Project import
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b392db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Nest Labs, Inc.
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    This document is the property of Nest. It is considered
+#    confidential and proprietary information.
+#    This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
+#    in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
+#    Nest.
+#    Description:
+#      This file is the makefile for freetype, a free, high-quality,
+#      and portable font engine.
+BuildConfigSpecialized	:= No
+BuildProductSpecialized	:= Yes
+include pre.mak
+PackageName		:= freetype
+PackageExtension	:= tar.bz2
+PackageSeparator	:= -
+PackagePatchArgs	:= -p1
+PackageArchive		:= $(PackageName).$(PackageExtension)
+PackageSourceDir	:= $(PackageName)$(PackageSeparator)$(PackageVersion)
+PackageBuildMakefile	= $(call GenerateBuildPaths,Makefile)
+CleanPaths		+= $(PackageLicenseFile)
+all: $(PackageDefaultGoal)
+# Generate the package license contents.
+$(PackageSourceDir)/docs/LICENSE.TXT: source
+$(PackageLicenseFile): $(PackageSourceDir)/docs/LICENSE.TXT
+	$(copy-result)
+# Extract the source from the archive and apply patches, if any.
+$(PackageSourceDir): $(PackageArchive) $(PackagePatchPaths)
+	$(expand-and-patch-package)
+# Prepare the sources.
+.PHONY: source
+source: | $(PackageSourceDir)
+# Patch the sources, if necessary.
+.PHONY: patch
+patch: source
+# Generate the package build makefile.
+# Freetype is NOT a good non-colocated source and build directory
+# citizen. If you do not specify --srcdir, freetype will smash this
+# make file and litter this directory with a number of build objects
+# we do not want there.
+$(PackageBuildMakefile): | $(PackageSourceDir) $(BuildDirectory)
+	$(Verbose)cd $(BuildDirectory) && \
+	$(CURDIR)/$(PackageSourceDir)/configure \
+	--srcdir=$(CURDIR)/$(PackageSourceDir) \
+	--build=$(HostTuple) \
+	--host=$(TargetTuple) \
+	--prefix=/usr \
+	--sysconfdir=/etc \
+	--localstatedir=/var \
+	--without-harfbuzz \
+	--without-png \
+	--without-zlib \
+	--without-bzip2
+# Configure the source for building.
+.PHONY: configure
+configure: source $(PackageBuildMakefile)
+# Build the source.
+# We have to unset MAKEFLAGS since they confuse the package build otherwise.
+.PHONY: build
+build: configure
+	$(Verbose)unset MAKEFLAGS && \
+	$(MAKE) $(JOBSFLAG) -C $(BuildDirectory) all
+# Stage the build to a temporary installation area.
+# We have to unset MAKEFLAGS since they confuse the package build otherwise.
+# We explictly remove '' because some packages that depend
+# on libfreetype use libtool. If libtool finds a '*.la' file for a
+# library, it uses the value of 'libdir=<dir>' it finds. In our case,
+# since '--prefix=/usr' this value is '/usr/lib'. It then resolves
+# '-lfreetype' to '/usr/lib/'. In a cross-compilation
+# environment, this is likely to be neither the right architecture nor
+# the right version to link against. In short, we lose.
+# We could also handle this by removing DESTDIR and setting the prefix
+# to $(ResultDirectory); however, that results in libtool hard-coding
+# $(ResultDirectory) as the RPATH in the linked executables which is
+# NOT what we want either. We lose again.
+# By removing the '*.la' file, we win by ensuring neither a misdirected
+# link nor an RPATH.
+.PHONY: stage
+stage: build | $(ResultDirectory)
+	$(Verbose)unset MAKEFLAGS && \
+	$(MAKE) $(JOBSFLAG) -C $(BuildDirectory) DESTDIR=$(ResultDirectory) install
+	$(Verbose)$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $(call GenerateResultPaths,,usr/lib/
+	$(Verbose)$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(PackageSourceDir)
+	$(Verbose)$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(BuildDirectory)
+	$(Verbose)$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) -r $(ResultDirectory)
+include post.mak
diff --git a/freetype-2.6/CMakeLists.txt b/freetype-2.6/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6631fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freetype-2.6/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# CMakeLists.txt
+# Copyright 2013-2015 by
+# David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+# Written by John Cary <>
+# This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
+# and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
+# LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
+# indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
+# fully.
+# Say
+#   cmake CMakeLists.txt
+# to create a Makefile that builds a static version of the library.
+# For a dynamic library, use
+#   cmake CMakeLists.txt -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=true
+# For a framework on OS X, use
+#   cmake CMakeLists.txt -DBUILD_FRAMEWORK:BOOL=true -G Xcode
+# instead.
+# For an iOS static library, use
+#   cmake CMakeLists.txt -DIOS_PLATFORM=OS -G Xcode
+# or
+#   cmake CMakeLists.txt -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR -G Xcode
+# Please refer to the cmake manual for further options, in particular, how
+# to modify compilation and linking parameters.
+# Some notes.
+# . `cmake' will overwrite FreeType's original (top-level) `Makefile' file.
+# . You can use `cmake' directly on a freshly cloned FreeType git
+#   repository.
+# . `CMakeLists.txt'  is provided as-is since it is not used by the
+#   developer team.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
+# CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE must be set before `project' is called, which
+# configures the base build environment and references the toolchain file
+if (APPLE)
+      message(FATAL_ERROR
+        "IOS_PLATFORM must be set to either OS or SIMULATOR")
+    endif ()
+      message(AUTHOR_WARNING
+        "You should use Xcode generator with IOS_PLATFORM enabled to get Universal builds.")
+    endif ()
+      message(FATAL_ERROR
+        "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS can not be on with IOS_PLATFORM enabled")
+    endif ()
+      message(FATAL_ERROR
+        "BUILD_FRAMEWORK can not be on with IOS_PLATFORM enabled")
+    endif ()
+    # iOS only uses static libraries
+      ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/builds/cmake/iOS.cmake)
+  endif ()
+else ()
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "IOS_PLATFORM is not supported on this platform")
+  endif ()
+endif ()
+    message(FATAL_ERROR
+      "You should use Xcode generator with BUILD_FRAMEWORK enabled")
+  endif ()
+endif ()
+# Compiler definitions for building the library
+# Specify library include directories
+# Create the configuration file
+message(STATUS "Creating directory, ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/freetype2.")
+file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/freetype2)
+# For the auto-generated ftconfig.h file
+include_directories(BEFORE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/freetype2")
+message(STATUS "Creating ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/freetype2/ftconfig.h.")
+  COMMAND sed -e "s/FT_CONFIG_OPTIONS_H/<ftoption.h>/" -e "s/FT_CONFIG_STANDARD_LIBRARY_H/<ftstdlib.h>/" -e "s?/undef ?#undef ?"
+  OUTPUT_FILE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/freetype2/ftconfig.h
+file(GLOB PUBLIC_HEADERS "include/*.h")
+file(GLOB PUBLIC_CONFIG_HEADERS "include/config/*.h")
+file(GLOB PRIVATE_HEADERS "include/internal/*.h")
+  src/autofit/autofit.c
+  src/base/ftadvanc.c
+  src/base/ftbbox.c
+  src/base/ftbdf.c
+  src/base/ftbitmap.c
+  src/base/ftcalc.c
+  src/base/ftcid.c
+  src/base/ftdbgmem.c
+  src/base/ftdebug.c
+  src/base/ftfntfmt.c
+  src/base/ftfstype.c
+  src/base/ftgasp.c
+  src/base/ftgloadr.c
+  src/base/ftglyph.c
+  src/base/ftgxval.c
+  src/base/ftinit.c
+  src/base/ftlcdfil.c
+  src/base/ftmm.c
+  src/base/ftobjs.c
+  src/base/ftotval.c
+  src/base/ftoutln.c
+  src/base/ftpatent.c
+  src/base/ftpfr.c
+  src/base/ftrfork.c
+  src/base/ftsnames.c
+  src/base/ftstream.c
+  src/base/ftstroke.c
+  src/base/ftsynth.c
+  src/base/ftsystem.c
+  src/base/fttrigon.c
+  src/base/fttype1.c
+  src/base/ftutil.c
+  src/base/ftwinfnt.c
+  src/bdf/bdf.c
+  src/bzip2/ftbzip2.c
+  src/cache/ftcache.c
+  src/cff/cff.c
+  src/cid/type1cid.c
+  src/gzip/ftgzip.c
+  src/lzw/ftlzw.c
+  src/pcf/pcf.c
+  src/pfr/pfr.c
+  src/psaux/psaux.c
+  src/pshinter/pshinter.c
+  src/psnames/psmodule.c
+  src/raster/raster.c
+  src/sfnt/sfnt.c
+  src/smooth/smooth.c
+  src/truetype/truetype.c
+  src/type1/type1.c
+  src/type42/type42.c
+  src/winfonts/winfnt.c
+  set(BASE_SRCS
+    ${BASE_SRCS}
+    builds/mac/freetype-Info.plist
+  )
+endif ()
+  )
+  set_target_properties(freetype PROPERTIES
+    MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_INFO_PLIST builds/mac/freetype-Info.plist
+  )
+endif ()
+# Installations
+# Note the trailing slash in the argument to the `DIRECTORY' directive
+  DESTINATION include/freetype2
+  PATTERN "internal" EXCLUDE
+install(TARGETS freetype
+# Packaging
+# CPack version numbers for release tarball name.
+endif ()
+    CACHE INTERNAL "tarball basename"
+  )
+endif ()
+  "/CVS/;/.svn/;.swp$;.#;/#;/build/;/serial/;/ser/;/parallel/;/par/;~;/preconfig.out;/autom4te.cache/;/.config")
+# add make dist target
+add_custom_target(dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} package_source)
+# eof
diff --git a/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea19b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,6796 @@
+2015-06-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.6 released.
+	=======================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-6'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.6.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.5/2.6/, s/255/26/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_MINOR): Set to 6.
+	(FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 0.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 18:0:12.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_MINOR): Set to 0.
+	(VERSION_PATCH): Set to 6.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c [!FT_MAKE_OPTION_SINGLE_OBJECT]: Add
+	declarations for dumping functions.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_New_Context): Pacify compiler.
+	* builds/ Use `'s code to compute the version
+	string.
+	Don't include a zero patch level in version string.
+	* builds/ Remove code for computing the version string.
+2015-06-06  Ashish Azad  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #45260.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_get_kerning): Fix typo.
+2015-06-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix memory leak.
+	Problem reported by Grissiom <>; in
+	there is an example code to trigger the bug.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_init_bytecode): Free old `size'
+	data before allocating again.  Bug most probably introduced four
+	years ago in version 2.4.3.
+2015-06-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[raster] Add more tracing.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (FT_TRACE7) [_STANDALONE_]: Define.
+	(Vertical_Sweep_Span, Vertical_Sweep_Drop, Horizontal_Sweep_Span,
+	Horizontal_Sweep_Drop, Render_Glyph): Add tracing calls.
+2015-06-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] While tracing opcodes, show code position and stack.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Change all existing TRACE7 calls to
+	(opcode_name): Add string lengths.
+	(TT_RunIns): Implement display of code position and stack.
+2015-05-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] In GX, make private point numbers work correctly.
+	This is completely missing in Apple's documentation: If a `gvar'
+	tuple uses private point numbers (this is, deltas are specified for
+	some points only), the uncovered points must be interpolated for
+	this tuple similar to the IUP bytecode instruction.  Examples that
+	need this functionality are glyphs `Oslash' and `Q' in Skia.ttf.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (tt_delta_shift, tt_delta_interpolate,
+	tt_handle_deltas): New functions.
+	(TT_Vary_Get_Glyph_Deltas): Renamed to...
+	(TT_Vary_Apply_Glyph_Deltas): ... this; it directly processes the
+	points and does no longer return an array of deltas.
+	Add tracing information.
+	Call `tt_handle_deltas' to interpolate missing deltas.
+	Also fix a minor memory leak in case of error.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.h: Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph,
+	load_truetype_glyph): Updated.
+2015-05-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] In GX, make intermediate tuplets work at extrema.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_apply_tuple): Fix range condition.
+2015-05-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Add tracing information to GX code.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_load_avar, ft_var_load_gvar,
+	ft_var_apply_tuple, TT_Get_MM_Var, TT_Set_MM_Blend,
+	TT_Set_Var_Design, tt_face_vary_cvt): Do it.
+2015-05-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/apinames.c (names_dump): Fix invalid reference.
+	Problem reported by Guzman Mosqueda, Jose R
+	<>.
+2015-05-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix commit from 2015-05-22.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Guard new code
+	Problem reported by Nikolaus Waxweiler <>.
+2015-05-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix return values of GETINFO bytecode instruction.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContextRec): New fields
+	`vertical_lcd' and `gray_cleartype'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (tt_loader_init): Initialize new fields.
+	Change `symmetrical smoothing' to TRUE, since FreeType produces
+	exactly this.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_GETINFO): Fix selector/return bit
+	values for symmetrical smoothing, namely 11/18.
+	Handle bits for vertical LCD subpixels (8/15) and Gray ClearType
+	(12/19).
+2015-05-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Minor.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContext):
+	 s/subpixel/subpixel_hinting.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttgload.h: Updated.
+2015-05-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Support selector index 3 of the INSTCTRL instruction.
+	This flag activates `native ClearType hinting', disabling backwards
+	compatibility mode as described in Greg Hitchcocks whitepaper.  In
+	other words, it enables unrestricted functionality of all TrueType
+	instructions in ClearType.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (tt_get_metrics): Call `sph_set_tweaks'
+	unconditionally.
+	(tt_loader_init): Unset `ignore_x_mode' flag if bit 2 of
+	`GS.instruct_control' is active.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_INSTCTRL): Handle selector index 3.
+	(Ins_GETINFO): Updated.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Document it.
+2015-05-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Minor.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (SetSuperRound): Fix type of `GridPeriod'
+	argument.
+2015-05-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix loading of composite glyphs.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Composite_Glyph): If the
+	ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES flag is not set, handle argument values as
+	unsigned.  I trust `ttx' (which has exactly such code) that it does
+	the right thing here...
+	The reason that noone has ever noticed this bug is probably the fact
+	that point-aligned subglyphs are rare, as are subglyphs with a
+	number of points in the range [128;255], which is quite large (or
+	even in the range [32768;65535], which is extremely unlikely).
+2015-05-12  Chris Liddell  <>
+	[cff] Make the `*curveto' operators more tolerant.
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c (cf2_interpT2CharString): The opcodes
+	`vvcurveto', `hhcurveto', `vhcurveto', and `hvcurveto' all iterate,
+	pulling values off the stack until the stack is exhausted.
+	Implicitly the stack must be a multiple (or for subtly different
+	behaviour) a multiple plus a specific number of extra values deep.
+	If that's not the case, enforce it (as the old code did).
+2015-05-12  Chris Liddell  <>
+	[cff] fix incremental interface with new cff code.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_getSeacComponent): When using the incremental
+	interface to retrieve glyph data for a SEAC, it be left to the
+	incremental interface callback to apply the encoding to raw
+	character index (as it was in the previous code).
+2015-04-29  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	[autofit] Speed up IUP.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_iup_interp): Separate trivial snapping to
+	the same position from true interpolation, use `scale' to reduce
+	divisions.
+2015-04-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Use `name' table for PS name if we have a SFNT-CFF.
+	This follows the OpenType 1.7 specification.  See
+	for a discussion.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_ps_name): Use the `sfnt' service if we
+	have an SFNT.
+2015-04-27  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	[truetype] Speed up IUP.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (_iup_worker_interpolate): Separate trivial
+	snapping to the same position from true interpolation.
+2015-04-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] By default, enable warping code but switch off warping.
+	Suggested by Behdad.
+	* include/config/ftoption.h: Define AF_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_WARPER.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_init): Initialize `warping'
+	with `false'.
+2015-04-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2015-04-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce `warping' property.
+	This code replaces the debugging hook from the previous commit with
+	a better, more generic solution.
+	* include/ftautoh.h: Document it.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.h (AF_ModuleRec)
+	[AF_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_WARPER]: Add `warping' field.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (_af_debug_disable_warper): Remove.
+	(af_property_set, af_property_get, af_autofitter_init)
+	[AF_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_WARPER]: Handle `warping' option.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_HINTS_DO_WARP): Remove use of the no
+	longer existing `_af_debug_disable_warper'.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_hints_init), src/autofit/aflatin.c
+	(af_latin_hints_init), src/autofit/aflatin2.c (af_latin2_hints_init)
+	scaler flags if warping is off.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Updated.
+2015-04-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add debugging hook to disable warper.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (_af_debug_disable_warper)
+	[FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT]: New global variable.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Updated.
+	(AF_SCALER_FLAG_NO_WARPER): New macro (not actively used yet).
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_HINTS_DO_WARP): New macro.
+	* src/autofi/aflatin.c (af_latin_hints_apply)
+	of warper.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_hints_init, af_cjk_hints_apply)
+	[AF_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_WARPER]: Synchronize with `aflatin.c'.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin2.c (af_latin2_hints_apply)
+	[AF_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_WARPER]: Synchronize with `aflatin.c'.
+2015-04-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Update advance width handling to OpenType 1.7.
+	Problem reported by Behdad.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_advances): Handle SFNT case
+	separately.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): Use advance width and side
+	bearing values from `hmtx' table if present.
+2015-04-03  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Use do-while loop.
+2015-04-02  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_hint_edges): Reduce logic.
+2015-04-01  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	[autofit] Finish the thought.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_direction_compute): make sure the long arm
+	is never negative so that its `FT_ABS' is not necessary.
+2015-04-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Call dumper functions for tracing.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_hints_apply): Remove dead code.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_dump_points): Minor
+	improvement.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_load_glyph): Implement it.
+2015-04-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Make debugging stuff work again.
+	The interface to ftgrid was broken in the series of commits starting
+	with
+	  [autofit] Allocate AF_Loader on the stack instead of AF_Module.
+	from 2015-01-14.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (_af_debug_hints_rec) [FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT]:
+	Use a global AF_GlyphHintsRec object for debugging.
+	(af_autofitter_done, af_autofitter_load_glyph): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_init, af_loader_done): Updated.
+2015-04-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_done): Fix minor thinko.
+2015-03-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #44629.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.h (CF2_MAX_SUBR), src/cff/cffgload.h
+	(CFF_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS): Set to 16.
+2015-03-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type1, truetype] Make the MM API more flexible w.r.t. `num_coords'.
+	This commit allows `num_coords' to be larger or smaller than the
+	number of available axes while selecting a design instance, either
+	ignoring excess data or using defaults if data is missing.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (TT_Set_MM_Blend, TT_Set_Var_Design):
+	Implement it.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_Set_MM_Blend, T1_Set_MM_Design,
+	T1_Set_Var_Design): Ditto.
+2015-03-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type1] Minor.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_Set_MM_Blend, T1_Set_MM_Design): Use
+	(T1_Set_Var_Design): Use T1_MAX_MM_AXIS and FT_THROW.
+2015-03-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Trace charstring nesting levels.
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c (cf2_interpT2CharString) <cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR,
+	cf2_cmdCALLSUBR, cf2_cmdRETURN>: Implement it.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings)
+	<cff_op_callsubr, cff_op_callgsubr, cff_op_return>: Ditto.
+2015-03-21  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	[base] Optimize `FT_Angle_Diff'.
+	Under normal circumstances we are usually close to the desired range
+	of angle values, so that the remainder is not really necessary.
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (FT_Angle_Diff): Use loops instead of remainder.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_ANGLE_DIFF): Ditto in the unused macro.
+2015-03-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Improve `gvar' handling.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_readpackedpoints): Correctly handle
+	single-element runs.  Cf. glyph `Q' in Skia.ttf with weights larger
+	than the default.
+2015-03-20  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (FT_Vector_Rotate): Minor refactoring.
+2015-03-17  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #44412 (part 2).
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (FT_Sin, FT_Cos, FT_Tan): Call `FT_Vector_Unit'.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add support for Arabic script.
+	Thanks to Titus Nemeth <> for guidance!
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Add blue zone data for Arabic.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add Arabic standard characters.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c: Add Arabic data.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: Add Arabic data.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Document it.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Rename `svxf86nm.h' to `svfntfmt.h'; update related symbols.
+	* include/internal/ftserv.h (FT_SERVICE_XFREE86_NAME_H): Renamed
+	to...
+	* include/internal/services/svfntfmt.h (FT_XF86_FORMAT_*): Renamed
+	to ...
+	(FT_FONT_FORMAT_*): This.
+	src/base/ftfntfmt.c, src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c, src/cff/cffdrivr.c,
+	src/cid/cidriver.c, src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c, src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c,
+	src/truetype/ttdriver.c, src/type1/t1driver.c,
+	src/type42/t42drivr.c, src/winfonts/winfnt.c: Updated.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Rename `FT_XFREE86_H' to `FT_FONT_FORMATS_H'.
+	* include/config/ftheader.h: Implement it.
+	* src/base/ftfntfmt.c, docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Rename `FT_Get_X11_Font_Format' to `FT_Get_Font_Format'.
+	* include/ftfntfmt.h, src/base/ftfntfmt.c: Implement it.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix automatic copyright updating.
+	* src/tools/update-copyright: Make scanning of `no-copyright'
+	actually work.
+	* src/tools/no-copyright: Don't include README in general.
+2015-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Rename `ftxf86.[ch]' to `ftfntfmt.[ch]'.
+	CMakeLists.txt, builds/amiga/makefile, builds/amiga/makefile.os4,
+	builds/amiga/smakefile, builds/mac/FreeType.m68k_cfm.make.txt,
+	builds/mac/FreeType.m68k_far.make.txt,
+	builds/mac/FreeType.ppc_carbon.make.txt,
+	builds/mac/FreeType.ppc_classic.make.txt, builds/symbian/bld.inf,
+	builds/symbian/freetype.mmp, builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj.filters,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj, docs/INSTALL.ANY,
+	include/config/ftheader.h, include/ftfntfmt.h, modules.cfg,
+	src/base/ftfntfmt.c, Updated.
+2015-03-10  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #44412 (part 1).
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (ft_stroker_inside): Handle near U-turns.
+2015-03-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Rename `FT_Bitmap_New' to `FT_Bitmap_Init'.
+	* include/ftbitmap.h, src/base/ftbitmap.c: Implement it.
+	Update all callers.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2015-03-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_font_dir): Fix compiler warning.
+	Found by Alexei.
+2015-03-05  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c: Simplify.
+2015-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Some fixes and code refactoring in `ttgxvar.c'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_readpackedpoints): Fix return value
+	of `point_cnt' if two bytes are read.
+	Use a more vertical coding style.
+	(ft_var_readpackeddeltas): Use FT_UInt for `delta_cnt' parameter.
+	Use a more vertical coding style.
+2015-03-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix Savannah bug #44241.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Reject glyphs
+	with less than 3 points.
+2015-03-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Simplify `TYPEOF' macro.
+	No need for two arguments.
+	* include/config/ftconfig.h, builds/unix/,
+	builds/vms/ftconfig.h (TYPEOF): Updated.
+	* include/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_PAD_FLOOR, FT_PIX_FLOOR),
+	src/autofit/afwarp.h (AF_WARPER_FLOOR): Updated.
+2015-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Various compiler warning fixes for `make multi'.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_hints_compute_blue_edges),
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_hint_compute_blue_edges,
+	af_latin_hint_edges), src/autofit/aflatin2.c
+	(af_latin2_hints_compute_blue_edges, af_latin2_hint_edges): Declare
+	as `static'.
+	* src/cache/ftccmap.c (FTC_CMAP_QUERY_HASH, FTC_CMAP_NODE_HASH):
+	Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_LRU_GET_MANAGER): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c: Include `cf2intrp.h'.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (PAIR_TAG): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (NO_DUMMY_DECL): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/psaux/afmparse.c (afm_parser_read_int): Declare as `static'.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (STRONGER, PSH_ZONE_MIN, PSH_ZONE_MAX):
+	Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Render_Glyph): Declare as `static'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttpost.c (load_format_20): Fix signedness warning.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (PAIR_TAG): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c (is_member_of_family_class,
+	is_member_of_style_class): Declare as `static'.
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Parse_Glyph_And_Get_Char_String): Declare
+	as `static'.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (mm_axis_unmap, mm_weights_unmap): Declare as
+	`static'.
+	(T1_FIELD_COUNT): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.h (T1_Done_Table): Removed.  Unused.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (T1_Done_Table): Removed.  Unused.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[psaux] Signedness fixes.
+	* include/internal/psaux.h, src/psaux/afmparse.c,
+	src/psaux/afmparse.h, src/psaux/psconv.c, src/psaux/psobjs.c,
+	src/psaux/t1cmap.c, src/psaux/t1decode.c: Apply.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[otvalid] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/otvalid/otvcommn.c, src/otvalid/otvgdef.c,
+	src/otvalid/otvgpos.c, src/otvalid/otvgsub.c, src/otvalid/otvmath.c:
+	Apply.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bzip2/ftbzip2.c (ft_bzip2_alloc): Signedness fix.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[lzw] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/lzw/ftzopen.c, src/lzw/ftzopen.h: Apply.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[gxvalid] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/gxvalid/gxvbsln.c, src/gxvalid/gxvcommn.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvcommn.h, src/gxvalid/gxvjust.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvkern.c, src/gxvalid/gxvlcar.c, src/gxvalid/gxvmort.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvmort1.c, src/gxvalid/gxvmort2.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvmorx.c, src/gxvalid/gxvmorx1.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvmorx2.c, src/gxvalid/gxvopbd.c,
+	src/gxvalid/gxvprop.c, src/gxvalid/gxvtrak.c: Apply.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cache] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c, src/cache/ftccmap.c, src/cache/ftcimage.c,
+	src/cache/ftcmanag.c, src/cache/ftcsbits.c: Apply.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Change dimension fields in `FTC_ImageTypeRec' to unsigned type.
+	This doesn't break ABI.
+	* include/ftcache.h (FTC_ImageTypeRec): Use unsigned types for
+	`width' and `height'.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Document it.
+2015-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cache] Don't use `labs'.
+	This is the only place in FreeType where this function was used.
+	* include/config/ftstdlib.h (ft_labs): Remove.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c (ftc_inode_weight): Replace `ft_labs' with
+	`FT_ABS'.
+2015-02-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cache] Replace `FT_PtrDist' with `FT_Offset'.
+	* src/cache/ftccache.h (FTC_NodeRec): `FT_Offset' (a.k.a. `size_t')
+	is a better choice for `hash' to hold a pointer than `FT_PtrDist'
+	(a.k.a. `ptrdiff_t'), especially since the latter is signed,
+	causing zillions of signedness warnings.  [Note that `hash' was of
+	type `FT_UInt32' before the change to `FT_PtrDist'.]
+	Update all users.
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c, src/cache/ftccache.c, src/cache/ftccmap.c,
+	src/cache/ftcglyph.c, src/cache/ftcglyph.h: Updated.
+2015-02-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[smooth, raster] Re-enable standalone compilation.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE, FT_MAX)
+	[_STANDALONE_]: Define macros.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE, FT_MAX, FT_ABS,
+	FT_HYPOT) [_STANDALONE_]: Define macros.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[smooth] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c, src/smooth/ftsmooth.c: Apply.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c: Use the file's typedefs everywhere.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttpost.c (load_format_20): Fix error tracing message.
+	Bug introduced 6 commits earlier.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pshinter] Fix thinko.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (psh_glyph_find_strong_points): Correctly
+	check `count'.
+	Bug introduced two commits earlier.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[raster] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c, src/raster/ftrend1.c: Apply.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pshinter] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c, src/pshinter/pshglob.c,
+	src/pshinter/pshrec.c: Apply.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pshinter] Use macros for (unsigned) flags, not enumerations.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.h (PSH_Hint_Flags): Replace with macros.
+	Updated.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.h (PS_Hint_Flags): Replace with macros.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c: Simplify.
+	(ps_hints_open, ps_hints_stem): Remove switch statement.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c, src/sfnt/ttcmap.c,
+	src/sfnt/ttkern.c, src/sfnt/ttload.c, src/sfnt/ttpost.c,
+	src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Apply.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Apply.
+	(sfnt_get_ps_name): Simplify.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[bdf] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/bdf/bdf.h, src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c, src/bdf/bdfdrivr.h,
+	src/bdf/bdflib.c: Apply.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_atous): New function.
+	(_bdf_parse_glyphs, _bdf_parse_start): Use it.
+2015-02-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pcf] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/pcf/pcf.h, src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: Apply.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c: Apply.
+	(pcf_get_encodings): Ignore invalid negative encoding offsets.
+2015-02-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c: Signedness fixes.
+2015-02-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type42] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c, src/type42/t42parse.h,
+	src/type42/t42types.h: Apply.
+2015-02-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pfr] Signedness fixes.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c, src/pfr/pfrgload.c, src/pfr/pfrload.c,
+	src/pfr/pfrload.h, src/pfr/pfrobjs.c, src/pfr/pfrsbit.c,
+	src/pfr/pfrtypes.h: Apply.
+2015-02-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Minor signedness fixes related to last commit.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c, src/cff/cf2intrp.c, src/cff/cffgload.c: Apply.
+2015-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Thinkos in bias handling.
+	Only the final result is always positive.
+	Bug introduced three commits earlier.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c, src/cff/cffgload.h: Apply.
+2015-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cid] Fix signedness issues and emit some better error codes.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c, src/cid/cidload.h, src/cid/cidobjs.c,
+	src/cid/cidparse.h: Apply.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c: Apply.
+	(parse_fd_array): Reject negative values for number of dictionaries.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c: Apply.
+	(cid_parser_new): Reject negative values for hex data length.
+2015-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Signedness fixes for new engine.
+	* src/cff/cf2arrst.c, src/cff/cf2fixed.h, src/cff/cf2ft.c,
+	src/cff/cf2ft.h, src/cff/cf2hints.c, src/cff/cf2intrp.c: Apply.
+2015-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Signedness fixes for basic infrastructure and old engine.
+	* include/internal/pshints.h, src/cff/cffdrivr.c,
+	src/cff/cffgload.c, src/cff/cffgload.h, src/cff/cffload.c,
+	src/cff/cffobjs.c, src/cff/cffparse.c, src/pshinter/pshrec.c: Apply.
+2015-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (TT_Get_MM_Var): Ignore `countSizePairs'.
+	This is hard-coded to value 2 in `fvar' version 1.0 (and no newer
+	version exists), but some fonts set it incorrectly.
+	Problem reported by Adam Twardoch <>.
+2015-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Emit better error code for invalid private dict size.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_private_dict): Reject negative
+	values for size and offset.
+2015-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix signedness issues.
+	* src/autofit/afangles.c, src/autofit/afcjk.c,
+	src/autofit/afglobal.c, src/autofit/afhints.c,
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/aflatin2.c, src/autofit/afwarp.c,
+	src/autofit/hbshim.c: Apply.
+2015-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Use macros for (unsigned) flags, not enumerations.
+	This harmonizes with other code in FreeType (and reduces the number
+	of necessary casts to avoid compiler warnings).
+	* src/autofit/afblue.hin: Make flag macros unsigned.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.h: Replace flag enumeration with macros.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_Flags, AF_Edge_Flags): Replace with
+	macros.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Replace flag enumerations with macros.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/aflatin2.c: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_ScalerFlags): Replace with macros.
+2015-02-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type1] Fix signedness issues.
+	* include/internal/psaux.h, include/internal/t1types.h,
+	src/psaux/psobjs.c, src/psaux/psobjs.h, src/psaux/t1decode.c,
+	src/type1/t1gload.c, src/type1/t1load.c, src/type1/t1parse.c: Apply.
+2015-02-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[psaux, type1] Fix minor AFM issues.
+	* include/internal/t1types.h (AFM_KernPairRec): Make indices
+	unsigned.
+	Update users.
+	(AFM_FontInfoRec): Make element counters unsigned.
+	Update users.
+	* src/psaux/afmparse.h (AFM_ValueRec): Add union member for unsigned
+	int.
+	* src/psaux/afmparse.c (afm_parse_track_kern, afm_parse_kern_pairs):
+	Reject negative values for number of kerning elements.
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c, src/tools/test_afm.c: Updated.
+2015-02-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Don't use `FT_PtrDist' for lengths.
+	Use FT_UInt instead.
+	* include/internal/psaux.h (PS_Table_FuncsRec, PS_TableRec,
+	T1_DecoderRec): Do it.
+	* include/internal/t1types.h (T1_FontRec): Ditto.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_parse_dict): Updated.
+	* src/pfr/pfrload.c (pfr_extra_item_load_font_id): Ditto.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_table_add), src/psaux/psobjs.h: Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_blend_axis_types, parse_encoding,
+	parse_chharstrings, parse_dict): Ditto.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_encoding, t42_parse_charstrings,
+	t42_parse_dict): Ditto.
+2015-02-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_ps_get_font_value): Clean up.
+	This handles negative values better, avoiding many casts.
+2015-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Fix Savannah bug #44284.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix): Typos.
+2015-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Finish compiler warning fixes for signedness issues.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c, src/truetype/ttsubpix.c,
+	src/truetype/ttsubpix.h: Apply.
+2015-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c: Adding missing `static' keywords.
+2015-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More signedness fixes.
+	* include/internal/tttypes.h, src/truetype/ttinterp.h,
+	src/truetype/ttobjs.h, src/truetype/ttinterp.c,
+	src/truetype/ttobjs.c: Apply.
+2015-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Various signedness fixes.
+	* include/internal/ftgloadr.h, src/truetype/ttpload.c: Apply.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c: Apply.
+	(TT_Get_VMetrics): Protect against invalid ascenders and descenders
+	while constructing advance height.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Finish compiler warning fixes for signedness issues.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c, src/base/ftlcdfil.c, src/base/ftstroke.c:
+	Apply.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/tttables.h (TT_OS2): `fsType' must be FT_UShort.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	More minor signedness warning fixes.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c, src/base/ftbitmap.c, src/base/fttrigon.c,
+	src/base/ftutil.c: Apply.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Next round of minor compiler warning fixes.
+	* include/internal/ftrfork.h (FT_RFork_Ref): Change `offset' member
+	type to `FT_Long'.
+	(CONST_FT_RFORK_RULE_ARRAY_BEGIN): Add `static' keyword.
+	* include/internal/ftstream.h (FT_Stream_Pos): Return `FT_ULong'.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c, src/base/ftrfork.c, src/base/ftstream.c:
+	Signedess fixes.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Various minor signedness fixes.
+	* include/ftadvanc.h, include/internal/ftobjs.h,
+	src/base/ftgloadr.c, src/base/ftobjs.c: Apply.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	New `TYPEOF' macro.
+	This helps suppress signedness warnings, avoiding issues with
+	implicit conversion changes.
+	* include/config/ftconfig.h, builds/unix/,
+	builds/vms/ftconfig.h (TYPEOF): Define.
+	* include/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_PAD_FLOOR, FT_PIX_FLOOR),
+	src/autofit/afwarp.h (AF_WARPER_FLOOR): Use it.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftsystem.c: Use casts in standard C function wrappers.
+	(ft_alloc, ft_realloc, ft_ansi_stream_io, FT_Stream_Open): Do it.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #44261.
+	* builds/unix/ (setup) [unix]: Set `CONFIG_SHELL' in the
+	environment also while calling the configure script.
+2015-02-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/internal/ftmemory.h: Add some `FT_Offset' casts.
+	FT_MEM_MOVE): Do it.
+2015-02-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Clean up signedness issues in `ftdbgmem.c'.
+	Also fix other minor issues.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (FT_MemTableRec): Replace all FT_ULong types
+	with FT_Long for consistency.
+	(ft_mem_primes): Change type to `FT_Int'.
+	(ft_mem_closest_prime, ft_mem_table_set): Updated.
+	(ft_mem_debug_panic, ft_mem_debug_alloc, ft_mem_debug_free,
+	ft_mem_debug_realloc): Use `static' keyword and fix signedness
+	warnings where necessary.
+	(ft_mem_table_resize, ft_mem_table_new, ft_mem_table_destroy,
+	ft_mem_table_get_nodep, ft_mem_debug_init, FT_DumpMemory): Fix types
+	and add or remove casts to avoid signedness warnings.
+2015-02-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Clean up signedness in arithmetic functions.
+	This makes the code more readable and reduces compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv, FT_MulDiv_No_Round, FT_MulFix,
+	FT_DivFix): Convert input parameters to unsigned, do the
+	computation, then convert the result back to signed.
+	(ft_corner_orientation): Fix casts.
+2015-02-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #44184.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (check_table_dir, tt_face_load_font_dir): No
+	longer reject `htmx' and `vmtx' tables with invalid length but
+	sanitize them.
+2015-02-06  Jon Anderson  <>
+	[truetype] Fix regression in the incremental glyph loader.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): For incremental
+	fonts, the glyph index may be greater than the number of glyphs
+	indicated, so guard the check with a preprocessor conditional.
+2015-02-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix potential memory leak.
+	While this doesn't show up with FreeType, exactly the same code
+	leaks with ttfautohint's modified auto-hinter code (which gets used
+	in a slightly different way).
+	It certainly doesn't harm since it is similar to already existing
+	checks in the code for embedded arrays.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Set `max_contours'
+	and `max_points' for all cases.
+2015-01-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add support for Thai script.
+	Thanks to Ben Mitchell <> for guidance with blue
+	zone characters!
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Add blue zone data for Thai.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add Thai standard characters.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c: Add Thai data.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: Add Thai data.
+2015-01-23  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[raster] Handle `FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA' correctly.
+	This fixes a breakage caused by the commit `[raster] Remove
+	5-level gray AA mode from monochrome rasterizer.'.
+	Problem reported by Markus Trippelsdorf <>.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_render): Handle
+	* src/raster/ftrend1.c (ft_raster1_render): Remove gray AA mode
+	remnants.
+2015-01-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_New_Library): Fix compiler warning.
+2015-01-18  Chris Liddell  <>
+	[raster] Fix Savannah bug #44022.
+	Add fallback for glyphs with degenerate bounding boxes.
+	If a glyph has only one very narrow feature, the bbox can end up
+	with either the width or height of the bbox being 0, in which case
+	no raster memory is allocated and no attempt is made to render the
+	glyph.  This is less than ideal when the drop-out compensation in
+	the rendering code would actually result in the glyph being
+	rendered.
+	This problem can be observed with the `I' glyph (gid 47) in the
+	Autodesk RomanS TrueType font.
+	* src/raster/ftrend1.c (ft_raster1_render): Add a fallback if either
+	dimension is zero to explicitly round up/down (instead of simply
+	round).
+2015-01-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add some tools to handle yearly copyright notice updates.
+	We are now following the GNU guidelines: A new release automatically
+	means that the copyright year of all affected files gets updated; it
+	is no longer used to track years of modification changes.
+	* src/tools/update-copyright-year: New Perl script.
+	* src/tools/update-copyright: New shell script that calls
+	`update-copyright-year' on all files.
+	* src/tools/no-copyright: Exceptions that should not be handled by
+	`update-copyright'
+2015-01-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated, using a description from Behdad.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_done): Fix compiler warning.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Add embedded array of segments and edges.
+	Avoids multiple mallocs per typical glyphs.
+	With this and recent changes to avoid mallocs, the thread-safe
+	stack-based loader is now as fast as the previous model that had one
+	cached singleton.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_SEGMENTS_EMBEDDED, AF_EDGES_EMBEDDED):
+	New macros.
+	(AF_AxisHintsRec): Add two arrays for segments and edges.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_axis_hints_new_segment): Only allocate
+	data if number of segments exceeds given threshold value.
+	(af_axis_hints_new_edge):  Only allocate data if number of edges
+	exceeds given threshold value.
+	(af_glyph_hints_done): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Add embedded arrays for points and contours.
+	This avoids at least two malloc calls for typical glyphs.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_POINTS_EMBEDDED, AF_CONTOURS_EMBEDDED):
+	New macros.
+	(AF_GlyphHintsRec): Add two arrays for contours and points.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_init, af_glyph_hints_done):
+	Updated.
+	(af_glyph_hints_reload): Only allocate data if number of contours or
+	points exceeds given threshold values.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Allocate hints object on the stack.
+	This avoids one malloc per load.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.h (AF_LoaderRec): Change type of `hints' to
+	`AF_GlyphHints'.
