blob: bc598685c4da0fee791f17783c57a19f1fa78839 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) MetaCommunications, Inc. 2003-2007
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import shutil
import codecs
import xml.sax.handler
import xml.sax.saxutils
import glob
import re
import os.path
import os
import string
import time
import sys
import ftplib
import utils
report_types = [ 'us', 'ds', 'ud', 'dd', 'l', 'p', 'i', 'n', 'ddr', 'dsr', 'udr', 'usr' ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[ 0 ] ) )
run_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( sys.modules[ __name__ ].__file__ ) )
def map_path( path ):
return os.path.join( run_dir, path )
def xsl_path( xsl_file_name ):
return map_path( os.path.join( 'xsl/v2', xsl_file_name ) )
class file_info:
def __init__( self, file_name, file_size, file_date ): = file_name
self.size = file_size = file_date
def __repr__( self ):
return "name: %s, size: %s, date %s" % (, self.size, )
# Find the mod time from unix format directory listing line
def get_date( words ):
date = words[ 5: -1 ]
t = time.localtime()
month_names = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]
year = time.localtime()[0] # If year is not secified is it the current year
month = month_names.index( date[0] ) + 1
day = int( date[1] )
hours = 0
minutes = 0
if date[2].find( ":" ) != -1:
( hours, minutes ) = [ int(x) for x in date[2].split( ":" ) ]
# there is no way to get seconds for not current year dates
year = int( date[2] )
return ( year, month, day, hours, minutes, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
def list_ftp( f ):
# f is an ftp object
utils.log( "listing source content" )
lines = []
# 1. get all lines
f.dir( lambda x: lines.append( x ) )
# 2. split lines into words
word_lines = [ x.split( None, 8 ) for x in lines ]
# we don't need directories
result = [ file_info( l[-1], None, get_date( l ) ) for l in word_lines if l[0][0] != "d" ]
for f in result:
utils.log( " %s" % f )
return result
def list_dir( dir ):
utils.log( "listing destination content %s" % dir )
result = []
for file_path in glob.glob( os.path.join( dir, "*.zip" ) ):
if os.path.isfile( file_path ):
mod_time = time.localtime( os.path.getmtime( file_path ) )
mod_time = ( mod_time[0], mod_time[1], mod_time[2], mod_time[3], mod_time[4], mod_time[5], 0, 0, mod_time[8] )
# no size (for now)
result.append( file_info( os.path.basename( file_path ), None, mod_time ) )
for fi in result:
utils.log( " %s" % fi )
return result
def find_by_name( d, name ):
for dd in d:
if == name:
return dd
return None
def diff( source_dir_content, destination_dir_content ):
utils.log( "Finding updated files" )
result = ( [], [] ) # ( changed_files, obsolete_files )
for source_file in source_dir_content:
found = find_by_name( destination_dir_content, )
if found is None: result[0].append( )
elif time.mktime( ) != time.mktime( ): result[0].append( )
for destination_file in destination_dir_content:
found = find_by_name( source_dir_content, )
if found is None: result[1].append( )
utils.log( " Updated files:" )
for f in result[0]:
utils.log( " %s" % f )
utils.log( " Obsolete files:" )
for f in result[1]:
utils.log( " %s" % f )
return result
def _modtime_timestamp( file ):
return os.stat( file ).st_mtime
root_paths = []
def shorten( file_path ):
root_paths.sort( lambda x, y: cmp( len(y ), len( x ) ) )
for root in root_paths:
if file_path.lower().startswith( root.lower() ):
return file_path[ len( root ): ].replace( "\\", "/" )
return file_path.replace( "\\", "/" )
class action:
def __init__( self, file_path ):
self.file_path_ = file_path
self.relevant_paths_ = [ self.file_path_ ]
self.boost_paths_ = []
self.dependencies_ = []
self.other_results_ = []
def run( self ):
utils.log( "%s: run" % shorten( self.file_path_ ) )
__log__ = 2
for dependency in self.dependencies_:
if not os.path.exists( dependency ):
utils.log( "%s doesn't exists, removing target" % shorten( dependency ) )
if not os.path.exists( self.file_path_ ):
utils.log( "target doesn't exists, building" )
dst_timestamp = _modtime_timestamp( self.file_path_ )
utils.log( " target: %s [%s]" % ( shorten( self.file_path_ ), dst_timestamp ) )
needs_updating = 0
utils.log( " dependencies:" )
for dependency in self.dependencies_:
dm = _modtime_timestamp( dependency )
update_mark = ""
if dm > dst_timestamp:
needs_updating = 1
utils.log( ' %s [%s] %s' % ( shorten( dependency ), dm, update_mark ) )
if needs_updating:
utils.log( "target needs updating, rebuilding" )
utils.log( "target is up-to-date" )
def clean( self ):
to_unlink = self.other_results_ + [ self.file_path_ ]
for result in to_unlink:
utils.log( ' Deleting obsolete "%s"' % shorten( result ) )
if os.path.exists( result ):
os.unlink( result )
class merge_xml_action( action ):
def __init__( self, source, destination, expected_results_file, failures_markup_file, tag ):
action.__init__( self, destination )
self.source_ = source
self.destination_ = destination
self.tag_ = tag
self.expected_results_file_ = expected_results_file
self.failures_markup_file_ = failures_markup_file
self.dependencies_.extend( [
, self.expected_results_file_
, self.failures_markup_file_
self.relevant_paths_.extend( [ self.source_ ] )
self.boost_paths_.extend( [ self.expected_results_file_, self.failures_markup_file_ ] )
def update( self ):
def filter_xml( src, dest ):
class xmlgen( xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator ):
def __init__( self, writer ):
xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.__init__( self, writer )
self.trimmed = 0
self.character_content = ""
def startElement( self, name, attrs):
xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.startElement( self, name, attrs )
def endElement( self, name ):
xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.endElement( self, name )
def flush( self ):
content = self.character_content
self.character_content = ""
self.trimmed = 0
xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.characters( self, content )
def characters( self, content ):
if not self.trimmed:
max_size = pow( 2, 16 )
self.character_content += content
if len( self.character_content ) > max_size:
self.character_content = self.character_content[ : max_size ] + "...\n\n[The content has been trimmed by the report system because it exceeds %d bytes]" % max_size
self.trimmed = 1
o = open( dest, "w" )
gen = xmlgen( o )
xml.sax.parse( src, gen )
return dest
utils.log( 'Merging "%s" with expected results...' % shorten( self.source_ ) )
trimmed_source = filter_xml( self.source_, '%s-trimmed.xml' % os.path.splitext( self.source_ )[0] )
, trimmed_source
, xsl_path( 'add_expected_results.xsl' )
, self.file_path_
, {
"expected_results_file" : self.expected_results_file_
, "failures_markup_file": self.failures_markup_file_
, "source" : self.tag_
os.unlink( trimmed_source )
except Exception, msg:
utils.log( ' Skipping "%s" due to errors (%s)' % ( self.source_, msg ) )
if os.path.exists( self.file_path_ ):
os.unlink( self.file_path_ )
def _xml_timestamp( xml_path ):
class timestamp_reader( xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler ):
def startElement( self, name, attrs ):
if name == 'test-run':
self.timestamp = attrs.getValue( 'timestamp' )
raise self
xml.sax.parse( xml_path, timestamp_reader() )
raise 'Cannot extract timestamp from "%s". Invalid XML file format?' % xml_path
except timestamp_reader, x:
return x.timestamp
class make_links_action( action ):
def __init__( self, source, destination, output_dir, tag, run_date, comment_file, failures_markup_file ):
action.__init__( self, destination )
self.dependencies_.append( source )
self.source_ = source
self.output_dir_ = output_dir
self.tag_ = tag
self.run_date_ = run_date
self.comment_file_ = comment_file
self.failures_markup_file_ = failures_markup_file
self.links_file_path_ = os.path.join( output_dir, 'links.html' )
def update( self ):
utils.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.links_file_path_ ), "output" ) )
utils.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.links_file_path_ ), "developer", "output" ) )
utils.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.links_file_path_ ), "user", "output" ) )
utils.log( ' Making test output files...' )
, self.source_
, xsl_path( 'links_page.xsl' )
, self.links_file_path_
, {
'source': self.tag_
, 'run_date': self.run_date_
, 'comment_file': self.comment_file_
, 'explicit_markup_file': self.failures_markup_file_
except Exception, msg:
utils.log( ' Skipping "%s" due to errors (%s)' % ( self.source_, msg ) )
open( self.file_path_, "w" ).close()
class unzip_action( action ):
def __init__( self, source, destination, unzip_func ):
action.__init__( self, destination )
self.dependencies_.append( source )
self.source_ = source
self.unzip_func_ = unzip_func
def update( self ):
utils.log( ' Unzipping "%s" ... into "%s"' % ( shorten( self.source_ ), os.path.dirname( self.file_path_ ) ) )
