_body& body = args.back();
iterator begin(body.content.begin(), body.content.end(),
position(body.position.file.c_str(), body.position.line, body.position.column));
iterator end(body.content.end(), body.content.end());
iterator l_pos = find_first_seperator(begin, end);
if (l_pos == end)
char const* whitespace = " \t\r\n";
char const* whitespace_end = whitespace + 4;
iterator r_pos = l_pos;
while(r_pos != end && std::find(whitespace, whitespace_end, *r_pos) != whitespace_end) ++r_pos;
if (r_pos == end)
template_body second(std::string(r_pos, end), r_pos.get_position(), false);
body.content = std::string(begin, l_pos);
if (args.size() != params.size())
detail::outerr(pos.file, pos.line)
<< "Invalid number of arguments passed. Expecting: "
<< params.size()
<< " argument(s), got: "
<< args.size()
<< " argument(s) instead."
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
std::pair<bool, std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator>
std::vector<template_body>& args
, std::vector<std::string> const& params
, template_scope const& scope
, position const& pos
, quickbook::actions& actions
std::vector<template_body>::const_iterator arg = args.begin();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator tpl = params.begin();
std::vector<std::string> empty_params;
// Store each of the argument passed in as local templates:
while (arg != args.end())
if (!actions.templates.add(
template_symbol(*tpl, empty_params, arg->content,
arg->position, arg->is_block, &scope)))
<< "Duplicate Symbol Found" << std::endl;
return std::make_pair(false, tpl);
++arg; ++tpl;
return std::make_pair(true, tpl);
bool parse_template(
template_body const& body
, bool escape
, quickbook::actions& actions
// How do we know if we are to parse the template as a block or
// a phrase? We apply a simple heuristic: if the body starts with
// a newline, then we regard it as a block, otherwise, we parse
// it as a phrase.
// Note: this is now done in the grammar.
if (escape)
// escape the body of the template
// we just copy out the literal body
(body.is_block ? actions.out : actions.phrase) << body.content;
return true;
else if (!body.is_block)
simple_phrase_grammar phrase_p(actions);
// do a phrase level parse
iterator first(body.content.begin(), body.content.end(),
position(body.position.file.c_str(), body.position.line, body.position.column));
iterator last(body.content.end(), body.content.end());
return call_parse(first, last, phrase_p).full;
block_grammar block_p(actions, true);
// do a block level parse
// ensure that we have enough trailing newlines to eliminate
// the need to check for end of file in the grammar.
std::string content = body.content + "\n\n";
iterator first(content.begin(), content.end(),
position(body.position.file.c_str(), body.position.line, body.position.column));
iterator last(content.end(), content.end());
return call_parse(first, last, block_p).full;
namespace detail
int callout_id = 0;
void template_arg_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
std::string(first, last),
void do_template_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator) const
// Get the arguments and clear values stored in action.
std::vector<template_body> args;
std::string identifier;
std::swap(args, actions.template_args);
std::swap(identifier, actions.template_identifier);
position const pos = first.get_position();
if (actions.template_depth > actions.max_template_depth)
<< "Infinite loop detected" << std::endl;
// The template arguments should have the scope that the template was
// called from, not the template's own scope.
// Note that for quickbook 1.4- this value is just ignored when the
// arguments are expanded.
template_scope const& call_scope = actions.templates.top_scope();
template_symbol const* symbol = actions.templates.find(identifier);
std::string block;
std::string phrase;
actions.push(); // scope the actions' states
// Store the current section level so that we can ensure that
// [section] and [endsect] tags in the template are balanced.
actions.min_section_level = actions.section_level;
// Quickbook 1.4-: When expanding the tempalte continue to use the
// current scope (the dynamic scope).
// Quickbook 1.5+: Use the scope the template was defined in
// (the static scope).
if (qbk_version_n >= 105)
// Initialise the arguments
if (!symbol->callout)
// Break the arguments for a template
if (!break_arguments(args, symbol->params, pos))
actions.pop(); // restore the actions' states
if (!args.empty())
detail::outerr(pos.file, pos.line)
<< "Arguments for code snippet."