+	Update prototype.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_init): Use `AF_GlyphHints'
+	parameter instead of `FT_Memory'.
+	(af_loader_done): Directly reset `load_hints'.
+	(af_loader_load_g): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_load_glyph): Use local
+	`hints' object.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Reuse slot glyph loader.
+	No need to create a new glyph loader; we can reuse the one from
+	`slot->internal->loader'.  It's hard to tell why it was written that
+	way originally, but new code looks sound and correct to me, and
+	avoids lots of allocations.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_init): Change return type to
+	`void'.
+	Don't call `FT_GlyphLoader_New'.
+	(af_loader_reset): Don't call `FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind'.
+	(af_loader_load_g): Update code to use `internal->loader', which
+	doesn't need copying of data.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.h (AF_LoaderRec): Remove `gloader' member.
+	Update prototype.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_load_glyph): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Remove (unused) support for composite glyphs.
+	We never have to deal with composite glyphs in the autohinter, as
+	those will be loaded into FORMAT_OUTLINE by the recursed
+	`FT_Load_Glyph' function.
+	In the rare cases that FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE is set, it will imply
+	FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE as per `FT_Load_Glyph', which then implies
+	  /* resolve load flags dependencies */
+	  if ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE )
+	    load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE         |
+	                  FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM;
+	  if ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE )
+	  {
+	    load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING |
+	                  FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP;
+	    load_flags &= ~FT_LOAD_RENDER;
+	  }
+	and as such the auto-hinter is never called.  Thus, the recursion in
+	`af_loader_load_g' never actually happens.  So remove the depth
+	counter as well.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g): Remove `depth'
+	parameter.
+	<FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE>: Remove associated code.
+	(af_loader_load_glyph): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[raster] Fix uninitialized memory access.
+	Apparently `ras.cProfile' might be uninitialized.  This will be the
+	case if ` == ras.cProfile->offset', as can be seen in
+	`End_Profile'.  The overshoot code introduced in a change `Fix B/W
+	rasterization of subglyphs with different drop-out modes.' (from
+	2009-06-18) violated this, accessing `ras.cProfile->flags'
+	unconditionally just before calling `End_Profile' (which then
+	detected that `cProfile' is uninitialized and didn't touch it).
+	This was harmless, and was not detected by valgrind before because
+	the objects were allocated on the `raster_pool', which was always
+	initialized.  With recent change to allocate raster buffers on the
+	stack, valgrind now reported this invalid access.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Convert_Glyph): Don't access an
+	uninitialized `cProfile'.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[smooth] Fix uninitialized memory access.
+	Looks like `ras.span_y' could always be used without initialization.
+	This was never detected by valgrind before because the library-wide
+	`raster_pool' was used for the worker object and `raster_pool' was
+	originally zero'ed.  But subsequent reuses of it were using `span_y'
+	uninitialized.  With the recent change to not use `render_pool' and
+	allocate worker and buffer on the stack, valgrind now detects this
+	uninitialized access.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_raster_render): Initialize
+	`ras.span_y'.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[base] Don't initialize unused `driver->glyph_loader'.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Destroy_Driver): Don't call
+	`FT_GlyphLoader_Done'.
+	(FT_Add_Module): Don't call `FT_GlyphLoader_New'.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[base] Don't allocate `library->raster_pool' anymore.
+	It's unused after the following commits:
+	  [raster] Allocate render pool for mono rasterizer on the stack.
+	  [raster] Remove 5-level gray AA mode from monochrome rasterizer.
+	The value of FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE still serves the purpose it used to
+	serve, which is, to adjust the pool size.  But the pool is now
+	allocated on the stack on demand.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_New_Library, FT_Done_Library): Implement.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[base] Do not reorder library->renderers upon use.
+	Instead of keeping `library->renderers' in a MRU order, just leave
+	it as-is.  The MRU machinery wasn't thread-safe.
+	With this patch, rasterizing glyphs from different faces from
+	different threads doesn't fail choosing rasterizer
+	(FT_Err_Cannot_Render_Glyph).
+	Easiest to see that crash was to add a `printf' (or otherwise let
+	thread yield in FT_Throw with debugging enabled).
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Render_Glyph_Internal), src/base/ftoutln.c
+	(FT_Outline_Render): Don't call `FT_Set_Renderer'.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[raster] Allocate render pool for mono rasterizer on the stack.
+	Instead of using the `render_pool' member of `FT_Library' that is
+	provided down to the rasterizer, completely ignore that and allocate
+	needed objects on the stack instead.
+	With this patch, rasterizing glyphs from different faces from
+	different threads doesn't crash in the monochrome rasterizer.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (black_TRaster): Remove `buffer',
+	`buffer_size', and `worker' members.
+	(ft_black_render): Create `buffer' locally.
+	(ft_black_reset): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[raster] Remove 5-level gray AA mode from monochrome rasterizer.
+	It was off by default and couldn't be turned on at runtime.  And the
+	smooth rasterizer superceded it over ten years ago.  No point in
+	keeping.  Comments suggested that it was there for compatibility
+	with FreeType 1.
+	550 lines down.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (FT_RASTER_OPTION_ANTI_ALIASING,
+	RASTER_GRAY_LINES): Remove macros and all associated code.
+	(black_TWorker): Remove `gray_min_x' and `gray_max_x'.
+	(black_TRaster): Remove `grays' and `gray_width'.
+	(Vertical_Sweep_Init, Vertical_Sweep_Span, Vertical_Sweep_Drop,
+	ft_black_render): Updated.
+	* src/raster/ftrend1.c (ft_raster1_render): Simplify code.
+	(ft_raster5_renderer_class): Removed.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[smooth] Allocate render pool for smooth rasterizer on the stack.
+	Instead of using the `render_pool' member of `FT_Library' that is
+	provided down to the rasterizer, completely ignore that and allocate
+	needed objects on the stack instead.
+	With this patch, rasterizing glyphs from different faces from
+	different threads doesn't crash in the smooth rasterizer.
+	Bugs:
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_TRaster): Remove `buffer',
+	`buffer_size', `band_size', and `worker' members.
+	(gray_raster_render): Create `buffer', `buffer_size', and
+	`band_size' locally.
+	(gray_raster_reset): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[truetype] Allocate TT_ExecContext in TT_Size instead of TT_Driver.
+	Previously the code had stipulation for using a per-TT_Size exec
+	context if `size->debug' was true.  But there was no way that
+	`size->debug' could *ever* be true.  As such, the code was always
+	using the singleton `TT_ExecContext' that was stored in `TT_Driver'.
+	This was, clearly, not threadsafe.
+	With this patch, loading glyphs from different faces from different
+	threads doesn't crash in the bytecode loader code.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h (TT_SizeRec): Remove `debug' member.
+	(TT_DriverRec): Remove `context' member.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_run_fpgm, tt_size_run_prep): Remove
+	`TT_ExecContext' code related to a global `TT_Driver' object.
+	(tt_driver_done): Don't remove `TT_ExecContext' object here but ...
+	(tt_size_done_bytecode): ... here.
+	(tt_driver_init): Don't create `TT_ExecContext' object here but ...
+	(tt_size_init_bytecode): ... here, only on demand.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_Run_Context): Remove defunct debug
+	code.
+	(TT_New_Context): Remove `TT_ExecContext' code related to a global
+	`TT_Driver' object.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h: Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Hint_Glyph, tt_loader_init): Updated.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[autofit] Allocate AF_Loader on the stack instead of AF_Module.
+	Stop sharing a global `AF_Loader'.  Allocate one on the stack during
+	glyph load.
+	Right now this results in about 25% slowdown, to be fixed in a
+	following commit.
+	With this patch loading glyphs from different faces from different
+	threads doesn't immediately crash in the autohinting loader code.
+	Bugs:
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_init): Pass
+	`AF_Loader' and `FT_Memory' instead of `AF_Module' as arguments.
+	(af_loader_reset, af_loader_load_glyph): Also pass `loader' as
+	argument.
+	(af_loader_done): Use `AF_Loader' instead of `AF_Module' as
+	argument.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_autofitter_init): Don't call
+	`af_loader_init'.
+	(af_autofitter_done): Don't call `af_loader_done'.
+	(af_autofitter_load_glyph): Use a local `AF_Loader' object.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.h: Include `afmodule.h'.
+	Update prototypes.
+	Move typedef for `AF_Module' to...
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.h: ... this place.
+	No longer include `afloader.h'.
+2015-01-14  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	* src/type42/t42objs.h (T42_DriverRec): Remove unused member.
+2015-01-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43976.
+	Assure that FreeType's internal include directories are found before
+	`CPPFLAGS' (which might be set by the user in the environment), and
+	`CPPFLAGS' before `CFLAGS'.
+	* builds/ (FT_CFLAGS): Don't add `INCLUDE_FLAGS'.
+	(FT_COMPILE): Make this a special variable for compiling only the
+	files handled in `'.
+	(.c.$O): Removed, unused.
+	* src/*/ (*_COMPILE): Fix order of include directories.
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Prettyfing.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (project, dualproj, fast_project,
+	fast_dualproj): Rename to...
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_JROT, Ins_JROF): Simplify.
+	Based on a patch from Behdad.
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_SxVTL): Simplify function call.
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Normalize): Remove unused argument.
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (FT_UNUSED_EXEC): Remove macro by
+	expansion.
+2015-01-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (INS_ARG): Remove macro by expansion,
+	adjusting funtion calls where necessary.
+	(FT_UNUSED_ARG): Removed, no longer needed.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	Based on a patch from Behdad.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (DO_*): Expand macros into corresponding
+	`Ins_*' functions.
+	(TT_RunIns): Replace `DO_*' macros with `Ins_*' function calls.
+	(ARRAY_BOUND_ERROR): Remove second definition, which is no longer
+	needed.
+	(Ins_SVTCA, Ins_SPVTCA, Ins_SFVTCA): Replaced with...
+	(Ins_SxyTCA): New function.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Behdad suggested this code simplification, and nobody objected...
+	* include/config/ftoption.h, devel/ftoption.h
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_INTERPRETER_SWITCH]:
+	Remove related code.
+	(ARRAY_BOUND_ERROR): Use do-while loop.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c, src/truetype/ttinterp.h (EXEC_ARG_,
+	EXEC_ARG): Remove by replacing with expansion.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	Based on a patch from Behdad.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (SKIP_Code, GET_ShortIns, NORMalize,
+	SET_SuperRound, ROUND_None, INS_Goto_CodeRange, CUR_Func_move,
+	CUR_Func_move_orig, CUR_Func_round, CUR_Func_cur_ppem,
+	CUR_Func_read_cvt, CUR_Func_write_cvt, CUR_Func_move_cvt,
+	COMPUTE_Point_Displacement, MOVE_Zp2_Point): Remove by replacing
+	with expansion.
+	(Cur_Func_project, CUR_Func_dualproj, CUR_fast_project,
+	CUR_fast_dualproj): Replace with macros `project', `dualproj',
+	`fast_project', `fast_dualproj'.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] More macro expansions.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (EXEC_OP_, EXEC_OP): Remove by replacing
+	with expansion.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Remove code for static TrueType interpreter.
+	This is a follow-up patch.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c, src/truetype/ttinterp.h
+	TT_CONFIG_OPTION_STATIC_RASTER]: Remove macros and related code.
+2015-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (CUR): Remove by replacing with expansion.
+	This starts a series of patches that simplifies the code of the
+	bytecode interpreter.
+2014-12-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.5 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-5'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.5.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.4/2.5.5/, s/254/255/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 5.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 17:4:11.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_PATCH): Set to 5.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* builds/ (dist): Fix typos.
+2014-12-24  Alexei Podtelezhnikov <>
+	[base] Formatting and nanooptimizations.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c,
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c: Revise sign restoration.
+2014-12-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC): Improve fix from 2014-12-08.
+2014-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (dist): Use older POSIX standard for `tar'.
+	Apparently, BSD tar isn't capable yet of handling POSIX-1.2001
+	(contrary to GNU tar), so force the POSIX-1.1988 format.
+	Problem reported by Stephen Fisher <sfisher@SDF.ORG>.
+2014-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_sfnts): Reject invalid TTF size.
+2014-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Glyph_Name): Fix off-by-one check.
+	Problem reported by Dennis Felsing <>.
+2014-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_sfnts): Check `string_size'.
+	Problem reported by Dennis Felsing <>.
+2014-12-09  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[gxvalid] Fix a naming convention conflicting with ftvalid.
+	See previous changeset for otvalid.
+	* src/gxvalid/{gxvcommn.h, gxvmort.h, gxvmorx.h}: Replace
+	`valid' by `gxvalid'.
+	* src/gxvalid/{gxvbsln.c, gxvcommn.c, gxvfeat.c, gxvjust.c,
+	gxvkern.c, gxvlcar.c, gxvmort.c, gxvmort0.c, gxvmort1.c,
+	gxvmort2.c, gxvmort4.c, gxvmort5.c, gxvmorx.c, gxvmorx0.c,
+	gxvmorx1.c, gxvmorx2.c, gxvmorx4.c, gxvmorx5.c, gxvopbd.c,
+	gxvprop.c, gxvtrak.c}: Replace `valid' by `gxvalid' if
+	it is typed as GXV_Validator.
+2014-12-09  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[otvalid] Fix a naming convention conflicting with ftvalid.
+	Some prototypes in ftvalid.h use `valid' for the variables
+	typed as FT_Validator.  Their implementations in src/base/
+	ftobjs.c and utilizations in src/sfnt/ttcmap.c do similar.
+	Some macros in otvcommn.h assume the exist of the variable
+	`valid' typed as OTV_Validator in the caller.
+	Mixing these two conventions cause invalid pointer conversion
+	and unexpected SEGV in longjmp.  To prevent it, all variables
+	typed as OTV_Validator are renamed to `otvalid'.
+	* src/otvalid/otvcommn.h: Replace `valid' by `otvalid'.
+	* src/otvalid/{otvcommn.c, otvbase.c, otvgdef.c, otvgpos.c,
+	otvgsub.c, otvjstf.c, otvmath.c}: Replace `valid' by `otvalid'
+	if it is typed as OTV_Validator.
+2014-12-09  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[ftvalid] Introduce FT_THROW() in FT_INVALID_XXX macros.
+	Original patch is designed by Werner Lemberg.  Extra part
+	for otvalid and gxvalid are added by suzuki toshiya, see
+	discussion:
+	* include/internal/ftvalid.h: Introduce FT_THROW() in FT_INVALID_().
+	* src/gxvalid/gxvcommn.h: Ditto.
+	* src/otvalid/otvcommn.h: Ditto.
+2014-12-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pcf] Fix Savannah bug #43774.
+	Work around `features' of X11's `pcfWriteFont' and `pcfReadFont'
+	functions.  Since the PCF format doesn't have an official
+	specification, we have to exactly follow these functions' behaviour.
+	The problem was unveiled with a patch from 2014-11-06, fixing issue
+	#43547.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC): Don't check table size for last
+	element.  Instead, assign real size.
+2014-12-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Work around a bug in Borland's C++ compiler.
+	See
+	for Borland's bug tracker entry.
+	Reported by Yuliana Zigangirova <>,
+	* include/internal/ftvalid.h (FT_ValidatorRec), src/smooth/ftgrays.c
+	(gray_TWorker_): Move `ft_jmp_buf' field to be the first element.
+2014-12-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: Decorate hex constants with `U' and `L' where appropriate.
+2014-12-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Prevent memory leak for buggy fonts.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_done): Unconditionally call
+	`tt_size_done_bytecode'.
+2014-12-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.4 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-4'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.4.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.3/2.5.4/, s/253/254/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 4.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 17:3:11.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_PATCH): Set to 4.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2014-12-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	docs/CHANGES: Updated, formatted.
+2014-12-04  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Modify an FT_ASSERT.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_hintmap_map): After the fix for Savannah
+	bug #43661, the test font `...aspartam.otf' still triggers an
+	FT_ASSERT.  Since hintmap still works with count==0, ...
+	(cf2_glyphpath_lineTo, cf2_glyphpath_curveTo): ... add that term to
+	suppress the assert.
+2014-12-04  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #43661.
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c (cf2_interpT2CharString) <cf2_cmdHSTEM,
+	cf2_cmdVSTEM, cf2_cmdHINTMASK>: Don't append to stem arrays after
+	hintmask is constructed.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_hintmap_build): Add defensive code to
+	avoid reading past end of hintmask.
+2014-12-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2014-12-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Better fix for conversion specifiers in debug messages.
+	Using `%ld' for pointer differences causes warnings on 32bit
+	platforms.  The correct type would be (the relatively new) `%td',
+	however, this is missing on some important platforms.
+	This patch improves the change from 2014-11-28.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (AF_INDEX_NUM): Use `int' typecast.  Our
+	pointer differences are always sufficiently small.
+	(af_glyph_hints_dump_points, af_glyph_hints_dump_segments,
+	af_glyph_hints_dump_edge): Revert to `%d' and use `AF_INDEX_NUM'.
+2014-12-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	FT_Sfnt_Tag: s/ft_sfnt_xxx/FT_SFNT_XXX/ for orthogonality.
+	All public FreeType enumeration and flag values are uppercase...
+	* include/tttables.h (FT_Sfnt_Tag): Implement it.  For backwards
+	compatilibity, retain the old values as macros.
+	* src/base/ftfstype.c (FT_Get_FSType_Flags), src/sfnt/sfdriver.c
+	(get_sfnt_table): Updated.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/*: Improve structure of documentation.
+	. Add and update many `<Order>' tags.
+	. Apply various documentation fixes.
+	. Remove details to deprecated (or never implemented) data.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Always handle `<Order>' section elements.
+	Previously, those elements were handled only for sections present in
+	a `<Sections>' chapter element.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (ContentProcessor::finish):
+	Implement it.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Properly handle empty rows in Synopsis.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::section_enter): Emit
+	`&nbsp;' for empty fields.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Thinko.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (DocBlock::get_markup_words_all):
+	Emit `/empty/' string for first element also.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Honour empty lines in `<Order>' section element.
+	This greatly improves the readability of the `Synopsis' links.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (DocBlock::get_markup_words_all):
+	Insert string `/empty/' between items.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (Formatter::section_dump): Make it
+	robust against nonexistent keys.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::section_enter): Emit
+	empty <td> elements for `/empty/'.
+2014-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Ensure Python 3 compatibility.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (ContentProcessor::set_section,
+	ContentProcessor::finish): Replace `has_key' function with `in'
+	keyword.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (Formatter::__init__): Replace
+	sorting function with a key generator.
+	(Formatter::add_identifier): Replace `has_key' function with `in'
+	keyword.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::html_source_quote):
+	Replace `has_key' function with `in' keyword.
+	(HtmlFormatter::index_exit, HtmlFormatter::section_enter): Use
+	integer division.
+	s/<>/>/.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Import `itertools'.
+	(index_sort): Replaced by...
+	(index_key): ... this new key generator (doing exactly the same).
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Don't output a block multiple times.
+	This bug was hidden by not processing all lines of `<Order>' blocks.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (Formatter::section_dump): Filter
+	out field names.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Use field values as HTML link targets where possible.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::make_block_url):
+	Accept second, optional argument to specify a name.
+	(HtmlFormatter::html_source_quote): Link to field ID if possible.
+	(HtmlFormatter::print_html_field_list): Emit `id' attribute.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Allow empty lines in `<Order>' blocks.
+	Before this patch, the suggested order of entries stopped at the
+	first empty line.
+	Obviously, nobody noticed that this problem caused a much reduced
+	set of links in the `Synopsis' sections; in particular, the
+	`<Order>' blocks contain a lot of entries that wouldn't be listed
+	otherwise...
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (DocBlock::get_markup_words_all):
+	New function to iterate over all items.
+	(DocSection::process): Use it.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (column) [Format 2]: Fix regexp.
+	After the single asterisk there must be no other immediately following
+	asterisk.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Improve CSS for vertical spacing.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Improve HTML code for table of contents.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Introduce a new table class `toc',
+	together with proper CSS.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Provide higher-level markup and simplify HTML.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Instead of using extraneous `<div>'
+	elements, use CSS descendants (of class `section') to format the
+	data.
+	Also remove reduntant <p> and <br> elements, replacing them with
+	proper CSS.
+	Globally reduce page width to 75%.
+	(block_header): Rename <div> class to `section'.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Add `top' links after blocks.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (block_footer_middle): Implement it.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Improve CSS for fields.
+	Make fields align horizontally relative to full line width.
+2014-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Fix index and TOC templates.
+	This thinko was introduced 2014-11-27.
+2014-11-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Format field lists with CSS.
+	This also simplifies the inserted HTML code.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/
+	(HtmlFormatter::print_html_field_list): Do it.
+2014-11-28  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix compiler warning to the comparison between signed and
+	unsigned variable.
+	* src/pfr/pfrsbit.c (pfr_slot_load_bitmap): Fix the comparison
+	between `ypos + ysize' and FT_INT_{MAX,MIN}.
+2014-11-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Replace empty `<td>' with CSS.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::section_enter): Do
+	it.
+2014-11-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Replace some `<table>' tags with `<h4>' and `<div>'.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (marker_*): Use `<h4>'.
+	(source_*): Use `<div>'.
+	(HtmlFormatter::block_enter): s/<h4>/<h3>/.
+2014-11-28  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix compiler warning to conversion specifiers in debug messages.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_dump_points): Add length
+	modifier to dump long integers.
+	(af_glyph_hints_dump_segments, af_glyph_hints_dump_edges): Ditto.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Use more CSS for index.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Replace `name' attribute of `<a>' with `id'.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::block_enter): Do it.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Remove remaining `width' attributes.
+	For `Index' and `TOC' links, we now simply use the `text-align' CSS
+	property of `<td>' to enforce flush-left and flush-right,
+	eliminating the hack with an empty, full-width `<td>' element
+	inbetween.
+	The change also enforces the same (smaller) size for all index and
+	TOC links.
+2014-11-27  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c: Include `ftcalc.h' to use FT_MSB(),
+	cf2font.c could not find it under `make multi' build.
+2014-11-27  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Remove
+	unrequired negative value check for `width' and `height'.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ More HTML table refactoring.
+	Replace some `<table>' tags with `<div>' to simplify structure.
+	Move `bgcolor' attribute to CSS.
+	Replace most `width' attributes with CSS.  The remaining instances
+	(providing a similar effect as LaTeX's `\hfill' command) are removed
+	in a later patch.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Replace <font> with CSS.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Center <table> with CSS.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Replace `<center>' with `<div>'.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Remove redundant `<center>' tags.
+	This starts a series of commits into the direction of generating
+	valid HTML 5 code, especially using much more CSS.
+2014-11-27  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Prevent too negative values (< FT_INT_MIN) in bitmap metrics,
+	suggested by Alexei.
+	* src/pfr/pfrsbit.c (pfr_slot_load_bitmap): Prevent too
+	negative values in `xpos' and `ypos + ysize'.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Prevent
+	too negative values in `x_left' and `y_top'.  Either negative
+	values in `width' and `height' are checked.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Produce better HTML code.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ Always use double quotes for
+	attribute values.
+	(source_footer): Close `td' and `tr' groups.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Use better way to disable creation of .pyc files for `make refdoc'.
+	Python 2.6 was released in 2008...
+	* builds/ (refdoc): Use python's `-B' option.
+	* builds/ (std_setup, dos_setup): Mention required python
+	version for `refdoc' target.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (re_bold, re_italic): Use
+	non-grouping parentheses.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (HtmlFormatter::make_html_word):
+	Updated.
+2014-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Glyph_Name): Fix compiler warning.
+	Introdruced in previous change.  Reported by Alexei.
+2014-11-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/*: Add checks for parameters of API functions where missing.
+	`API functions' are functions tagged with `FT_EXPORT_DEF'.
+	Besides trivial fixes, the following changes are included, too.
+	* src/base/ftbdf.c (FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID, FT_Get_BDF_Property): Set
+	error code if no service is available.
+	* src/base/ftinit.c (FT_Done_FreeType): Change return value for
+	invalid `library' parameter to `Invalid_Library_Handle'.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_New_Size): Change return value for invalid
+	`asize' parameter to `Invalid_Argument'.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Copy): Change return value for
+	invalid `source' and `target' parameters to `Invalid_Outline'.
+	(FT_Outline_Done_Internal): Change return value for invalid
+	`outline' parameter to `Invalid_Outline'.
+2014-11-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c: Use single calls to `FT_TRACE'.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/base/ftobj.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Additional
+	overflow check in the summation of POST fragment lengths,
+	suggested by Mateusz Jurczyk <>.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Insert comments
+	and fold too long tracing messages.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43540.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (parse_fond): Prevent a buffer overrun
+	caused by a font including too many (> 63) strings to store
+	names[] table.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Use unsigned long
+	variables to read the lengths in POST fragments.  Suggested by
+	Mateusz Jurczyk <>.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43539.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Fix integer overflow
+	by a broken POST table in resource-fork.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43538.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Fix integer overflow
+	by a broken POST table in resource-fork.
+2014-11-26  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Avoid memory leak
+	by a broken POST table in resource-fork.  Return after freeing
+	the buffered POST table when it is found to be broken.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: s/Invalid_Argument/Invalid_Size_Handle/ where appropriate.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: s/Invalid_Argument/Invalid_Stream_Handle/ where appropriate.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: s/Invalid_Argument/Invalid_Library_Handle/ where appropriate.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: s/Invalid_Argument/Invalid_Outline/ where appropriate.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/*: s/Invalid_Argument/Invalid_Face_Handle/ where appropriate.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[Savannah bug #43682] Adjust some renderer callbacks.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_set_mode): Change return type to
+	`int' to stay in sync with `FT_Renderer_SetModeFunc' prototype.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_raster_set_mode): New dummy function
+	for orthogonality.
+	(ft_grays_raster): Use it.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[Savannah bug #43682] Properly handle missing return errors.
+	The functions in this patch *do* return non-trivial errors that must
+	be taken care of.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g), src/base/ftobjs.c
+	(FT_Render_Glyph_Internal), src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Render),
+	src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings) <cff_op_endchar>,
+	src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field_table), src/psaux/t1decode
+	(t1_decoder_parse_charstrings) <op_endchar>, src/truetype/ttgload.c
+	(load_truetype_glyph <subglyph loop>, tt_loader_init,
+	TT_Load_Glyph), src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (TT_Set_MM_Blend),
+	src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_run_fpgm, tt_size_run_prep): Do it.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[Savannah bug #43682] Add/remove `void' casts to some functions.
+	We use a cast to indicate that we intentionally ignore a function's
+	return value.  However, this doesn't apply to API functions where
+	errors can only happen for trivially invalid input.
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_Glyph_Stroke, FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder),
+	src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden), src/cff/cffgload.c
+	(cff_slot_load), src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_get_kerning),
+	src/type1/t1load.c (parse_encoding), src/type42/t42parse.c
+	(t42_parse_encoding): Do it.
+2014-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[Savannah bug #43682] Change some signatures to `void' return type.
+	* include/internal/pshints.h (PSH_Globals_SetScaleFunc),
+	include/internal/sfnt.h (TT_Get_Metrics_Func),
+	src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_set_scale),
+	src/pshinter/pshrec.c (ps_hints_init), src/sfnt/ttmtx.c
+	(tt_face_get_metrics), src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_Goto_CodeRange,
+	TT_Set_CodeRange, TT_Clear_CodeRange, TT_Done_Context,
+	TT_Save_Context): Do it.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.h, src/pshinter/pshrec.h, src/sfnt/ttmtx.h,
+	src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Hint_Glyph), src/truetype/ttinterp.c
+	(TT_Run_Context), src/truetype/ttinterp.h, src/truetype/ttobjs.c
+	(tt_size_run_fpgm, tt_size_run_prep): Updated.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Remove all code related to FT_MAX_CHARMAP_CACHEABLE.
+	This is no longer used.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c, src/cache/ftccmap.c, src/cff/cffobjs.c,
+	src/sfnt/ttcmap.c: Do it.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43680.
+	This adds an additional constraint to make the fix from 2013-01-25
+	really work.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_image) <index_format==4>:
+	Check `p' before `num_glyphs'.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix Savannah bug #43679.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_load_hdmx): Check minimum size of
+	`record_size'.
+2014-11-24  Jarkko Pöyry  <>
+	[cff, pfr, psaux, winfonts] Fix Savannah bug #43676.
+	Don't cast cmap init function pointers to an incompatible type.
+	Without this patch, the number of parameters between declaration and
+	the real signature differs.  Calling such a function results in
+	undefined behavior.
+	  ISO/IEC 9899:TC3 (Committee Draft September 7, 2007)
+ Function calls
+	      9 If the function is defined with a type that is not
+	        compatible with the type (of the expression) pointed to by
+	        the expression that denotes the called function, the
+	        behavior is undefined.
+	On certain platforms (c -> js with emscripten) this causes
+	termination of execution or invalid calls because in the emscripten
+	implementation, function pointers of different types are stored in
+	different pointer arrays.  Incorrect pointer type here results in
+	indexing of an incorrect array.
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c (cff_cmap_encoding_init, cff_cmap_unicode_init),
+	src/pfr/pfrcmap.c (pfr_cmap_init), src/psaux/t1cmap.c
+	t1_cmap_standard_init, t1_cmap_expert_init, t1_cmap_custom_init,
+	t1_cmap_unicode_init), src/winfonts/winfnt.c (fnt_cmap_init): Fix
+	signature.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43672.
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c (tt_face_load_kern): Use correct value for
+	minimum table length test.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type1, type42] Another fix for Savannah bug #43655.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_charstrings), src/type42/t42parse.c
+	(t42_parse_charstrings): Add another boundary testing.
+2014-11-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Formatting, copyright, improved documentation.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/*: No code changes besides trivial
+	modifications.
+2014-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[bdf] Fix Savannah bug #43660.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_parse_glyphs) <"ENDFONT">: Check
+2014-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type42] Allow only embedded TrueType fonts.
+	This is a follow-up to Savannah bug #43659.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Exclusively use the
+	`truetype' font driver for loading the font contained in the `sfnts'
+	array.
+2014-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type42] Fix Savannah bug #43659.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Open_Face): Initialize `face->ttf_size'.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_sfnts): Always set
+	`face->ttf_size' directly.  This ensures a correct stream size in
+	the call to `FT_Open_Face', which follows after parsing, even for
+	buggy input data.
+	Fix error messages.
+2014-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #43658.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_builder_lineTo, cf2_builder_cubeTo): Handle
+	return values of point allocation routines.
+2014-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43656.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap4_validate): Fix order of validity
+	tests.
+2014-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[type1, type42] Fix Savannah bug #43655.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_charstrings), src/type42/t42parse.c
+	(t42_parse_charstrings): Fix boundary testing.
+2014-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_get_metrics): Sanitize invalid metrics.
+2014-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[ftlcdfil] Obey flow direction.
+	* src/base/ftlcdfil.c (_ft_lcd_filter_fir, _ft_lcd_filter_legacy):
+	Handle `up' flow.
+2014-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Convert): Improve.
+	This commit completes argument checks and adds support for different
+	flow directions.
+2014-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Copy): Improve.
+	This commit adds argument checks and support for different flow
+	directions.
+2014-11-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_New): Check argument.
+2014-11-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Change some fields in `FT_Bitmap' to unsigned type.
+	This doesn't break ABI.
+	* include/ftimage.h (FT_Bitmap): Make `rows', `width', `num_grays',
+	`pixel_mode', and `palette_mode' unsigned types.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c: Updated.
+	(FT_Bitmap_Copy): Fix casts.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c, src/raster/ftraster.c, src/sfnt/pngshim.c:
+	Updated.
+2014-11-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make `FT_Bitmap_Convert' correctly handle negative `pitch' values.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Convert): Always use positive value
+	for the pitch while copying data.
+	Correctly set pitch sign in target bitmap.
+2014-11-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Minor code improvement in `FT_Bitmap_Embolden'.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Embolden) <FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY[24]>:
+	Fix thinko.
+2014-11-19  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c: Use dedicated `FT_Angle' for arctan table.
+2014-11-19  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Avoid compiler warnings on x86-64 for `FT_MulFix'.
+	`FT_MulFix' takes `FT_Long' parameters as defined in `freetype.h',
+	but several inline implementations of it in `ftcalc.h' take
+	`FT_Int32' arguments.  This is causing compiler warnings on x86-64:
+	If parameters of type `FT_Fixed' (= `FT_Long') are passed to the
+	inline implementation of this function, integer values are truncated
+	from 64bit to 32bit.
+	* include/internal/ftcalc.h (FT_MulFix) [FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER]: Add
+	casts.
+2014-11-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43597.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c (Load_SBit_Png): Protect against too large
+	bitmaps.
+2014-11-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43591.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_init): Protect against addition
+	and multiplication overflow.
+2014-11-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43590.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (check_table_dir, tt_face_load_font_dir):
+	Protect against addition overflow.
+2014-11-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43589.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (woff_open_font): Protect against addition
+	overflow.
+2014-11-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43588.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap8_validate, tt_cmap10_validate,
+	tt_cmap12_validate, tt_cmap13_validate, tt_cmap14_validate): Protect
+	against overflow in additions and multiplications.
+2014-11-10  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] CORDIC improvements.
+	The scaling between the hypotenuse and its CORDIC approximation is
+	based on regression analysis. The smaller padding for `theta' is
+	justifed by its maximum error of less than 6.
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (ft_trig_downscale): Borrow code from
+	./ftcalc.c (ft_multo64), change linear intercept.
+	(ft_trig_pseudo_polarize): Decrease `theta' padding.
+2014-11-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (ft_stroker_inside): Fix border intersections.
+	One more place to check whether `radius' is zero.
+	Problem reported by Marco Wertz <>.
+2014-11-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[bdf] Fix Savannah bug #43535.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_strncmp): New macro that checks one
+	character more than `strncmp'.
+	s/ft_strncmp/_bdf_strncmp/ everywhere.
+2014-11-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pcf] Fix Savannah bug #43548.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_get_encodings): Add sanity checks for row
+	and column values.
+2014-11-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[pcf] Fix Savannah bug #43547.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC): Check `size' and `offset'
+	values.
+2014-11-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC): Avoid memory leak.
+2014-11-03  Infinality  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c (COMPATIBILITY_MODE_Rules): Updated.
+	The previous commit deteriorates rendering of DejaVu and similar
+	fonts; this gets compensated with this rule.
+2014-11-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_DELTAP): Fix subpixel hinting.
+	Before this patch, it was impossible to ever call DELTAP[123] in
+	subpixel hinting mode as described in the ClearType whitepaper; it
+	only worked if in `compatibility mode'.  However, compatibility mode
+	essentially disables SHPIX, completely ruining hinting of
+	ttfautohint output, for example.
+	We now follow the whitepaper more closely so that DELTAP[123]
+	instructions for touched points in the non-subpixel direction are
+	executed.
+2014-10-31  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[smooth] Improve code readability.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Rearrange code.
+2014-10-31  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[smooth] Reduce outline translations during rendering.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Translate origin
+	virtually by modifying cbox, actually translate outline if cumulative
+	shift is not zero.
+2014-10-30  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[smooth] Fix Savannah bug #35604 (cont'd).
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Remove checks and
+	casts that became unnecessary after the variable type upgrades.
+2014-10-29  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[smooth] Improve code readability.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Rearrange code.
+2014-10-29  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Unify hypotenuse approximations.
+	* include/internal/ftcalc.h (FT_HYPOT): Move macro from here...
+	* include/internal/ftobjs.h: ... to here, next to required `FT_ABS'.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_render_cubic): Use it here.
+2014-10-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Test valid darkening parameter macros in `ftoption.h'.
+	We no longer need an otherwise unused typedef that can cause a gcc
+	warning.
+	Problem reported by Alexei.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_driver_init): Use
+	Compile time tests are now ...
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/config/ftoption.h: ... here.
+2014-10-25  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Improve flat corner definition.
+	* include/internal/ftcalc.h (FT_HYPOT): Macro to approximate Euclidean
+	distance with the alpha max plus beta min algorithm.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (ft_corner_is_flat): Use it instead of Taxicab
+	metric.
+2014-10-23  David Weiß  <>
+	[build] Improve property file for vc2010.
+	User-defined properties should be empty by default to prevent linker
+	failures.
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.user.props,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj:
+	s/OptionsDirectory/UserOptionDirectory/.
+	Comment out all user options.
+2014-10-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Work around bug in preprocessor of MSVC 2010.
+	We have been hit by
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/config/ftoption.h: Replace
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (SET_DARKENING_PARAMETERS): Removed.  We no
+	longer need double expansion.
+	(SET_DARKENING_PARAMETERS_0): Renamed to ...
+	Update call.
+2014-10-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sbit] Minor fixes.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_sbit) [TT_SBIT_TABLE_TYPE_SBIX]:
+	Accept overlay format also, but emit warning message in that case.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_metrics): Add missing newline to error
+	message.
+	(tt_sbit_load_sbix_image): Add `rgbl' graphic type (as used on iOS
+	7.1) to the list of unsupported formats.
+2014-10-19  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[truetype] Clean up bytecode rounding.
+	Zero distance does not have to be treated specially if you follow
+	specifications and check the sign as the very last step of rounding.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Round_None, Round_To_Grid,
+	Round_Down_To_Grid, Round_Up_To_Grid, Round_To_Double_Grid): Use
+	macros when available, do not check for non-zero distance.
+	(Round_To_Half_Grid, Round_Super, Round_Super_45): Ditto, return phase
+	if sign changed.
+2014-10-18  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[truetype] Unwrap engine compensation settings.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_init_bytecode): Updated.
+2014-10-18  David Weiß  <>
+	[build] Add property file to vc2010 project.
+	This simplifies custom build configurations, especially for
+	automated build environments.
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.user.props: New configuration file.
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj: Include
+	`freetype.user.props' and use its data fields.
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/index.html: Updated.
+2014-10-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add blue-zone support for Telugu.
+	This essentially moves the Telugu script from the `Indic' hinter to
+	the `Latin' hinter.
+	Note that this is a first shot and quite certainly needs
+	refinements.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Add blue zone data for Telugu.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add Telugu standard characters and move
+	data out of AF_CONFIG_OPTION_INDIC block.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c: Move Telugu data out of
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: Update Telugu data; in particular, use
+2014-10-18  David Wimsey  <>
+	[cmake] Add iOS build support.
+	From Savannah patch #8497.
+	* builds/cmake/iOS.cmake: New file.  Universal binaries are built
+	with both 32 and 64 bit arm architectures.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (IOS_PLATFORM): New variable for running the iOS
+	toolchain.  Possible values are `OS' to build on iOS, or
+	`SIMULATOR' to build on APPLE.
+2014-10-16  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	    Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/config/ftoption.h
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (SET_DARKENING_PARAMETERS,
+	(cff_driver_init): Use new macros.
+2014-10-14  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[truetype] Limit delta shift range.
+	The valid range for delta shift is zero through six.  Negative values
+	are invalid according to
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h (delta_shift, delta_base): Make unsigned.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (DO_SDS): Throw an error if `delta_shift'
+	is out of range.
+	(Ins_DELTAP, Ins_DELTAC): Optimize for valid `delta_shift'.
+2014-10-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	A better fix for Savannah bug #43392.
+	Suggested by Doug Felt <>.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_metrics): Set
+	`vertAdvance' to zero...
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph): ... and set here a default
+	value for `vertAdvance' based on `linearVertAdvance' in case
+	`vertAdvance' is zero.  Note that the previous computed ad-hoc value
+	for `linearVertAdvance' was apparently not tested in a real-life
+	situation.
+2014-10-14  David Weiß  <>
+	[build] Better optimization settings for vc2010 solution file.
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.sln,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj: Updated.
+2014-10-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Adjust Devenagari character range.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c (af_deva_uniranges): Omit characters that
+	are common to all other Indic scripts.
+2014-10-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #43392.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_metrics): Don't let
+	vertical metrics uninitialized.
+2014-10-11  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Small bbox correction.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (FT_Outline_Get_BBox): Start from nonsense bbox
+	instead of initial point that could be `off' in conic outlines.
+2014-10-08  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Fix Savannah bug #43356.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Move_To, BBox_Conic_To): Update bbox in case
+	of implicit `to'.
+	(BBox_Line_To): New emitter that does not update bbox.