self.unzip_func_( self.source_, os.path.dirname( self.file_path_ ) )
except Exception, msg:
utils.log( ' Skipping "%s" due to errors (%s)' % ( self.source_, msg ) )
def ftp_task( site, site_path , destination ):
__log__ = 1
utils.log( '' )
utils.log( 'ftp_task: "ftp://%s/%s" -> %s' % ( site, site_path, destination ) )
utils.log( ' logging on ftp site %s' % site )
f = ftplib.FTP( site )
utils.log( ' cwd to "%s"' % site_path )
f.cwd( site_path )
source_content = list_ftp( f )
source_content = [ x for x in source_content if re.match( r'.+[.](?<!log[.])zip', ) and != '' ]
destination_content = list_dir( destination )
d = diff( source_content, destination_content )
def synchronize():
for source in d[0]:
utils.log( 'Copying "%s"' % source )
result = open( os.path.join( destination, source ), 'wb' )
f.retrbinary( 'RETR %s' % source, result.write )
mod_date = find_by_name( source_content, source ).date
m = time.mktime( mod_date )
os.utime( os.path.join( destination, source ), ( m, m ) )
for obsolete in d[1]:
utils.log( 'Deleting "%s"' % obsolete )
os.unlink( os.path.join( destination, obsolete ) )
utils.log( " Synchronizing..." )
__log__ = 2
def unzip_archives_task( source_dir, processed_dir, unzip_func ):
utils.log( '' )
utils.log( 'unzip_archives_task: unpacking updated archives in "%s" into "%s"...' % ( source_dir, processed_dir ) )
__log__ = 1
target_files = [ os.path.join( processed_dir, os.path.basename( x.replace( ".zip", ".xml" ) ) ) for x in glob.glob( os.path.join( source_dir, "*.zip" ) ) ] + glob.glob( os.path.join( processed_dir, "*.xml" ) )
actions = [ unzip_action( os.path.join( source_dir, os.path.basename( x.replace( ".xml", ".zip" ) ) ), x, unzip_func ) for x in target_files ]
for a in actions:
def merge_xmls_task( source_dir, processed_dir, merged_dir, expected_results_file, failures_markup_file, tag ):
utils.log( '' )
utils.log( 'merge_xmls_task: merging updated XMLs in "%s"...' % source_dir )
__log__ = 1
utils.makedirs( merged_dir )
target_files = [ os.path.join( merged_dir, os.path.basename( x ) ) for x in glob.glob( os.path.join( processed_dir, "*.xml" ) ) ] + glob.glob( os.path.join( merged_dir, "*.xml" ) )
actions = [ merge_xml_action( os.path.join( processed_dir, os.path.basename( x ) )
, x
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
, tag ) for x in target_files ]
for a in actions:
def make_links_task( input_dir, output_dir, tag, run_date, comment_file, extended_test_results, failures_markup_file ):
utils.log( '' )
utils.log( 'make_links_task: make output files for test results in "%s"...' % input_dir )
__log__ = 1
target_files = [ x + ".links" for x in glob.glob( os.path.join( input_dir, "*.xml" ) ) ] + glob.glob( os.path.join( input_dir, "*.links" ) )
actions = [ make_links_action( x.replace( ".links", "" )
, x
, output_dir
, tag
, run_date
, comment_file
, failures_markup_file
) for x in target_files ]
for a in actions:
class xmlgen( xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator ):
document_started = 0
def startDocument( self ):
if not self.document_started:
xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.startDocument( self )
self.document_started = 1
def merge_processed_test_runs( test_runs_dir, tag, writer ):
utils.log( '' )
utils.log( 'merge_processed_test_runs: merging processed test runs from %s into a single XML...' % test_runs_dir )
__log__ = 1
all_runs_xml = xmlgen( writer, encoding='utf-8' )
all_runs_xml.startElement( 'all-test-runs', {} )
files = glob.glob( os.path.join( test_runs_dir, '*.xml' ) )
for test_run in files:
#file_pos =
file_pos = writer.tell()
utils.log( ' Writing "%s" into the resulting XML...' % test_run )
xml.sax.parse( test_run, all_runs_xml )
except Exception, msg:
utils.log( ' Skipping "%s" due to errors (%s)' % ( test_run, msg ) ) file_pos ) file_pos )
all_runs_xml.endElement( 'all-test-runs' )
def execute_tasks(
, user
, run_date
, comment_file
, results_dir
, output_dir
, reports
, warnings
, extended_test_results
, dont_collect_logs
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
incoming_dir = os.path.join( results_dir, 'incoming', tag )
processed_dir = os.path.join( incoming_dir, 'processed' )
merged_dir = os.path.join( processed_dir, 'merged' )
if not os.path.exists( incoming_dir ):
os.makedirs( incoming_dir )
if not os.path.exists( processed_dir ):
os.makedirs( processed_dir )
if not os.path.exists( merged_dir ):
os.makedirs( merged_dir )