unsigned int size = symbol->params.size();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
std::string callout_id = actions.doc_id +
boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(detail::callout_id + i);
std::string code;
code += "'''";
code += "<co id=\"" + callout_id + "co\" ";
code += "linkends=\"" + callout_id + "\" />";
code += "'''";
args.push_back(template_body(code, first.get_position(), false));
// Prepare the arguments as local templates
bool get_arg_result;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator tpl;
boost::tie(get_arg_result, tpl) =
get_arguments(args, symbol->params,
call_scope, pos, actions);
if (!get_arg_result)
actions.pop(); // restore the actions' states
// parse the template body:
if (!parse_template(symbol->body, actions.template_escape, actions))
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Expanding "
<< (symbol->body.is_block ? "block" : "phrase")
<< " template: " << symbol->identifier << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "------------------begin------------------" << std::endl
<< symbol->body.content
<< "------------------end--------------------" << std::endl
<< std::endl;
actions.pop(); // restore the actions' states
if (actions.section_level != actions.min_section_level)
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Mismatched sections in template " << identifier << std::endl;
actions.pop(); // restore the actions' states
actions.pop(); // restore the actions' states
if(symbol->callout && symbol->callouts.size() > 0)
block += "<calloutlist>";
BOOST_FOREACH(template_body const& c, symbol->callouts)
std::string callout_id = actions.doc_id +
std::string callout_value;
bool r = parse_template(c, false, actions);
detail::outerr(c.position.file, c.position.line)
<< "Expanding callout." << std::endl
<< "------------------begin------------------" << std::endl
<< c.content
<< std::endl
<< "------------------end--------------------" << std::endl
block += "<callout arearefs=\"" + callout_id + "co\" ";
block += "id=\"" + callout_id + "\">";
block += callout_value;
block += "</callout>";
block += "</calloutlist>";
if(symbol->body.is_block || !block.empty()) {
actions.out << block;
actions.phrase << phrase;
else {
actions.phrase << phrase;
void link_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
iterator save = first;
phrase << tag;
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, phrase.get());
phrase << "\">";
// Yes, it is safe to dereference last here. When we
// reach here, *last is certainly valid. We test if
// *last == ']'. In which case, the url is the text.
// Example: [@]
if (*last == ']')
first = save;
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, phrase.get());
void variablelist_action::operator()(iterator, iterator) const
actions.out << "<variablelist>\n";
actions.out << "<title>";
std::string::iterator first = actions.table_title.begin();
std::string::iterator last = actions.table_title.end();
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, actions.out.get());
actions.out << "</title>\n";
std::string str;
actions.out << str;
actions.out << "</variablelist>\n";
actions.table_span = 0;
void table_action::operator()(iterator, iterator) const
std::string::iterator first = actions.table_title.begin();
std::string::iterator last = actions.table_title.end();
bool has_title = first != last;
std::string table_id;
if(qbk_version_n >= 105) {
if(!actions.element_id.empty()) {
table_id = fully_qualified_id(actions.doc_id,
actions.qualified_section_id, actions.element_id);
else if(has_title) {
table_id = fully_qualified_id(actions.doc_id,
detail::make_identifier(first, last));
if (has_title)
actions.out << "<table frame=\"all\"";
actions.out << " id=\"" << table_id << "\"";
actions.out << ">\n";
actions.out << "<title>";
while (first != last)
detail::print_char(*first++, actions.out.get());
actions.out << "</title>";
actions.out << "<informaltable frame=\"all\"";
actions.out << " id=\"" << table_id << "\"";
actions.out << ">\n";
actions.out << "<tgroup cols=\"" << actions.table_span << "\">\n";
if (!actions.table_header.empty())
actions.out << "<thead>" << actions.table_header << "</thead>\n";
actions.out << "<tbody>\n";
std::string str;
actions.out << str;
actions.out << "</tbody>\n"
<< "</tgroup>\n";
if (has_title)
actions.out << "</table>\n";
actions.out << "</informaltable>\n";
actions.table_span = 0;
void start_row_action::operator()(char) const
// the first row is the header
if (header.empty() && !phrase.str().empty())
phrase << start_row_;
span = 0;
void start_row_action::operator()(iterator f, iterator) const
void col_action::operator()(std::string const& contents) const
phrase << start_cell_ << contents << end_cell_;
void begin_section_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
section_id = element_id.empty() ?