+2014-10-08  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Introduce and use new macro `FT_UPDATE_BBOX'
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (FT_UPDATE_BBOX): New macro.
+	(FT_Outline_Get_BBox): Use it here.
+2014-10-02  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Significant optimization of `ft_div64by32'
+	We shift as many bits as we can into the high register, perform
+	32-bit division with modulo there, then work through the remaining
+	bits with long division. This optimization is especially noticeable
+	for smaller dividends that barely use the high register.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (ft_div64by32): Updated.
+2014-10-02  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #43271.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_computeDarkening): Change overflow
+	detection to use logarithms and clamp `scaledStem'.
+2014-10-01  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c: Remove miscellaneous type casts.
+2014-10-01  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Use more common `FT_MSB' implementation with masks.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MSB): Updated.
+2014-09-30  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Clean up.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MOVE_SIGN): New macro for frequently used
+	code.
+2014-09-25  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Avoid unnecessary long division.
+	This applies to `FT_MulDiv' but not to `FT_DivFix', where overflows or
+	lack thereof are predicted accurately.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (ft_div64by32): Improve readability.
+	(FT_MulDiv, FT_MulDiv_No_Round) [!FT_LONG64]: Use straight division
+	when multiplication stayed within 32 bits.
+2014-09-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Minor clean-ups.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (AF_FLAGS): Remove obsolete values.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_dump_points,
+	af_glyph_hints_align_strong_points): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_hints_link_segments,
+	af_latin_hints_compute_segments), src/autofit/afcjk.c
+	(af_cjk_hints_link_segments), src/autofit/aflatin2.c
+	(af_latin2_hints_link_segments, af_latin2_hints_compute_segments):
+	There are no longer fake segments since more than 10 years...
+2014-09-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Minor code streamlining.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_axis_hints_new_edge): Remove redundant
+	initialization.
+2014-09-19  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c: Harmonize code.
+2014-09-15  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Tighten the overflow check in `FT_MulDiv'.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv) [!FT_LONG64]: Updated.
+2014-09-08  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43153.
+	* src/psaux/psconv.c (PS_Conv_ToFixed): Add protection against
+	overflow in `divider'.
+2014-09-03  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Tighten the overflow check in `FT_DivFix'.
+	This fixes a 13-year old bug. The original overflow check should have
+	been updated when rounding was introduced into this function
+	(c2cd00443b).
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_DivFix) [!FT_LONG64]: Updated.
+	* include/freetype.h (FT_DivFix): Updated documentation.
+2014-09-03  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Tighten the overflow check in `FT_MulFix'.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix) [!FT_LONG64]: Updated.
+2014-09-02  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[truetype] Shortcut ppem calculations for square pixels.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContextRec): New field
+	`cur_ppem_func' with a function pointer.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_RunIns): Initialize `cur_ppem_func'
+	depending on the pixel geometry to either...
+	(Current_Ppem_Stretched): ... this for stretched pixels.
+	(Current_Ppem): ... or this for square pixels.
+	(DO_MPPEM, DO_MPS, Ins_DELTAP, Ins_DELTAC): Use `cur_ppem_func'.
+2014-08-31  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Don't use `register' keyword.  Fixes compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_Add64) [!FT_LONG64]: Do it.
+	* src/gzip/inftrees.c (huft_build): Ditto.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_arm): Ditto.
+2014-08-24  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[truetype] Optimize DELTAP and DELTAC.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_DELTAP, Ins_DELTAC): Move ppem
+	calculations outside of the loop.
+2014-08-21  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #43033.
+	* include/config/ftconfig.h, builds/unix/,
+	builds/vms/ftconfig.h [FT_LONG64]: Do not disable the macro when
+	64-bit type is `long'.
+2014-08-20  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Small optimization of `FT_MulFix'.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix): Loosen up the condition for direct
+	32-bit calculations.
+2014-08-19  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Use unsigned calculation in `FT_MulDiv'.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv): Updated to expand 32-bit range.
+2014-08-18  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Remove truncation in `FT_DivFix'.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_DivFix): Updated.
+2014-08-14  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Minor refactoring.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv, FT_MulDiv_No_Round): Updated.
+2014-08-14  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Turn FT_MSB into a macro when using gcc builtins.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c, include/internal/ftcalc.h: Updated.
+2014-08-12  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Avoid undefined FT_MSB in `BBox_Cubic_Check'.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Cubic_Check): Update.
+	(update_cubic_max): Repalce with...
+	(cubic_peak): ... this, which now handles upscaling.
+2014-08-11  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Handle collapsed outlines to avoid undefined FT_MSB.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Get_Orientation): Update.
+2014-08-11  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Restore FT_MulFix inlining.
+	* include/freetype.h (FT_MulFix): Unconditionally defined.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c [FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER]: Move code from here...
+	* include/internal/ftcalc.h [FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER]: ... to here,
+	which conditionally replaces the function with an inline version
+	through the macro.
+2014-08-08  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): Refactor.
+2014-07-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Fix typo.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_glyphpath_computeOffset): Use correct
+	offsets in third quadrant.
+	Reported by maks <>.
+2014-07-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #42788.
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c: Include `ftcalc.h'.
+2014-07-16  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	Replace `ft_highpow2' function.
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_face_get_kerning): Use `FT_MSB' instead of
+	`ft_highpow2'.
+	* src/base/ftutil.c, include/internal/ftobjs.h (ft_highpow2): Remove
+	it.
+2014-07-15  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MSB): Utilize gcc builtins.
+2014-07-15  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Move assembler code back in the source file.
+	FT_MulFix assembler used to reside in ftcalc.c before f47d263f1b.
+	* include/config/ftconfig.h, builds/unix/,
+	builds/vms/ftconfig.h [FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER]: Move code from here...
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c [FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER]: ... to here.
+2014-07-14  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Further clean up color bitmap conversion.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): Stop
+	using FT_MulFix and FT_DivFix since all calculations fit into 32 bits.
+2014-07-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Improve handling of buggy `prep' tables.
+	In case of an error in the `prep' table, no longer try to execute it
+	again and again.  This makes FreeType handle endless loops in buggy
+	fonts much faster.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h (TT_SizeRec): The fields `bytecode_ready'
+	and `cvt_ready' are now negative if not initialized yet, otherwise
+	they indicate the error code of the last run.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_size_run_fpgm, tt_size_run_prep,
+	tt_size_done_bytecode, tt_size_init_bytecode,
+	tt_size_ready_bytecode, tt_size_init, tt_size_done, tt_size_reset):
+	Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (tt_loader_init): Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_RunIns): Force reexecution of `fpgm'
+	and `prep' only if we are in the `glyf' table.
+2014-07-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/vms/ftconfig.h: Synchronize.
+	Problem reported by Alexei.
+2014-07-11  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Clean up bitmap conversion.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): Use
+	appropriate FT_DivFix and remove superfluous upscaling.
+2014-07-04  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Small optimization of the ancient code.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv, FT_MulDiv_No_Round): Loosen up the
+	condition for direct 32-bit calculations.
+2014-06-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Apple standard glyph names.
+	* src/sfnt/ttpost.c (tt_post_default_names): Synchronize with
+	`tools/'
+	Problem reported by Adam Twardoch <>.
+2014-06-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Partially revert commit from 2014-06-13.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Move
+	declaration of `p_first' and `p_last' out of the loop.
+2014-06-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.m4: s/AC_PATH_PROG/AC_PATH_TOOL/.
+	This simplifies cross-compiling.
+2014-06-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix more compiler warnings.
+	Reported by Wojciech Mamrak <>.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage):
+	Make integer constant unsigned.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_strike_metrics)
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound, tt_face_load_sbix_image): Add proper
+	casts.
+2014-06-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix compiler warnings.
+	Reported by Wojciech Mamrak <>.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage),
+	src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_property_set): Fix `signed' vs.
+	`unsigned' issues.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Make compiler
+	happy.
+	* src/base/ftlcdfil.c (_ft_lcd_filter_fir): Use only four elements
+	for `fir'.
+	Fix `signed' vs. `unsigned' issues.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (WRITE_BYTE): Removed, unused.
+	(WRITE_USHORT, WRITE_ULONG): Add proper casts.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Get_VMetrics): Add proper casts.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_DELTAP): Add proper casts for `B1'
+	and `B2'.
+2014-05-16  Alexey Petruchik  <>
+	[cmake] Add option to build OS X framework.
+	* CMakeLists.txt: Update accordingly.
+	* builds/mac/freetype-Info.plist: New file.
+2014-05-13  Pavel Koshevoy  <>
+	* CMakeLists.txt (BASE_SRCS): Add missing `ftbdf.c'.
+2014-05-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix variable initializations.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Assign default
+	values to `in_dir' and `out_dir' for all points.
+2014-05-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix crash with font `CabinSketch-Bold.ttf'.
+	Problem reported by Ralf S. Engelschall <>.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Fix threshold for
+	finding first non-near point.
+	Properly initialize non-near point deltas.
+2014-05-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add blue-zone support for Devanagari.
+	This essentially moves the Devanagari script from the `Indic' hinter
+	to the `Latin' hinter.  Thanks to Girish Dalvi
+	<> for guidance with blue zone characters!
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Add blue zone data for Devanagari.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add Devanagari standard characters and
+	move data out of AF_CONFIG_OPTION_INDIC block.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c: Move Devanagari data out of
+	Move U+20B9, (new) Rupee sign, from Latin to Devanagari.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: Update Devanagari data; in particular, use
+2014-05-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix handling of neutral blue zones in stems.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_Edge_Flags): New value
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_hints_compute_blue_edges): Trace
+	neutral blue zones with AF_EDGE_NEUTRAL.
+	(af_latin_hint_edges): Skip neutral blue zones if necessary.
+2014-04-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce neutral blue zones to the latin module.
+	Such blue zones match either the top or the bottom of a contour.  We
+	need them for scripts where accent-like elements directly touch the
+	base character (for example, some vowel signs in Devanagari, cf.
+	U+0913 or U+0914).
+	* src/autofit/afblue.hin (AF_BLUE_PROPERTY_LATIN_NEUTRAL): New
+	property.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h (AF_LATIN_IS_NEUTRAL_BLUE): New macro.
+	(AF_LATIN_BLUE_NEUTRAL): New enumeration value.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues,
+	af_latin_hints_compute_blue_edges): Handle neutral blue zones.
+2014-04-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c: Partially revert commit from 2014-04-17.
+	Using input glyph coverage data is simply wrong.
+	Problem reported by Nikolaus Waxweiler <> and
+	Mantas MikulÄ—nas <>.
+2014-04-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Vertical_Sweep_Span): Use drop-out mode.
+	This spot has been missed while introducing support for various
+	drop-out modes years ago (including no drop-out mode, which this
+	commit fixes).
+	Problem reported by Patrick Thomas <>.
+2014-04-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c (error_callback): s/longjmp/ft_longjmp/.
+2014-04-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix Savannah bug #42148.
+	The adaptation of the cjk auto-hinter module to blue stringsets in
+	2013-08-25 had three severe bugs.  Mea culpa.
+	1. Contrary to the latin auto-hinter, characters for reference and
+	   overshoot values of a blue zone are specified separately.  Due to
+	   the screwed-up change it didn't work at all.
+	2. A boolean comparison was erroneously replaced with a cast,
+	   causing invalid results with the `^' operator later on.  The
+	   visual artifact caused by this problem is the topic of the bug
+	   report.
+	3. Two flag values were inverted, causing incorrect assignment of
+	   reference and overshoot values.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Fix CJK bluestrings, introducing a new
+	syntax to have both reference and overshoot characters in a single
+	string.  This is error #1.
+	Add extensive comments.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.hin (AF_BLUE_PROPERTY_CJK_FILL): Removed, no
+	longer used.
+	This is error #3.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_blues): Correct error #1.
+	Use character `|' to separate characters for reference and overshoot
+	values.
+	Improve tracing messages, synchronizing them with the latin
+	auto-hinter.
+	(af_cjk_hints_compute_blue_edges): Fix value of `is_top_right_blue'.
+	This is error #2.
+	(af_cjk_align_linked_edge): Add tracing message.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.h (AF_CJK_IS_FILLED_BLUE): Removed, no longer
+	used.
+2014-04-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] More coverage fixes for complex scripts.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Merge input glyph coverage
+	of GSUB lookups into output coverage.  Otherwise, ligatures are not
+	handled properly.
+	Don't check blue zone characters for default coverage.
+2014-04-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make `FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info' actually work.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info): Return FT_Err_Ok
+	if there is no error.
+2014-04-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[]: Minor improvements.
+	* src/tools/ Allow whitespace before comments.
+	Ignore whitespace in strings.
+2014-04-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve coverage handling.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Don't exclude glyphs
+	appearing in the GPOS table if we are processing the default
+	coverage.
+2014-04-13  David Weber <>
+	[smooth] Fix stand-alone compilation.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (FT_BEGIN_STMNT, FT_END_STMNT): Define.
+2014-04-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Redesign the recognition algorithm of strong points.
+	In particular, local extrema without horizontal or vertical segments
+	are better recognized:
+	  + A                + D
+	   \                /
+	    \              /
+	     \            /
+	      \          /
+	       \        + C
+	        \    /
+	       B +/
+	If the distances AB and CD are large, point B wasn't previously
+	detected as an extremum since the `ft_corner_is_flat' function
+	`swallowed' BC regardless of its direction, tagging point B as weak.
+	The next iteration started at B and made `ft_corner_is_flat' swallow
+	point C, tagging it as weak also, et voilà.
+	To improve that, another pass gets now performed before calling
+	`ft_corner_is_flat' to improve the `topology' of an outline: A
+	sequence of non-horizontal or non-vertical vectors that point into
+	the same quadrant are handled as a single, large vector.
+	Additionally, distances of near points are now accumulated, which
+	makes the auto-hinter handle them as if they were prepended to the
+	next non-near vector.
+	This generally improves the auto-hinter's rendering results.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Implement it.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_FLAGS): Remove no longer used flag
+2014-04-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve scoring algorithm for identifying stems.
+	Problem reported by Karsten Lücke <>.
+	The new algorithm takes care of the width of stems: If the distance
+	between two segments is larger than the largest stem width, the
+	demerits quickly increase for larger distances.  This improves
+	hinting of slanted fonts (especially if the inner parts of serifs
+	have non-horizontal `shoulders'), avoiding false stem links.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_hints_link_segments): Use largest
+	stem width (if available) to compute better demerits for distances
+	between stems.
+	(af_latin_hints_detect_features): Pass stem width array and array
+	size.
+	(af_latin_metrics_init_widths): Updated to use original algorithm.
+	(af_latin_hints_apply): Updated to use new algorithm.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c: Updated.
+2014-04-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Don't require `gzip' module for `sfnt'.
+	Reported by Preet <>.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (woff_open_font): Guard use of
+	FT_Gzip_Uncompress with FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_ZLIB.
+2014-03-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #38235.
+	Work around a bug in pkg-config version 0.28 and earlier: If a
+	variable value gets surrounded by doublequotes (in particular values
+	for the `prefix' variable), the prefix override mechanism fails.
+	* builds/unix/ Don't use doublequotes.
+	* builds/unix/ (freetype.pc): Escape spaces in directory
+	names with backslashes.
+2014-03-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41946.
+	Based on a patch from Marek Kašík <>.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (LIBS_CONFIG): Remove.
+	* builds/unix/ (libs): Hard-code value.
+	* builds/unix/ Updated.
+2014-03-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Another revert for the change from 2014-03-18.
+	Problem reported by Nikolaus Waxweiler <>.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix): Ensure that an `FT_MulFix' symbol
+	gets always exported.
+2014-03-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	CMakeLists.txt: Another fix for include directories.
+	Problem reported by Taylor Holberton <>.
+2014-03-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	CMakeLists.txt: Fix include directories.
+	Problem reported by Taylor Holberton <>.
+2014-03-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Partially revert last commit.
+	Found by Alexei.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Initializing
+	those variables is plain wrong, since we are in a loop.
+2014-03-18  Sean McBride  <>
+	    Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix clang warnings.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Initialize
+	some variables.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix): Only use code if
+	`FT_MULFIX_INLINED' is not defined.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_cmap_class), src/cache/ftcbasic.c
+	(ftc_basic_image_family_class, ftc_basic_image_cache_class,
+	ftc_basic_sbit_family_class, ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class),
+	src/cache/ftccmap.c (ftc_cmap_cache_class), src/cache/ftcmanag.c
+	(ftc_size_list_class, ftc_face_list_class), src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c
+	(pcf_cmap_class), src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_metrics_service_rec): Make
+	function static.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_ps_get_font_value): Remove redundant
+	code.
+2014-03-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41869.
+	This works around a problem with HarfBuzz (<= 0.9.26), which doesn't
+	validate glyph indices returned by
+	`hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs'.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Guard `idx'.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2014-03-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Don't show error messages of `which'.
+2014-03-09  Alan Coopersmith  <>
+	Fix cppcheck 1.64 warning.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_new): Catch NULL pointer
+	dereference in case of error.
+2014-03-09  Sean McBride  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_face_build_cmaps): Remove clang warning.
+2014-03-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.3 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-3'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.3.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.2/2.5.3/, s/252/253/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 3.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 17:2:11.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_PATCH): Set to 3.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2014-03-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fixes for compilation with C++.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (scripts): Change type to `hb_script_t'.
+	(af_get_coverage): Updated.
+	(COVERAGE): Add cast.
+2014-03-06  Sean McBride  <>
+	Remove more clang analyzer warnings.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_readstream), src/truetype/ttgload.c
+	(TT_Load_Glyph): Remove dead stores.
+2014-03-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Simplify.
+2014-03-05  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Fix a bug in configure in library dependency setting
+	Reported in
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Use `x"${xxx}" != xno' style.
+2014-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Minor fix for `make devel'.
+	* builds/ (INCLUDE_FLAGS) [DEVEL_DIR]: Don't use
+	pkg-config for bzip2 since not all GNU/Linux distributions have
+	`bzip2.pc' (and the header file `bzlib.h' is located in /usr/include
+	normally).
+2014-03-04  Sean McBride  <>
+	Fix several clang static analyzer dead store warnings.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload,
+	af_glyph_hints_align_weak_points): Remove unnecessary assignments.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (bdf_font_load): Ditto.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (psh_glyph_compute_extrema,
+	psh_glyph_interpolate_other_points): Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_Set_MM_Blend): Ditto.
+2014-03-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Rewrite library option handling in `configure'.
+	o Introduce `auto' value for `--with-XXX' library options; this is
+	  now the default.
+	o First use `pkg-config' for library detection, then fall back to
+	  other tests.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (--with-zlib, --with-bzip2, --with-png,
+	--with-harfbuzz): Rewrite.
+	Use new `xxx_reqpriv', `xxx_libpriv', and `xxx_libstaticconf'
+	variables to collect data for `freetype2.pc' and `freetype-config'.
+	(FT2_EXTRA_LIBS): Renamed to ...
+	(ft2_extra_libs): This since it gets no longer substituted.
+	New output variables, replacing `XXX_PKG' and `LIBXXX'.
+	Add notice at the end of `configure' showing the library
+	configuration.
+	* builds/unix/ (--static): New command line
+	option.
+	(libs): Updated.
+	(staticlibs): New variable, to be used if `--static' is given.
+	* docs/freetype-config.1: Document `--static'.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/ Updated.
+2014-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Avoid `long long' warnings with older gcc compilers.
+	Problem reported by Hin-Tak Leung <>.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Don't use gcc's `-pedantic' flag for
+	versions < 4.6.  This is especially needed for Max OS X since this
+	OS runs a gcc variant (or emulation) based on version 4.2.1.
+2014-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/INSTALL.CROSS: Revised and updated.
+2014-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make `make clean' remove `freetype2.pc'.
+	This is a generated file at build time, not configure time.
+	* builds/unix/ (DISTCLEAN): Move `freetype2.pc' to ...
+	(CLEAN): This variable.
+2014-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Use pkg-config for detecting libpng and libbz2 also.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (HAVE_PKG): New variable.
+	Search for libbz2 using `pkg-config'; s/BZ2/BZIP2/.
+	Search for libpng using `pkg-config'.
+	Fix definition of `LIBHARFBUZZ' variable.
+	* builds/unix/ ($libs): Updated.
+	* builds/unix/ Add `URL' field.
+	Update `Requires.private' and `Libs.private'.
+	* builds/unix/ Updated.
+2014-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add configure support for HarfBuzz.
+	* builds/unix/pkg.m4: New file.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Search for libharfbuzz using
+	`pkg-config'.
+	Add `--without-harfbuzz' option.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/,
+	builds/unix/ (freetype-config, freetype2.pc): Handle
+	HarfBuzz.
+	* docs/INSTALL.UNIX: Document interdependency of Freetype with
+	HarfBuzz.
+2014-02-28  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[cff] Math simplifications.
+	* src/cf2blues.c (cf2_blues_init): Use `FT_MulDiv'.
+	* src/cf2ft.c (cf2_getScaleAndHintFlag): Use simple division.
+2014-02-28  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #41697, part 2.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_initLocalRegionBuffer,
+	cf2_initGlobalRegionBuffer): It is possible for a charstring to call
+	a subroutine if no subroutines exist.  This is an error but should
+	not trigger an assert.  Split the assert to account for this.
+2014-02-28  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #41697, part 1.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_hintmap_build): Return when `hintMask' is
+	invalid.  In this case, it is not safe to use the length of
+	`hStemHintArray'; the exception has already been recorded in
+	`hintMask'.
+2014-02-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix Savannah bug #41696.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap0_validate, tt_cmap2_validate,
+	tt_cmap4_validate, tt_cmap14_validate): Fix limit tests.
+2014-02-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[winfnt] Fix Savannah bug #41694.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Check glyph offset.
+2014-02-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #41693.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Load_FD_Select): Reject empty array.
+2014-02-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[bdf] Fix Savannah bug #41692.
+	bdflib puts data from the input stream into a buffer in chunks of
+	1024 bytes.  The data itself gets then parsed line by line, simply
+	increasing the current pointer into the buffer; if the search for
+	the final newline character exceeds the buffer size, more data gets
+	read.
+	However, in case the current line's end is very near to the buffer
+	end, and the keyword to compare with is longer than the current
+	line's length, an out-of-bounds read might happen since `memcmp'
+	doesn't stop properly at the string end.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c: s/ft_memcmp/ft_strncmp/ to make comparisons
+	stop at string ends.
+2014-02-17  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[autofit] Fix `make multi' compilation.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c: Include `afglobal.h' and `aftypes.h'.
+2014-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	    Simon Bünzli  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #32902.
+	Patch taken from
+	with slight modifications.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Add heuristic test to
+	handle fonts that incorrectly use \r at the beginning of an eexec
+	block.
+2014-02-19  Simon Bünzli  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41590.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_encoding): Protect against invalid
+	number.
+2014-02-12  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Optimize by using `FT_MulDiv'.
+	Suggested by Alexei.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_computeDarkening): Do it.
+2014-02-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41465.
+	* builds/unix/ (CLEAN): Add `freetype-config'.
+	(DISTCLEAN): Remove `freetype-config'.
+2014-02-08  Sean McBride  <>
+	Fix clang static analyzer and compiler warnings.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_align_weak_points),
+	src/autofit/afloader (af_loader_load_g) <FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE>,
+	src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MSB), src/base/ftoutln.c
+	(FT_Outline_Decompose), src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_interpret_style),
+	src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_integer), src/cid/cidparse.c
+	(cid_parser_new), src/pfr/pfrload.c (pfr_phy_font_load),
+	src/raster/ftraster.c (Decompose_Curve), src/sfnt/sfdriver.c
+	(sfnt_get_ps_name), src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap12_next,
+	tt_cmap13_next), src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_hline): Remove dead
+	code.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_property_get_face_globals,
+	af_property_set, af_property_get), src/base/ftbitmap.c
+	(ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): Make functions static.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (ft_remove_renderer): Protect against
+	library == NULL.
+	(ft_property_do): Make function static.
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c: Include `ftbase.h'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_sbix_image)
+	[!FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG], src/type1/t1gload.c
+	(T1_Compute_Max_Advance): Avoid compiler warning.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_New_Context): Reduce scope of
+	variable.
+2014-02-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Windows build directories.
+	The build target is now `windows' instead of `win32'.
+	Problem reported by Nickolas George <>.
+	* builds/ Don't use `win32' and `win16' (!) but
+	`windows'.
+	* builds/windows/, builds/windows/
+	s/win32/windows/.
+2014-02-08  Eugen Sawin  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41507.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap)
+	[!FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG] <17, 17, 19>: Fix error handling.
+2014-02-08  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix minor performance bug.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_font_setup): Darkening amount and blue zone
+	calculations are now cached and not recomputed on each glyph.
+2014-02-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix problems with perl 5.8.8 as distributed with current MinGW.
+	* src/tools/ Work-around for Perl bug #63402.
+	(string_re): Avoid `possessive quantifiers', which have been
+	introduced in Perl version 5.10.
+2014-02-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix compilation with MinGW.
+	Right now, compilation out of the box with latest MinGW is broken
+	due to bugs in header files of mingwrt 4.0.3 in strict ANSI mode,
+	cf.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Don't set `-ansi' flag for MinGW.
+2014-02-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Minor fix.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths),
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths): Fix handling
+	of alternative standard characters.
+	This also fixes a compilation warning in non-debug mode.
+2014-02-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Fix Savannah bug #41363.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_checkTransform): Convert assertion into
+	parameter check.
+	(cf2_decoder_parse_charstrings): Call `cf2_checkTransform' only if
+	we are scaling the outline.
+	(cf2_getPpemY): Remove problematic assertion.
+2014-01-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce two more slots for standard characters.
+	This is useful for OpenType features like `c2sc' (caps to small
+	caps) that don't have lowercase letters by definition, or other
+	features that mainly operate on numerals.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add more standard characters.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Update use of `SCRIPT' macro.
+	(AF_ScriptClassRec): Add members to hold two more standard
+	characters.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c, src/autofit/afglobal.h,
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c, src/autofit/afranges.h, src/autofit/hbshim.c:
+	Update use of `SCRIPT' macro.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths),
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths): Scan two more
+	standard characters.
+2014-01-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41320.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues)
+	<AF_LATIN_IS_LONG_BLUE>: Avoid negative index of `last'.
+2014-01-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41310.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap) <glyph_format==5>:
+	Don't check metrics, which this format doesn't have.
+	This is another correction to the commit from 2013-11-21.
+2014-01-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41309.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (t1_parse_font_matrix): Properly handle result
+	of `T1_ToFixedArray'.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_parse_font_matrix): Synchronize with
+	`t1_parse_font_matrix'.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_font_matrix): Synchronize with
+	`t1_parse_font_matrix'.
+	(t42_parse_encoding): Synchronize with `t1_parse_encoding'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field) <T1_FIELD_TYPE_BBOX>,
+	<T1_FIELD_TYPE_MMOX>: Properly handle result of `ps_tofixedarray'.
+2014-01-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Fix memory leaks.
+2014-01-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve tracing of style coverages.
+	* include/internal/fttrace.h: Add `afglobal' for tracing style
+	coverages.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H.
+	(FT_COMPONENT): Define.
+	(af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage): Trace `gstyles' array
+	data.
+2014-01-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #41158.
+	* builds/unix/ (install): Create man page directory.
+2014-01-08  Chongyu Zhu  <>
+	[arm] Fix Savannah bug #41138, part 2.
+	* builds/unix/ (FT_MulFix_arm), include/config/ftconfig.h
+	(FT_MulFix_arm), src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_arm): Fix
+	preprocessor conditionals for `add.w'.
+2014-01-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix Savannah bug #41138, part 1.
+	* src/tools/ <Handling #endif>: Produce correct auxiliary
+	enumeration names for generated `#else'.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+2014-01-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add manual page for `freetype-config'.
+	Contributed by Nis Martensen <>.
+	* docs/freetype-config.1: New file.
+	* builds/unix/ (mandir): Define.
+	* builds/unix/ (install, uninstall): Handle manpage.
+2014-01-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Minor fixes for `'.
+	* src/tools/ (aux_name): Don't use `reverse'.
+	<Handling #endif>: Use proper indentation for generated `#else'.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+2014-01-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix Indic scripts.
+	Split the single, incorrect Indic entry into separate scripts so
+	that the covered ranges are the same: Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati,
+	Gurmukhi, Kannada, Limbu, Malayalam, Oriya, Sinhala, Sundanese,
+	Syloti Nagri, Tamil, Telugu, and Tibetan.  At the same time, remove
+	entries for Meetai Mayak and Sharada – the Unicode ranges were
+	incorrect (and nobody has complained about that), fonts are scarce
+	for those scripts, and the Indic auto-hinter support is rudimentary
+	anyways.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Updated, using AF_CONFIG_OPTION_INDIC and
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h (STYLE_DEFAULT_INDIC): New auxiliary macro.
+	Use it, together with AF_CONFIG_OPTION_INDIC and
+	AF_CONFIG_OPTION_CJK, to update.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c [AF_CONFIG_OPTION_INDIC]: Updated.
+	Sort entries by tags.
+2014-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Thinko.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_char_index): Similar to
+	`af_get_coverage', reject glyphs which are not substituted.
+2014-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix handling of default coverages.
+	With this commit, the implementation of coverage handling is
+	completed.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Exit early if nothing to
+	do.
+	Reject coverages which don't contain appropriate glyphs for blue
+	zones.
+2014-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix handling of default coverages.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage):
+	First handle non-default coverages, then the default coverage of the
+	default script, and finally the other default coverages.
+2014-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix scaling of HarfBuzz shaping.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_char_index): Scale to units per EM.
+2014-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Better ftgrid support.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_get_segment_offset): Add
+	parameters `is_blue' and `blue_offset'.
+2014-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Remove some styles.
+	* src/autofit/afcover.h: Remove coverages for alternative fractions,
+	denominators, numerators, and fractions.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h (META_STYLE_LATIN): Updated.
+2014-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add more styles.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h (STYLE_LATIN, META_STYLE_LATIN): New
+	auxiliary macros; use them to define styles for Cyrillic, Greek, and
+	Latin.
+	* src/autofit/afcover.h: Remove coverage for oldstyle figures.
+	Since those digits are used in combination with ordinary letters, it
+	makes no sense to handle them separately.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_get_metrics): Don't limit
+	`options' parameter to 4 bits.
+2014-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix style assignments to glyphs.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage)
+	[FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Scan GPOS coverage of features also
+	so that we can skip glyphs that have both GSUB and GPOS data.
+2014-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c: s/{lookups,glyphs}/gsub_{lookups,glyphs}/.
+2014-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Implement and use `af_get_char_index' with HarfBuzz.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (COVERAGE) [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]:
+	Redefine to construct HarfBuzz features.
+	(af_get_char_index) [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Rewritten.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Use
+	`y_offset' to adjust `best_y'.
+2013-12-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/AF_STYLE_...._DEFAULT/AF_STYLE_...._DFLT/i.
+2013-12-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix interface of `af_get_char_index'.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_char_index): Return error value.
+	Add argument for y offset (to be used in a yet-to-come patch).
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.h, src/autofit/afcjk.c,
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c: Updated.
+2013-12-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Don't combine multiple features into one set.
+	Combining them, as originally envisioned, would lead to much more
+	complicated code, as investigations have shown meanwhile.  The major
+	drawback is that we run out of available style slots much earlier.
+	However, this is only a theoretical issue since we don't support a
+	large number of scripts currently.
+	* src/autofit/afcover.h: Replace `COVERAGE_{1,2,3}' macros with
+	a single-element `COVERAGE' macro, sort the elements by the feature
+	tags, and add entry for `ruby'.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c: Updated.
+2013-12-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Code shuffling to reduce use of cpp macros.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage):
+	Call `af_get_coverage' unconditionally.
+	* src/autofit/autofit.c: Include `hbshim.c' unconditionally.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage)
+	[!FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Provide dummy function.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.h: Provide function declarations
+	unconditionally.
+2013-12-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add wrapper function for `FT_Get_Char_Index'.
+	Yet-to-come changes will provide HarfBuzz functionality for the new
+	function.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_char_index): New function.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_cjk_metrics_init_blues, af_cjk_metrics_check_digits): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_latin_metrics_init_blues, af_latin_metrics_check_digits):
+	Updated.
+2013-12-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Use `global' HarfBuzz font object.
+	We now use `hb_font' instead of `hb_face' since yet-to-come changes
+	need this.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h: Include `hbshim.h'.
+	(AF_FaceGlobalsRec) [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: New member
+	`hb_font'.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_new)
+	[FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Create `hb_font'.
+	(af_face_globals_free) [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Destroy
+	`hb_font'.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.h: Include HarfBuzz headers.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c: Include `hbshim.h' instead of HarfBuzz
+	headers.
+	(af_get_coverage): Updated.
+2013-12-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Handle `DFLT' OpenType script for coverages.
+	* include/ftautoh.h: Document new `default-script' property.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c (af_get_coverage): Use `AF_FaceGlobals' for
+	type of first parameter.
+	(script_tags): Add one more element.
+	(af_get_coverage): Adjust `script_tags' to handle `DFLT' script tag.
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage):
+	Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h (AF_SCRIPT_DEFAULT): New macro.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.h (AF_ModuleRec): New `default_script'
+	member.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_property_set, af_property_get): Handle
+	`default-script' property.
+	(af_autofitter_init): Updated.
+2013-12-27  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[ftrfork] Fix the face order difference between POSIX and Carbon.
+	The fragmented resources in Suitcase and .dfont should be reordered
+	when `POST' resource for Type1 is being restored, but reordering of
+	sfnt resources induces the different face order.  Now the ordering
+	is restricted to `POST' resource only, to prevent the different
+	order issue (e.g. the face index in the fontconfig cache generated
+	with Carbon framework is incompatible with that by FreeType 2
+	without Carbon framework.)  Found by Khaled Hosny and Hin-Tak Leung.
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c (FT_Raccess_Get_DataOffsets): Add a switch
+	`sort_by_res_id' to control the fragmented resource ordering.
+	* include/internal/ftrfork.h: Declare new switch.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (IsMacResource): Enable the sorting for `POST'
+	resource, and disable the sorting for `sfnt' resource.
+2013-12-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #40997.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Only use OR operator to
+	adjust face flags since FT_FACE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_STREAM might already
+	be set.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Ditto.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_init): Ditto.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Ditto.
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_face_init): Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Init): Ditto.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Ditto.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Face_Init): Ditto.
+2013-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce `coverages'.
+	Coverages are the interface to the HarfBuzz library to acces
+	OpenType features for handling glyphs not addressable by the cmap.
+	Right now, compilation of HarfBuzz is only added to the development
+	build.  A solution for standard build mode will be delayed until
+	HarfBuzz gets split into two libraries to avoid mutual dependencies
+	between FreeType and HarfBuzz.
+	Note that this is only a first step in handling coverages, basically
+	providing the framework only.  Code for handling selected OpenType
+	features (this is, actually using the data in `afcover.h') will
+	follow.
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/config/ftoption.h
+	* src/autofit/hbshim.c, src/autofit/hbshim.h, src/autofit/afcover.h:
+	New files.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add HarfBuzz script name tags.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: Add default coverage enumeration values.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Update use of `SCRIPT' and `STYLE' macros.
+	(AF_Coverage): New enumeration (generated by `afcover.h').
+	(AF_StyleClassRec): New member `coverage'.
+	* include/internal/fttrace.h: Add `afharfbuzz' for tracing coverage
+	data.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h: Update use of `SCRIPT' and `STYLE' macros.
+	(AF_SCRIPT_FALLBACK): Renamed to ...
+	(AF_STYLE_FALLBACK): ... this.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include `hbshim.c'.
+	Update use of `SCRIPT' and `STYLE' macros.
+	(af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage)
+	[FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Call `af_get_coverage'.
+	Update.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.h (AF_ModuleRec):
+	s/fallback_script/fallback_style/.
+	* src/autofit/afmodule.c (af_property_set): Adapt handling of
+	`fallback-script' property to set a fallback style.
+	(af_property_get, af_autofitter_init): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c: Update use of `SCRIPT' and `STYLE' macros.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.h: Update use of `SCRIPT' macro.
+	* src/autofit/autofit.c [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ]: Include
+	`hbshim.c'.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_SRC): Add `hbshim.c'.
+	(AUTOF_DRV_H): Add `afcover.h'.
+	* builds/ (INCLUDE_FLAGS) [DEVEL_DIR]: Use pkg-config for
+	all libraries needed by FreeType.
+2013-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #40975 (sort of).
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_IP): Fix sign typo to make FreeType
+	behave the same as the Windows TrueType engine for the invalid case.
+2013-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Make PIC mode work actually.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.h (AFModulePIC): Fix array sizes to fit the
+	enumeration values automatically generated by including `afscript.h'
+	and friends.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c (autofit_module_class_pic_init): Updated.
+2013-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix PIC linking.
+	* include/internal/ftrfork.h (CONST_FT_RFORK_RULE_ARRAY_BEGIN): Fix
+	generated function name.
+	* src/base/basepic.c (FT_Init_Table_raccess_guess_table): Rename
+	to ...
+	(FT_Init_Table_ft_raccess_guess_table): ... this so that the
+	function name correctly corresponds to what the macro framework
+	expects.
+	* src/psnames/ (PSNAMES_DRV_SRC_S): Use correct file name so
+	that PIC functions are compiled also.
+2013-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[base] Add missing dependencies to Makefile.
+	* src/base/ (BASE_SRC): Add `basepic.c' and `ftpic.c'.
+	(BASE_H): Add `basepic.h'.
+2013-12-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix PIC compilation.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths),
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths)
+	[FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC]: Declare `globals'.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Always call AF_DEFINE_SCRIPT_CLASS, and
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c: Include `afglobal.h'.
+	(autofit_module_class_pic_init): Typo.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_DEFINE_SCRIPT_CLASS,
+	AF_DEFINE_STYLE_CLASS): Don't use the same identifier for macro
+	parameter and structure member.
+2013-12-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce `styles'.
+	This is the new top-level structure for handling glyph input data;
+	scripts are now defined separately.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (SCRIPT): Updated.
+	(AF_ScriptClassRec): Move `blue_stringset' and `writing_system'
+	members to ...
+	(AF_Style_ClassRec): ... this new structure.
+	(AF_Style): New enumeration.
+	(AF_StyleMetricsRec): Replace `script' enumeration with
+	`style_class' pointer.
+	* src/autofit/afstyles.h: New file, using data from `afscript.h'.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_cjk_metrics_init_blues, af_cjk_hint_edges): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (SCRIPT): Updated.
+	(STYLE): Redefine macro to load `afstyles.h'.
+	(af_script_names) [FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE]: Replace with...
+	(af_style_names): ... this array.
+	(af_face_globals_compute_script_coverage): Renamed to...
+	(af_face_globals_compute_style_coverage): ... this.
+	Updated.
+	(af_face_globals_new, af_face_globals_free,
+	af_face_globals_get_metrics): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h (SCRIPT): Updated.
+	(STYLE): Redefine macro to load `afstyles.h'.
+	(AF_SCRIPT_FALLBACK): Update definition.  This will get more
+	refinements with later on.
+	(AF_SCRIPT_UNASSIGNED): Replace with...
+	(AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED): ... this macro.
+	(AF_FaceGlobalsRec): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_latin_metrics_init_blues, af_latin_metrics_scale_dim,
+	af_latin_hint_edges): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin2.c (af_latin2_metrics_init_widths): Updated.
+	(af_ltn2_uniranges): Removed.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g, af_loader_load_glyph):
+	Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c (autofit_module_class_pic_init): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.h (AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET): New macro.
+	(AFModulePIC): Add `af_style_classes' and `af_style_classes_rec'
+	members.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_H): Add `afstyles.h'.
+2013-12-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Factor scripts and uniranges out of writing system files.
+	* src/autofit/afranges.c, src/autofit/afranges.h: New files.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Extend `SCRIPT' macro with more
+	parameters, taking data from the writing system files.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include `afranges.h'.
+	Load `afscript.h' to call AF_DEFINE_SCRIPT_CLASS.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include `afranges.h'.
