blob: 74a96761f29e9827679c68a5c1b077321bf5aef2 [file] [log] [blame]
[article Various blocks
[quickbook 1.5]
[heading Blockquotes]
Here's a blockquote:
And another:
Blockquote first paragraph.
Blockquote second paragraph.
[heading Admonitions]
[warning Warning]
[caution Caution]
[important Important]
[note Note]
[tip Tip]
[warning Warning first paragraph.
Warning second paragraph.]
[heading Blurb]
[blurb Blurb]
[heading Inline blocks]
[: Blockquote containing a footnote[footnote Here it is!].]
[/ Unfortunately footnotes currently can't contain blocks.]
[/ Quickbook shouldn't think that this is a tip]
[tipping point]