detail::make_identifier(first, last) :
if (section_level != 0)
qualified_section_id += '.';
qualified_section_id += section_id;
if (qbk_version_n < 103) // version 1.2 and below
out << "\n<section id=\""
<< library_id << "." << section_id << "\">\n";
else // version 1.3 and above
out << "\n<section id=\"" << library_id
<< "." << qualified_section_id << "\">\n";
std::string str;
if (qbk_version_n < 103) // version 1.2 and below
out << "<title>" << str << "</title>\n";
else // version 1.3 and above
out << "<title>"
<< "<link linkend=\"" << library_id
<< "." << qualified_section_id << "\">"
<< str
<< "</link>"
<< "</title>\n"
void end_section_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
if (section_level <= min_section_level)
position const pos = first.get_position();
<< "Mismatched [endsect] near column " << pos.column << ".\n";
out << "</section>";
if (section_level == 0)
std::string::size_type const n =
qualified_section_id.erase(n, std::string::npos);
void element_id_warning_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator) const
position const pos = first.get_position();
detail::outwarn(pos.file,pos.line) << "Empty id.\n";
fs::path path_difference(fs::path const& outdir, fs::path const& path)
fs::path outtmp, temp;
fs::path::iterator out = outdir.begin(), file = path.begin();
for(; out != outdir.end() && file != path.end(); ++out, ++file)
if(!fs::equivalent(outtmp /= *out, temp /= *file))
out = (out == outdir.begin()) ? outdir.end() : out;
fs::path result = fs::path();
for(; out != outdir.end(); ++out)
if(*out != ".") result /= "..";
std::divides<fs::path> concat;
return std::accumulate(file, path.end(), result, concat);
fs::path calculate_relative_path(
iterator first, iterator last, quickbook::actions& actions)
// Given a source file and the current filename, calculate the
// path to the source file relative to the output directory.
fs::path path(std::string(first, last));
if (!path.is_complete())
fs::path infile = fs::complete(actions.filename).normalize();
path = (infile.parent_path() / path).normalize();
fs::path outdir = fs::complete(actions.outdir).normalize();
path = path_difference(outdir, path);
return path;
void xinclude_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
fs::path path = calculate_relative_path(first, last, actions);
out << "\n<xi:include href=\"";
detail::print_string(detail::escape_uri(path.string()), out.get());
out << "\" />\n";
fs::path include_search(fs::path const & current, std::string const & name)
fs::path path(name);
// If the path is relative, try and resolve it.
if (!path.is_complete())
// See if it can be found locally first.
if (fs::exists(current / path))
return current / path;
// Search in each of the include path locations.
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string const & p, include_path)
fs::path full(p);
full /= path;
if (fs::exists(full))
return full;
return path;
void import_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
fs::path path = include_search(actions.filename.parent_path(), std::string(first,last));
std::string ext = path.extension();
std::vector<template_symbol> storage;
actions.error_count +=
load_snippets(path.string(), storage, ext, actions.doc_id);
BOOST_FOREACH(template_symbol& ts, storage)
std::string tname = ts.identifier;
ts.parent = &actions.templates.top_scope();
if (!actions.templates.add(ts))
cl::file_position const pos = ts.body.position;
detail::outerr(pos.file, pos.line)
<< "Template Redefinition: " << tname << std::endl;
void include_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
fs::path filein = include_search(actions.filename.parent_path(), std::string(first,last));
std::string doc_type, doc_id;
docinfo_string doc_dirname, doc_last_revision;
// swap the filenames
std::swap(actions.filename, filein);
// save the doc info strings
if(qbk_version_n >= 106) {
doc_type = actions.doc_type;
doc_id = actions.doc_id;
doc_dirname = actions.doc_dirname;
doc_last_revision = actions.doc_last_revision;
else {
// save the version info
unsigned qbk_major_version_store = qbk_major_version;
unsigned qbk_minor_version_store = qbk_minor_version;
unsigned qbk_version_n_store = qbk_version_n;
// scope the macros
string_symbols macro = actions.macro;
std::size_t macro_change_depth = actions.macro_change_depth;
// scope the templates
//~ template_symbols templates = actions.templates; $$$ fixme $$$
// if an id is specified in this include (as in [include:id foo.qbk])
// then use it as the doc_id.
if (!actions.include_doc_id.empty())
actions.doc_id = actions.include_doc_id;
// update the __FILENAME__ macro
*boost::spirit::classic::find(actions.macro, "__FILENAME__") = actions.filename.file_string();
// parse the file
quickbook::parse_file(actions.filename.file_string().c_str(), actions, true);
// restore the values
std::swap(actions.filename, filein);
if(qbk_version_n >= 106 || qbk_version_n_store >= 106)
qbk_major_version = qbk_major_version_store;
qbk_minor_version = qbk_minor_version_store;
qbk_version_n = qbk_version_n_store;
// restore the macros
actions.macro = macro;
actions.macro_change_depth = macro_change_depth;
// restore the templates
//~ actions.templates = templates; $$$ fixme $$$
void phrase_to_string_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
void phrase_to_docinfo_action::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
out.raw = std::string(first, last);