+	Load `afscript.h' to call AF_DECLARE_SCRIPT_CLASS.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c, src/autofit/afcjk.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afdummy.c, src/autofit/afdummy.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afindic.c, src/autofit/afindic.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/aflatin.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatn2.c, src/autofit/aflatn2.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c: Updated.
+	* src/autofir/autofit.c: Include `afranges.c'.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_SRC): Add `afranges.c'.
+2013-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] More code orthogonality.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_StyleMetrics): Replace `script_class'
+	pointer to an `AF_ScriptClass' structure with `script' index of type
+	`AF_Script'.
+	Move some code around.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c: Include `afpic.h'.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_init_widths, af_cjk_metrics_init_blues,
+	af_cjk_hint_edges): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c: Include `afpic.h'.
+	(af_latin_metrics_init_widths, af_latin_metrics_init_blues,
+	af_latin_metrics_scale_dim, af_latin_hint_edges): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_get_metrics): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g, af_loader_load_glyph):
+	Updated.
+2013-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/ScriptMetrics/StyleMetrics/.
+2013-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/script_{metrics,hints}/style_{metrics,hints}/
+2013-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/gscripts/gstyles/.
+2013-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/glyph_scripts/glyph_styles/.
+	This is the first commit of a series to create a new top-level
+	structure (a `style') for handling scripts, writing_systems, and
+	soon-to-be-added coverages.
+2013-12-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/AF_Script_/AF_WritingSystem_/ where appropriate.
+2013-12-11  Infinality  <>
+	[truetype] Simplify logic of rendering modes.
+	This patch unifies the subpixel and non-subpixel cases.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContextRec): Remove
+	`grayscale_hinting'; all code should refer to `grayscale' instead.
+	Remove unused `native_hinting' member.
+	Rename `subpixel_hinting' member to `subpixel.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_LOADER_SET_PP): Updated.
+	(tt_loader_init): Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_GETINFO): Simplify.
+	Updated.
+2013-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[documentation] Add section how to include FreeType header files.
+	Problem reported by David Kastrup <>.
+	Surprisingly, a description how to do that was completely missing in
+	the API reference.
+	* include/freetype.h, include/ftchapters.h: New documentation
+	section `header_inclusion'.
+2013-12-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/DFLT/NONE/, s/dflt/none/.
+2013-12-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+2013-12-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix scaling of vertical phantom points.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Scale pp3.x and
+	pp4.x also.
+2013-12-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix positioning of composite glyphs.
+	Problem reported by Nigel Tao <>.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Hint_Glyph): Remove code that shifts
+	the glyph (component) by a fractional value computed from the LSB
+	phantom point.  This is wrong, since the horizontal phantom points
+	get rounded horizontally later on.
+2013-12-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.2 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-2'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.2.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.1/2.5.2/, s/251/252/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 2.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 17:1:11.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_PATCH): Set to 2.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-12-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Next round in phantom point handling.
+	Greg Hitchcock provided very interesting insights into the
+	complicated history of the horizontal positions of the TSB and BSB
+	phantom points.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_LOADER_SET_PP)
+	[TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING]: Use `subpixel_hinting' and
+	`grayscale_hinting' flags as conditionals for the x position of TSB
+	and BSB.
+2013-12-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (FT_CC): Removed.  Unused.
+2013-12-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix handling of embedded bitmap strikes.
+	This corrects the commit from 2013-11-21.  Problem reported by
+	Andrey Panov <>.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Fix logic to
+	detect excessive bytes for bit-aligned bitmaps.
+2013-12-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Remove dead code.
+	Reported by Nigel Tao <>.
+	* include/internal/tttypes.h (TT_LoaderRec): Remove unused
+	`preserve_pps' field.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Hint_Glyph): Updated.
+2013-12-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix phantom point handling.
+	This is a further improvement to the changes from 2013-11-06.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Hint_Glyph): Horizontal phantom points
+	are rounded horizontally, vertical ones are rounded vertically.
+	(TT_LOADER_SET_PP): The horizontal position of vertical phantom
+	points in pre-ClearType mode is zero, as shown in the OpenType
+	specification.
+2013-12-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix change from 2013-11-20.
+	Problem reported by Akira Kakuto <>.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Simple_Glyph): Protect call to
+	`Update_Max' with both a TT_USE_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER guard and a
+	`IS_HINTED' clause.
+	Also remove redundant check using `maxSizeOfInstructions' – in
+	simple glyphs, the bytecode data comes before the outline data, and
+	a validity test for this is already present.
+2013-11-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix use of dumping functions in `ftgrid' demo program.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (AF_DUMP) [FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT]: New macro.
+	(af_glyph_hints_dump_points, af_glyph_hints_dump_segments,
+	af_glyph_hints_dump_edges) [FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT]: Add parameter to
+	handle output to stdout.
+	Use AF_DUMP.
+	(af_glyph_hints_dump_points, af_glyph_hints_dump_segments,
+	af_glyph_hints_dump_edges) [!FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT]: Removed.
+2013-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.1 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-1'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.1.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc), builds/windows/vc2005/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj,
+	builds/windows/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/windows/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/windows/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.5.0/2.5.1/, s/250/251/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 1.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 17:0:11.
+	* CMakeLists.txt (VERSION_PATCH): Set to 1.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/release: Updated.
+2013-11-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype]: Add tricky font names `hkscsiic.ttf' and `iicore.ttf'.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (TRICK_NAMES_MAX_CHARACTERS,
+	(trick_names): Add family name for the two fonts.
+2013-11-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Typo.
+2013-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Typo.
+	Problem reported by Hin-Tak Leung <>.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Return correct `bsize->width'
+	value if the font lacks an `OS/2' table.
+2013-11-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Improve handling of buggy embedded bitmap strikes.
+	We are now able to successfully load `AppleMyoungJo.ttf'.
+	Problem reported by Hin-Tak Leung <>.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Don't trust glyph
+	format.
+2013-11-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Don't trust `maxp's `maxSizeOfInstructions'.
+	Problem reported by Hin-Tak Leung <>; see
+	for details.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Load_Glyph): Check size of `fpgm' and `prep'
+	tables also for setting `autohint'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Simple_Glyph): Use code from
+	`TT_Process_Composite_Glyph' for handling unreliable values of
+	`maxSizeOfInstructions'.
+2013-11-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix `OS/2' table version 5 support.
+	We now follow the `official' announcement from Microsoft (on the
+	OpenType mailing list, which unfortunately hasn't a public archive).
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h (TT_OS2):
+	s/usLowerPointSize/usLowerOpticalPointSize/,
+	s/usUpperPointSize/usUpperOpticalPointSize/.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_os2): Update, and set correct
+	default values.
+2013-11-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ft2unix.h: Remove.  No longer necessary.
+	* builds/unix/ (install): Updated.
+2013-11-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Simplify header file hierarchy.
+	This large patch changes the header file directory layout from
+	`include/freetype/...' to `include/...', effectively removing one
+	level.  Since the file `ft2build.h' is also located in `include'
+	(and it stays there even after installation), all FreeType header
+	files are now in a single directory.
+	Applications that use (a) `freetype-config' or FreeType's
+	`pkg-config' file to get the include directory for the compiler, and
+	(b) the documented way for header inclusion like
+	  #include <ft2build.h>
+	  #include FT_FREETYPE_H
+	  ...
+	don't need any change to the source code.
+	* include/freetype/*: Move up to...
+	* include/*: ... this directory.
+	* builds/amiga/include/freetype/*: Move up to...
+	* builds/amiga/include/*: ... this directory.
+	*/*: Essentially do `s@/freetype/@/@' where appropriate.
+	* CMakeList.txt: Simplify.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/ For
+	`--cflags', return a single directory.
+	* builds/unix/ (install): No longer try to remove `cache'
+	and `internal' subdirectories; instead, remove the `freetype'
+	subdirectory.
+2013-11-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix last `truetype' commit.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (tt_get_metrics): Preserve stream position.
+	Return error value.
+	(load_truetype_glyph): Updated.
+2013-11-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CMAKE: New dummy file.
+2013-11-08  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Fix for hints that touch.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_hintmap_insertHint): Fix condition for
+	finding index value of insertion point.
+2013-11-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix handling of phantom points in composite glyphs.
+	Problem reported by Nigel Tao <>.
+	This is a follow-up commit to the previous one.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Call
+	`tt_get_metrics' after loading the glyph header.
+2013-11-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Improve emulation of vertical metrics.
+	This commit also improves the start values of vertical phantom
+	points.  Kudos to Greg Hitchcock for help.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Get_VMetrics): Add parameter to pass
+	`yMax' value.  Replace code with fixed Microsoft definition.
+	(tt_get_metrics): Updated.
+	(TT_LOADER_SET_PP): Add explanation how to initialize phantom
+	points, taken from both the OpenType specification and private
+	communication with Greg (which will eventually be added to the
+	standard).
+	Fix horizontal position of `pp3' and `pp4'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.h: Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (tt_get_advances): Updated.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-11-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/windows/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj: s/v110/v100/.
+	PlatformToolSet version 110 is for VC2012.
+	Problem reported (with solution) by Dave Arnold <>.
+2013-11-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Correctly reset point tags for glyph components.
+	Problem reported by Nigel Tao <>.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Composite_Glyph): Fix loop.
+2013-11-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Fix GETINFO opcode handling of subpixel hinting bits.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_GETINFO): Don't request bit 6 set to
+	get info on subpixel hinting.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-11-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #40451.
+	Simply apply the patch from the bug report.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/vms/ftconfig.h,
+	include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: The used #pragma directives only
+	work with gcc versions 4.6 and higher.
+2013-11-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-11-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Minor code refactoring.
+	Two benefits: The allocated FDEF (and IDEF) array gets slightly
+	smaller, and the `ttdebug' demo program has access to function
+	numbers without additional costs.
+	Fortunately, no changes to FontForge are necessary – this is the
+	only external TrueType debugger I know of, but others may exist and
+	should check the code accordingly.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_CallRec): Replace `Cur_Restart' and
+	`Cur_End' with a pointer to the corresponding `TT_DefRecord'
+	structure.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (DO_JROT, DO_JMPR, DO_JROF, Ins_ENDF,
+	Ins_CALL, Ins_LOOPCALL, Ins_UNKNOWN, TT_RunIns <Invalid_Opcode>):
+	Updated.
+2013-10-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Implement support for `OS/2' table version 5.
+	See
+	for the announcement.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h (TT_OS2): Add fields
+	`usLowerPointSize' and `usUpperPointSize'.  Since FreeType returns
+	this structure only as a pointer through `FT_Get_Sfnt_Table', there
+	shouldn't be any ABI problems.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_os2): Implement it.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-10-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* README.git, docs/CHANGES, docs/INSTALL: Updated.
+2013-10-24  John Cary  <>
+	Provide cmake support.
+	* CMakeLists.txt: New file.
+2013-10-23  Kenneth Miller  <>
+	    Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Provide support for x64 builds in Visual C++ project files.
+	* src/builds/win32: Renamed to...
+	* src/builds/windows: This.
+	* src/builds/windows/vc2010/*: Updated to handle x64 target.
+	* src/builds/windows/*.mk, docs/INSTALL.GNU: s/win32/windows/ where
+	appropriate.
+2013-10-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/md5.c, src/base/md5.h: Updated to recent version.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Updated; `md5.c' no longer uses `free'.
+	The canonical URL to get updates for this file is
+	as the author told me in private communication.
+2013-10-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] s/SMALL_TOP/X_HEIGHT/.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/aflatin.h,
+	src/autofit/atlatin2.c: Updated.
+2013-10-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: s/MINOR/DESCENDER/.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+2013-10-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add description strings to script entries.
+	Currently, this is unused.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Do it.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c, src/autofit/afpic.c,
+	src/autofit/aftypes.h: Updated.
+2013-10-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve tracing message for extra light flag.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_scale_dim): Do it.
+2013-10-15  Chongyu Zhu  <>
+	[arm] Fix thumb2 inline assembly under LLVM.
+	When using `ADD' with an immediate operand, the instruction is
+	actually `ADD Rd, Rn, #<imm12>', that is, the maximum of the
+	immediate operand cannot exceed 4095.  It will fail to compile with
+	However, in GCC, due to some legacy compatibility considerations,
+	`ADD.W' will be automatically emitted when the immediate operand is
+	larger than 4095.
+	* builds/unix/, include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h
+	(FT_MulFix_arm) [__GNUC__]: Support clang compiler.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_arm) [__GNUC__]: Ditto.
+2013-10-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve tracing of `latin' hinter.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Report blue
+	zone types.
+	(af_latin_metrics_scale_dim): Report scaling changes due to x height
+	alignment.
+	Report scaled stroke width and blue zone values.
+2013-10-03  Dave Arnold  <>
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_computeDarkening): Avoid division by zero.
+	Note that the old code avoided using a region of the piecewise
+	linear function where the slope was zero.  The recovery was to use a
+	different section of the function, which produced a different,
+	incorrect amount of darkening.
+2013-10-02  Darrell Bellert  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_pclt): Fix `pclt_fields'.
+2013-10-02  Dave Arnold  <>
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_computeDarkening): Initialize darkenAmount.
+	This line was lost in commit 89ca1fd6 (from 2013-06-25).  The effect
+	is to use a previous darkening amount when producing an unhinted,
+	unscaled outline.  This can cause autohint samples in ftgrid and
+	ftview to be based on darkened CFF outlines instead of unhinted,
+	undarkened ones.
+2013-09-29  Dave Arnold  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39295.
+	The bug was caused by switching to the initial hintmap (the one in
+	effect when `moveto' executes) just before drawing the final element
+	in the charstring.  This ensured that the path was closed (in both
+	Character Space and Device Space).  But if the final element was a
+	curve and if the final hintmap was different enough from the initial
+	one, then the curve was visibly distorted.
+	The first part of the fix is to draw the final curve using the final
+	hintmap as specified by the charstring.  This corrects the
+	distortion but does not ensure closing in Device Space.  It may
+	require the rasterizer to automatically generate an extra closing
+	line.  Depending on the hintmap differences, this line could be from
+	zero to a couple pixels in length.
+	The second part of the fix covers the case where the charstring
+	subpath is closed with an explicit line.  We now modify that line's
+	end point to avoid the distortion.
+	Some glyphs in the bug report font (TexGyreHeros-Regular) that show
+	the change are:
+	  25ppem    S (98)
+	  24ppem    eight (52)
+	  25.5ppem  p (85)
+	Curves at the *end* of a subpath are no longer distorted.  However,
+	some of these glyphs have bad hint substitutions in the middle of a
+	subpath, and these are not affected.
+	The patch has been tested with a set of 106 fonts that shipped with
+	Adobe Creative Suite 4, together with 756 Open Source CFF fonts from
+	Google Fonts.  There are 1.5 million glyphs, of which some 20k are
+	changed with the fix.  A sampling of a few hundred of these changes
+	have been examined more closely, and the changes look good (or at
+	least acceptable).
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.h (CF2_GlyphPathRec): New element `pathIsClosing'
+	to indicate that we synthesize a closepath line.
+	* src/cff/cf2hints.c (cf2_glyphpath_init): Updated.
+	(cf2_glyphpath_pushPrevElem): If closing, use first hint map (for
+	`lineto' operator) and adjust hint zone.
+	For synthesized closing lines, use end point in first hint zone.
+	(cf2_glyphpath_lineTo): Take care of synthesized closing lines.  In
+	particular, shift the detection of zero-length lines from character
+	space to device space.
+	(cf2_glyphpath_closeOpenPath): Remove assertion.
+	Updated.
+2013-09-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_{grek,cyrl}_uniranges): Fix arrays.
+2013-09-25  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[bdf, pcf] Refuse non-zero face_index.
+	Suggested by Akira Tagoh, see
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Return `Invalid_Argument'
+	error if the font could be opened but non-zero `face_index' is
+	given.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Face_Init): Ditto.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Remove unrequired FT_UNUSED
+	macro for `face_index' because it is validated later.
+2013-09-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #40090.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_scale): Revert commit
+	306f8c5d (from 2013-08-25) affecting this function.
+2013-09-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Disunify Cyrillic and Greek handling from Latin.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Add Cyrillic and Greek.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat (AF_BLUE_STRINGSET_GREK,
+	AF_BLUE_STRINGSET_CYRL): Add blue zones for Greek and Cyrillic.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_grek_uniranges, af_cyrl_uniranges): New
+	arrays.
+	(af_grek_script_class, af_cyrl_script_class): New scripts.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Updated.
+2013-09-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-09-20  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Fix vertical size of emboldened glyphs.
+	Cf.
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Adjust `horiBearingY'
+	also.
+2013-09-11  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftoutln.h: Correct FT_Outline_Get_Orientation
+	algorithm description.
+2013-09-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve Hebrew rendering.
+	This change introduces a new blue zone property
+	`AF_BLUE_PROPERTY_LATIN_LONG' to make the auto-hinter ignore short
+	top segments.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Fix Hebrew blue strings.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.hin (AF_BLUE_PROPERTY_LATIN_LONG): New macro.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Handle
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h (AF_LATIN_IS_LONG_BLUE): New macro.
+2013-08-28  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix frame access while reading WOFF table directory.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (woff_open_font): Using single memory frame
+	while reading the directory entries for the whole loop.
+2013-08-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+            Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Implement support for WOFF containers.
+	We simply synthesize a SFNT from the WOFF, create a memory stream
+	for the new data, and load the SFNT as usual.
+	Does NOT add any API to access WOFF metadata or private blocks.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (WOFF_HeaderRec,
+	WOFF_TableRec): New structures.
+	* include/freetype/tttags.h (TTAG_wOFF): New macro.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face): Set `stream' after calling
+	`open_face'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SYSTEM_ZLIB]: Include
+	`FT_GZIP_H'.
+	(WRITE_BYTE, WRITE_USHORT, WRITE_ULONG): New temporary macros for
+	writing to a stream.
+	(sfnt_stream_close, compare_offsets, woff_open_font): New functions.
+	(sfnt_open_font): Handle `TTAG_wOFF'.
+	(sfnt_init_face): Set `stream' after calling `sfnt_open_font'.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_face_init): Set `stream' after calling
+	`sfnt->init_face'.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (open_face): Use a pointer to FT_Stream as an
+	argument so that a changed stream survives.
+	Update callers.
+2013-08-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[gzip] New function `FT_Gzip_Uncompress'.
+	This is modeled after zlib's `uncompress' function.  We need this
+	for WOFF support.
+	* include/freetype/ftgzip.h, src/gzip/ftgzip.c (FT_Gzip_Uncompress):
+	New function.
+	* src/gzip/ Rewrite to better reflect dependencies.
+2013-08-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix `make multi' compilation.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.cin, src/autofit/afblue.c: Don't include
+	`afblue.h' but `aftypes.h'.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c: Don't include `aftypes.h' but `afglobal.h'.
+2013-08-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix C++ compilation.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_get_metrics),
+	src/autofit/afdummy.c (af_dflt_script_class), src/autofit/afindic.c
+	(af_deva_script_class): Use proper casts.
+2013-08-27  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_font_dir): Fix sign typos.
+2013-08-27  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	FT_Open_Face: Improve external stream handling.
+	If the font's `clazz->init_face' function wants to swap to new
+	stream, handling of whether original stream was external could
+	result to either memory leak or double free.  Mark externality into
+	face flags before calling `init_face' such that the clazz can handle
+	external streams properly.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face): Move code to set
+	(open_face): This function.
+2013-08-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Remove `FT_SqrtFixed' function.
+	It's no longer used.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h, src/base/ftcalc.c: Do it.
+2013-08-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] While tracing, report script names instead of ID values.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_script_names) [FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE]:
+	New array.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_cjk_hint_edges): Use `af_script_names'.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_latin_hint_edges): Ditto.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Report used script while hinting a glyph.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_hint_edges), src/autofit/aflatin.c
+	(af_latin_hint_edges): Implement it.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add support for Hebrew script.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: Add blue strings for Hebrew.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_hebr_uniranges): New array.
+	(af_hebr_script_class): New script.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h, src/autofit/afscript.h: Updated.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve tracing messages.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths): Mention script
+	ID in tracing message.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_init_blues): Initialize `axis' outside of the inner
+	loop.
+	Improve tracing messages.
+	(af_cjk_hint_edges) [FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE]: New variable
+	`num_actions' to count hinting actions.
+	Improve tracing messages.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths): Mention
+	script ID in tracing message.
+	(af_latin_metrics_init_blues, af_latin_hint_edges): Improve tracing
+	messages.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Better tracing of loaded glyphs.
+	Previously, the loading of a glyph was traced at level 4, if at all.
+	With this change, all font loading routines emit a tracing message
+	at level 1, making it easier to select tracing output (for example
+	using F2_DEBUG="any:1 afhints:7 aflatin:7").
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Glyph_Load): Add tracing message.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_glyph_load): Ditto.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_prepare): Improve tracing
+	messages.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_load_glyph): Use level 1 for tracing
+	message.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Glyph_Load): Ditto.
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_slot_load): Add tracing message.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph): Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Load_Glyph): Ditto.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_GlyphSlot_Load): Ditto.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Ditto.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix script selection.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_get_metrics): Use
+	`AF_SCRIPT_DFLT', not value 0.
+	Simplify code.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: Sort by script name.
+2013-08-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Make `dummy' hinter work as expected.
+	* src/autofit/afdummy.c (af_dummy_hints_init): Properly set scaling
+	information.
+	(af_dummy_hints_apply): Scale the glyphs.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Make `cjk' module use blue stringsets.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (AF_CJK_MAX_TEST_CHARACTERS): Removed.
+	(af_cjk_hani_blue_chars): Removed.
+	(AF_CJK_BLUE_TYPE_*): Removed.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_init_blues): Replace AF_CJK_MAX_TEST_CHARACTERS with
+	Change loops to use offsets (in file `afblue.h') into the new arrays
+	`af_blue_stringsets' and `af_blue_strings' (in file `afblue.c').
+	Instead of three dimensions (as used in the old blue string array)
+	we now use properties to do the same, saving one loop nesting level.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.h: Remove old enumeration values superseded by
+	the new data in `afblue.h'.
+	AF_CJK_IS_RIGHT_BLUE): New macros, to be used in
+	`af_cjk_metrics_init_blues'.
+	(AF_CJK_BLUE_IS_RIGHT): Remove this now redundant enum value.
+	(AF_CJK_BLUE_IS_TOP): Renamed to...
+	(AF_CJK_BLUE_TOP): This.
+	(AF_CJK_MAX_BLUES): Remove.
+	(AF_CJKAxisRec): Updated.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Typo.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.hin, src/autofit/afblue.c (GET_UTF8_CHAR): Use
+	cast.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Synchronize `cjk' with `latin' module (and vice versa).
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_metrics_init_widths): Add tracing
+	messages.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_init_blues): Don't pass blue string array as
+	argument but use the global array directly.
+	Use `outline' directly.
+	Update and add tracing messages.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_init): Simplify code.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_scale_dim): Improve tracing message.
+	(af_cjk_metrics_scale): Synchronize.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths,
+	af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Improve and add tracing messages.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Make `latin' module use blue stringsets.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (AF_LATIN_MAX_TEST_CHARACTERS): Removed.
+	(af_latin_blue_chars): Removed.
+	(af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Replace AF_LATIN_MAX_TEST_CHARACTERS
+	Change loops to use offsets (in file `afblue.h') into the new arrays
+	`af_blue_stringsets' and `af_blue_strings' (in file `afblue.c').
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Remove old enumeration values superseded by
+	the new data in `afblue.h'.
+	(AF_LATIN_IS_TOP_BLUE): Updated definition.
+	(AF_LatinAxisRec): Updated.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Add blue stringsets.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Include `afblue.h'.
+	(AF_ScriptClassRec): Add `blue_stringset' field.
+	* src/autofit/autofit.c: Include `afblue.c'.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_hani_script_class), src/autofit/afdummy.c
+	(af_dflt_script_class), src/autofit/afindic.c
+	(af_deva_script_class), src/autofit/aflatin.c
+	(af_latn_script_class), src/autofit/aflatin2.c
+	(af_ltn2_script_class): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_SRC): Add `afblue.c'.
+2013-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce data file for blue strings.
+	The idea is to have a central file which gets processed by a Perl
+	script to create proper `.c' and `.h' files using templates.  There
+	are two other reasons to do that:
+	  . The data file should be easily readable.  We use UTF-8 encoding
+	    which then gets converted to single bytes.
+	  . Since the number of supported scripts will increase soon, the
+	    current usage of blue string arrays is a waste of space.  Using
+	    the Perl script it is possible to imitate jagged arrays,
+	    defining enumeration constants as offsets into the arrays.
+	This commit only adds files without changing any functionality.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.dat: New data file.
+	* src/tools/ New Perl script for processing `afblue.dat'.
+	* src/autofit/afblue.cin, src/autofit/afblue.hin: New template files
+	for...
+	* src/autofit/afblue.c, src/autofit/afblue.c: New source files.
+	To avoid a dependency on Perl, we add them too.
+2013-08-19  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Enable new algorithm for `BBox_Cubic_Check'.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c: Enable new BBox_Cubic_Check algorithm, remove
+	the old one.
+	Improve comments.
+2013-08-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ (freetype2.pc): Don't set executable bit.
+2013-08-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39804.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (LIBPNG): Define and export.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/ Handle
+	libpng.
+2013-08-17  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Clean up BBox_Conic_Check.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Conic_Check): Remove redundant checks for
+	extremum at the segment ends, which are already within the bbox.
+	Slightly modify calculations.
+2013-08-15  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Finish experimental (disabled) BBox_Cubic_Check implementation.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Cubic_Check): Scale arguments to improve
+	accuracy and avoid overflows.
+2013-08-13  Alexei Podtelezhnikov  <>
+	[base] Refactor experimental (disabled) BBox_Cubic_Check.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Cubic_Check): Implement the minimum search
+	as the mirror image of the maximum search implemented here...
+	(update_max): New function.
+2013-08-06  John Tytgat  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39702.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_index_get_pointers): Check for `cur_offset
+	!= 0'; this stronger test is mandated by the CFF specification.
+	Fix test for INDEX structures which have one or more empty entries
+	at the end.
+2013-08-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix gcc pragmas, part 2.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_long_long,
+	TT_DotFix14_long_long): `#pragma gcc diagnostic {push,pop}' has been
+	introduced with gcc version 4.6.
+2013-08-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix gcc pragmas.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_long_long,
+	TT_DotFix14_long_long): Older gcc versions don't accept diagnostic
+	pragmas within a function body.
+2013-08-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39700.
+	* builds/unix/ftconfig.h: Synchronize with
+	`include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h'.
+	* builds/vms/ftconfig.h: Ditto.
+	Make the differences to the master `ftconfig.h' file as small as
+	possible for easier maintainance.
+2013-08-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Improve handling of `near' points.
+	Points which are very near to each other are now marked as such.
+	The `weak' flag is then computed by using the `in' vector of the
+	first and the `out' vector of the last point of a group of near
+	points.
+	For example, this fixes the rendering of glyph `Oslash' in
+	`Roboto-Thin.ttf'.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_Flags): New value `AF_FLAGS_NEAR'.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_reload): Introduce
+	the heuristic value `near_limit' to decide whether the current point
+	is near to the previous one, then set `AF_FLAG_NEAR' accordingly.
+	Store good `in' vector (of last non-near point) in
+	`last_good_in_{x,y}' and use it as an argument to
+	`ft_corner_is_flat' if necessary.
+2013-08-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftcffdrv.h: Improve documentation.
+	This is based on blog entries from David Lemon and Dave Arnold (both
+	from Adobe) with kind permission.  Dave also helped in
+	proof-reading.
+2013-08-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Move declaration of scripts into separate file.
+	This has the benefit that we don't need to duplicate the data at
+	different places.
+	* src/autofit/afscript.h: New file.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_Script): Include `afscript.h' to define
+	the enumeration values.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include `afscript.h' to get the script
+	specific header files.
+	(af_script_classes): Include `afscript.h' to fill this array.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c: Include `afscript.h' to get the script
+	specific header files.
+	(autofit_module_class_pic_init): Include `afscript.h' for
+	initialization.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.h (AF_SCRIPT_CLASSES_COUNT,
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_H): Updated.
+2013-08-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Move declaration of writing systems into separate file.
+	This has the benefit that we don't need to duplicate the data at
+	different places.
+	* src/autofit/afwrtsys.h: New file.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_WritingSystem): Include `afwrtsys.h' to
+	define the enumeration values.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c: Include `afwrtsys.h' to get the writing
+	system specific header files.
+	Include `afpic.h'.
+	(af_writing_system_classes): Include `afwrtsys.h' to fill this
+	array.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c: Include `afwrtsys.h' to get the writing
+	system specific header files.
+	(autofit_module_class_pic_init): Include `afwrtsys.h' for
+	initialization.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.h (AF_WRITING_SYSTEM_CLASSES_COUNT,
+2013-08-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix compilation with g++.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c (error_callback, read_data_from_FT_stream): Use
+	cast.
+	(Load_SBit_Png): Pacify compiler.
+2013-08-02  suzuki toshiya  <>
+            Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix `make multi'.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h (FT_LOCAL_ARRAY,
+	FT_LOCAL_ARRAY_DEF): New macros.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_writing_system_classes,
+	af_script_classes): Use FT_LOCAL_ARRAY_DEF.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h: Declare `af_writing_system_classes' and
+	`af_script_classes'.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c: Include `afpic.h'.
+2013-08-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Another round of cppcheck nitpicks.
+	The call was (from the top-level of the FreeType tree):
+	  cppcheck --force \
+	           --enable=all \
+	           -I /usr/include \
+	           -I /usr/local/include \
+	           -I /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.7/include \
+	           -I include \
+	           -I include/freetype \
+	           -I include/freetype/config \
+	           -I include/freetype/internal \
+	           -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY \
+	           . &> cppcheck.log
+	using cppcheck git commit f7e93f99.
+	Note that cppcheck still can't handle `#include FOO' (with `FOO' a
+	macro).
+	*/* Improve variable scopes.
+	*/* Remove redundant initializations which get overwritten.
+	* src/gxvalid/*: Comment out redundant code or guard it with
+2013-07-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Introduce `writing systems'.
+	This patch adds a new top level to the auto-hinter's script class
+	hierarchy.  It defines `writing systems' which can contain multiple
+	scripts.
+	For example, the `latin' writing system (in file `aflatin.c') is
+	able to support scripts like Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian, etc., which
+	can be handled similarly.
+	Scripts are now named using four-letter OpenType tags.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_ScriptClassRec): Move relevant members
+	to...
+	(AF_WritingSystemClassRec): This new structure.  It holds pointers
+	to functions which can be shared among related scripts.
+	(AF_WritingSystem): New enumeration.
+	(AF_Script): Revised values using four-letter tags.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_writing_system_classes): New global,
+	constant array.
+	(af_script_classes): Updated.
+	(af_face_globals_free): Updated.
+	Remove assertion.
+	(af_face_globals_get_metrics): Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.h (AF_SCRIPT_FALLBACK)
+	[!AF_CONFIG_OPTION_CJK]: Handle this case.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g, af_loader_load_glyph):
+	Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.c (autofit_module_class_pic_init): Updated;
+	initialize structures for both writing systems and scripts.
+	* src/autofit/afpic.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.c (af_cjk_writing_system_class): New writing
+	system.
+	(af_cjk_uniranges): Renamed to...
+	(af_hani_uniranges): This.
+	(af_cjk_script_class): Reduced and renamed to...
+	(af_hani_script_class): This.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afdummy.c (af_dummy_writing_system_class): New writing
+	system.
+	(af_dummy_script_class): Reduced and renamed to...
+	(af_dflt_script_class): This.
+	* src/autofit/afdummy.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afindic.c (af_indic_writing_system_class): New writing
+	system.
+	(af_indic_uniranges): Renamed to...
+	(af_deva_uniranges): This.
+	(af_indic_script_class): Reduced and renamed to...
+	(af_deva_script_class): This.
+	* src/autofit/afcjk.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_writing_system_class): New writing
+	system.
+	(af_latin_uniranges): Renamed to...
+	(af_latn_uniranges): This.
+	(af_latin_script_class): Reduced and renamed to...
+	(af_latn_script_class): This.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin2.c (af_latin2_writing_system_class): New
+	writing system.
+	(af_latin2_uniranges): Renamed to...
+	(af_ltn2_uniranges): This.
+	Synchronize ranges with `latin'.
+	(af_latin2_script_class): Reduced and renamed to...
+	(af_ltn2_script_class): This.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin2.h: Updated.
+2013-07-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Variable renaming.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h (AF_ScriptMetricsRec):
+	s/clazz/script_class/.
+	Update all users.
+2013-07-30  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	Ignore libpng-config under cross-building configuration,
+	because it will return the flags for the hosting environment.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Ignore libpng-config when
+	`cross_compiling' == yes.
+2013-07-30  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Prevent division by zero by a transparent color.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra):
+	Return 0 immediately, when alpha channel is zero.
+2013-07-25  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Also disambiguate Google's color bitmap tables.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_FACE_FLAG_COLOR, FT_HAS_COLOR):
+	New macros.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_SbitTableType): Add
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Handle FT_FACE_FLAG_COLOR.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_sbit,
+	tt_face_load_strike_metrics, tt_face_load_sbit_image): Handle
+2013-07-24  suzuki toshiya  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix for `make multi' target.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c (Load_SBit_Png): Use FT_LOCAL_DEF().
+2013-07-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/INSTALL.GNU: Updated.
+2013-07-20  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[sfnt] Fix `sbix' table version handling.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_sbit) [TT_SBIT_TABLE_TYPE_SBIX]:
+	USHORT version numbers are to be considered as `minor'.
+2013-07-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[autofit] Fix segment classification for blue zones.
+	The old code (essentially unchanged since the very beginning)
+	incorrectly handled this configuration
+	               x -o- x
+	                /   \
+	               /     \
+	              /       \
+	             o         o
+	as flat and this
+	                o               o
+	               /               /
+	             x|              x|
+	              |               |
+	              o---------------o
+	as round.  (`o' and `x' are on and off points, respectively).
+	This is a major change which should improve the rendering results
+	enormously for many TrueType fonts, especially in the range approx.
+	20-40ppem, fixing the appearance of many overshoots.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_blues): Look at the
+	first and last points of the segment, not the points right before
+	and after.
+2013-07-19  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[sfnt] `sbix' fix-ups.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Apple's `sbix' color bitmaps
+	are rendered scaled and then the `glyf' outline rendered on top.  We
+	don't support that yet, so just ignore the `glyf' outline and
+	advertise it as a bitmap-only font.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_strike_metrics)
+	[TT_SBIT_TABLE_TYPE_SBIX]: Return metrics in 26.6 units.
+	(tt_face_load_sbix_image): Typo.
+2013-07-18  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	[sfnt] Add support for Apple's `sbix' color bitmap table.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_SBit_MetricsRec): Widen
+	fields to FT_Short and FT_UShort, respectively.
+	(TT_SBitTableType): New enumeration.
+	(TT_FaceRec): Add `sbit_table_type' field.
+	* include/freetype/tttags.h (TTAG_sbix): New macro.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c (Load_SBit_Png): Pass a more generic
+	FT_GlyphSlot argument instead FT_Bitmap.
+	Add flag to control map and metrics handling.
+	Update all users.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Include `ttmtx.h'.
+	(tt_face_load_eblc): Renamed to...
+	(tt_face_load_sbit): This.
+	Handlic `sbix' bitmaps.
+	(tt_face_free_eblc): Renamed to...
+	(tt_face_load_sbit): This.
+	Updated.
+	(tt_face_load_strike_metrics): Handle `sbix' bitmaps.
+	(tt_face_load_sbix_image): New function.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_alloc_bitmap, tt_sbit_decoder_load_image,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_byte_aligned, tt_sbit_decoder_load_bit_aligned,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound, tt_sbit_decoder_load_png,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_image, tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Don't pass
+	and handle load flags.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap) [!FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG]: Better
+	handle formats 17-19.
+	Move color to grayscale conversion to...
+	(tt_face_load_sbit_image): Here.
+	Handle `sbix' bitmaps.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.h: Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.h: Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Updated.
+2013-07-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Ignore invalid magic number in `head' or `bhed'.
+	Other font engines seem to ignore it also.  Problem reported by
+	Hin-Tak Leung <>.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (check_table_dir): Don't abort but warn only if
+	we have an invalid magic number.
+2013-07-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[smooth] Fix segfault caused by previous commit.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_set_cell): Always compute
+	`ras.invalid'.
+2013-07-16  David Turner  <>
+	[smooth] Improve performance.
+	Provide a work-around for an ARM-specific performance bug in GCC.
+	This speeds up the rasterizer by more than 5%.
+	Also slightly optimize `set_gray_cell' and `gray_record_cell' (which
+	also improves performance on other platforms by a tiny bit (<1%).
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (FT_DIV_MOD): New macro.
+	Use it where appropriate.
+	(gray_record_cell, gray_set_cell, gray_move_to,
+	gray_convert_glyph_inner): Streamline condition handling.
+2013-07-16  David Turner  <>
+	[truetype] Add assembler code for TT_MulFix14 and TT_DotFix14.
+	This patch provides slightly optimized versions for ARM, x86, and
+	x86_64 CPUs if built with GCC.
+	Also remove some dead code.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MulFix14_arm, TT_MulFix14_long_long,
+	TT_DotFix14_long_long): New functions.
+2013-07-16  David Turner  <>
+	Optimize FT_MulFix for x86_64 GCC builds.
+	This patch provides an optimized `FT_MulFix' implementation for
+	x86_64 machines when FreeType is built with GCC, or compatible
+	compilers like Clang.
+	Example:
+	  bin/ftbench -p -t 5 -s 14 -f 0008 Arial.ttf
+	Before:
+	  Load                       4.863 us/op
+	  Load_Advances (Normal)     4.816 us/op
+	  Load_Advances (Fast)       0.028 us/op
+	  Render                     2.753 us/op
+	  Get_Glyph                  0.463 us/op
+	  Get_CBox                   0.077 us/op
+	  Get_Char_Index             0.023 us/op
+	  Iterate CMap              13.898 us/op
+	  New_Face                  12.368 us/op
+	  Embolden                   0.028 us/op
+	  Get_BBox                   0.302 us/op
+	After:
+	  Load                       4.617 us/op
+	  Load_Advances (Normal)     4.645 us/op
+	  Load_Advances (Fast)       0.027 us/op
+	  Render                     2.789 us/op
+	  Get_Glyph                  0.460 us/op
+	  Get_CBox                   0.077 us/op
+	  Get_Char_Index             0.024 us/op
+	  Iterate CMap              13.403 us/op
+	  New_Face                  12.278 us/op
+	  Embolden                   0.028 us/op
+	  Get_BBox                   0.301 us/op
+	* builds/unix/, include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h
+	(FT_MulFix_x86_64): New function.
+2013-07-16  David Turner  <>
+	Speed up ARMv7 support.
+	When building for ARMv7 with thumb2 instructions, the optimized
+	`FT_MulFix_arm' assembly routine was not being used.
+	The reason for this is in the `ftconfig.h' header, namely:
+	- The assembly routine uses the `smull' instruction which is not
+	  available when generating Thumb-1 machine code.  It is available
+	  in Thumb-2 mode, though.
+	- The header was written a long time ago before Thumb-2 became
+	  widely popular (e.g. with Android).  So it simply doesn't use the
+	  assembly routine if the `__thumb__' built-in macro is defined.
+	- When compiling in Thumb-2 mode, the compiler will define both
+	  `__thumb__' and `__thumb2__'.
+	By checking for `(__thumb2__ || !__thumb__)', we ensure that the
+	assembly routine is only avoided when generating Thumb-1 code.
+	Given that this is performance-sensitive function, this improves
+	`ftbench' as follows on a Galaxy Nexus:
+	                           Before (us/op)   After (us/op)
+	  - loading Arial.ttf glyphs at 14 ppem [1]
+	      Load                   34.285          33.098
+	  - same operation with the light auto-hinter [2]
+	      Load                   31.317          29.590
+	  - same operation without hinting [3]
+	      Load                    6.143           5.376
+	  - loading Arial.ttf advances at 14 ppem [4]
+	      Load_Advances (normal) 34.216          33.016
+	      Load_Advances (fast)    0.176           0.176
+	  [1] ftbench -t 5 -p -s 14 -b a -f 0008 Arial.ttf
+	  [2] ftbench -t 5 -p -s 14 -b a -r 1 -f 0028 Arial.ttf
+	  [3] ftbench -t 5 -p -s 14 -b a -f 000a Arial.ttf
+	  [4] ftbench -t 5 -p -s 14 -b b -f 0008 Arial.ttf
+	* builds/unix/, include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h
+	(FT_MULFIX_ASSEMBLER): Fix handling for ARMv7.