if not dont_collect_logs:
ftp_site = ''
site_path = '/boost/do-not-publish-this-url/results/%s' % tag
ftp_task( ftp_site, site_path, incoming_dir )
unzip_archives_task( incoming_dir, processed_dir, utils.unzip )
merge_xmls_task( incoming_dir, processed_dir, merged_dir, expected_results_file, failures_markup_file, tag )
make_links_task( merged_dir
, output_dir
, tag
, run_date
, comment_file
, extended_test_results
, failures_markup_file )
results_xml_path = os.path.join( output_dir, 'extended_test_results.xml' )
#writer = results_xml_path, 'w', 'utf-8' )
writer = open( results_xml_path, 'w' )
merge_processed_test_runs( merged_dir, tag, writer )
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
, tag
, run_date
, comment_file
, output_dir
, reports
, warnings
def make_result_pages(
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
, tag
, run_date
, comment_file
, output_dir
, reports
, warnings
utils.log( 'Producing the reports...' )
__log__ = 1
warnings_text = '+'.join( warnings )
if comment_file != '':
comment_file = os.path.abspath( comment_file )
links = os.path.join( output_dir, 'links.html' )
utils.makedirs( os.path.join( output_dir, 'output' ) )
for mode in ( 'developer', 'user' ):
utils.makedirs( os.path.join( output_dir, mode , 'output' ) )
issues = os.path.join( output_dir, 'developer', 'issues.html' )
if 'i' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making issues list...' )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'issues_page.xsl' )
, issues
, {
'source': tag
, 'run_date': run_date
, 'warnings': warnings_text
, 'comment_file': comment_file
, 'expected_results_file': expected_results_file
, 'explicit_markup_file': failures_markup_file
, 'release': "yes"
for mode in ( 'developer', 'user' ):
if mode[0] + 'd' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making detailed %s report...' % mode )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'result_page.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, mode, 'index.html' )
, {
'links_file': 'links.html'
, 'mode': mode
, 'source': tag
, 'run_date': run_date
, 'warnings': warnings_text
, 'comment_file': comment_file
, 'expected_results_file': expected_results_file
, 'explicit_markup_file' : failures_markup_file
for mode in ( 'developer', 'user' ):
if mode[0] + 's' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making summary %s report...' % mode )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'summary_page.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, mode, 'summary.html' )
, {
'mode' : mode
, 'source': tag
, 'run_date': run_date
, 'warnings': warnings_text
, 'comment_file': comment_file
, 'explicit_markup_file' : failures_markup_file
for mode in ( 'developer', 'user' ):
if mode[0] + 'dr' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making detailed %s release report...' % mode )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'result_page.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, mode, 'index_release.html' )
, {
'links_file': 'links.html'
, 'mode': mode
, 'source': tag
, 'run_date': run_date
, 'warnings': warnings_text
, 'comment_file': comment_file
, 'expected_results_file': expected_results_file
, 'explicit_markup_file' : failures_markup_file
, 'release': "yes"
for mode in ( 'developer', 'user' ):
if mode[0] + 'sr' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making summary %s release report...' % mode )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'summary_page.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, mode, 'summary_release.html' )
, {
'mode' : mode
, 'source': tag
, 'run_date': run_date
, 'warnings': warnings_text
, 'comment_file': comment_file
, 'explicit_markup_file' : failures_markup_file
, 'release': 'yes'
if 'e' in reports:
utils.log( ' Generating expected_results ...' )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'produce_expected_results.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, 'expected_results.xml' )
if 'n' in reports:
utils.log( ' Making runner comment files...' )
, extended_test_results
, xsl_path( 'runners.xsl' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, 'runners.html' )
xsl_path( 'html/master.css' )
, os.path.join( output_dir, 'master.css' )
fix_file_names( output_dir )
def fix_file_names( dir ):
The current version of xslproc doesn't correctly handle
spaces. We have to manually go through the
result set and decode encoded spaces (%20).