+2013-06-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-06-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Fix bitmap width guard.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Add darkening limit to `darkening-parameters'.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_property_set): Add check.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Add `darkening-parameters' property.
+	* include/freetype/ftcffdrv.h: Document it.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_property_set, cff_property_get): Handle
+	`darkening-parameters' property.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.h (CF2_FontRec): Add `darkenParams' array.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_computeDarkening): Add `darkenParams'
+	argument and use it.
+	Update all callers.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_decoder_parse_charstrings): Copy
+	`darken_params' values.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h (CFF_DriverRec): Add `darken_params' array.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_driver_init): Set default values for
+	`darken_params'.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Code shuffling.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (re_url): Move regexp...
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ ... to this file.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Remove unused functions.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (DocMarkup.get_start,
+	DocBlock.get_markup_name): Removed.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (html_quote0, dump_html_code,
+	HtmlFormatter.make_html_words): Removed.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (dll): Remove target.
+	Problem reported by Jörg Günnewig <>.
+2013-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[docmaker] Recognise URLs.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (re_url): New regular expression.
+	(make_html_para): Use it.
+2013-06-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version released.
+	===========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-0-1'.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Undefine
+	* devel/ftoption.h: Define CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_ENGINE.
+2013-06-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ (install): Don't create `cache' directory.
+	Found by Peter Breitenlohner <>.
+2013-06-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.5.0 released.
+	=========================
+	Tag sources with `VER-2-5-0'.
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Update documentation and bump version number to
+	2.5.0.
+	* README, Jamfile (RefDoc),
+	builds/win32/vc2005/freetype.vcproj, builds/win32/vc2005/index.html,
+	builds/win32/vc2008/freetype.vcproj, builds/win32/vc2008/index.html,
+	builds/win32/vc2010/freetype.vcxproj, builds/win32/vc2010/index.html,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/win32/visualc/index.html, builds/win32/visualce/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/win32/visualce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2005-ce/index.html,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/freetype.vcproj,
+	builds/wince/vc2008-ce/index.html: s/2.4.12/2.5.0/, s/2412/250/.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_MINOR): Set to 5.
+	(FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 0.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw (version_info): Set to 16:2:10.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face): Pacify compiler.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_MSIRP, Ins_MIRP): Ditto.
+2013-06-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39269.
+	* src/base/ftgloadr.c (FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoints): Free memory in
+	case of reacollocation failures.
+2013-06-18  Andrew Church  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39266.
+	If memory allocations fail at certain points while opening a font,
+	FreeType can either crash due to a NULL dereference or leak memory.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.c (FT_Face_InternalRec,
+	FT_LibraryRec): Make `refcount' a signed integer.  If, for example,
+	FT_Open_Face() fails in a memory allocation before the face's
+	reference count is set to 1, a subsequent `FT_Done_Library' call
+	would otherwise loop over `FT_Done_Face' 2^32 times before freeing
+	the face.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (open_face): Initialize `stream' and friends
+	earlier.
+	(FT_Open_Face) <Fail>: Behave correctly if `node' is NULL.
+	(FT_Destroy_Module) <Fail>: Check that `renderer_clazz' is valid.
+2013-06-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c One final pragma to silence 64-bit MSVC.
+2013-06-06  Dave Arnold  <>
+	    Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] Add code to Adobe's engine to handle ppem > 2000.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): If we get
+	FT_Err_Glyph_Too_Big, retry unhinted and scale up later on.
+2013-06-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Another try on pragmas.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Move pragmas to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h: ... this file since it gets
+	included by all source files.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h: Remove pragma which has no
+	effect.
+2013-06-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Disable MSVC warning C4127.
+	This partially undoes commit 3f6e0e0c.
+2013-06-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	More compiler warning fixes.
+	*/*: Use cast to `FT_Bool' (or `Bool') where appropriate.
+2013-06-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Improve handling of broken sbit advance widths.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph): Use the glyph's (scaled)
+	`linearHoriAdvance' if the sbit's `horiAdvance' value is zero.
+	Cf. font `Fixedsys Excelsior' v3.01 (FSEX300.ttf), glyph A, 16ppem.
+2013-06-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Improve embedded bitmap tracing.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Request_Size): Move trace message regarding
+	bitmap strike match to...
+	(FT_Match_Size): This function.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_metrics,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_byte_aligned, tt_sbit_decoder_load_bit_aligned,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound, tt_sbit_decoder_load_png,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_image): Decorate with tracing messages.
+2013-06-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #39160.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_SDPVTL): Set projection vector too
+	for the degenerate case.
+2013-06-09  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_Reset): Add missing cache flush.
+	This code, present since eight(!) years in the unused `CACHE'
+	branch, has been forgotten to apply to the master branch.  It's
+	really amazing that noone has ever complained since
+	`FTC_Manager_Reset' is pretty useless without flushing the cache.
+2013-06-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add and improve pragmas for MSVC compiler.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Remove pragmas.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h: Use push and pop for pragmas.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftvalid.h: Handle warning C4324.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Use push and pop for pragmas.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c: Handle warning C4244.
+2013-06-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[cff] s/cf2_getGlyphWidth/cf2_getGlyphOutline/.
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c, src/cff/cf2font.h, src/cff/cf2ft.c: Do it.
+2013-06-06  Dave Arnold  <>
+	[cff] Add early exit feature for width-only calls.
+	This is for `FT_Get_Advance'.
+	There are 7 places where the spec says the width can be defined:
+	  hstem/hstemhm
+	  vstem/vstemhm
+	  cntrmask/hintmask
+	  hmoveto
+	  vmoveto
+	  rmoveto
+	  endchar
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c (cf2_doStems): Exit early for width-only calls,
+	if possible.
+	(cf2_interpT2CharString) <cf2_cmdHSTEM>, <cf2_cmdVSTEM>,
+	<cf2_cmdVMOVETO>, <cf2_cmdENDCHAR>, <cf2_cmdHINTMASK>,
+	<cf2_cmdRMOVETO>, <cf2_cmdHMOVETO>: Exit early for width-only calls.
+2013-06-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Next round of compiler fixes.
+	* builds/win32/ftdebug.c, builds/wince/ftdebug.c (ft_debug_init):
+	Add proper cast.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE): Fix
+	cast.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h: Decorate stream and frame
+	macros with `FT_Long' and `FT_ULong' as appropriate.
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c (raccess_guess_darwin_hfsplus,
+	raccess_guess_darwin_newvfs): Use cast.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_set_default_spacing): Use cast.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_Check): Fix cast.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.h (FTC_ManagerRec): Ditto.
+	* src/cff/cf2arrst.c (cf2_arrstack_setNum_Elements): Use cast.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_freeSeacComponent): Ditto.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (remove_subset_prefix, remove_style): Ditto.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c (cid_parser_new): Use cast.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Glyph_Load): Use cast.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (reallocate_t1_table): Fix argument type.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_reset): Use cast.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (FT_Stream_FTell): Use cast.
+	(ALL_POINTS): Fix cast.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_ps_get_font_value): Add casts.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Add cast.
+2013-06-05  Dave Arnold  <>
+	Fix more MSVC Win32 compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Fix typo in MS pragma.
+	* src/base/bdflib.c (_bdf_set_default_spacing, _bdf_add_property):
+	`lineno' is only used in debug mode.
+	* src/cff/cf2ft.c (cf2_builder_moveTo): `params' is only used in
+	debug mode.
+2013-06-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix compiler warnings.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h: Decorate memory allocation
+	macros with `FT_Long' where appropriate.
+	Remove duplicate of FT_MEM_QRENEW_ARRAY definition.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): Use
+	cast.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Add warning disabling pragma for MSVC while
+	including `md5.c'.
+	* src/cff/cf2intrp.c (cf2_interpT2CharString) <cf2_cmdESC>: Add
+	cast.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound): Fix casts.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Beautification.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render_generic): Initialize
+	variables (earlier).
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph): Pacify compiler.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (TT_Get_MM_Var): Use unsigned constants
+	where appropriate.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_Get_MM_Var): Ditto.
+2013-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_getGlyphWidth): Initialize `advWidth'.
+	Problem reported by Ingmar Sittl <>.
+2013-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Apply fixes for cppcheck nitpicks.
+	The call was (from the top-level of the FreeType tree):
+	  cppcheck --force \
+	           --enable=all \
+	           -I include \
+	           -I include/freetype/ \
+	           -I include/freetype/config/ \
+	           -I include/freetype/internal/ \
+	           . &> cppcheck.log
+	Note that the current version heavily chokes on FreeType, delivering
+	many wrong results.  I will report those issues to the cppcheck team
+	so that a newer version gives improved results hopefully.
+	*/* Improve variable scopes.
+	*/* Remove redundant initializations which get overwritten.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c, builds/mac/ftmac.c (count_faces_scalable):
+	Remove unused variable.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (ft_mem_table_destroy): `table' can't be zero.
+	* src/gxvalid/gxvkern.c (gxv_kern_subtable_fmt1_entry_validate):
+	Remove functionless code.
+	* src/tools/ftrandom.c (main): Fix memory leak.
+2013-06-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_ENGINE configuration option.
+	This controls whether the old FreeType CFF engine gets compiled into
+	FreeType.  It is now disabled by default.
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_property_set), src/cff/cffgload.c
+	(CFF_Operator, cff_argument_counts, cff_builder_add_point,
+	cff_operator_seac, cff_decoder_parse_charstrings, cff_slot_load),
+	src/cff/cffgload.h, src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_driver_init): Use
+	CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_ENGINE to guard the affected code.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-06-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix PNG library handling.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Don't use LIBPNG_LIBS but
+2013-05-23  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Add support for color embedded bitmaps (eg. color emoji).
+	A new load flag, FT_LOAD_COLOR, makes FreeType load color
+	embedded-bitmaps, following this draft specification
+	which defines two new SFNT tables, `CBDT' and `CBLC' (named and
+	modeled after `EBDT' and `EBLC', respectively).  The color bitmaps
+	are stored in the new FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA format to represent BGRA
+	pre-multiplied sRGB images.  If PNG support is available, PNG color
+	images as defined in the same proposed specification are supported
+	also.
+	Note that color bitmaps are converted to grayscale if client didn't
+	ask for color.
+	* builds/unix/configure.raw: Search for libpng.
+	Add `--without-png' option.
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_LOAD_COLOR): New load flag.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Pixel_Mode): Add
+	* include/freetype/tttags.h (TTAG_CBDT, TTAG_CBLC): New tags.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Updated.
+	(ft_gray_for_premultiplied_srgb_bgra): New function.
+	(FT_Bitmap_Convert): Handle FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA.
+	* src/sfnt/pngshim.c, src/sfnt/pngshim.h: New files.
+	* src/sfnt/sfnt.c: Include `pngshim.c'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Include FT_BITMAP_H and `pngshim.h'
+	(tt_face_load_eblc): Load `CBLC'.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_init): Load `CBDT'.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_alloc_bitmap): Pass load flags to select between
+	color and grayscale bitmaps.
+	Set `num_grays'.  This is used by `ftview' to choose the blending
+	algorithm.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_byte_aligned,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_bit_aligned, tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_image): Pass load flag.
+	s/write/pwrite/.
+	Don't call `tt_sbit_decoder_alloc_bitmap'.
+	Updated.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_png) [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG]: New function.
+	(tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap): Pass load flag.
+	Handle new glyph formats 17, 18, and 19.
+	Call `tt_sbit_decoder_alloc_bitmap'.
+	Flatten color bitmaps if necessary.
+	(tt_face_load_sbit_image): Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/ (SFNT_DRV_SRC): Add `pngshim.c'.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2013-05-24  Guenter  <>
+	Apply Savannah patch #8055.
+	Make `apinames' create an import file for NetWare.
+	* src/tools/apinames.c (PROGRAM_VERSION): Set to 0.2.
+	(OutputFormat): Add `OUTPUT_NETWARE_IMP'.
+	(names_dump): Handle it.
+	(usage): Updated.
+	(main): Handle new command line flag `-wN'.
+2013-05-23  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Compilation fix.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_RunIns)
+2013-05-22  Infinality  <>
+	[truetype] Formatting and an additional subpixel tweak.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Ins_SHPIX): Formatting fix.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c (SKIP_NONPIXEL_Y_MOVES_Rules):
+	Revert previous modification for Verdana clones.
+2013-05-22  Infinality  <>
+	[truetype] Adjust subpixel zp2 moves and tweak rules.
+	These modifications fix thin diagonal stems in some legacy fonts.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Direct_Move_X): Remove unused macro.
+	(Move_Zp2_Point): Don't always disable x moves for subpixel rendering.
+	(Ins_SHP): Disable x moves here for subpixel rendering.
+	(Ins_SHPIX): Only disable x moves in compatibility mode.
+	Split out zp2 move reversals and reorder conditional respectively.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c (SKIP_NONPIXEL_Y_MOVES_Rules): Fix oversight.
+	Only adjust Verdana clones for 17 ppem.
+	(SKIP_NONPIXEL_Y_MOVES_Rules_Exceptions): Add Courier New.
+	(ALWAYS_SKIP_DELTAP_Rules): Found additional cases for Arial `s'.
+2013-05-20  Infinality  <>
+	[truetype] Simplify and improve subpixel function detection.
+	Some small enhancements have allowed the removal of many macros and
+	the simplification of existing rules in `ttsubpix.c'.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.h (SPH_TWEAK_ALLOW_X_DMOVEX,
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c: Updated affected rules.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Direct_Move_X): Updated.
+	(INS_FDEF): Add additional function detection.
+	(INS_ENDF): Set runtime flag.
+	(Ins_CALL): Skip the call under certain conditions.
+	Remove bad code.
+	(Ins_LOOPCALL): Skip the call under certain conditions.
+	Remove bad code.
+	(Move_Zp2_Point): Updated.
+	(Ins_SHPIX): Updated.
+	Skip the move under some situations.
+	(Ins_MIAP): Improve conditions.
+	(Ins_MIRP): Updated.
+	(Ins_DELTAP): Skip move under certain conditions.
+	Simplify conditions.
+	(TT_RunIns): Updated.
+	Add code to handle new function detection.
+	Trace messages.
+2013-05-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Update more FT_Err_XXX macros using FT_ERR and FT_THROW;
+	* builds/amiga/src/base/ftsystem.c, builds/mac/ftmac.c,
+	builds/unix/ftsystem.c, builds/vms/ftsystem.c: Do it.
+2013-05-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Add `interpreter-version' property.
+	This makes the option TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING controllable
+	at runtime.
+	* include/freetype/ftttdrv.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H): New
+	macro.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c: Include FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H.
+	(tt_property_set, tt_property_get): Fill templates.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h (TT_DriverRec): Add `interpreter_version'
+	member.
+	Remove unused `extension_component' member.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c: Include FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H.
+	(tt_get_metrics, TT_Hint_Glyph, TT_Process_Simple_Glyph,
+	compute_glyph_metrics, tt_loader_init): Use `interpreter_version'.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Include FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H.
+	(SUBPIXEL_HINTING): New macro to check `interpreter_version' flag.
+	Update all affected functions to use it.
+	Use TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_XXX where appropriate.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c: Include FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H.
+	(tt_driver_init): Initialize `interpreter_version'.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c: Include FT_TRUETYPE_DRIVER_H.
+	Use TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_XXX where appropriate.
+2013-05-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Avoid empty source file.
+	* src/truetype/ttsubpix.c [!TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING]:
+	Provide dummy typedef.
+2013-05-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cf2font.c (cf2_getGlyphWidth): Fix uninitialized variable.
+	Fix suggested by Vaibhav Nagarnaik <>.
+2013-05-13  Brian Nixon  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #38970.
+	* src/base/ftdebug.c, builds/win32/ftdebug.c,
+	builds/wince/ftdebug.c, builds/amiga/src/base/ftdebug.c
+	(ft_debug_init): Don't read past the environment variable FT2_DEBUG.
+2013-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[truetype] Add framework for TrueType properties.
+	* src/truetype/ttdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES_H.
+	(tt_property_set, tt_property_get): New functions, still empty.
+	Define `tt_service_properties' service.
+	Update `tt_services'.
+	* src/truetype/ttpic.h: Include FT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES_H.
+	(TTModulePIC): Add `tt_service_properties'.
+2013-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #38967.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_DivFix) [FT_LONG64]: Fix cast.
+2013-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Introduce unsigned 64bit type (if available).
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: Define FT_UINT64 if available.
+	[FT_LONG64]: Provide FT_UInt64.
+	* builds/unix/ Synchronized.
+2013-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #38968.
+	* include/freetype/ftmodapi.h: Add `FT_EXPORT' to
+	FT_Property_{Set,Get}.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Add `FT_EXPORT_DEF' to
+	FT_Property_{Set,Get}.
+2013-05-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	[sfnt] Clean up bitmap code.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Deleted.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c: Renamed to `ttsbit.c'.
+	* (SFNT_DRV_H): Updated.
+2013-05-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	*/* [FT_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_INTERNALS]: Remove macro and guarded code.
+Copyright 2013-2015 by
+David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
+and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
+LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
+indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
+Local Variables:
+version-control: never
+coding: utf-8
diff --git a/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.20 b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.20
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dae58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.20
@@ -0,0 +1,2613 @@
+2002-02-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* README: Fix typo.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Minor fixes.
+	* Version 2.0.8 released.
+	=========================
+2002-02-08  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updating for 2.0.8.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Setting `PATCH_LEVEL' to 8 and
+	removing `FT_Get_Next_Char' from the API (temporarily).
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Adding comments to FT_Get_Next_Char;
+	note that this function might temporarily be removed for the 2.0.8
+	release.
+2002-02-07  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Removed immature support of
+	the AVERAGE_WIDTH property.
+2002-02-06  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (SFNT_Load_Face): Since many fonts embedded in
+	PDF documents do not include 'cmap', 'post' and 'name' tables, the
+	SFNT face loader has been changed to not immediately report an
+	error if these are not present.
+	Note that the specification _requires_ these tables, but Adobe
+	seems to ignore it completely.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c: Removing compiler warnings.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC): Use FT_UInt.
+	(pcf_parse_metric, pcf_parse_compressed_metric): Removed.  Code
+	is now in ...
+	(pcf_get_metric): Here.
+	(pcfSeekToType): Renamed to ...
+	(pcf_seek_to_table_type): This.
+	Use FT_Int.
+	(pcfHasType): Renamed to ...
+	(pcf_has_table_type): This.
+	Use FT_Int.
+	(find_property): Renamed to ...
+	(pcf_find_property): This.
+	Use FT_Int.
+	(pcf_get_bitmaps, pcf_get_encodings): Handle invalid PCF fonts
+	better (delaying format checks out of FT_Access_Frame ..
+	FT_Forget_Frame blocks to avoid leaving the stream in an incorrect
+	state when encountering an invalid PCF font).
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Done_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(PCF_Face_Done): This.
+	(PCF_Init_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(PCF_Face_Init): This.
+	(PCF_Get_Char_Index): Renamed to ...
+	(PCF_Char_Get_Index): This.
+	(PCF_Get_Next_Char): Renamed to ...
+	(PCF_Char_Get_Next): This.
+	(pcf_driver_class): Updated.
+	* src/pcf/pcf.h (PCF_Done_Face): Removed.
+2002-02-06  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (FT_Done_Face): Fixed small memory leak.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Now handles the `AVERAGE_WIDTH'
+	property to return correct character pixel (width/height) pairs for
+	embedded bitmaps.
+2002-02-04  Keith Packard  <>
+	Adding the function `FT_Get_Next_Char', doing the obvious thing
+	w.r.t. the selected charmap.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Add prototype.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdriver.h: Add `FTDriver_getNextChar'
+	typedef.
+	(FT_Driver_Class): Use it.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psnames.h: Add `PS_Next_Unicode_Func'
+	typedef.
+	(PSNames_Interface): Use it.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h: Add `TT_CharNext_Func'
+	typedef.
+	(TT_CMapTable): Use it.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Next_Char): New function, implementing
+	high-level API.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_next_char): New function.
+	(cff_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/cid/cidriver.c (Cid_Get_Next_Char): New function.
+	(t1cid_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Get_Next_Char): New function.
+	(pcf_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (PS_Next_Unicode): New function.
+	(psnames_interface): Add it.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (code_to_next0, code_to_next2, code_to_next4,
+	code_to_next6, code_to_next_8_12, code_to_next_10): New auxiliary
+	functions.
+	(TT_CharMap_Load): Use them.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Get_Next_Char): New function.
+	(tt_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (Get_Next_Char): New function.
+	(t1_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Get_Next_Char): New function.
+	(winfnt_driver_class): Add it.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): For now, report Unicode for
+	Unicode and Latin 1 encodings.
+2002-02-02  Keith Packard  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Add missing `fi'.
+	* Version 2.0.7 released.
+	=========================
+2002-02-01  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Increasing FREETYPE_PATCH to 7
+	for the new release.
+2002-01-31  David Turner  <>
+	* README, README.UNX, docs/CHANGES: Updating documentation for the
+	2.0.7 release.
+2002-01-30  David Turner  <>
+	* INSTALL: Moved to ...
+	* docs/INSTALL: Here to avoid conflicts with the `install' script on
+	Windows, where the filesystem doesn't preserve case.
+2002-01-29  David Turner  <>
+	* configure: Fixed the script.  It previously didn't accept more
+	than one argument correctly.  For example, when typing:
+	  ./configure --disable-shared --disable-nls
+	the `--disable-nls' was incorrectly sent to the `make' program.
+2002-01-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* README.UNX: Fix typo.
+	* builds/unix/ (uninstall): Fix library name for libtool.
+2002-01-28  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Done_Face): Fix incorrect destruction of
+	the face object (face->toc.tables, face->root.family_name,
+	face->root.available_size, face->charset_encoding,
+	face->charset_registry are now freed).  Thanks to Niels Moseley.
+2002-01-28  Roberto Alameda  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_encoding): Set `loader->num_chars'.
+2002-01-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_subrs, parse_charstrings): Use copy
+	of `base' string for decrypting to not modify the original data.
+	Based on a patch by Jakub Bogusz <>.
+2002-01-27  Giuliano Pochini  <>
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_render_scanline): Fix bug which caused
+	bad rendering of thin lines (less than one pixel thick).
+2002-01-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_name_index): Make last patch work
+	actually.
+2002-01-25  Martin Zinser  <>
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c (ftc_node_done, ftc_node_destroy): Fix
+	compilation warnings.
+	* src/base/descrip.mms (OBJS): Add `ftmm.obj'.
+	* src/cache/descrip.mms (ftcache.obj): Dependencies added.
+2002-01-25  WANG Yi  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_name_index): Fix deallocation bug.
+2002-01-21  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* docs/PATENTS: Typo fixed (thanks to Detlef `Hawkeye' Würkner) in
+	the URL for the online resource.
+2002-01-18  Ian Brown  <>
+	* builds/win32/ftdebug.c: New file.
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp: Updated.
+2002-01-18  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* builds/amiga/src/base/ftsystem.c: Updated for AmigaOS 3.9.
+	* builds/amiga/README: Updated.
+2002-01-18  Ian Brown  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp: Updated.
+2002-01-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.a4: The script was still buggy.
+	* builds/unix/ Make it really work for any install
+	prefix.
+2002-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.a4: Fix some serious bugs.
+2002-01-09  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Build top-level Jamfile.
+2002-01-09  Maxim Shemanarev  <>
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_render_line): Small optimization to
+	the smooth anti-aliased renderer that deals with vertical segments.
+	This results in a 5-7% speedup in rendering speed.
+2002-01-08  David Turner  <>
+	Added some wrapper scripts to make the installation more
+	Unix-friendly.
+	* configure, install: New files.
+	* INSTALL, README.UNX: Updated installation documentation to use the
+	new 'configure' and 'install' scripts.
+2002-01-07  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.0.6 released.
+	=========================
+	* docs/BUGS, docs/CHANGES: Updating documentation for 2.0.6 release.
+	* src/tools/ Fixed HTML quoting in sources.
+	(html_format): Replaced with ...
+	(html_quote): New function.
+	(html_quote0): New function.
+	(DocCode::dump_html): Small improvement.
+	(DocParagraph::dump, DocBlock::html): Use html_quote0 and html_quote.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Setting default options for
+	a release build (debugging off, bytecode interpreter off).
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c, src/base/ftoutln.c, src/cache/ftccmap.c,
+	src/cff/cffload.c, src/cff/cffobjs.c, src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c,
+	src/sfnt/ttload.c, src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Removing small compiler
+	warnings (in pedantic compilation modes).
+2002-01-05  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_align_linked_edge): Modified computation
+	of auto-hinted stem widths; this avoids color fringes in
+	`ClearType-like' rendering.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph_Header,
+	TT_Load_Simple_Glyph, TT_Load_Composite_Glyph, load_truetype_glyph):
+	Modified the TrueType loader to make it more paranoid; this avoids
+	nasty buffer overflows in the case of invalid glyph data (as
+	encountered in the output of some buggy font converters).
+2002-01-04  David Turner  <>
+	* README.UNX: Added special README file for Unix users.
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Stream): Fixed typo.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Added #include FT_OUTLINE_H to get rid
+	of compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Check): Remove compiler warning.
+2002-01-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Init): Add cast to avoid compiler
+	warning.
+2002-01-03  Keith Packard  <>
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Stream): Added a fix to ensure that
+	all FreeType input streams are closed in child processes of a `fork'
+	on Unix systems.  This is important to avoid (potential) access
+	control issues.
+2002-01-03  David Turner  <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Init): Fixed a bug that crashed the
+	library when dealing with certain weird fonts like `Stalingrad', in
+	`sadn.pfb' (this font has no full font name entry).
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c, include/freetype/ftoutln.h (FT_Outline_Check):
+	New function to check the consistency of outline data.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Load_Glyph): Use `FT_Outline_Check' to
+	ensure that loaded glyphs are valid.  This allows certain fonts like
+	`tt1095m_.ttf' to be loaded even though it appears they contain
+	really funky glyphs.
+	There still is a bug there, though.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Fix error condition.
+2001-12-30  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load): Fix advance width
+	computation of auto-hinted glyphs.  This noticeably improves the
+	spacing of letters in KDE and Gnome.
+2001-12-25  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* builds/dos/ Correcting the order for Borland compilers:
+	16-bit bcc was never selected, always overridden by 32-bit bcc32.
+2001-12-22  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pfc/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Handle property `POINT_SIZE'
+	and fix incorrect computation of `available_sizes'.
+2001-12-22  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load): Auto-hinted glyphs had an
+	incorrect glyph advance in the case of mono-width fonts (like
+	Courier, Andale Mono, and others).
+2001-12-22  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* builds/amiga/*: Adaptations to latest changes.
+	Support added for MorphOS.
+2001-12-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c (FT_COMPONENT): Redefine to `trace_pshrec'.
+	(ps_mask_table_merge, ps_hints_open, ps_hints_stem,
+	ps_hints_t1stem3, ps_hints_t2mask, ps_hints_t2counter): Fix
+	FT_ERROR messages.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c (FT_COMPONENT): Define as
+	`trace_pshalgo1'.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (FT_COMPONENT): Define as
+	`trace_pshalgo2'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h (FT_Trace): Updated.
+	* docs/modules.txt: New file.
+2001-12-21  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c (ps_hints_t2mask, ps_hints_t2counter):
+	Ignore invalid `hintmask' and `cntrmask' operators (instead of
+	returning an error).  Glyph 2028 of the CFF font `MSung-Light-Acro'
+	couldn't be rendered otherwise (it seems its charstring is buggy,
+	though this requires more analysis).
+	(FT_COMPONENT): Define.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Parse_CharStrings), src/psaux/t1decode.c
+	(T1_Decoder_Parse_Charstrings), src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (*), Fixed a
+	bug where the X and Y axis where inverted in the postscript hinter.
+	This caused problem when displaying on non-square surfaces.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c: s/vertical/dimension/.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_new): Replaced a floating
+	point constant with a fixed-float equivalent.  For some reasons not
+	all compilers are capable of directly computing a floating pointer
+	constant casted to FT_Fixed, and will link a math library instead.
+2001-12-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c (ftc_node_destroy, ftc_cache_lookup): Fix
+	tracing strings.
+	* src/cache/ftccmap.c (ftc_cmap_family_init): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_family_table_alloc,
+	ftc_family_table_free, FTC_Manager_Check): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_sbit_node_load): Ditto.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Done_Library): Remove compiler warning.
+2001-12-20  David Turner  <>
+	Added PostScript hinter support to the CFF and CID drivers.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h (CFF_Font): New member
+	`pshinter'.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Get_Standard_Encoding): New function.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h: Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Init_Builder): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Builder_Init): This.
+	Added new argument `hinting'.
+	(CFF_Done_Builder): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Builder_Done): This.
+	(CFF_Init_Decoder): Added new argument `hinting'.
+	(CFF_Parse_CharStrings): Implement vstem support.
+	(CFF_Load_Glyph): Updated.
+	Add hinting support.
+	(cff_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode): Use CFF_Get_Standard_Encoding().
+	(cff_argument_counts): Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.h: Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_HINTS_H.
+	(CFF_Size_Get_Globals_Funcs, CFF_Size_Done, CFF_Size_Init,
+	CFF_Size_Reset, CFF_GlyphSlot_Done, CFF_GLyphSlot_Init): New
+	functions.
+	(CFF_Init_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Face_Init): This.
+	Add hinter support.
+	(CFF_Done_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Face_Done): This.
+	(CFF_Init_Driver): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Driver_Init): This.
+	(CFF_Done_Driver): Renamed to ...
+	(CFF_Driver_Done): This.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h: Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_driver_class): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h (CID_FaceRec): New member
+	`pshinter'.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (CID_Load_Glyph): Add hinter support.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_HINTS_H.
+	(CID_GlyphSlot_Done, CID_GlyphSlot_Init, CID_Size_Get_Globals_Funcs,
+	CID_Size_Done, CID_Size_Init, CID_Size_Reset): New functions.
+	(CID_Done_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(CID_Face_Done): This.
+	(CID_Init_Face): Renamed to ...
+	(CID_Face_Init): This.
+	Add hinting support.
+	(CID_Init_Driver): Renamed to ...
+	(CID_Driver_Init): This.
+	(CID_Done_Driver): Renamed to ...
+	(CID_Driver_Done): This.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.h: Updated.
+	* src/cidriver.c: Updated.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c (t2_hint_stems): Fixed.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Done_Library): Fixed a stupid bug that
+	crashed the library on exit.
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Load_Glyph): Enable font matrix
+	transformation of hinted glyphs.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_read_subrs): Fix error condition.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (CID_Face_Done): Fixed a memory leak; the subrs
+	routines were never released when CID faces were destroyed.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h, src/cff/cffload.c, src/cff/cffgload.c: Updated
+	to move the definition of encoding tables back within `cffload.c'
+	instead of making them part of a shared header (causing problems in
+	`multi' builds).  This reverts change 2001-08-08.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated for 2.0.6 release.
+	* docs/TODO: Added `stem3 and counter hints support' to the TODO
+	list for the Postscript hinter.
+	* docs/BUGS: Closed the AUTOHINT-NO-SBITS bug.
+2001-12-19  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcache.h: Added comments to indicate that
+	some of the exported functions should only be used by applications
+	that need to implement custom cache types.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (cur_to_org, org_to_cur): Fixed a nasty bug
+	that prevented composites from loading correctly, due to missing
+	parentheses around macro parameters.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (SFNT_Load_Face): Make the `post' and `name'
+	tables optional to load PCL fonts properly.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph), src/base/ftobjs.c
+	(FT_Load_Glyph), include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_LOAD_SBITS_ONLY):
+	`Fixed' the bug that prevented embedded bitmaps to be loaded when
+	the auto-hinter is used.  This actually is a hack but will be enough
+	until the internal re-design scheduled for FreeType 2.1.
+	* src/raster/ftrend1.c (ft_raster1_render): Fixed a nasty outline
+	shifting bug in the monochrome renderer.
+	* README: Updated version numbers to 2.0.6.
+2001-12-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Fix test for invalid
+	glyph header.
+2001-12-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Remove compiler warning.
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h (FTC_Node_Unref): Removed.  It is
+	already in ftcmanag.h.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_sbit_node_load): Remove unused variable
+	`gfam'.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_family_table_alloc,
+	* ftc_family_table_free): Use FT_EXPORT_DEF.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcmanag.h: Updated.
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c (ftc_node_destroy): Use FT_EXPORT_DEF.
+	* src/cache/ftccmap.c (ftc_cmap_node_init): Remove unused variable
+	`cfam'.
+	Remove compiler warning.
+	(FTC_CMapCache_Lookup): Remove compiler warnings.
+	(ftc_cmap_family_init): Ditto.
+	(FTC_CMapCache_Lookup): Ditto.
+	* builds/unix/ Increase `version_info' to 8:0:2.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+2001-12-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/mac/README: Updated.
+2001-12-14  Scott Long  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Fixing crash when
+	dealing with invalid fonts (i.e. glyph size < 10 bytes).
+2001-12-14  Sam Latinga  <>
+	* builds/mac/freetype.make: A new Makefile to build with MPW on
+	MacOS classic.
+2001-12-14  David Turner  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Glyph), src/type1/t1gload.c
+	(T1_Load_Glyph), src/cid/cidgload.c (CID_Load_Glyph),
+	src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Load_Glyph): Fixed a serious bug common to
+	all font drivers (the advance width was never hinted when it
+	should).
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): New macro.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (debug_mem_dummy) [!FT_DEBUG_MEMORY]: Don't
+	use `extern' keyword.
+2001-12-12  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_blues_scale_zones, psh_blues_snap_stem
+	psh_globals_new): Adding correct BlueScale/BlueShift support, plus
+	family blues processing.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.h (PSH_BluesRec): Updated.
+	Started adding support for the Postscript hinter in the CFF module.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_HINTS_H.
+	(CFF_Parse_CharStrings): Implement it.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.h: Updated.
+2001-12-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.m4: Some portability fixes.
+2001-12-11  Jouk Jansen  <>
+	* src/base/descrip.mms (OBJS): Add ftdebug.obj.
+2001-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_Generic_Header): Typos.
+2001-12-11  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Modified the script to prevent
+	passing `-L/usr/lib' to gcc.
+	* docs/FTL.TXT: Simple fix (change `LICENSE.TXT' to `FTL.TXT').
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.m4: New file for checking configure paths.
+	We need to install it in $(prefix)/share/aclocal/freetype2.m4 but I
+	didn't modify builds/unix/ yet.
+	* INSTALL: Updated the instructions to build shared libraries with
+	Jam.  They were simply wrong.
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (FT_Cos): Fixed a small bug that caused
+	slightly improper results for `FT_Cos' and `FT_Sin' (example:
+	FT_Sin(0) == -1!).
+2001-12-11  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h (GET_LongLE, GET_ULongLE):
+	Fixed incorrect argument types.
+2001-12-10  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Init_Face): Allow Xft to use PCF fonts
+	by setting the `face->metrics.max_advance' correctly.
+2001-12-07  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftccmap.h, src/cache/ftccmap.c: Added new
+	charmap cache.
+	* src/cache/ftcache.c: Updated.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_hint_edges): s/UNUSED/FT_UNUSED/.
+2001-12-06  Leonard Rosenthol  <>
+	Added support for reading .dfont files on Mac OS X.  Also added a
+	new routine which looks up a given font by name in the Mac OS and
+	returns the disk file where it resides.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c: Include <Files.h> and <TextUtils.h>.
+	(is_dfont): New auxiliary function.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_dfont): New function.
+	(FT_GetFile_From_Mac_Name): New exported function.
+	(FT_New_Face): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/ftmac.h: Updated.
+2001-12-06  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cache/Jamfile, src/cache/ Updated.
+2001-12-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* INSTALL: Small update.
+2001-12-05  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Re-ordered code for
+	debugging purposes.
+	Comment out use of `origin'.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render): Fixed a nasty hidden bug
+	where outline shifting wasn't correctly undone after bitmap
+	rasterization.  This created problems with certain glyphs (like '"'
+	of certain fonts) and the cache system.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c (psh1_hint_table_init): Fix typo.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (psh2_hint_table_init): Fix typo.
+	(ps2_hints_apply): Small fix.
+2001-12-05  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (psh2_hint_table_init),
+	src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c (psh1_hint_table_init): Removed compiler
+	warnings.
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h, include/freetype/cache/*, src/cache/*:
+	Yet another massive rewrite of the caching sub-system in order to
+	both increase performance and allow simpler cache sub-classing.  As
+	an example, the code for the image and sbit caches is now much
+	simpler.
+	I still need to update the documentation in
+	www/freetype2/docs/cache.html to reflect the new design though.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_CACHE_CHARMAP_H): New
+	macro.
+2001-12-05  David Krause  <>
+	* docs/license.txt: s/X Windows/X Window System/.
+2001-12-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c: Fix definition condition of MEM_Set().
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (M_Y): Change value to 192.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (ft_mem_table_destroy): Fix printf() parameter.
+	Remove unused variable.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c (ftc_image_node_init,
+	ftc_image_node_compare): Remove unused variables.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_sbit_node_weight): Remove unused
+	variable.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (MEM_Set): Move definition down to avoid
+	compiler warning.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_hint_edges): Use UNUSED() to
+	avoid compiler warnings.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (tableNames): Use `const'.
+	(pcf_read_TOC): Change counter name to avoid compiler warning.
+	Use `const'.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c (ps_hints_close): Remove redundant
+	declaration.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c (psh1_hint_table_init): Rename variables
+	to avoid shadowing.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (psh2_hint_table_activate_mask): Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.h: Remove double declarations of `T1_Size_Init()'
+	and `T1_Size_Done()'.
+2001-11-20  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Added some new Microsoft language
+	codes and LCIDs as found in MSDN (Passport SDK).  Also added
+	comments about the meaning of bit 57 of the `OS/2' table
+	(TT_UCR_SURROGATES) which (with OpenType v.1.3) now means `there is
+	a character beyond 0xFFFF in this font'.  Thanks to Detlef Würkner
+	<> for noticing this.
+2001-11-20  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pshinter/{pshalgo2.c, pshalgo1.c}: Fixed stupid bug in sorting
+	routine that created nasty alignment artefacts.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c, tests/gview.c: Debugging updates.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c: De-activated experimental gamma support.
+	Apparently, `optimal' gamma tables depend on the monitor type,
+	resolution and general karma, so it's better to compute them outside
+	of the rasterizer itself.
+	(gray_convert_glyph): Use `volatile' keyword.
+2001-10-29  David Turner  <>
+	Adding experimental `gamma' support.  This produces smoother glyphs
+	at small sizes for very little cost.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (grays_init_gamma): New function.
+	(gray_raster_new): Use it.
+	Various fixes to the auto-hinter.  They merely improve the output of
+	sans-serif fonts.  Note that there are still problems with serifed
+	fonts and composites (accented characters).
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c (ah_outline_load,
+	ah_outline_link_segments): Implement it.
+	Fix typos.
+	(ah_outline_save, ah_outline_compute_segments): Fix typos.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_align_serif_edge): New argument
+	`vertical'.  Implement improvement.
+	(ah_hint_edges_3, ah_hinter_hint_edges): Implement it.
+	Fix typos.
+	(ah_hinter_align_strong_points, ah_hinter_align_weak_points): Fix
+	typos.
+	(ah_hinter_load): Set `ah_debug_hinter' if DEBUG_HINTER is defined.
+	* src/autohint/ahmodule.c: Implement support for DEBUG_HINTER macro.
+	* src/autohint/ahtypes.h: Ditto.
+	(AH_Hinter): Remove `disable_horz_edges' and `disable_vert_edges'
+	(making them global as `ah_debug_disable_horz' and
+	`ah_debug_disable_vert').
+	Fix typos.
+	* tests/gview.c: Updated the debugging glyph viewer to show the
+	hints generated by the `autohint' module.
+2001-10-27  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcchunk.c (ftc_chunk_cache_lookup): Fixed a bug that
+	considerably lowered the performance of the abstract chunk cache.
+2001-10-26  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h, include/freetype/cache/*.h,
+	src/cache/*.c: Major re-design of the cache sub-system to provide
+	better performance as well as an `Acquire'/`Release' API.  Seems to
+	work well here, but probably needs a bit more testing.
+2001-10-26  Leonard Rosenthol  <>
+	* builds/mac/README: Updated to reflect my taking over the project
+	and that is now being actively maintained.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (parse_fond): Applied patches from Paul Miller
+	<> to support loading a face other than the
+	first from a FOND resource.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_FOND): Updated.
+2001-10-25  Leonard Rosenthol  <>
+	* builds/mac/ftlib.prj: Update of CodeWarrior project file for Mac
+	OS for latest version (7) of CWPro and for recent changes to the FT
+	source tree.
+2001-10-25  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Updated comments to explain
+	precisely how to use project-specific macro definitions without
+	modifying this file manually.
+	(FT_CONFIG_FORCE_INT64): Define.
+	(FT_DEBUG_MEMORY): New macro.
+2001-10-24  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Memory): Added a missing `{'.
+2001-10-23  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h, src/base/ftdbgmem.c:
+	Improvements to the memory debugger to report more information in
+	case of errors.  Also, some allocations that occurred through REALLOC
+	couldn't be previously caught correctly.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c (ah_outline_compute_segments,
+	ah_outline_compute_edges), src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_new),
+	src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_render_span, gray_raster_new): Replaced
+	liberal uses of memset() by the MEM_Set() macro.
+2001-10-23  David Turner  <>
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Update): Removed to be inlined in ...
+	(Sort): Updated.
+2001-10-22  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Memory, FT_Done_Memory),
+	builds/vms/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Memory, FT_Done_Memory),
+	builds/amiga/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Memory, FT_Done_Memory),
+	src/base/ftdbgmem.c: Updated the memory debugger and
+	platform-specific implementations of `ftsystem' in order to be able
+	to debug memory allocations on Unix, VMS and Amiga too!
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c (psh2_hint_table_record_mask): Removed
+	some bogus warnings.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h, src/base/ftdbgmem.c:
+	Modified the debugging memory manager to report the location (source
+	file name + line number) where leaked memory blocks are allocated in
+	the source file.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c: New debugging memory manager.  You must
+	define the FT_DEBUG_MEMORY macro in `ftoption.h' to enable it.  It
+	will record every memory block allocated and report simple errors
+	like memory leaks and double deletes.
+	* src/base/Jamfile: Include ftdbgmem.
+	* src/base/ Ditto.
+	* src/base/ftbase.c: Include ftdbgmem.c.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Added the FT_DEBUG_MEMORY
+	macro definition.
+	* src/base/ftsystem.c (FT_New_Memory, FT_Done_Memory): Modified the
+	base component to use the debugging memory manager when the macro
+	FT_DEBUG_MEMORY is defined.
+2001-10-21  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Done_Font): Free subfonts array only if
+	we are working with a CID keyed CFF font.  Otherwise, a variable
+	that was never allocated memory might freed.  This is a correction
+	to the previous patch for freeing subfonts.
+2001-10-21  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Done_Font): Free the subfonts array to
+	avoid a memory leak.
+2001-10-21  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c, src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c,
+	src/pshinter/pshglob.c: Removing compiler warnings in pedantic modes
+	(in multi-object compilation mode, mainly).
+2001-10-20  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_encoding): Add a test to make sure
+	that custom encodings (i.e., neither StandardEncoding nor
+	ExpertEncoding) are not loaded twice when the Type 1 font is
+	synthetic.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_name, parse_subrs): Added a test
+	for when loading synthetic fonts to make sure that the font name
+	and subroutines are not loaded twice.  This is to remove a memory
+	leak that occurred because the original memory blocks for these
+	objects were not deallocated when the objects were parsed the
+	second time.
+2001-10-19  David Turner  <>
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c, src/pshinter/pshglob.h,
+	src/pshinter/pshrec.c, src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c: Getting rid of
+	compiler warnings.
+	* src/pshinter/, src/pshinter/ Adding control
+	files to build the PostScript hinter with the `old' build system.
+2001-10-19  Jacob Jansen  <>
+	* descrip.mms, src/pshinter/descrip.mms: Updates to the VMS build
+	files.
+2001-10-18  David Turner  <>
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h, src/tools/ Rewrote the
+	`' script used to generate the `pstables.h' header file.
+	The old one contained a serious bug that made FreeType return
+	incorrect glyph names for certain glyphs.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Set_Char_Sizes): Changing computation of
+	pixel size from character size to use rounding.  This is an
+	experiment to see whether this gives values similar to Windows for
+	scaled ascent/descent/etc.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_Div64by32): Changed the implementation
+	slightly since the original code was mis-compiled on Mac machines
+	using the MPW C compiler.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Realloc): When a memory block was grown
+	through FT_Realloc(), the new bytes were not set to 0, which created
+	some strange bugs in the PostScript hinter.
+	(destroy_face): Don't deallocate unconditionally.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (CID_Compute_Max_Advance, CID_Load_Glyph):
+	Adding support to new PostScript hinter.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psglobal.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/pshints.h,
+	include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h, src/pshinter/Jamfile,
+	src/pshinter/pshalgo.h, src/pshinter/pshalgo1.h,
+	src/pshinter/pshalgo1.c, src/pshinter/pshalgo2.h,
+	src/pshinter/pshalgo2.c, src/pshinter/pshglob.h,
+	src/pshinter/pshglob.c, src/pshinter/pshinter.c,
+	src/pshinter/pshmod.c, src/pshinter/pshmod.h, src/pshinter/pshrec.c,
+	src/pshinter/pshrec.h: Adding new PostScript hinter module.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/internal.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/psaux.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/t1types.h, src/psaux/psobjs.c,
+	src/psaux/psobjs.h, src/psaux/t1decode.h, src/psaux/t1decode.c,
+	src/type1/t1driver.c, src/type1/t1gload.c, src/type1/t1objs.c,
+	src/type1/t1objs.h: Updates to use the new PostScript hinter.
+	* tests/Jamfile, tests/gview.c: Adding a new glyph hinting
+	viewer/debugger to the source tree.  Note that you will _not_ be
+	able to compile it since it depends on an unavailable graphics
+	library named `Nirvana' to render vector images.
+2001-10-17  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.0.5 released.
+	=========================
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h, include/internal/ftobjs.h,
+	src/base/ftobjs.c, src/type1/t1driver.c: Adding a new function named
+	'FT_Get_Postscript_Name' to retrieve the PostScript name of a given
+	font.  Should work with all formats except pure CFF/CEF fonts (this
+	will be added soon).
+	* src/cid/cidriver (cid_get_postscript_name): New function.
+	(CID_Get_Interface): Handle `postscript_name' interface.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (get_sfnt_postscript_name): New function.
+	(SFNT_Get_Interface): Handle `postscript_name' interface.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_get_ps_name): New function.
+	(Get_Interface): Handle `postscript_name' interface.
+	* README, docs/CHANGES: Updated for 2.0.5 release.
+2001-10-08  David Turner  <>
+	Fixed a bug in `' that prevented it from generating
+	correct glyph names tables.  This resulted in the unavailability of
+	certain glyphs like `Cacute', `cacute' and `lslash' in Unicode
+	charmaps, even if these were present in the font (causing problems
+	for Polish users).
+	* src/tools/ (mac_standard_names): Fixed.
+	(t1_standard_strings): Some fixes and renamed to ...
+	(sid_standard_names): This.
+	(t1_expert_encoding): Fixed.
+	(the_adobe_glyph_list): Renamed to ...
+	(adobe_glyph_names): This.
+	(the_adobe_glyphs): Renamed to ...
+	(adobe_glyph_values): This.
+	(dump_mac_indices, dump_glyph_list, dump_unicode_values, main):
+	Updated.
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (PS_Unicode_Value): Fix offset.
+	Fix return value.
+	Use `sid_standard_table' and `ps_names_to_unicode' instead of
+	`t1_standard_glyphs' and `names_to_unicode'.
+	(PS_Macintosh_Name): Use `ps_glyph_names' instead of
+	`standard_glyph_names'.
+	(PS_Standard_Strings): Use `sid_standard_names' instead of
+	`t1_standard_glyphs'.
+	* doc/BUGS, doc/TODO: New documents.
+2001-10-07  Richard Barber  <>
+	* src/cache/ftlru.c (FT_Lru_Lookup_Node): Fixed a bug that prevented
+	correct LRU behaviour.
+2001-10-07  David Turner  <>
+	setjmp() and longjmp() are now used for rollback (i.e. when memory
+	pool overflow occurs).
+	Function names are now all uniformly prefixed with `gray_'.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c: Include <setjmp.h>.
+	(ErrRaster_MemoryOverflow): New macro.
+	(TArea): New type to store area values in each cell (using `int' was
+	too small on 16-bit systems).  <limits.h> is included to properly
+	get the needed data type.
+	(TCell, TRaster): Use it.
+	(TRaster): New element `jump_buffer'.
+	(gray_compute_cbox): Use `RAS_ARG' as the only parameter and get
+	`outline' from it.
+	(gray_record_cell): Use longjmp().
+	(gray_set_cell): Use gray_record_cell() for error handling.
+	(gray_render_line, gray_render_conic, gray_render_cubic): Simplify.
+	(gray_convert_glyph_inner): New function, using setjmp().
+	(gray_convert_glyph): Use it.
+2001-10-07  David Turner  <>
+	Provide a public API to manage multiple size objects for a given
+	FT_Face in the new header file `ftsizes.h'.
+	* include/freetype/ftsizes.h: New header file,
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h: Use it.
+	Remove declarations of FT_New_Size and FT_Done_Size (moved to
+	ftsizes.h).
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_SIZES_H): New macro.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Activate_Size): New function.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c: Include ftsizes.h.
+	(ftc_manager_init_size, ftc_manager_flush_size): Use
+	FT_Activate_Size.
+2001-09-20  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* builds/amiga/*: Added port to Amiga with the SAS/C compiler.
+2001-09-15  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c (T1_Done_AFM): Free `afm'.
+2001-09-10  Yao Zhang  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (code_to_index2): Handle code values with
+	hi-byte == 0 correctly.
+2001-09-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ ($(PROJECT_LIBRARY)): Fix typo.
+2001-08-30  Martin Muskens  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_matrix): A new way to compute the
+	units per EM with greater accuracy (important for embedded T1 fonts
+	in PDF documents that were automatically generated from TrueType
+	ones).
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (is_alpha): Now supports `+' in font names;
+	this is used in embedded fonts.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (PS_Table_Add): Fixed a reallocation bug that
+	generated a dangling pointer reference.
+2001-08-30  Anthony Feik  <>
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c (T1_Read_Afm): Now correctly sets the flag
+	FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING when appropriate for Type1 + AFM files.
+2001-08-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_CMap): Fix frame length of
+	`cmap_rec_fields'.
+	* include/freetype/fterrors.h [!FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS]:
+	Undefine FT_ERR_BASE before defining again.
+2001-08-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h: Fix prototype of TT_Move_Func.
+2001-08-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/dos/ (NO_OUTPUT): Don't use `&>' but `>'.
+2001-08-21  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Changed the default setting
+	for FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_MODULE_ERRORS to undefined, since it breaks
+	source compatibility in a few cases.  Updated the comment to explain
+	that too.
+2001-08-17  Martin Muskens  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv): Fixed serious typo.
+2001-08-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Updating to OpenType 1.3.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_CMap0, TT_CMap2, TT_CMap4,
+	TT_CMap6): Adding field `language'.
+	(TT_CMapTable): Removing field `language'.
+	Type of `length' field changed to FT_ULong.
+	Adding fields for cmaps format 8, 10, and 12.
+	(TT_CMapGroup): New auxiliary structure.
+	(TT_CMap8_12, TT_CMap10): New structures.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h (TT_HoriHeader, TT_VertHeader):
+	Removed last element of `Reserved' array.
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h (TT_PLATFORM_CUSTOM, TT_MS_ID_UCS_4,
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (TT_CharMap_Load): Updated loading of `language'
+	field to the new structures.
+	Fixed freeing of arrays in case of unsuccessful loads.
+	Added support for loading format 8, 10, and 12 cmaps.
+	(TT_CharMap_Free): Added support for freeing format 8, 10, and 12
+	cmaps.
+	(code_to_index4): Small improvement.
+	(code_to_index6): Ditto.
+	(code_to_index8_12, code_to_index10): New functions.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_Metrics_Header): Updated to new
+	structure.
+	(TT_Load_CMap): Ditto.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (tt_encodings): Add MS UCS4 table (before MS
+	Unicode).
+2001-08-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_get_name_index): Fix compiler warning.
+2001-08-09  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (get_cff_glyph_name): Renamed to
+	cff_get_glyph_name for consistency.
+	(cff_get_glyph_index): Minor documentation change.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_get_name_index): New function used in
+	Get_Interface as the function returned when the `name_index'
+	function is requested.
+	(get_t1_glyph_name): Renamed to t1_get_glyph_name for consistency.
+2001-08-08  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c: Removed definitions of cff_isoadobe_charset,
+	cff_expert_charset, cff_expertsubset_charset, cff_standard_encoding,
+	and cff_expert_encoding arrays to cffload.h.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h: Added definitions of cff_isoadobe_charset,
+	cff_expert_charset, cff_expertsubset_charset, cff_standard_encoding,
+	and cff_expert_encoding arrays.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_name_index): New function, returned
+	when `cff_get_interface' is called with a request for the
+	`name_index' function.
+	(cff_get_interface): Modified so that it returns the function
+	`cff_get_name_index' when the `name_index' function is requested.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Name_Index): New function, used to
+	return a glyph index for a given glyph name only if the driver
+	supports glyph names.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_Name_Index_Requester):
+	New function pointer type definition used in the function
+	FT_Get_Name_Index.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Get_Name_Index): Added
+	documentation and prototype.
+2001-07-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/cygwin/*: Removed.  Use the unix stuff instead.
+2001-07-26  Jouk Jansen  <>
+	* builds/vms/ftconfig.h (FT_CALLBACK_DEF): Updated to change dated
+	2001-06-27.
+2001-07-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (PS_Table): Use FT_Offset for
+	`cursor' and `capacity'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjc.c (reallocate_t1_table): Use FT_Long for second
+	parameter.
+	(PS_Table_Add): Use FT_Offset for `new_size'.
+	Add support for version 0.5 maxp tables.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_MaxProfile): Implement it.
+	(TT_Load_OS2): Initialize some values.
+2001-07-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c: Include ftcalc.h unconditionally.
+2001-07-07  David Turner  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttinterp.c, src/pcf/pcfread:
+	Removed pedantic compiler warnings when the bytecode interpreter is
+	compiled in.
+2001-07-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_align_weak_points): Remove
+	unused variable `edges'.
+	(ah_hinter_load): Remove unused variables `old_width' and
+	`new_width'.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_decrypt): Use `U' for constant (again).
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (T1_Decrypt): Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Ditto.
+2001-06-28  David Turner  <>
+	* include/internal/ftstream.h: Modified the definitions
+	of the FT_GET_XXXX and NEXT_XXXX macros for 16-bit correctness.
+2001-06-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidload.c, src/cid/cidload.h (cid_decrypt): Use FT_Offset
+	instead of FT_Int as type for `length' parameter.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (PSAux_Interface): Updated.
+2001-06-27  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c, src/psaux/psobjs.h (T1_Decrypt): Use FT_Offset
+	instead of FT_Int as type for `length' parameter.
+	* Version 2.0.4 released.
+	=========================
+2001-06-27  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Changed the definition of the
+	* include/freetype/ftconfig.h, src/*/*.c: Changed the definition and
+	use of the FT_CALLBACK_DEF macro in order to support 16-bit
+	compilers.
+	* builds/unix/ Changed the definition of the
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_Kern): The kern table loader now ensures
+	that the kerning table is correctly sorted (some problem fonts don't
+	have a correct kern table).
+2001-06-26  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h (FT_GET_OFF3_LE): Fix typo.
+2001-06-24  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (ft_div64by32): Fixed the source to work
+	correctly on 16-bit systems.
+2001-06-23  Anthony Fok  <>
+	* debian/*: Added Debian package build directory for 2.0.4.
+2001-06-22  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/PATENTS: Added patents disclaimer.  This one was missing!
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/todo: Updated for the upcoming 2.0.4 release.
+2001-06-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: Add two more `L's to
+	constants.
+	Add missing semicolons.
+	* builds/ Do similar change as for
+	builds/unix/
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_ENC_TAG): New version to make it
+	easier to redefine.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_IMAGE_TAG): Ditto.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_get_encodings): Add cast.
+2001-06-19  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp, builds/win32/visualc/index.html:
+	Updated the Visual C++ project (for the 2.0.4 release).
+	* builds/unix/ Added rule for AIX detection (which uses
+	/usr/sbin/init instead of /sbin/init).
+	* include/freetype/fterrors.h, src/*/*err*.h: Updated some of the
+	error macros to simplify handling of new error scheme.
+2001-06-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h (FT_ERROR_MODULE): New macro.
+2001-06-19  David Turner  <>
+	Removing _lots_ of compiler warnings when the most pedantic warning
+	levels of Visual C++ and Borland C++ are used.  Too many files to be
+	listed here, but FT2 now compiles without warnings with VC++ and the
+	`/W4' warning level (lint-style).
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_New_Memory_Face): Updated
+	documentation.
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h (FT_BOOL): New macro.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Add #pragma for Visual C++
+	to suppress warning.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h (FT_GET_SHORT_{BE,LE},
+	FT_GET_OFF3_{BE,LE}, FT_GET_LONG_{BE,LE}): New macros.
+	(NEXT_*): Use them.
+	* src/autohint/ahglobal.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H.
+	(FT_New_Memory_Face): Add `const' to function declaration.
+2001-06-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Minor cleanups to remove compiler warnings.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcmanag.h (FTC_MAX_BYTES_DEFAULT): Use
+	`L' for constant.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h (FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE): Ditto.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv): Use `L' for constant.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_Get_CBox): Remove `error' variable.
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c (ft_trig_arctan_table): Use `L' for constants.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Done_Size): Fix return value.
+	(FT_Set_Char_Size, FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes, FT_Get_Kerning): Remove
+	unused `memory' variable.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c (ah_get_orientation): Use `L' for constant.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hint_edges_3,
+	ah_hinter_align_edge_points): Remove unused `before' and `after'
+	variables.
+	(ah_hinter_align_weak_points): Remove unused `edge_limit' variable.
+	(ah_hinter_load): Remove unused `new_advance', `start_contour',
+	and `metrics' variables.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Load_Encoding): Remove dead code to avoid
+	compiler warning.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (CFF_Init_Face): Remove unused `base_offset'
+	variable.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Parse_CharStrings): Remove unused
+	`outline' variable.
+	(cff_compute_bias): Use `U' for constant.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_decrypt): Ditto.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (T1_Decrypt): Ditto.
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (T1_Decoder_Parse_CharStrings): Ditto.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_Kern): Remove unused `version'
+	variable.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (TT_Load_SBit_Image): Remove unused `top'
+	variable.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Remove unused
+	`num_contours' and `ins_offset' variables.
+	(compute_glyph_metrics): Remove unused `Top' and `x_scale'
+	variables.
+	(TT_Load_Glyph): Remove unused `memory' variable.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (grays_raster_render): Use `L' for constants.
+2001-06-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make the new error scheme source compatible with older FT versions
+	by introducing another layer.
+	* include/freetype/fterrors.h (FT_ERRORDEF_, FT_NOERRORDEF_): New
+	macros.
+	(FT_NOERRORDEF): Removed.
+	* include/*/*err*.h: Use FT_ERRORDEF_ and FT_NOERRORDEF_.
+2001-06-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_ENC_TAG): New macro.
+	(FT_Encoding_): Use it.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_IMAGE_TAG): Define it
+	conditionally.
+2001-06-14  David Turner  <>
+	Modified the TrueType interpreter to let it use the new
+	trigonometric functions provided in `fttrigon.h'.  This gets rid of
+	some old 64-bit computation routines, as well as many warnings when
+	compiling the library with the `long long' 64-bit integer type.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Undefine
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h: Rearrange use of
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c: Add declaration of FT_Int64 if
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Use FT_TRIGONOMETRY_H.
+	(Norm): Add a special version if FT_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_CALCS isn't
+	defined.
+	(Current_Ratio, Normalize): Simplify code.
+2001-06-11  Mike Owens  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv, FT_DivFix, FT_Sqrt64): Remove
+	compiler warnings.
+2001-06-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Renamed to ...
+	* builds/unix/ This to make sure that autoconf 2.50 is
+	needed.
+	Run `autoupdate' on it.
+	Increase `version_info' to 7:0:1.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+2001-06-08  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph): Fixed a bug that
+	corrupted transformed glyphs that were auto-hinted (the transform
+	was applied twice).
+	Fixed a bug that returned an invalid linear width for composite
+	TrueType glyphs.
+	* include/internal/tttypes.h (TT_Loader_): Two new elements `linear'
+	and `linear_def'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph,
+	compute_glyph_metrics): Use it.
+	* include/fttypes.h (FT_ERROR_BASE): New macro.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face, FT_Render_Glyph_Internal): Use it
+	to make source code work with the new error scheme implemented by
+	Werner.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Render): Ditto.
+2001-06-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Updating to libtool 1.4.0 and autoconf 2.50.
+	* builds/unix/ltconfig: Removed.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/,
+	builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Updated.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+2001-06-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Complete redesign of error codes.  Please check ftmoderr.h for more
+	details.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfferrs.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/tterrors.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/t1errors.h: Removed.  Replaced with files
+	local to the module.  All extra error codes have been moved to
+	`fterrors.h'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttpost.h: Move error codes to `fterrors.h'.
+	* src/autohint/aherrors.h, src/cache/ftcerror.h, src/cff/cfferrs.h,
+	src/cid/ciderrs.h, src/pcf/pcferror.h, src/psaux/psauxerr.h,
+	src/psnames/psnamerr.h, src/raster/rasterrs.h, src/sfnt/sferrors.h,
+	src/smooth/ftsmerrs.h, src/truetype/tterrors.h,
+	src/type1/t1errors.h, src/winfonts/fnterrs.h: New files defining the
+	error names for the module it belongs to.
+	* include/freetype/ftmoderr.h: New file, defining the module error
+	offsets.  Its structure is similar to `fterrors.h'.
+	* include/freetype/fterrors.h (FT_NOERRORDEF): New macro.
+	(FT_ERRORDEF): Redefined to use module error offsets.
+	All internal error codes are now public; unused error codes have
+	been removed, some are new.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_MODULE_ERRORS_H): New
+	macro.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	All other source files have been updated to use the new error codes;
+	some already existing (internal) error codes local to a module have
+	been renamed to give them the same name as in the base module.
+	All make files have been updated to include the local error files.
+2001-06-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidtokens.h: Replaced with...
+	* src/cid/cidtoken.h: This file for 8+3 consistency.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c: Use macros for header file names.
+	* src/include/freetype/tttables.h (TT_HoriHeader_, TT_VertHeader_):
+	Fix length of `Reserved' array.  Note that this isn't the real fix
+	since recent OpenType specs have introduced a `CaretOffset' field
+	instead of the first reserved byte.
+2001-05-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* INSTALL: Minor fixes.
+	* Version 2.0.3 released.
+	=========================
+2001-05-29  David Turner  <>
+	* INSTALL, docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2001-05-25  David Turner  <>
+	Moved several documents from the top-level to the `docs' directory.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_DivFix): Small fix to return value.
+2001-05-16  David Turner  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Fixed a bug in the
+	composite loader.  Spotted by Keith Packard.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_GlyphLoader_Check_Points,
+	FT_GlyphLoader_Check_Subglyphs): Ditto.
+2001-05-14  David Turner  <>
+	Fixed the incorrect blue zone computations, and improved the
+	composite support.  Note that these changes result in improved
+	rendering, while sometimes introducing their own artefacts.  This is
+	probably the last big change to the autohinter before the
+	introduction of a complete replacement.
+	* src/autohint/ahglobal.c (sort_values): Fix loop.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c: Removed some obsolete code.
+	(ah_outline_compute_edges): Modify code to set the ah_edge_round
+	flag.
+	(ah_outline_compute_blue_edges): Add code to compute active blue
+	zones.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_glyph_load): Change load_flags
+	value.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_DivFix): Fixed a bug in the 64-bit code that
+	created incorrect scale factors!
+	(FT_Round_Fix, FT_CeilFix, FT_FloorFix): Minor improvements.
+2001-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftbbox.h: FTBBOX_H -> __FTBBOX_H__.
+	* include/freetype/fttrigon.h: __FT_TRIGONOMETRY_H__ ->
+	Include FT_FREETYPE_H.
+	Beautified; added copyright.
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c: Beautified; added copyright.
+2001-05-11  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_matrix), src/cid/cidload.c
+	(parse_font_matrix), src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_matrix): Fixed
+	the incorrect EM size computation.
+	* include/freetype/fttrigon.h, src/base/fttrigon.c: New files,
+	adding trigonometric functions to the core API (using Cordic
+	algorithms).
+	* src/base/ftbase.c, src/base/Jamfile, src/base/ Use them.
+	* builds/newline: New file.
+	* builds/, builds/ Use it.  This fixes
+	problems with Make on Windows 2000, as well as problems when `make
+	distclean' is invoked on a non-Unix platform when there is no
+	`' in the current directory.
+	* builds/ Fixed a problem with object deletions under
+	Dos/Windows/OS/2 systems.
+	Added new directory to hold tools and test programs.
+	* docs/, docs/ Moved to...
+	* src/tools/, src/tools/ This place.
+	* src/tools/ New file used to compute arctangent table
+	needed by fttrigon.c.
+	* src/tools/test_bbox.c, src/tools/test_trig.c: New test files.
+	* src/tools/ Improved the script to add the current date
+	at the footer of each web page (useful to distinguish between
+	versions).
+	* Jamfile: Fixed incorrect HDRMACRO argument.
+	* TODO: Removed the cubic arc bbox computation note, since it has been
+	fixed recently.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (test_cubic_zero): Renamed to...
+	(test_cubic_extrema): This function.  Use `UL' for unsigned long
+	constants.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h, include/freetype/config/ftoption.h:
+	Formatting.
+2001-05-10  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face): Fixed a small memory leak
+	which happened when trying to open 0-size font files!
+2001-05-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h: Move declaration of
+	FT_SqrtFixed() out of `#ifdef FT_LONG64'.
+2001-05-08  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Load_Glyph): Fixed incorrect bitmap width
+	computation.
+2001-05-08  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/ Updated the DocMaker script in order to add
+	command line options (--output,--prefix,--title), fix the erroneous
+	line numbers reported during errors and warnings, and other
+	formatting issues.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv, FT_MulFix, FT_DivFix): Various tiny
+	fixes related to rounding in 64-bits routines and
+	pseudo-`optimizations'.
+2001-04-27  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Cubic_Check): Fixed the coefficient
+	normalization algorithm (invalid final bit position, and invalid
+	shift computation).
+2001-04-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated to
+	latest versions from
+	* builds/compiler/ Add `-Wno-long-long' flag.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h: Define FT_SqrtFixed()
+	unconditionally.
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_CALC_H.
+	Fix compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c: Fix (potential) compiler warnings.
+2001-04-26  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_SqrtFixed): Corrected/optimized the 32-bit
+	fixed-point square root computation.  It is now used even with
+	64-bits integers, as it is _much_ faster than calling FT_Sqrt64 :-)
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c: Removed invalid `#include FT_BEZIER_H' line.
+2001-04-25  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Cubic_Check): Rewrote function to use
+	direct computations with 16.16 values instead of sub-divisions.  It
+	is now slower, but proves a point :-)
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c, src/smooth/ftgrays.c, src/base/ftbbox.c:
+	Fixed the Bézier stack depths.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulFix): Minor rounding fix.
+	* builds/beos: Added BeOS-specific files to the old build system
+	(no changes were necessary to support BeOS in the Jamfile though).
+2001-04-20  David Turner  <>
+	* ftconfig.h, ftoption.h: Updated `ftconfig.h' to detect 64-bit int
+	types on platforms where Autoconf is not available).  Also removed
+	FTCALC_USE_LONG_LONG and replaced it with
+	* builds/win32/freetype.dsp: Updated the Visual C++ project file.
+	Doesn't create a DLL yet.
+	* cffgload.c: Removed a compilation warning.
+2001-04-10  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* t1load.c (parse_charstrings): Changed code for placing .notdef
+	glyph into slot 0 so that we no longer have a memory access
+	violation.
+	* t1load.h: In structure T1_Loader, added swap_table (of type
+	PS_Table) to facilitate placing the .notdef glyph into slot 0.
+2001-04-10  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Get_Char_Index): Fix return value.
+2001-04-09  Laurence Withers  <>
+	* builds/dos/ Add support for bash.
+2001-04-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/os2/*.mk: These files have been forgotten to update to
+	the structure of similar makefiles.
+	* builds/dos/*.mk: Ditto.
+	* builds/ansi/*.mk: Ditto.
+	* builds/win32/ (BUILD): Fix typo.
+	* builds/compiler/*.mk (CLEAN_LIBRARY): Don't use NO_OUTPUT.
+	This is already used in the link_*.mk files.
+2001-04-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/*/Jamfile: Slight changes	to make files more cryptic.
+2001-04-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Jamfile, src/Jamfile, src/*/Jamfile: Formatted.  Slight changes
+	to give files identical structure.
+2001-04-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* CHANGES: Reformatted, minor fixes.
+	* TODO: Updated.
+	* README: Formatting.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Formatting.
+	* Jamfile: Fix typo.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c: Move error code #defines to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfferrs.h: This file.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c, src/cff/cffobjs.c, src/cff/cffload.c: Replaced
+	`FT_Err_*' with `CFF_Err_*'.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c: Replaced `FT_Err_*' with `T1_Err_*'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c, src/psaux/t1decode.c: Ditto.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobcs.c, src/sfnt/ttload.c: Replaced `FT_Err_*' with
+	`TT_Err_*'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttobjs.c: Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c, src/type1/t1load.c, src/type1/t1objs.c,
+	src/type1/t1parse.c: Replaced `FT_Err_*' with `T1_Err_*'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfferrs.h: Add
+	`CFF_Err_Unknown_File_Format'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1errors.h: Add
+	`T1_Err_Unknown_File_Format'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tterrors.h: Add
+	`TT_Err_Unknown_File_Format'.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h: Add `cff_*_encoding' and `cff_*_charset'
+	references.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c: Include `FT_INTERNAL_TYPE1_ERRORS_H'.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (CFF_Init_Face, CFF_Done_Face): Use
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (CID_Done_Driver): Ditto.
+	* src/trutype/ttobjs.c (TT_Init_Face, TT_Done_Face, TT_Init_Size):
+	Ditto.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Done_Driver): Ditto.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c (PCF_Done_Face): Ditto.
+	* src/pcf/pcf.h: Use FT_LOCAL for `PCF_Done_Face'.
+2001-04-02  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_Load_Metrics): Fix an improper pointer
+	dereference.  Submitted by Herbert Duerr <>.
+2001-03-26  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: Changed hexadecimal
+	constants to use suffix U to avoid problems with HP-UX's c89
+	compiler.  Submitted by G.W. Lucas <>.
+2001-03-24  David Turner  <>
+	* Jamrules, Jamfile, src/Jamfile, src/*/Jamfile: Adding jamfiles to
+	the source tree.  See for details.
+	* Version 2.0.2 released.
+	=========================
+2001-03-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/win32/ Fix .PHONY target for Intel compiler.
+2001-03-20  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h, include/freetype/ftsnames.h:
+	Renamed `ftnames.h' to `ftsnames.h', and FT_NAMES_H to
+	* docs/ Added generation of INDEX link in table of
+	contents.
+	* INSTALL, docs/BUILD: Updated documentation to indicate that the
+	compilation process has changed slightly (no more `src' required in
+	the include path).
+	* builds/*/* Changed the objects directory from `obj' to
+	`objs'.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h: Removed obsolete macros like
+	FT_SOURCE_FILE, etc. and added cache-specific macro definitions that
+	were previously defined in <freetype/ftcache.h>.  Added comments to
+	be included in a new API Reference section.
+	* src/*/*: Removed the use of FT_SOURCE_FILE, etc.  Now, each
+	component needs to add its own directory to the include path at
+	compile time.  Modified all `' and `descrip.mms'
+	accordingly.
+2001-03-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Add $ft_version.
+	* builds/unix/ Use it.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+2001-03-19  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_matrix): Assign the units per em
+	value an unsigned short value, first by shifting right 16 bits,
+	then by casting the results to FT_UShort.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_bbox): Assign the units per em
+	value an unsigned short value, first by shifting right 16 bits,
+	then by casting the results to FT_UShort.
+2001-03-17  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c, src/cid/cidload.c, src/pcf/pcfread.c,
+	src/type1/t1load.c, src/type1/t1objs.c: Added a few casts to remove
+	compiler warnings in pedantic modes.
+	* include/config/ft2build.h, include/config/ftheader.h: The file
+	`ft2build.h' was renamed to `ftheader.h' to avoid conflicts with the
+	top-level <ft2build.h>.
+	* include/config/ftheader.h: Added new section describing the #include
+	macros.
+2001-03-17  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_bbox): Obtain rounded FT_Fixed
+	values for the bounding box numbers.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (CFF_Init_Face): When processing a CFF/CEF font,
+	set `root->ascender' (`root->descender') to the integer part of
+	`root->bbox.yMax' (`root->bbox.yMin', respectively).
+2001-03-16  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (get_cff_glyph_name):  New function.  Used in
+	cff_get_interface to facilitate getting a glyph name for glyph index
+	via FT_Get_Glyph_Name().
+	(cff_get_interface): Added support for getting a glyph name via the
+	`glyph_name' module interface.  Uses the new function
+	get_cff_glyph_name().
+	Submitted by Sander van der Wal <>.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (CFF_Init_Face): Logical or the face flags with
+	not defined.  This is to add support for getting a glyph name from a
+	glyph index via FT_Get_Glyph_Name().
+	Submitted by Sander van der Wal <>.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Parse_CharStrings): Added support for
+	deprecated operator `dotsection'.
+	Submitted by Sander van der Wal <>.
+2001-03-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (T1_Decoder_Parse_Charstrings): Fix error
+	messages.
+	* INSTALL, docs/BUILD: We need GNU make 3.78.1 or newer.
+2001-03-12  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h:  Changed the lenIV member of
+	the T1_Decoder_ struct to be an FT_Int instead of an FT_UInt.
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (T1_Decoder_Parse_Charstrings):  Adjust
+	for lenIV seed bytes at the start of a decrypted subroutine.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_read_subrs): Decrypt subroutines only
+	if lenIV >= 0.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_load_glyph): Decrypt charstrings only
+	if lenIV >= 0.
+2001-03-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* TODO: Updated.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c: Put READ_Fields() always in a conditional to
+	avoid compiler warnings.
+2001-03-10  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* TODO: New file.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Added prototypes and notes for
+	three new functions: FT_RoundFix, FT_CeilFix, and FT_FloorFix.
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_RoundFix, FT_CeilFix, FT_FloorFix): Added
+	implementation code.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (CID_Init_Face): Use calculated units_per_EM,
+	and if that is not available, default to 1000 units per EM.  Changed
+	assignment code for ascender and descender values.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (parse_font_matrix): Added units_per_EM
+	processing.
+	(parse_font_bbox): Changed to use FT_Fixed number handling.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Init_Face): Changed the assignment code
+	for ascender, descender, and max_advance_width.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_bbox): Changed to use FT_Fixed
+	number handling.
+2001-03-10  Henrik Grubbström  <>
+	* src/*/*.c: Added many casts to make code more 64bit-safe.
+2001-03-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* INSTALL, docs/BUILD: We need GNU make 3.78 or newer.
+2001-03-07  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Init_Face): Minor correction: We must wait
+	until parse_font_bbox is changed before we use logical shift rights
+	in the assignments of `root->ascender', `root->descender', and
+	`root->max_advance_width'.
+	(T1_Done_Face): Free `char_name' table to avoid a memory leak.
+	Submitted by Sander van der Wal <>.
+2001-03-05  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (CFF_Load_Glyph): Set glyph control data to the
+	the Type 2 glyph charstring (used by conversion programs).
+	Submitted by Ha Shao <>.
+2001-03-04  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Correct a stupid typo which prevented
+	correct compilation (TT_MS_LANGID_TIGRIGNA_ETHIOPIA appeared twice).
+2001-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahtypes.h (AH_Hinter): Add elements
+	`disable_horz_edges', `disable_vert_edges'.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c	(ah_hint_edges_3, ah_hinter_hint_edges): Use
+	them (and remove static variables with the same names).
+	* src/pcf/pcfutil.c (BitOrderInvert): Add `const'.
+	* docs/ Updated to latest pstables.h changes.
+	* builds/unix/ Add test for Hurd.
+	* builds/hurd/ Removed.
+2001-03-04  Sander van der Wal  <>
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h: Add more `const'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfutil.c: Ditto.
+2001-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Fixing typo
+	(FT_Glyph_Done -> FT_Done_Glyph).
+2001-03-01  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Added some new Microsoft language
+	codes and LCIDs as found in Office Xp.
+2001-02-28  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/hurd/ New file.  Added support to detect the GNU
+	Hurd operating system as Unix-like.  Fix submitted by Anthony Fok
+	<>.
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Load_Glyph): Set glyph control data to the
+	the Type 1 glyph charstring (used by conversion programs).
+	Submitted by Ha Shao <>.
+2001-02-22  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftgrays.c (grays_sweep): The function didn't exit
+	immediately if `num_cells' was 0 as it should.  Thanks to Boris for
+	finding this out.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Fixed memory leak when
+	bitmap rendering fails (thanks to Graham Asher).
+2001-02-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/ (DocSection::add_element): Use
+	`self.print_error()'.
+	* builds/unix/config.{guess,sub}: Updated (from
+2001-02-13  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/, include/freetype/*.h: Updated the DocMaker
+	script to support chapters and section block ordering.  Updated the
+	public header files accordingly.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_Copy): Advance width and glyph format
+	were not correctly copied.
+2001-02-08  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_matrix): Removed an
+	unnecessary fprintf( stderr, ... ).
+2001-02-07  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Init_Face): Added code to get the
+	units_per_EM from the value assigned in parse_font_matrix, if
+	available.  Default to 1000 if not available.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_matrix): Added logic to get
+	the units_per_EM from the FontMatrix.
+	(cff_parse_fixed_thousand): New function.  Gets a real number from
+	the CFF font, but multiplies by 1000 (this is to avoid rounding
+	errors when placing this real number into a 16.16 fixed number).
+	(cff_parse_real): Added code so that the integer part is moved
+	into the high sixteen bits of the 16.16 fixed number.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (CFF_Init_Face): Added logic to get the units
+	per EM from the CFF dictionary, if available.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h: In struct CFF_Font_Dict_,
+	added a units_per_em member to facilitate passing of units_per_em
+	from function cff_parse_font_matrix.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (is_alpha): Make `-' a legal alphanumeric
+	character.  This is so that font names with `-' are fully parsed,
+	etc...
+2001-02-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (shift_elements): Remove if clause (which is
+	obsolete now).
+	(reallocate_t1_table, PS_Table_Done): Replace REALLOC() with ALLOC()
+	+ MEM_Copy() to avoid a memory bug.
+2001-02-01  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/ Improved the index sorting routine to place
+	capital letters before small ones.  Added the `<order>' marker to
+	section blocks in order to give the order of blocks.
+2001-01-30  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Latest updates to Microsoft language
+	ID codes.
+2001-01-24  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/t1load.c (parse_font_matrix): Added heuristic to get
+	units_per_EM from the font matrix.
+	(parse_dict): Deleted test to see whether the FontInfo keyword has
+	been seen.  Deletion of this test allows fonts without FontInfo
+	dictionaries to be parsed by the Type 1 driver.
+	(T1_Open_Face): Deleted empty subroutines array test to make sure
+	fonts with no subroutines still are parsed.