utils.log( 'Fixing encoded file names...' )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( dir ):
for file in files:
if file.find( "%20" ) > -1:
new_name = file.replace( "%20", " " )
, os.path.join( root, file )
, os.path.join( root, new_name )
def build_xsl_reports(
, tag
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
, comment_file
, results_dir
, result_file_prefix
, dont_collect_logs = 0
, reports = report_types
, warnings = []
, user = None
, upload = False
( run_date ) = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime() )
root_paths.append( locate_root_dir )
root_paths.append( results_dir )
bin_boost_dir = os.path.join( locate_root_dir, 'bin', 'boost' )
output_dir = os.path.join( results_dir, result_file_prefix )
utils.makedirs( output_dir )
if expected_results_file != '':
expected_results_file = os.path.abspath( expected_results_file )
expected_results_file = os.path.abspath( map_path( 'empty_expected_results.xml' ) )
extended_test_results = os.path.join( output_dir, 'extended_test_results.xml' )
, user
, run_date
, comment_file
, results_dir
, output_dir
, reports
, warnings
, extended_test_results
, dont_collect_logs
, expected_results_file
, failures_markup_file
if upload:
upload_dir = 'regression-logs/'
utils.log( 'Uploading results into "%s" [connecting as %s]...' % ( upload_dir, user ) )
archive_name = '%s.tar.gz' % result_file_prefix
os.path.join( results_dir, result_file_prefix )
, archive_name
utils.sourceforge.upload( os.path.join( results_dir, archive_name ), upload_dir, user )
utils.sourceforge.untar( os.path.join( upload_dir, archive_name ), user, background = True )
def accept_args( args ):
args_spec = [
, 'tag='
, 'expected-results='
, 'failures-markup='
, 'comment='
, 'results-dir='
, 'results-prefix='
, 'dont-collect-logs'
, 'reports='
, 'user='
, 'upload'
, 'help'
options = {
'--comment': ''
, '--expected-results': ''
, '--failures-markup': ''
, '--reports': string.join( report_types, ',' )
, '--tag': None
, '--user': None
, 'upload': False
utils.accept_args( args_spec, args, options, usage )
if not options.has_key( '--results-dir' ):
options[ '--results-dir' ] = options[ '--locate-root' ]
if not options.has_key( '--results-prefix' ):
options[ '--results-prefix' ] = 'all'
return (
options[ '--locate-root' ]
, options[ '--tag' ]
, options[ '--expected-results' ]
, options[ '--failures-markup' ]
, options[ '--comment' ]
, options[ '--results-dir' ]
, options[ '--results-prefix' ]
, options.has_key( '--dont-collect-logs' )
, options[ '--reports' ].split( ',' )
, options[ '--user' ]
, options.has_key( '--upload' )
def usage():
print 'Usage: %s [options]' % os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] )
print '''
\t--locate-root the same as --locate-root in compiler_status
\t--tag the tag for the results (i.e. 'trunk')
\t--expected-results the file with the results to be compared with
\t the current run
\t--failures-markup the file with the failures markup
\t--comment an html comment file (will be inserted in the reports)
\t--results-dir the directory containing -links.html, -fail.html
\t files produced by compiler_status (by default the
\t same as specified in --locate-root)
\t--results-prefix the prefix of -links.html, -fail.html
\t files produced by compiler_status
\t--user SourceForge user name for a shell account
\t--upload upload reports to SourceForge
The following options are useful in debugging:
\t--dont-collect-logs dont collect the test logs
\t--reports produce only the specified reports
\t us - user summary
\t ds - developer summary
\t ud - user detailed
\t dd - developer detailed
\t l - links
\t p - patches
\t x - extended results file
\t i - issues
\t n - runner comment files
def main():
build_xsl_reports( *accept_args( sys.argv[ 1 : ] ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':