+2001-01-17  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcfread.c (pcf_get_properties, pcf_get_metrics,
+	pcf_get_bitmaps): Fix compiler errors.
+2001-01-11  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c: Removed some compilation warnings related
+	to comparison of signed vs. unsigned integers.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Changed the debug trace
+	constants from trace_t2xxxx to trace_cffxxxx to be able to compile
+	the CFF driver in debug mode.
+2001-01-11  Matthew Crosby  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Fix problems with separate
+	--prefix and --exec-prefix.
+2001-01-11  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/ Added cross-references generation as well as
+	more robust handling of pathname wildcard matching.
+2001-01-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/ Minor improvements to reduce unwanted spaces
+	and empty lines in output.
+2001-01-09  David Turner  <>
+	* docs/ Improved script to generate table of contents
+	and index pages.  It also supports wildcards on non Unix systems.
+	* include/freetype/*.h, include/freetype/cache/*.h: Updated comments
+	to include section definitions/delimitations for the API Reference
+	generator.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Moved declaration of
+	`FT_Generic_Finalizer' and the `FT_Generic' structure to...
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h: here.
+2001-01-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Updated Unicode code range comments.
+2001-01-03  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/ Use cffgload.{c,h} instead of t2gload.{c,h}.
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h: Changed to use cfftypes.h
+	(cfferrs.h) instead of t2types.h (t2errors.h, respectively).
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h: Merged in changes from
+	t2types.h and made this the canonical `types' header for the CFF
+	driver.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t2types.h: This file was merged with
+	cfftypes.h and is no longer necessary.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t2errors.h:	Renamed to cfferrs.h.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c, src/cff/cffobjs.h, src/cff/cffparse.c,
+	src/cff/cffdrivr.c, src/cff/cff.c, src/cff/cffload.c,
+	src/cff/cffgload.c, src/cff/cffgload.h: Changed to use
+	cffgload.{c,h} instead of t2gload.{c,h}.  All occurrences of t2_
+	(T2_) were replaced with cff_ (CFF_, respectively).
+	* src/cff/t2gload.h: Renamed cffgload.h.
+	* src/cff/t2gload.c: Renamed cffgload.c
+2000-01-02  Jouk Jansen  <>
+	* builds/vms: Support files for VMS architecture added.
+	* descrip.mms, src/*/descrip.mms: VMS makefiles added.
+	* README.VMS: New file.
+2000-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* LICENSE.TXT: Added info about PCF driver license.
+2001-01-01  Francesco Zappa Nardelli  <>
+	* src/pcf/*: New driver module for PCF font format (used in
+	X Window System).
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h (FT_Trace): Added values for
+	PCF driver.
+	* include/freetype/internal/pcftypes.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Added PCF driver module.
+2001-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Get_Char_Index): Fix parameter type.
+2000-12-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (clean_module_list): Fixed deletion of module
+	file in case `make make_module_list' is called before `make setup'.
+2000-12-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Load_Charset): Improved error messages.
+	(CFF_Load_Charset, CFF_Load_Encoding): Remove unnecessary variable
+	definition.
+2000-12-30  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/t2types.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h: Changed the structures for
+	CFF_Encoding and CFF_Encoding for the new implementations of the
+	charset and encoding parsers in the CFF driver.
+	* src/cff/t2gload.c (t2_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode,
+	t2_operator_seac): Added these functions for use in implementing the
+	seac emulation provided by the Type 2 endchar operator.
+	(T2_Parse_CharStrings): Added seac emulation for the endchar
+	operator.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (CFF_Load_Encoding, CFF_Load_Charset,
+	CFF_Done_Encoding, CFF_Done_Charset): Extended to load and parse the
+	charset/encoding tables, and free the memory used by them when the
+	CFF driver is finished with them.  Added tables
+	    cff_isoadobe_charset
+	    cff_expert_charset
+	    cff_expertsubset_charset
+	    cff_standard_encoding
+	    cff_expert_encoding
+	so that the encoding/charset parser can handle predefined encodings and
+	charsets.
+2000-12-24  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/t2gload.c (T2_Load_Glyph): Added code	so that the font
+	transform is applied.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_font_matrix): Added code so that
+	the font matrix numbers	are scaled by 1/(matrix->yy).  Also, the
+	offset vector now contains integer values instead of 16.16 fixed
+	numbers.
+2000-12-22  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph):
+	Removed unnecessary comments and commented-out code.
+2000-12-21  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cid/cidafm.c, src/cid/cidafm.h: removed un-needed files,
+	we'll work on supporting CID AFM files later I guess :-)
+2000-12-21  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load, ah_hinter_load_glyph):
+	Changed so that fonts with a non-standard FontMatrix render
+	correctly.  Previously, the first glyph rendered from such a
+	font did not have the transformation matrix applied.
+2000-12-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* *.mk: Added lots of `.PHONY' targets.
+2000-12-17  Karsten Fleischer  <>
+	* *.mk: Implemented `platform' target to disable auto-detection.
+2000-12-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/design/modules.html: Removed.  Covered by design-*.html.
+	* INSTALL: Added info about makepp.
+2000-12-14  David Turner  <>
+	Added support for clipped direct rendering in the smooth renderer.
+	This should not break binary compatibility of existing applications.
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h, include/freetype/ftimage.h: Move
+	definition of the FT_BBox structure from the former to the latter.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h: Add `ft_raster_flag_clip' value to
+	FT_Raster_Flag enumeration.
+	Add `clip_box' element to FT_Raster_Params structure.
+	* src/smooth/ftgrays.c (grays_convert_glyph): Implement it.
+	* INSTALL: Updated installation instructions on Win32, listing the
+	new `make setup list' target used to list supported
+	compilers/targets.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_render): Test for unsupported
+	direct rendering before testing arguments.
+2000-12-13  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ft2build.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/internal.h: Fixed header inclusion macros
+	to use direct definitions.  This is the only way to do these things
+	in a portable way :-(  The rest of the code should follow shortly
+	though everything compiles now.
+	* builds/compiler/, builds/compiler/ New files.
+	* builds/win32/ Added support for the Intel C/C++
+	compiler, as well as _preliminary_ (read: doesn't work!) support for
+	Watcom.  Also added a new setup target.  Type `make setup list' for
+	a list of supported command-line compilers on Win32.
+	* src/base/ftdebug.c: Added dummy symbol to avoid empty file if
+	conditionals are off.
+2000-12-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c: Fixed typos.  Fixed inclusion of wrong
+	ftconfig.h file.
+2000-12-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ft2build.h (FT2_ROOT, FT2_CONFIG_ROOT):
+	Removed.  ANSI C doesn't (explicitly) allow macro expansion in
+	arguments using `##'.
+	names directly.  Make them configurable.  Use `##' to strip leading
+	and trailing spaces from arguments.
+	* builds/unix/ft2unix.h: Adapted.
+	* src/base/ftsystem.c (ft_alloc, ft_realloc, ft_free, ft_io_stream,
+	ft_close_stream): Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF.
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c: Use new header scheme.
+	(FT_Done_Memory): Use free() from FT_Memory structure.
+	* src/base/ftinit.c, src/base/ftmac.c: Header scheme fixes.
+2000-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ft2build.h (FT2_CONFIG_ROOT,
+	FT_SOURCE_FILE): Use `##' operator to be really ANSI C compliant.
+2000-12-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Remove unused USE_CFLAGS variable.
+2000-12-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* */*.h: Changed body inclusion macro names to start and end with
+	`__' (those which haven't converted yet).  Fixed minor conversion
+	issues.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c: Updated to new header inclusion scheme.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Remove unused CALC_Length() macro.
+2000-12-07  David Turner  <>
+	* */*.[ch]: Changed source files to adhere to the new
+	header inclusion scheme.  Not completely tested but works for now
+	here.
+	* src/cff/t2driver.c: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2driver.h: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.h: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2load.c: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffload.c: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2load.h: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffload.h: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2objs.c: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2objs.h: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2parse.c: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2parse.h: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cffparse.h: New file.
+	* src/cff/t2tokens.h: Renamed and updated to...
+	* src/cff/cfftoken.h: New file.
+	* src/cff/cff.c, src/cff/ Updated.
+2000-12-06  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cache/ftlru.c (FT_Lru_Done): Fixed memory leak.
+2000-12-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ Replaced `xxx #' with `xxx$(space).
+	* builds/os2/, builds/win32/ Moved comment to
+	avoid trailing spaces in variable.
+	* builds/ Use $(D) instead of $D to make statement more
+	readable.
+	* docs/ Formatting.
+2000-12-05  David Turner  <>
+	* src/psaux/psauxmod.c: Fixed a broken inclusion of component
+	header files (an FT_FLAT_COMPILE test was missing).
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_Done): Fixed a bug that caused
+	an occasional crash when the function was called (due to a dangling
+	pointer).
+	* src/base/ftsystem.c (FT_Done_Memory): Fixed an obvious bug:
+	The ANSI `free()' function was called instead of `memory->free()'.
+	* docs/ Added section filtering, multi-page generation
+	(index page generation is still missing though).
+2000-12-04  David Turner  <>
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/ft2unix.h: The file `ft2unix.h'
+	is now installed as <ft2build.h> for Unix systems.  Note that we
+	still use the `freetype2/freetype' installation path for now.
+	* */*.[ch]: Now using <ft2build.h> as the default build and setup
+	configuration file in all public headers.  Internal source files
+	still need some changes though.
+	* builds/devel/ft2build.h, builds/devel/ftoption.h: Created a new
+	directory to hold all development options for both the Unix and
+	Win32 developer builds.
+	* builds/win32/, builds/win32/,
+	builds/win32/ Changed the developer build targets to
+	`devel-gcc' and `devel-bcc' in order to be able to develop with the
+	Borland C++ compiler.
+2000-12-01  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.0.1 released.
+	=========================
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/configure,
+	builds/cygwin/, builds/cygwin/configure: Setting
+	`version_info' to 6:1:0 for the 2.0.1 release.
+	* CHANGES: Added a summary of changes between 2.0.1 and 2.0.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/cygwin/ Changes
+	to allow compilation under Unix with the Unix-specific config
+	files.
+2000-12-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* INSTALL: Revised.
+	* builds/compiler/, builds/compiler/,
+	builds/compiler/, builds/win32/,
+	builds/win32/ Revised.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftbuild.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/internal.h: Revised.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h: Updated to new header inclusion scheme.
+2000-11-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (.PHONY): Adding `distclean'.
+	* builds/unix/ (.PHONY): Adding `devel', `unix', `lcc',
+	`setup'.
+2000-11-30  David Turner  <david.turner@freetype.ogr>
+	* INSTALL: Slightly updated the quick starter documentation to
+	include IDE compilation, prevent against BSD Make, and specify `make
+	setup' instead of a single `make' for build configuration.
+	* include/config/ftbuild.h, include/internal/internal.h: Added new
+	configuration files used to determine the location of all public,
+	configuration, and internal header files for FreeType 2.  Modified
+	all headers under `include/freetype' to reflect this change.  Note
+	that we still need to change the library source files themselves
+	though.
+	* builds/compiler/, builds/compiler/,
+	builds/win32/, builds/win32/,
+	builds/win32/ Added new files to support compilation with
+	the free Borland C++ command-line compiler.  Modified the detection
+	rules to recognize the new `bcc32' target in `make setup bcc32'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c, src/sfnt/ttpost.c, src/sfnt/ttsbit.c,
+	src/truetype/ttobjs.c, src/truetype/ttgload.c,
+	src/truetype/ttinterp.c: Fixed a few comparisons that Borland C++
+	didn't really like.  Basically, this compiler complains when FT_UInt
+	is compared to FT_UShort (apparently, it promotes `UShort' to `Int'
+	in these cases).
+2000-11-30  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* t2objs.c (T2_Init_Face): Added calculation of `face->height' for
+	pure CFF fonts.
+	* t1objs.c (T1_Init_Face): Fixed computation of `face->height'.
+2000-11-29  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Conic_Check): Fixed a really stupid
+	bug in the formula used to compute the conic Bézier extrema
+	of non-monotonous arcs.
+2000-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_SqrtFixed), src/base/ftobjs.c
+	(FT_Set_Renderer): Use FT_EXPORT_DEF.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c (FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup),
+	src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_Done, FTC_Manager_Reset,
+	FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face, FTC_Manager_Lookup_Size,
+	FTC_Manager_Register_Cache), src/cache/ftcsbits.c
+	(FTC_SBit_Cache_Lookup): Ditto.
+	* src/include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h (FTC_GlyphNode_Init),
+	src/include/freetype/ftmac.h (FT_New_Face_From_FOND): Use FT_EXPORT.
+2000-11-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include ttsbit.h and ttpost.h only
+	conditionally.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Set_Char_Sizes, Set_Pixel_Sizes): Set
+	`size->strike_index' only conditionally.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c, src/type1/t1objs.c: Include t1afm.h only
+	conditionally.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.h: Move all type definitions to...
+	* src/include/freetype/internal/fnttypes.h: New file.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c: Use it.
+2000-11-29  ??? ???  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Replaced FT_CAT and FT_XCAT
+	with a direct solution (which also satisfies picky compilers).
+2000-11-28  YAMANO-UCHI Hidetoshi  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (TT_Init_Size): Fix #ifdef's to work with
+	disabled interpreter also.
+	* src/base/ftnames.c (FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count): Fix incorrect
+	parentheses.
+2000-11-26  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/t2gload.c (T2_Parse_CharStrings): Added logic to glyph
+	width setting code to take into account even/odd argument counts
+	and glyph width operand before endchar/hmoveto/vmoveto.
+2000-11-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ansi/ Fix inclusion order of files.
+2000-11-26  Keith Packard  <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Init_Face): Compute style flags.
+2000-11-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/compiler/ (CLEAN_LIBRARY): Fix rule and
+	conditional.
+2000-11-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_subrs, parse_charstrings): Use decrypt
+	function from PSAux module.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Done_Parse): Renamed to...
+	(T1_Finalize_Parser): New function (to avoid name clash with a
+	function in the PSAux module).
+	(T1_Decrypt): Removed since it is duplicated in the PSAux module.
+	(T1_Get_Private_Dict): Added `psaux' as new parameter; use decrypt
+	function from PSAux module.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.h: Adapted.
+2000-11-22  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/cff/t2objs.c (T2_Init_Face): For pure CFF fonts, set
+	`root->num_faces' to `cff->num_faces' and set `units_per_EM'
+	to 1000.
+	* src/cff/t2parse.c (parse_t2_real): Fixed real number parsing
+	loop.
+	* src/cff/t2load.c (T2_Get_String): Called T2_Get_Name with a
+	sid that was off by one.
+2000-11-16  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahtypes.h (AH_Hinter): Added new fields to control
+	auto-hinting of synthetic Type 1 fonts.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load, ah_hinter_load_glyph):
+	Added auto-hinting support of synthetic Type 1 fonts.
+2000-11-12  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (TT_LookUp_Table, TT_Load_Generic_Table): Change
+	tracing output.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (SFNT_Load_Face): Set boolean variable
+	`has-outline' to true only if the font has a `glyf' or `CFF ' table.
+2000-11-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp: Fix raster1->raster and
+	type1z->type1.
+2000-11-11  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* builds/unix/, builds/cygwin/
+	Added a --libtool option.  When freetype-config --libtool is
+	invoked, the absolute path to the libtool convenience library
+	is returned.
+2000-11-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/cygwin/ Same fix as previous.
+2000-11-10  Tom Kacvinsky  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Add
+	so that installation of freetype-config does not fail.
+2000-11-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/cygwin/, builds/unix/
+	Move test down for empty --exec-prefix.
+	Fix --version.
+	* builds/cygwin/, builds/unix/ Use
+	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) for installation of freetype-config.
+	* builds/cygwin/ Fix clean target names.
+2000-11-09  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.0 released.
+	=======================
+Copyright 2000-2015 by
+David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
+This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, modified,
+and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project license,
+LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute this file you
+indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
+Local Variables:
+version-control: never
+coding: utf-8
diff --git a/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.21 b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.21
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f8be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freetype-2.6/ChangeLog.21
@@ -0,0 +1,9439 @@
+2005-06-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.1.10 released.
+	==========================
+	* src/pcf/readme: Renamed to...
+	* src/pcf/README: This.
+2005-06-07  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* builds/amiga/*: Added copyright notes, reworked some comments.
+2005-06-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Add copyright notices to all files which don't have one.
+	* docs/license.txt: Renamed to...
+	* docs/LICENSE.TXT: This.
+	* docs/FTL.txt: Renamed to...
+	* docs/FTL.TXT: This.
+	* docs/GPL.txt: Renamed to...
+	* docs/GPL.TXT: This.
+	* docs/PATENTS: Slightly reworded.  Suggested by Sylvain Beucler
+	<>.
+2005-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Outline_MoveToFunc,
+	FT_Outline_LineToFunc, FT_Outline_ConicToFunc,
+	FT_Outline_CubicToFunc, FT_Raster_RenderFunc),
+	include/freetype/ftrender.h (FT_Glyph_TransformFunc,
+	FT_Renderer_RenderFunc, FT_Renderer_TransformFunc): Don't use
+	`const' to stay compatible with FreeType 2.1.9.
+2005-06-01  Adam D. Moss  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (ft_stroker_inside): Revert `sigma' patch from
+	2004-07-11; this gives much better results under normal
+	circumstances.
+2005-05-30  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftbitmap.h (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Minor
+	documentation improvements.
+	* include/freetype/ftoutln.h (FT_Outline_Embolden): Fix typos.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Add support for bitmap
+	If xstr is larger than 8 and bitmap is of pixel_mode
+	FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO, set xstr to 8 instead of returning error.
+2005-05-29  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Fix emboldening bitmap
+	of mode FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY.  Also add support for mode
+	(ft_bitmap_assure_buffer): FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD and FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V
+	should have ppb (pixel per byte) 1.
+	Zero the padding when there's no need to allocate memory.
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Handle slot->advance
+	too.
+	More suited emboldening strength.
+2005-05-28  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Handle negative pitch.
+	Handle FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY with num_gray != 256.
+	Improve speed for FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY.
+	(ft_bitmap_assure_buffer): Accept FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD and
+2005-05-27  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Initialize `error'.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (ft_cmap_done_internal): New function.
+	(FT_CMap_Done): Remove cmap from cmap list.
+	(destroy_charmaps, FT_CMap_New): Don't call FT_CMap_Done but
+	ft_cmap_done_internal.
+2005-05-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/GPL.txt: Update postal address of FSF.
+2005-05-26  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftbitmap.h (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): Improve
+	documentation.
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_BOLD_THRESHOLD): Removed.
+	(FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Check whether slot is bitmap owner.
+	Always modify the metrics.
+2005-05-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2005-05-24  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftbitmap.h (FT_Bitmap_Embolden): New declaration.
+	* include/freetype/ftoutln.h (FT_Outline_Embolden): New declaration.
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (ft_bitmap_assure_buffer): New auxiliary
+	function.
+	(FT_Bitmap_Embolden): New function.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Embolden): New function.
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_CALC_H and
+	(FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Use FT_Outline_Embolden or
+	FT_Bitmap_Embolden.
+2005-05-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* configure: Always remove, builds/unix/, and
+	builds/unix/  This fixes repeated calls of the script.
+	Reported by Nelson Beebe and Behdad Esfahbod.
+	* README.CVS: Mention file permissions.
+2005-05-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/amiga/makefile.os4 (WARNINGS), builds/compiler/
+	(CFLAGS), builds/compiler/ (CFLAGS): Remove
+	-fno-strict-aliasing.
+	* src/sfnt/ (SFNT_DRV_SRC): Don't include ttsbit0.c --
+	it is currently loaded from ttsbit.c.
+2005-05-23  Behdad Esfahbod  <>
+	Say you have `(Foo*)x' and want to assign, pass, or return it as
+	`(Bar*)'.  If you simply say `x' or `(Bar*)x', then the C compiler
+	would warn you that type casting incompatible pointer types breaks
+	strict-aliasing.  The solution is to cast to `(void*)' instead which
+	is the generic pointer type, so the compiler knows that it should
+	make no strict-aliasing assumption on `x'.  But the problem with
+	`(void*)x' is that seems like in C++, unlike C, `void*' is not a
+	generic pointer type and assigning `void*' to `Bar*' without a cast
+	causes an error.  The solution is to cast to `Bar*' too, with
+	`(Bar*)(void*)x' as the result -- this is what the patch does.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftccache.h (FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP),
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcmru.h (FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP): Remove
+	cast on lvalue, use a temporary pointer instead.
+	Cast temporarily to (void*) to not break strict aliasing.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_MEM_ALLOC,
+	src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Cast temporarily to (void*)
+	to not break strict aliasing.
+	* src/base/ftinit.c (FT_USE_MODULE): Fix wrong type information.
+	* builds/unix/ (XX_CFLAGS): Remove -fno-strict-aliasing.
+2005-05-23  David Turner  <>
+	Fix Savannah bug #12213 (incorrect behaviour of the cache sub-system
+	in low-memory conditions).
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftccache.h (FTC_CACHE_TRYLOOP,
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c (FTC_Cache_NewNode), src/cache/ftcsbits.c
+	(ftc_snode_compare): Use FT_CACHE_TRYLOOP and FTC_CACE_TRYLOOP_END.
+2005-05-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ (BASE_SRC): Don't add ftsynth.c here but...
+	(BASE_EXT_SRC): Here.
+2005-05-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c (raccess_guess_apple_generic): Mark
+	`version_number' and `entry_length' as unused.
+	(raccess_guess_linux_double_from_file_name): Remove `memory'.
+	(raccess_make_file_name): Mark `error' as unused.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_parse_properties): Remove `memory'.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_init): Remove `psnames'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Remove `memory'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_readpackedpoints,
+	ft_var_readpackeddeltas, ft_var_load_avar): Mark `error' as unused.
+	* src/base/ (BASE_SRC): Add ftsynth.c.
+2005-05-21  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Fix a bug that
+	produced unpleasant artefacts when trying to embolden very sharp
+	corners.
+2005-05-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2005-05-20  Chia I Wu  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c: Don't include FT_FREETYPE_H and FT_IMAGE_H
+	but FT_BITMAP_H.
+	(FT_Bitmap_Copy): New function (from ftglyph.c).
+	* include/freetype/ftbitmap.h (FT_Bitmap_Copy): New public
+	definition.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c: Include FT_BITMAP_H.
+	(ft_bitmap_copy): Move to ftbitmap.c.
+	(ft_bitmap_glyph_init): Remove `memory' variable.
+	Create new bitmap object if FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP isn't set.
+	(ft_bitmap_glyph_copy): Use FT_Bitmap_Copy.
+	(ft_bitmap_glyph_done): Use FT_Bitmap_Done.
+	(ft_outline_glyph_init): Use FT_Outline_Copy.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Copy): Handle source == target.
+	(FT_Outline_Done_Internal): Check for valid `memory' pointer.
+	(FT_Outline_Translate, FT_Outline_Reverse, FT_Outline_Render,
+	FT_Outline_Transform): Check for valid `outline' pointer.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_New_GlyphSlot): Prepend glyph slot to
+	face->glyph, otherwise a new second glyph slot cannot be created.
+	(FT_Done_GlyphSlot): Fix memory leak.
+	(FT_Open_Face): Updated -- face->glyph is already managed by
+	FT_New_GlyphSlot.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_GlyphSlot_Done): Updated.
+2005-05-20  Kirill Smelkov  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Raster_Params),
+	include/freetype/ftoutln.h (FT_Outline_Translate,
+	FT_Outline_Transform), src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Translate,
+	FT_Outline_Transform): Decorate parameters with `const' where
+	appropriate.
+	Update all callers.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_reset), src/smooth/ftgrays.c
+	(gray_raster_reset): Remove `const' from `pool_base' argument.
+2005-05-18  Kirill Smelkov  <>
+	* src/raster/ftmisc.h: New file.  Only needed if ftraster.c is
+	compiled as stand-alone.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c: Add comment how to compile as stand-alone.
+	[_STANDALONE_]: Include ftimage.h and ftmisc.h.
+	(FT_TRACE1, FT_TRACE6, ft_memset, FT_MEM_ZERO): Define
+	conditionally.
+	(Render_Glyph, Render_Gray_Glyph): Return Raster_Err_None (or
+	Raster_Err_Unsupported).
+	(ft_black_new) [_STANDALONE_]: Fix type of `the_raster'.
+	(ft_black_init, ft_black_reset, ft_black_set_mode, ft_black_render):
+	Use `ras', not `raster'.
+	(ft_black_done): Use FT_UNUSED_RASTER.
+	(Horizontal_Sweep_Init, Horizontal_Sweep_Step,
+	Horizontal_Gray_Sweep_Span): Use FT_UNUSED_RASTER.
+2005-05-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/announce: Start updating.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2005-05-16  Vitaliy Pasternak  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.vcproj: Updated.
+	Exclude debug info for `Release' versions to reduce library size.
+2005-05-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Open_Face): Make it work as documented, this
+	is, ignore `aface' completely if face_index < 0.  Reported by David
+	Osborn <>.
+2005-05-16  Kirill Smelkov  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Outline_MoveToFunc,
+	FT_Outline_LineTo_Func, FT_Outline_ConicToFunc,
+	FT_Outline_CubicToFunc), src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_render_conic,
+	gray_render_cubic, gray_move_to, gray_line_to, gray_conic_to,
+	gray_cubic_to, gray_render_span, gray_sweep): Decorate parameters
+	with `const' where appropriate.
+2005-05-11  Kirill Smelkov  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Raster_RenderFunc),
+	include/freetype/ftrender.h (FT_Glyph_TransformFunc,
+	FT_Renderer_Render_Func, FT_Renderer_TransformFunc),
+	src/base/ftglyph.c (ft_outline_glyph_transform),
+	src/raster/ftrend1.c (ft_raster1_transform, ft_raster1_render),
+	src/smooth/ftgrays.c (FT_Outline_Decompose, gray_raster_render),
+	src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_transform,
+	ft_smooth_render_generic, ft_smooth_render, ft_smooth_render_lcd,
+	ft_smooth_render_lcd_v): Decorate parameters with `const' where
+	appropriate.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (RASTER_RENDER_POOL): Removed.  Obsolete.
+	(ft_black_render): Decorate parameters with `const' where
+	appropriate.
+2005-05-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap4_set_range): Fix typo (FT_PEEK_SHORT ->
+	FT_PEEK_USHORT) which caused crashes.  Reported by Ismail Donmez
+	<>.
+2005-05-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_GLOBAL_SERVICE)
+	[__cplusplus]: Fix typo.
+2005-05-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Handle unsorted SFNT type 4 cmaps correctly (reported by Dirck
+	Blaskey <>).
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.h (TT_CMap): Add member `unsorted'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmac.c: Use SFNT_Err_Ok where appropriate.
+	(tt_cmap0_validate, tt_cmap2_validate, tt_cmap6_validate,
+	tt_cmap8_validate, tt_cmap10_validate, tt_cmap12_validate): Use
+	`FT_Error' as return type.
+	(tt_cmap4_validate): Use `FT_Error' as return type.
+	Return error code for unsorted cmap.
+	(tt_cmap4_char_index, tt_cmap4_char_next): Use old code for unsorted
+	cmaps.
+	(tt_face_build_cmaps): Set `unsorted' variable in cmap.
+2005-05-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_get_location): Fix typo.
+2005-05-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Set ppem value in top
+	dictionary for SFNT-based CFF.
+2005-05-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Handle malformed `loca' table entries.
+	* docs/TODO: Add some bugs which should be fixed.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_FaceRec): Add `glyf_len'
+	element.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_load_loca): Get length of `glyf'
+	table.
+	(tt_face_get_location): Fix computation of `asize' for malformed
+	`loca' entries.
+2005-05-01  David Turner  <>
+	* Jamfile: Remove `otvalid' from the list of compiled modules.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h: Add compiler pragmas to get
+	rid of annoying warnings with Visual C++ compiler in maximum warning
+	mode.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c, src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/base/ftstroke.c,
+	src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c, src/cache/ftcbasic.c, src/cache/ftccmap.c,
+	src/cache/ftcmanag.c, src/cff/cffload.c, src/cid/cidload.c,
+	src/lzw/zopen.c, src/otvalid/otvgdef.c, src/pcf/pcfread.c,
+	src/sfnt/sfobjs.c, src/truetype/ttgxvar.c: Remove compiler warnings.
+2005-04-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/TODO: Updated.
+2005-04-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otvalid/otvcommn.c
+	(otv_GSUBGPOS_have_MarkAttachmentType_flag): Handle table == 0.
+2005-04-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Set default upem value in top
+	font dict also.
+	Handle font matrix settings in subfonts.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): Use the correct font matrix
+	for CID-keyed fonts with subfonts.
+	* docs/formats.txt: Updated.
+2005-04-14  Kirill Smelkov  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Vector_Transform),
+	include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Raster_Params),
+	include/freetype/ftoutln.h, src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_Outline_Get_CBox,
+	FT_Outline_Copy, FT_Outline_Transform, FT_Vector_Transform,
+	FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap), src/raster/ftraster.c (ft_black_render),
+	src/smooth/ftgrays.c (gray_raster_render): Decorate parameters with
+	`const' where appropriate.
+2005-04-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_charstrings): Catch this non-standard
+	beginning of the /CharStrings dictionary:
+	  /CharStrings 118 dict def
+	  Private begin
+	  CharStrings begin
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_image): Fix arguments
+	to call of tt_sbit_decoder_load_bitmap.
+2005-04-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/TODO: Updated.
+	* Use `--force' for all commands.
+2005-04-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (ps_hints_apply): Change scaling values
+	only if `fitted' is not zero.
+2005-04-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (tt_face_get_metrics) [FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY]:
+	Fix typo which sometimes causes wrong metrics for the last glyph.
+2005-04-04  David Turner  <>
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	(FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY): Comment out this macro for the upcoming 2.1.10
+	release.
+	(*_CHESTER_*): Removed.  No longer used.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_axis_hints_new_segment,
+	af_axis_hints_new_edge): Small tweak to use less heap memory.
+2005-04-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_New_Parser): Relax the check for a valid
+	first line in the font.
+2005-04-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES, include/freetype/freetype.h: Improve documentation
+	of FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes and FT_Set_Char_Size.
+2005-03-26  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* builds/amiga/src/base/ftsystem.c (ft_amiga_stream_io): Fix buffer
+	offsets after a large read.
+2005-03-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c (af_face_globals_get_metrics):
+	s/index/gidx/.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_image): Fix compiler
+	warnings.
+	* src/sfnt/ (SFNT_DRV_SRC): Add ttsbit0.c.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.h: Dummy file for build with `make'.
+2005-03-26  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	Update of the Amiga port.
+	* builds/amiga/makefile, builds/amiga/makefile.os4,
+	builds/amiga/smakefile: Included the base extension files
+	(ftbitmap.c, ftotval.c, ftpfr.c, ftstroke.c, ftxf86.c).
+2005-03-25  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	Update of the Amiga port.
+	* builds/amiga/makefile, builds/amiga/smakefile: Handle new modules.
+	* builds/amiga/makefile.os4: Makefile for AmigaOS4 SDK.
+	* builds/amiga/README: Updated.
+	* builds/amiga/include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: Handle gcc for
+	AmigaOS4.
+	* builds/amiga/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Handle new
+	modules.
+	* builds/amiga/src/base/ftdebug.c: Updated to current version of
+	default ftdebug.c.
+	Add various include files and macros to have proper support for
+	both AmigaOS4 and older AmigaOS versions.
+	Don't declare KVPrintF explicitly.
+	Replace getenv with GetVar.
+	Actually enable debugging code.
+	* builds/amiga/src/base/ftsystem.c: Major rewrite.
+2005-03-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* tests/*: Removed.
+2005-03-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/INSTALL.ANY: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/ftmoderr.h: Replace `Autohint' with `Autofit'.
+	Add `OTvalid'.
+	* src/autofit/aferrors.h: New file.
+	* src/autofit/afglobal.c, src/autofit/afhints.c,
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/afloader.c: s/FT_Err_/AF_Err_/.
+	Include aferrors.h.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_H): Include aferrors.h.
+	* src/otvalid/otverror.h: s/FT_Mod_Err_OTV/FT_Mod_Err_OTvalid/.
+2005-03-22  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autohint/*: Removed.
+	* Jamfile: Updated.
+2005-03-15  David Turner  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c: Remove compiler warnings.
+	(hash_rehash, hash_init): Don't call FT_MEM_ZERO.
+	(_bdf_list_t): Add `memory' field.
+	(_bdf_list_init, _bdf_list_done, _bdf_list_ensure): New functions.
+	(_bdf_shift, _bdf_join): Rename to...
+	(_bdf_list_shift, _bdf_list_join): This.
+	(_bdf_split): Renamed to...
+	(_bdf_list_split): This.  Use new functions.
+	(bdf_internal_readstream): Removed.
+	(NO_SKIP): New macro.
+	(_bdf_readstream): Rewritten.
+	(bdf_create_property, _bdf_add_comment): Improve allocation.
+	(_bdf_set_default_spacing, _bdf_parse_glyphs): Updated.  Improve
+	allocation.
+	(_bdf_parse_properties, _bdf_parse_start): Updated.
+	(bdf_load_font): Updated to use new functions.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (check_type1_format): New function.
+	(T1_New_Parser): Use it to check font header before allocating
+	anything on the heap.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c	(t42_parser_init): Modify functions to check
+	the font header before allocating anything on the heap.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_ARRAY_MAX,
+	FT_ARRAY_CHECK): New macros.
+	* src/base/ftstream.c (FT_Stream_TryRead): New function.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h: Updated.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC), src/pcf/pcfutil.c
+	(BitOrderInvert, TwoByteSwap, FourByteSwap): Minor fixes and
+	simplifications.  Try to protect the PCF driver from doing stupid
+	things with broken fonts.
+	* src/lzw/ftlzw.c (FT_Stream_OpenLZW): Check the LZW header before
+	doing anything else.  This avoids unnecessary heap allocations
+	(400KByte of heap memory for the LZW decoder).
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (FT_Stream_OpenGZip): Ditto for the gzip
+	decoder, although the code savings are smaller.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2005-03-10  David Turner  <>
+	* src/tools/ Add comment to explain the compression
+	being used for the Adobe Glyph List.
+2005-03-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_load_cvt, tt_face_load_fpgm):
+	Fix serious typo which prevented correct TT rendering.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h: Undo change from 2005-03-03.
+	To suppress warnings it is sufficient to use `-fno-strict-aliasing'.
+2005-03-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/ Formatted.
+	Format output to be in sync with other FreeType code.
+	Import `re' and `os.path'.
+	(StringTable) <__init__>: Add parameter to initialize master table
+	name.
+	(StringTable) <dump>: Don't pass master table name.
+	(StringTable) <dump_sublist>: Emit explanatory comment.
+	Simplify and make output more human readable.
+	(t1_bias, glyph_list, adobe_glyph_names): Removed.  Unused.
+	(main): Use `basename' for file name in header.
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h: Regenerated.
+2005-03-09  David Turner  <>
+	* src/tools/ Rewrite the generator for the `pstables.h'
+	header file which contains various constant tables related to glyph
+	names.  It now uses a different, more compact storage scheme that
+	saves about 20KB.  This also closes Savannah bug #12262.
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h: Regenerated.
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (ps_unicode_value): Use
+	`ft_get_adobe_glyph_index', a new function defined in `pstables.h'.
+	(ps_get_macintosh_name, ps_get_standard_strings): Updated.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Char_Sizes): Handle fractional sizes
+	more carefully.  This fixes Savannah bug #12263.
+2005-03-06  David Turner  <>
+	* src/otvalid/otvgsub.c, src/otvalid/otvgpos.c: Make static tables
+	constant.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init): Fix Savannah bug
+	#12212 (auto-hinter refuses to work if no Unicode charmap in font).
+2005-03-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* New script for bootstrapping.
+	* README.CVS: New file which documents bootstrapping.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4, builds/unix/config.guess,
+	builds/unix/config.sub, builds/unix/configure,
+	builds/unix/ Removed.
+2005-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftutil.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H.
+2005-03-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Various fixes for C and C++ compiling.
+	* src/autofit/*: Add copyright messages.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_glyph_hints_done): Don't use
+	`AF_Dimension' but `int' for loop counter.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metrics_init_widths): Don't use
+	`AF_Dimension' but `int' for loop counter.
+	Use proper enumeration value for `render_mode'.
+	(af_latin_metrics_scale_dim): Don't shadow variables.
+	(af_latin_hints_compute_segments): Use proper cast for `major_dir'
+	and `segment_dir'.
+	(af_latin_align_linked_edge, af_latin_hint_edges): Fix arguments of call to
+	`af_latin_compute_stem_width'.
+	(af_latin_hints_apply): Don't use `AF_Dimension' but `int' for loop
+	counter.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (ft_mem_table_get_source, FT_DumpMemory): Use
+	proper cast for memory allocation.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_kerning): Use proper cast for
+	initialization of `sfnt'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include `ttkern.h'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c (tt_face_get_kerning): Don't shadow variables.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c: Include `ttpload.h'.
+2005-03-03  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_ALLOC, FT_REALLOC,
+	FT_QALLOC, FT_QREALLOC) [gcc >= 3.3]: Provide macro versions which
+	avoid compiler warnings.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE,
+	Provide macro versions which avoid compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftutil.c (ft_highpow2): New utility function.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h: Updated.
+	* src/pfr/pfrload.c (pfr_get_gindex, pfr_compare_kern_pairs,
+	pfr_sort_kerning_pairs): Don't define if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is set.
+	(pfr_phy_font_done): Don't handle `kern_pairs' if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY
+	is set.
+	(pfr_phy_font_load): Don't call `pfr_sort_kerning_pairs' if
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_slot_load): Comment out some code which
+	doesn't work with broken fonts.
+	(pfr_face_get_kerning) [FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY]: Implement.
+	* src/pfr/pfrtypes.h (PFR_KernItemRec): Optimize member types.
+	(PFR_NEXT_KPAIR): New macro.
+	(PFR_PhyFontRec): Don't define `kern_pairs' if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is
+	set.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c (tt_sbit_decoder_load_image): Introduce
+	temporary variable to avoid gcc warning.
+	(tt_face_load_sbit_image): Mark unused variables with FT_UNUSED.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_load_loca) [FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY]:
+	Remove redundant variable.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Moving the order of drivers to
+	speed up font loading.  The PCF and BDF loaders are still slow and
+	consume far too much memory.
+2005-03-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* devel/ftoption.h: Updated to recent changes.
+2005-03-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/afdummy.c, src/autofit/afdummy.h
+	(af_dummy_script_class): Fix type.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/aflatin.h
+	(af_latin_script_class): Fix type.
+	* src/autofit/ (AUTOF_DRV_SRC): Fix typo.
+2005-03-01  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c (tt_face_load_kern, tt_face_get_kerning),
+	src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c (tt_face_load_sbit_strikes,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_byte_aligned, tt_sbit_decoder_load_compound,
+	tt_sbit_decoder_load_image), src/sfnt/ttload.c
+	(tt_face_load_metrics): Remove compiler warnings
+	-- redundant variables, missing initializations, etc.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.h: Handle FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY.
+	* src/autofit/, src/autofit/,
+	src/autofit/afangles.h: New files.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c (af_axis_hints_new_segment,
+	af_axis_hints_new_edge): New functions.
+	(af_glyph_hints_done): Do proper deallocation.
+	(af_glyph_hints_reload): Only reallocate points array.  This
+	drastically reduces heap usage.
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_PointRec, AF_SegmentRec): Optimize
+	member types and positions.
+	(AF_AxisHintsRec): Add `max_segments' and `max_edges'.
+	(af_axis_hints_new_segment, af_axis_hints_new_edge): New prototypes.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.c (af_latin_metricsc_scale): Don't call
+	(af_latin_hints_compute_segments): Change return type to FT_Error.
+	Update all callers.
+	Improve segment allocation.
+	(af_latin_hints_compute_edges): Change return type to FT_Error.
+	Update all callers.
+	Improve edge allocation and link handling.
+	(af_latin_hints_detect_features): Change return type to FT_Error.
+	Update all callers.
+	* src/autofit/aflatin.h: Updated.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g)
+	<FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE>: Assure axis->num_edges > 1.  This fixes
+	a bug with certain fonts.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: The auto-fitter is now the
+	only supported auto-hinting module.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h (FT_INT_MAX): New macro.
+2005-02-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_load_loca): Fix typo.
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c: Include `ttkern.h'.
+	(FT_COMPONENT): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/fttrace.h: Add entry for `ttkern'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c: s/FT_Err_/SFNT_Err_/.
+	Decorate constants with `U' and `L' where necessary.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_cmap4_next): Remove unused variable.
+2005-02-28  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (FT_DumpMemory): Added sorting of memory
+	sources according to decreasing maximum cumulative allocations.
+	(ft_mem_source_compare): New auxiliary function.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit0.c: New file, implementing a heap-optimized
+	embedded bitmap loader.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c: Include `ft2build.h', FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H,
+	Load `ttsbit0.c' if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is set, otherwise use
+	file contents.
+	(tt_face_load_sbit_strikes): Set up root fields to indicate the
+	strikes.  This fixes Savannah bug #12107.
+	Use `static' keyword for `sbit_line_metrics_field',
+	`strike_start_fields', `strike_end_fields'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_FaceRec): Define
+	`sbit_table', `sbit_table_size', `sbit_num_strikes' if
+	Don't define `num_sbit_strikes' and `sbit_strikes' if
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (sbit_size_reset): Handle FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Fixed bug that prevented
+	loading SFNT fonts without a `kern' table.
+	Properly pass root->face_flags.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (sfnt_interface)
+	[TT_CONFIG_OPTION_EMBEDDED_BITMAPS]: Don't use `tt_find_sbit_image'
+	and `tt_load_sbit_metrics'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c: Optimize linear charmap scanning for Format 4.
+	(OPT_CMAP4): New macro.
+	(TT_CMap4Rec) [OPT_CMAP4]: New structure.
+	(tt_cmap4_init, tt_cmap4_set_range, tt_cmap4_next, tt_cmap4_reset)
+	[OPT_CMAP4]: New functions.
+	(tt_cmap4_char_next) [OPT_CMAP4]: Use `tt_cmap4_next' and
+	`tt_cmap4_reset'.
+	(tt_cmap4_class_rec) [OPT_CMAP4]: Use `TT_CMap4Rec' and
+	`tt_cmap4_init'.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (Reset_SBit_Size): Handle
+	* src/autofit/afhints.h (AF_PointRec, AF_SegmentRec, AF_EdgeRec):
+	Optimize member types.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_done): Call
+	`af_glyph_hints_done'.
+2005-02-27  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c (tt_face_load_kern): Fix a small bug which
+	caused invalid (random) return values for the horizontal kerning.
+2005-02-25  David Turner  <>
+	Implement several memory optimizations to drastically reduce the
+	heap usage of FreeType, especially in the case of memory-mapped
+	files.  The idea is to avoid loading and decoding tables in the
+	heap, and instead access the raw data whenever possible (i.e., when
+	it doesn't compromise performance).
+	This has several benefits: For example, opening vera.ttf now uses
+	just a small amount of memory (even when the FT_Library footprint is
+	accounted for), until you start loading glyphs.  Even then, you save
+	at least 20KB compared to the non-optimized case.  Performance of
+	various operations, including open and close, has also been
+	dramatically improved.
+	More optimizations to come, especially for the auto-hinter.
+	* include/freetype/internal/sfnt.h (TT_Face_GetKerningFunc): New
+	function type.
+	(SFNT_Interface): Add it.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_HdmxEntryRec, TT_HdmxRec,
+	TT_Kern0_PairRec): Don't define if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is set.
+	(TT_FaceRec): Define `horz_metrics', `horz_metrics_size',
+	`vert_metrics', `vert_metrics_size', `hdmx_table',
+	`hdmx_table_size', `hdmx_record_count', `hdmx_record_size',
+	`hdmx_record_sizes', `kern_table', `kern_table_size,
+	`num_kern_tables', `kern_avail_bits', `kern_order_bits' if
+	Don't define `hdmx', `num_kern_pairs', `kern_table_index',
+	`kern_pairs' if FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is set.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (ft_mem_table_set): Don't shadow variable.
+	Fix compiler warning.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (Get_Kerning): Renamed to...
+	(cff_get_kerning): This.  Simplify.
+	(cff_driver_class): Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/Jamfile (_sources): Add `ttkern'.
+	* src/sfnt/ (SFNT_DRV_SRC): Add `ttkern.c'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (sfnt_interface): Add `tt_face_get_kerning'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfnt.c: Include `ttkern.c'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c: Include `ttkern.h'.
+	(sfnt_load_face): Consider the `kern' and `gasp' table as optional.
+	(sfnt_done_face): Call `tt_face_done_kern'.
+	Handle horizontal metrics for FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY.
+	* src/sfnt/ttkern.c, src/sfnt/ttkern.h: New files.  Code has been
+	taken from `ttload.c' and `ttload.h'.
+	Provide special versions of `tt_face_load_kern',
+	`tt_face_get_kerning', and `tt_face_done_kern' for
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_metrics, tt_face_load_hdmx,
+	tt_face_free_hdmx): Provide version for FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY.
+	(tt_face_load_kern, tt_kern_pair_compare, TT_KERN_INDEX): Moved to
+	`ttkern.c'.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.h: Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (sbit_metrics_field): Add `static' keyword.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Get_Kerning): Renamed to...
+	(tt_get_kerning): This.  Simplify.
+	(tt_driver_class): Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Get_Metrics): Renamed to...
+	(tt_face_get_metrics): This.  Provide version for FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY.
+	Update all callers.
+	(Get_Advance_Widths): Replaced with...
+	(Get_Advance_WidthPtr): This.  Provide version for
+	Update all callers.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.h: Updated.
+2005-02-22  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c: Partly rewritten.  Added the ability to list
+	all allocation sites in the memory debugger.  Also a new function
+	FT_DumpMemory() was added.  It is only available in builds with
+	FT_DEBUG_MEMORY defined, and you must declare it in your own code to
+	use it, i.e., with something like:
+	  extern void FT_DumpMemory( FT_Memory );
+	  ...
+	  FT_DumpMemory( memory );
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	(TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER): Comment out definition --
+	again.
+	(FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY): New configuration macro to control various
+	optimizations for reducing the heap footprint of memory-mapped
+	TrueType files.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_ARRAY_ZERO): New
+	convenience macro.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_FaceRec)
+	[FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY]: Use optimized types for `num_locations' and
+	`glyph_locations'.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Call
+	`tt_face_get_location'.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_face_init)
+	[FT_CONFIG_OPTION_INCREMENTAL]: Improve error handling.
+	(tt_face_done): Call `tt_face_done_loca'.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c (tt_face_get_location, tt_face_done_loca):
+	New functions.  If FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY is set, the locations table is
+	read directly from memory-mapped streams, instead of being decoded
+	into the heap.
+	(tt_face_load_loca) [FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY]: New implementation.
+	(tt_face_load_cvt, tt_face_load_fpgm): Only load table if the
+	bytecode interpreter is compiled in.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.h: Updated.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c (ah_outline_load): Improve allocation
+	logic.
+2005-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Regenerated with `libtoolize --force
+	--copy' from libtool 1.5.14.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.9.4.
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated from
+	`config' CVS module at
+	* builds/unix/install-sh, builds/unix/mkinstalldirs: Updated from
+	`texinfo' CVS module at
+2005-02-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c (cff_cmap_unicode_init): Don't try to build
+	a cmap for a CID-keyed font which doesn't have SIDs.
+2005-02-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (read_binary_data): Return more meaningful
+	value.
+	(parse_encoding, parse_subrs, parse_charstrings, parse_dict): Check
+	parser error value after call to T1_Skip_PS_Token (where necessary).
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Check parser error
+	value after call to T1_Skip_PS_Token.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c (cid_parser_new): Check parser error value
+	after call to cid_parser_skip_PS_token.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_encoding, t42_parse_sfnts,
+	t42_parse_charstrings, t42_parse_dict): Check parser error value
+	after call to T1_Skip_PS_Token (where necessary).
+	* src/psaux/psobjc.c (skip_string, ps_parser_skip_PS_token,
+	ps_tobytes): Add error messages.
+2005-02-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* configure: Output more variables to the created Makefile so that
+	it can be used for ft2demos also (if the FT2DEMOS variable is
+	defined).
+2005-02-10  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrgload.c (pfr_glyph_load): Fix an unbounded growing
+	dynamic array when loading a glyph from a PFR font (Savannah bug
+	#11921).
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Convert): Small improvements to the
+	conversion function (mainly stupid optimization).
+	* src/base/Jamfile: Adding ftbitmap.c to the list of compiled files.
+2005-02-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Add new flag `--ftversion' to
+	return the FreeType version.  Suggested by George Williams
+	<>.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2005-02-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otvalid/otvmod.c (otv_validate): Deallocate arrays in case
+	of error.  Reported by YAMANO-UCHI Hidetoshi <>.
+2005-02-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (t1_decoder_parse_charstrings)
+	<op_closepath>: Accept `T1_Parse_Have_Moveto' state also which can
+	happen in empty glyphs.  Reported by Ian Brown
+	<> (Savannah bug #11856).
+2005-02-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/*: Removed.  Obsolete.
+2004-12-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Regenerated with `libtoolize --force
+	--copy' from libtool 1.5.10.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.9.4.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf 2.59b.
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated from
+	`config' CVS module at
+	* builds/unix/install-sh: Updated from
+	`texinfo' CVS module at
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c (FT_Stream_Open): Add proper cast for
+	ft_alloc.
+	Fix compiler warning.
+2004-12-27  Dirck Blaskey  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Improve computation of
+2004-12-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): A CFF within an SFNT can have
+	only a single font.  This is undocumented but has been verified on
+	the opentype list.
+2004-12-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Jamfile (FT2_COMPONENTS): Add `otvalid'.
+2004-12-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c (FT_Bitmap_Convert): Fix compiler warning.
+2004-12-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Add ftbitmap.obj.
+2004-12-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbitmap.c, include/freetype/ftbitmap.h: New files for
+	handling various bitmap formats.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_BITMAP_H): New macro.
+	* src/base/ (BASE_EXT_SRC): Add ftbitmap.c.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Glyph_Load): Don't convert bitmaps to 8bpp
+	but return them as-is.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Mention new bitmap API.
+	* include/freetype/ftchapter.s: Updated.
+2004-12-11  Robert Clark  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Kerning): Make kerning amount
+	dependent on ppem by scaling down for ppem < 25, then do normal
+	rounding.  This gives slightly better results than rounding towards
+	zero.
+2004-12-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Kerning): Always round towards zero
+	for FT_KERNING_DEFAULT.  This greatly enhances the kerning for
+	small ppem values.
+2004-12-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (ft_glyphslot_clear): Reset `lsb_delta' and
+	`rsb_delta'.
+2004-12-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ (install): Use $(OBJ_BUILD) for ftconfig.h.
+2004-12-03  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h: Updated to latest
+	specifications from Microsoft.
+2004-11-26  Jouk Jansen  <>
+	* Include ftbbox.c.
+	Fix `ccopt'.
+	Handle `otvalid' module.
+	Update `vmslib.dat' default values.
+	Fixes to `libs.opt'.
+2004-11-23  Anders Kaseorg  <>
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_OrientationExtremumRec,
+	ft_orientation_extremum_compute): Removed.
+	(FT_Outline_Get_Orientation): Rewritten, simplified.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c: Include FT_OUTLINE_H.
+	(ah_test_extremum, ah_get_orientation): Removed.
+	(ah_outline_load): Use FT_Outline_Get_Orientation.
+	* src/base/ftsynth.c (ft_test_extrama, ft_get_orientation): Removed.
+	(FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden): Use FT_Outline_Get_Orientation.
+2004-11-23  Fernando Papa  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h: Fix typo.
+2004-11-22  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* builds/win32/ Corrected logic that detects Windows NT to
+	use the previous change even if win32 is forced.  Corrected
+	detection of win32 on Win9X.
+	* builds/dos/ Added same correction as for win32 about
+	COPY on Windows NT.  Detection of plain DOS 7.x.
+2004-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ Undo change from 2004-11-20.
+	* builds/win32/ If the `OS' environment variable contains
+	`Windows_NT', use `cmd.exe /c copy' for copying files.
+2004-11-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (dos_setup): Use `cmd.exe' for copying
+	$(CONFIG_MK) to force lowercase file name under Windows.
+2004-11-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix a serious bug in the TT hinter.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph): Don't shift
+	points vertically before hinting.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c (FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily,
+	FTC_GCache_Lookup): A new try to fix comparison with zero.
+2004-11-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Add `-fno-strict-aliasing' if gcc is
+	used.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated from
+	`config' CVS module at
+2004-11-16  Dr. Martin P.J. Zinser  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c (FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily,
+	FTC_GCache_Lookup): Fix comparison with zero.
+	* docs/INSTALL.VMS: Updated.
+	* Updated.  All `descrip.mms' files are now created
+	automatically.
+	* src/*/descrip.mms: Removed.
+2004-11-16  Owen Taylor  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Suppress -L$libdir for
+	/usr/lib64 as well as /usr/lib.  (Reported by Dan Winship -
+2004-11-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_service_ps_info): Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidriver.c (cid_service_ps_info): Updated.
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c (t42_ps_get_font_private): New function.
+	(t42_service_ps_info): Updated.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_dict): Remove compiler warning.
+2004-11-11  David Bevan  <>
+	Add new function FT_Get_PS_Font_Private().
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpsinfo.h
+	(PS_GetFontPrivateFunc): New service function.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h, src/base/fttype1.c
+	(FT_Get_PS_Font_Private): New function.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_ps_get_font_private): New function.
+	(t1_service_ps_info): Updated.
+2004-10-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h: Include `stddef.h'.
+	(ft_ptrdiff_t): Define.
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h (FT_PtrDist): Use `ft_ptrdiff_t'.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_parse_dict), src/type1/t1load.c
+	(parse_dict): Fix compiler warning.
+2004-10-11  Joshua Neal  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c (tt_face_build_cmaps): Check for pointer
+	overflow.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_hdmx): Protect against bad input.
+	Don't use FT_QNEW_ARRAY but FT_NEW_ARRAY to make deallocation work
+	in case of failure.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (Load_SBit_Range): Check range intervals.
+	(tt_face_load_sbit_strikes): Allocate `strike_sbit_ranges' after
+	frame test.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TTLoad_Simple_Glyph): Add assertion for
+	`flag'.
+2004-10-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-10-09  Boris Letocha  <>
+	Fix handling of NPUSHW if skipped in data stream.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (opcode_length): Set value for NPUSHW
+	to -2.
+	(SkipCode, TT_RunIns): Use opcode_length value for computation of
+	bytes to be skipped.
+2004-09-10  Jouk Jansen  <>
+	* Updated.
+2004-09-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Adding OpenType validation module.  The code is based on the
+	(unfinished) `otlayout' module but has been heavily modified to make
+	it much more compact.
+	* src/otvalid/*: New module.
+	* include/freetype/ftotval.h, src/base/ftotval.c,
+	include/freetype/internal/services/svotval.h: New files.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Add otv_module_class.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_OPENTYPE_VALIDATE_H): New
+	macro.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h
+	* include/freetype/internal/fttrace.h (otvmodule, otvcommon,
+	otvbase, otvgdef, otvgpos, otvgsub, otvjstf): New trace components.
+	* include/freetype/ftchapters.h: Updated.
+	* src/base/Jamfile (Library), src/base/descrip.mms (OBJS),
+	src/base/ (BASE_EXT_SRC): Updated.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-09-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (re_source_block_format2) <column>:
+	Use lookahead assertion to not match `*/'.  This removes spurious
+	insertions of `/' in the HTML output.
+2004-09-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (TT_Vary_Get_Glyph_Deltas): Fix call to
+2004-09-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h: Don't include
+	(FT_Validator, FT_ValidationLevel, FT_ValidatorRec, FT_VALIDATOR,
+	ft_validator_init, ft_validator_run, ft_validator_error, FT_INVALID,
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftvalid.h: New file.
+	Make FT_INVALID return module-specific error codes.
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h (FT_INTERNAL_VALIDATE_H): New
+	macro.
+	* include/freetype/fterrors.h: Undefine FT_ERR_PREFIX only if
+	FT_KEEP_ERR_PREFIX isn't defined.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_VALIDATE_H.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.h: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H but
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H but
+	Include sferrors.h before FT_INTERNAL_VALIDATE_H.
+	s/FT_Err_Ok/SFNT_Err_Ok/.
+	* src/sfnt/sferrors.h: Define FT_KEEP_ERR_PREFIX.
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c: Include t1errors.h.
+2004-09-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftdebug.c (ft_debug_init): Highest debug level is 7,
+	not 6.
+	* docs/DEBUG: Updated.
+2004-08-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/tttags.h (TTAG_BASE, TTAG_GDEF, TTAG_GPOS,
+	TTAG_JSTF): New tags.
+	* include/freetype/fttypes.h (FT_Bytes, FT_Tag): New typedefs.
+	(FT_Int): Add `signed'.
+2004-08-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_gpos_subtable_validate): Add argument
+	to pass number of lookups.
+	Update all callers.
+	Don't call otl_lookup_list_validate but otl_lookup_validate.
+	(otl_gpos_validate): Call otl_lookup_list_validate instead of
+	otl_gpos_subtable_validate.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.h: Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.c (otl_jstf_max_validate): Add argument to
+	pass number of lookups.
+	Update all callers.
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parse_real): s/exp/exponent/ to avoid
+	compiler warning.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c, src/sfnt/ttcmap0.h: Renamed to...
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c, src/sfnt/ttcmap.h: This.
+	* src/sfnt/Jamfile, src/sfnt/, src/sfnt/sfdriver.c,
+	src/sfnt/sfnt.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c: Updated.
+	* builds/compiler/ (CFLAGS): Don't add `-Wnested-externs'
+	if compiler is g++ (v3.3.3 emits a warning otherwise).
+2004-08-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_value_length): Return number of bytes,
+	not number of 16bit entities.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup2_validate): Check class definition tables for
+	format 2.
+	Fix loop for format 2.
+	(otl_liga_mark2_validate): Fix offset for otl_anchor_validate.
+2004-08-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftmac.c: Don't include truetype/ttobjs.h.
+	Don't include type1/t1objs.h.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec) [!__MWERKS__]: Remove compiler warnings.
+2004-08-27  Mathieu Malaterre  <>
+	* src/base/ftmac.c: Handle OS_INLINE for xlc compiler also.
+2004-08-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlayout.h: Add copyright.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgdef.h: Include otlayout.h.
+	Comment out inclusion of otltable.h.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_gpos_lookup4_validate): Fix call
+	to otl_base_array_validate.
+	(otl_liga_mark2_validate): Fix `for' loop.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.c (otl_ligature_validate): Check `glyph_id',
+	not components array.
+	* src/otlcommn.c (otl_lookup_get_count, otl_feature_get_count):
+	Comment out.
+	(otl_lookup_list_get_count, otl_feature_list_get_count): Activate.
+	(otl_feature_list_validate, otl_gsubgpos_get_lookup_count):
+	s/otl_lookup_get_count/otl_lookup_list_get_count/.
+	(otl_script_list_validate):
+	s/otl_feature_get_count/otl_feature_list_get_count/.
+	(otl_script_validate): Call otl_lang_validate for default language.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.h: Updated.
+2004-08-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_gpos_lookup1_validate,
+	otl_gpos_lookup2_validate, otl_gpos_lookup3_validate,
+	otl_gpos_lookup4_validate, otl_gpos_lookup5_validate,
+	otl_gpos_lookup6_validate, otl_gpos_lookup9_validate,
+	otl_gpos_validate): Update
+	function arguments.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup7_validate, otl_gpos_lookup8_validate): Update
+	function arguments.
+	Handle NULL offsets correctly.
+	Check sequence and lookup indices for format 3.
+	(otl_pos_rule_validate, otl_chain_pos_rule_validate): Add argument
+	to pass lookup count.
+	Check sequence and glyph indices.
+	(otl_gpos_subtable_validate): Update function arguments.
+	Update callers.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.h: Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.c (otl_gsub_lookup1_validate,
+	otl_gsub_lookup3_validate, otl_gsub_lookup8_validate): Update
+	function arguments.
+	Add glyph index checks.
+	(otl_sequence_validate, otl_alternate_set_validate,
+	otl_ligature_validate): Add argument to pass glyph count.
+	Update callers.
+	Add glyph index check.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup2_validate, otl_gsub_lookup4_validate): Update
+	function arguments.
+	(otl_ligature_set_validate): Add argument to pass glyph count.
+	Update caller.
+	(otl_sub_class_rule_validate,
+	otl_sub_class_rule_set_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_sub_rule_validate, otl_chain_sub_rule_validate): Add argument
+	to pass lookup count.
+	Update callers.
+	Add lookup index check.
+	(otl_sub_rule_set_validate, otl_chain_sub_rule_set_validate): Add
+	argument to pass lookup count.
+	Update callers.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup5_validate): Update function arguments.
+	Handle NULL offsets correctly.
+	Don't call otl_sub_class_rule_set_validate but
+	otl_sub_rule_set_validate.
+	Check sequence and lookup indices for format 3.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup6_validate): Update function arguments.
+	Handle NULL offsets correctly.
+	Check sequence and lookup indices for format 3.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup7_validate, otl_gsub_validate): Update function
+	arguments.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.h: Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otlbase.c (otl_base_validate): Handle NULL offsets
+	correctly.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.c (otl_class_definition_validate): Fix
+	compiler warning.
+	(otl_coverage_get_first, otl_coverage_get_last): New functions.
+	(otl_lookup_validate): Add arguments to pass lookup and glyph
+	counts.
+	Update callers.
+	(otl_lookup_list_validate): Add argument to pass glyph count.
+	Update callers.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.h: Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.c (otl_jstf_extender_validate,
+	otl_jstf_max_validate, otl_jstf_script_validate,
+	otl_jstf_priority_validate, otl_jstf_lang_validate): Add parameter
+	to validate glyph indices.
+	Update callers.
+	(otl_jstf_validate): Add parameter which specifies number of glyphs
+	in font.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.h: Updated.
+2004-08-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_liga_mark2_validate): Add parameter
+	to handle possible NULL values properly.
+	Update all callers.
+2004-08-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/gpos.c: Rename counting variables to be more
+	meaningful.
+	Add copyright.
+	(otl_liga_attach_validate): Renamed to...
+	(otl_liga_mark2_validate): This.
+	Update all callers.
+	(otl_mark2_array_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup6_validate): Call otl_liga_mark2_validate, not
+	otl_mark2_array_validate.
+	(otl_pos_class_set_validate, otl_pos_class_rule_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup7_validate): Complete code for format 2.
+	(otl_chain_pos_class_rule_validate,
+	otl_chain_pos_class_set_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup8_validate): Don't call
+	otl_chain_pos_class_set_validate but
+	otl_chain_pos_rule_set_validate.
+	Simplify some code.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.h: Add copyright.
+2004-08-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.c (otl_jstf_gsub_mods_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_jstf_gpos_mods_validate): Renamed to...
+	(otl_jstf_gsubgpos_mods_validate): This.
+	Test whether lookup_count is zero.
+	(otl_jstf_priority_validate): Use otl_jstf_gsubgpos_mods_validate.
+	(otl_jstf_validate): Initialize gsub_lookup_count and
+	gpos_lookup_count if gsub or gpos is zero.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.c: Rename counting variables to be more
+	meaningful.
+	Add copyright.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup1_validate): Simplify code.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup2_validate, otl_gsub_lookup3_validate,
+	otl_gsub_lookup4_validate, otl_gsub_lookup7_validate): Remove unused
+	variables.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup5_validate): Remove unused variable.
+	Fix call to otl_sub_rule_set_validate and
+	otl_sub_class_rule_set_validate.
+	(otl_chain_sub_class_rule_validate,
+	otl_chain_sub_class_set_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup6_validate): Remove unused variable.
+	Fix call to otl_chain_sub_rule_set_validate.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup7_validate): Handle lookup type 8 also.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup8_validate: New function.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup1_apply, otl_gsub_lookup2_apply,
+	otl_gsub_lookup3_apply): Commented out.
+	(otl_gsub_validate_funcs): Add otl_gsub_lookup7_validate and
+	otl_gsub_lookup8_validate.
+	(otl_gsub_validate): Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.h: Add copyright.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.c, src/otlayout/otlcommn.h
+	(otl_coverage_get_index): Comment out.
+2004-08-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.c (otl_gsubgpos_get_lookup_count): New
+	function.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.h: Updated.
+	* src/otlayout/otlbase.c: Rename counting variables to be more
+	meaningful.
+	Add copyright message.
+	* src/otlayout/otlbase.h: Add copyright message.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgdef.c: Rename counting variables to be more
+	meaningful.
+	Add copyright message.
+	Use OTL_CHECK everywhere.
+	(otl_caret_value_validate): Remove unused variable.
+	(otl_gdef_validate): All tables are optional.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgdef.h: Add copyright message.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.c: Rename counting variables to be more
+	meaningful.
+	Add copyright message.
+	(otl_jstf_gsub_mods_validate, otl_jstf_gpos_mods_validate): Add
+	parameter to pass lookup count.
+	Update all callers.
+	Check lookup array.
+	(otl_jstf_max_validate):
+	s/otl_gpos_subtable_check/otl_gpos_subtable_validate/.
+	(otl_jstf_priority_validate, otl_jstf_lang_validate,
+	otl_jstf_script_validate): Add two parameters to pass lookup counts.
+	Update all callers.
+	(otl_jstf_validate): Add two parameters to pass GPOS and GSUB
+	table offsets; use otl_gsubgpos_get_lookup_count to convert extract
+	lookup counts.
+	Fix typo.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.h: Updated.
+	Add copyright message.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_gpos_subtable_validate): New function.
+	(otl_gpos_validate): Use it.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.h: Updated.
+2004-08-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/otlayout/otcommn.c: Use OTL_CHECK everywhere.
+	(otl_coverage_validate): Initialize `p',
+	s/count/num_glyphs/.
+	s/start_cover/start_coverage/.
+	(otl_coverage_get_index): Return OTL_Long, not OTL_Int.
+	Remove unused variables.
+	(otl_class_definition_validate): s/count/num_glyphs/.
+	Remove unused variables.
+	(otl_class_definition_get_value, otl_device_table_get_start,
+	otl_device_table_get_end, otl_device_table_get_delta,
+	otl_lookup_get_table, otl_lookup_list_get_count,
+	otl_lookup_list_get_lookup, otl_lookup_list_get_table,
+	otl_feature_get_lookups, otl_feature_list_get_count,
+	otl_feature_list_get_feature, otl_lang_get_count,
+	otl_lang_get_req_feature, otl_lang_get_features): Commented out
+	temporarily until we really need it.
+	(otl_lookup_validate): Removed.
+	(otl_lookup_table_validate): Renamed to ...
+	(otl_lookup_validate): This.  Update callers.
+	(otl_lookup_list_validate): Remove already commented out definition
+	and move the other definition up.
+	(otl_feature_validate): Add parameter to pass number of lookups.
+	Update callers.
+	Check lookup indices.
+	(otl_feature_list_validate): Add parameter to pass lookup table.
+	Update callers.
+	(otl_lang_validate): Add parameter to pass number of features.
+	Update callers.
+	Handle req_feature and check feature indices.
+	(otl_script_validate): Add parameter to pass number of features.
+	Update callers.
+	(otl_script_list_validate): Add parameter to pass feature table.
+	Update callers.
+	* src/otlayout/otcommn.h: s/LOCALDEF/LOCAL/.
+	Comment out the same functions as in otcommn.c.
+	(otl_script_list_get_script): Removed.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.c (otl_gsub_lookup1_apply): Change `index' to
+	type OTL_Long.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup2_apply, otl_gsub_lookup3_apply): Change `index' to
+	type OTL_Long.
+	Fix test.
+	(otl_gsub_validate): Fix order of validation.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c (otl_gpos_validate): Fix order of
+	validation.
+2004-08-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make otlayout module compile (without actually working).
+	* src/otlayout/*: s/OTL_Valid/OTL_Validator/.
+	s/NULL/0/.
+	* src/otlayout/otlayout.h: Fix various typos.
+	(OTL_Bool): New typedef.
+	(OTL_Int, OTL_Long, OTL_Int16, OTL_Int32): Use `signed' keyword.
+	(OTL_Err_InvalidArgument): Removed.
+	(OTL_Err_InvalidData, OTL_Err_InvalidSize): New enum values.
+	(OTL_MAKE_TAG): Add missing parenthesis.
+	(OTL_INVALID_DATA): Use OTL_Err_InvalidData.
+	(OTL_INVALID_TOO_SHORT): Use OTL_Err_InvalidSize.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgpos.c: s/FT_/OTL_/.
+	s/OTL_Short/OTL_Int16/.
+	(otl_gpos_pairset_validate): Add return type.
+	(otl_base_array_validate): Fix call to otl_anchor_validate.
+	(otl_liga_array_validate): Fix call to otl_liga_attach_validate.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup5_validate): Fix typos.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup6_validate): Fix call to otl_mark2_array_validate.
+	(otl_gpos_lookup7_validate): Comment out unfinished code.
+	Fix typos.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgsub.c: Add forward declaration for
+	otl_gsub_validate_funcs.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup1_apply, otl_gsub_lookup2_apply,
+	otl_gsub_lookup3_apply): Fix call to otl_parser_check_property.
+	s/otl_coverage_lookup/otl_coverage_get_index/.
+	(otl_ligature_validate): Add missing variable declaration.
+	(otl_sub_rule_validate): Fix typo.
+	(otl_sub_class_rule_validate): Add missing variable declaration.
+	Fix typo.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup5_validate): Fix typo.
+	(otl_gsub_lookup6_validate): Fix call to
+	otl_chain_sub_class_set_validate.
+	(otl_gsub_validate_funcs): Don't use `const'.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.c (otl_class_definition_get_value,
+	otl_device_table_validate, otl_device_table_get_delta,
+	otl_lookup_validate, otl_script_validate): Add missing
+	variable declarations.
+	(otl_lookup_list_validate): Comment out first definition.
+	(otl_lookup_list_foreach, otl_feature_list_foreach): Comment out.
+	(otl_feature_list_validate):
+	s/otl_feature_table_validate/otl_feature_validate/.
+	(otl_script_list_validate):
+	s/otl_script_table_validate/otl_script_validate/.
+	* src/otlayout/otlcommn.h: Comment out first declaration.
+	(otl_lookup_list_foreach, otl_feature_list_foreach): Comment out.
+	* src/otlayout/otlbase.c (otl_base_coord_validate): Fix call to
+	otl_device_table_validate.
+	(otl_base_script_validate): Add missing variable declarations.
+	(otl_base_script_list_validate): Fix call to
+	otl_base_script_validate.
+	(otl_axis_table_validate): Fix calls to otl_base_tag_list_validate
+	and otl_base_script_list_validate.
+	(otl_base_validate): Fix calls to otl_axis_table_validate.
+	* src/otlayout/otlgdef.c (otl_attach_list_validate): Fix call to
+	otl_attach_point_validate.
+	(otl_caret_value_validate): Add missing variable declaration.
+	Fix call to otl_device_table_validate.
+	(otl_ligature_glyph_validate): Fix call to otl_caret_value_validate.
+	(otl_ligature_caret_list_validate): Fix call to
+	otl_ligature_glyph_validate.
+	(otl_gdef_validate): Fix calls to otl_class_definition_validate,
+	otl_attach_list_validate, otl_ligature_caret_list_validate, and
+	otl_class_definition_validate.
+	* src/otlayout/otltable.h (otl_table_validate, otl_table_init,
+	otl_table_set_script): Comment out.
+	* src/otlayout/otlparse.h (OTL_ParserRec):
+	s/OTL_Alternate/OTL_GSUB_Alternate/.
+	(OTL_ParseError): Add OTL_Err_Parser_Memory and
+	OTL_Err_Parser_Internal.
+	(otl_parser_error): Fix typo.
+	(otl_parser_check_property): Remove third argument.
+	* src/otlayout/otlparse.c (otl_string_ensure):
+	s/OTL_Parse_Err_Memory/OTL_Err_Parser_Memory/.
+	(OTL_STRING_ENSURE, otl_parser_error, otl_parser_get_index,
+	otl_parser_replace_1, otl_parser_replace_n): Fix typos.
+	(otl_parser_check_property): Remove third argument.
+	* src/otlayout/otljstf.c (otl_jstf_priority_validate): Add missing
+	variable declaration.
+	* src/otlayout/otlutils.h (OTL_MEM_REALLOC): Fix typo.
+2004-08-11  Danny  <>
+	* src/base/ftstream.c (FT_Stream_Close): Don't reset stream->close
+	to NULL.  This allows custom close functions to delete the FT_STREAM
+	object.
+2004-08-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add API to get information about SFNT tables.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svsfnt.h
+	(FT_SFNT_Table_Info_Func): New typedef.
+	(SFNT_Table): Add it.
+	* src/base/ftobjs (FT_Sfnt_Table_Info): New function.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h: Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (sfnt_table_info): New function.
+	(sfnt_service_sfnt_table): Add it.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 10.
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 9:8:3.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+	* builds/win32/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.vcproj: s/219/2110/, s/2.1.9/2.1.10/.
+	* builds/ (refdoc), README, Jamfile (RefDoc):
+	s/2.1.9/2.1.10/.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/VERSION.DLL: Updated.
+2004-08-11  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c (FT_Raccess_Guess)
+	warnings.
+2004-08-06  Adam Piotrowski  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrload.c (pfr_sort_kerning_pairs): Single-byte
+	adjustments are unsigned, not signed.
+2004-08-05  David Turner  <>
+	`Activate' gray-scale specifing hinting within the TrueType
+	bytecode interpreter.  This is an experimental feature which
+	should probably be made optional.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph,
+	load_truetype_glyph): Move the code to set the pedantic_hinting flag
+	to...
+	(TT_Load_Glyph): Here.
+	Set `grayscale' flag except for `FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO'.
+	* src/truetyep/ttinterp.c (Ins_GETINFO): Return MS rasterizer
+	version 1.7.
+	Return rotation and stretching info only if glyph is rotated or
+	stretched, respectively.
+	Handle grayscale info.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContextRec): Add `grayscale'
+	member.
+2004-08-02  George Williams  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Attach_File): Initialize `'.
+2004-08-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-08-01  George Williams  <>
+	FreeType now can read kerning values from PFM files.
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c (T1_Done_AFM): Renamed to...
+	(T1_Done_Metrics): This.
+	Update all callers.
+	(T1_Read_AFM): Make it static.
+	Don't enter and leave a frame.
+	(T1_Read_PFM): New function.
+	(T1_Read_Metrics): New higher-level function to be used instead of
+	T1Read_AFM.
+	Update all callers.
+2004-07-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread (pcf_load_font), src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c
+	(BDF_Face_Init), src/truetype/ttgxvar (TT_Get_MM_Var,
+	tt_face_vary_cvt): Fix compiler warnings.
+2004-07-26  Søren Sandmann  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_interpret_style): Always allocate memory for
+	face->style_name.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Face_Done): Free `style_name'.
+2004-07-26  Darren J Longhorn  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h (FT_SIZEOF_LONG): Recognize
+	five-byte `long' (which is avoided then).
+2004-07-25  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Set_Pixel_Size): Compare heights, not
+	ppem values.
+	(PCF_Set_Point_Size): Don't call PCF_Set_Pixel_Size but provide own
+	code to compare ppem values.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Set_Pixel_Size): Compare heights, not
+	ppem values.
+	(BDF_Set_Point_Size): Don't call BDF_Set_Pixel_Size but provide own
+	code to compare ppem values.
+2004-07-25  Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Handle
+2004-07-24  Derek B. Noonburg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_font_load): Always create inverse mapping.
+	Even if the charstring count is the same as the CID count, it is
+	still possible that the font uses a different CID -> GID mapping.
+2004-07-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_face_init): Accept 0x00020000 format tag
+	found in some Arphic fonts made for Chinese version of Windows 3.1.
+2004-07-17  David Turner  <>
+	Fixed a dangling pointer bug in the cache code that happened in very
+	rare cases, i.e., when a new family object was destroyed by an
+	out-of-memory condition during a glyph node initialization.  The
+	function FTC_Cache_Lookup would flush the cache and restart the
+	lookup with a bad pointer.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h (FTC_FAMILY_TREE): New macro.
+	Handle reference count in `num_nodes' correctly.
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c (FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily): Use
+	(FTC_GCache_Lookup): Handle reference count in `num_nodes' correctly.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_FlushN): Fixed a cache flushing
+	bug.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Normalize): Fixed a bug that caused
+	long and unnecessary delays while normalizing huge vectors.
+2004-07-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_Stroker_ParseOutline): Fix compiler
+	warning.
+2004-07-15  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_Stroker_ParseOutline): Single points
+	are not stroked, preventing a bug with pala.ttf and other
+	fonts.
+	* include/freetype/ftstroke.h: Updating documentation comments.
+2004-07-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (ft_stroke_border_reverse): Removed.  Unused.
+2004-07-12  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (ft_stroke_border_close): Add second parameter
+	to indicate reversion of points.
+	Update all callers.
+	(ft_stroke_border_reverse): Fix initialization of `point1' and
+	`tag1'.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_snode_load): Fixing advance computation
+	for transformed glyphs.
+2004-07-11  David Turner  <>
+	Fix bugs that prevented the stroker to correctly generate stroked
+	paths from closed paths, i.e., nearly all glyphs in vectorial fonts.
+	The code is still _very_ buggy though; treat with special care.
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN_END): New macro.
+	(ft_stroke_border_reverse): New function.
+	(ft_stroker_inside): Remove local variable `sigma'; use different
+	threshold.
+	(ft_stroker_add_reverse_left): Switch begin/end tags if necessary.
+	(FT_Stroker_EndSubPath): Call ft_stroker_inside and
+	ft_stroke_border_reverse.
+2004-06-26  Peter Kovar  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph): Fix typo.
+2004-06-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1afm.c (afm_atoindex): Fix boundary test.  Reported
+	by Dirck Blaskey.
+2004-06-24  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.1.9 released.
+	=========================
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttxgvar.c: Removing
+	compiler warnings.
+2004-06-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h [FT_DEBUG_MEMORY]: Declare
+	FT_QAlloc_Debug and FT_QRealloc_Debug.
+	* src/base/ftutil.c (FT_QAlloc): Fix error and debug messages.
+	(FT_QRealloc): Call FT_QAlloc if original pointer is NULL.
+	Fix error message.
+2004-06-23  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h, src/base/ftutil.c
+	(FT_QAlloc, FT_QRealloc), src/base/ftdbgmem.c (FT_QAlloc_Debug,
+	FT_QRealloc_Debug): New functions that perform allocation without
+	zero-ing out the corresponding blocks.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_MEM_QALLOC,
+	FT_QRENEW_ARRAY): New macros.
+	* src/base/ftstream.c (FT_Stream_EnterFrame): Use FT_QALLOC.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (FT_Stream_OpenGzip):  Use FT_QNEW_ARRAY.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (tt_face_get_name): Use FT_QNEW_ARRAY.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_directory, tt_face_load_metrics,
+	tt_face_load_gasp): Use FT_QNEW_ARRAY.
+	(tt_face_load_kern): Use FT_QNEW_ARRAY.
+	Small optimization in the kerning table verifier; this speeds up
+	TrueType face opening by about 7%.
+	(tt_face_load_hdmx): Use FT_QNEW_ARRAY and FT_QALLOC.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Changed the order of modules,
+	putting TrueType and Type 1 first.  This dramatically improves the
+	performance of face open/close operations.  For example, putting the
+	TrueType driver first in the list results in a 5x speedup when
+	opening `Vera.ttf'.
+	The very problem is that both the PCF and BDF drivers do a lot more
+	than necessary to detect that they cannot handle a font file.
+2004-06-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_read_TOC, pcf_get_properties,
+	pcf_get_metrics, pcf_get_bitmaps, pcf_get_encodings): Improve
+	debugging messages.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (FT_COMPOMENT): Move up.
+	(PCF_Face_Init): Simplify code.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.h (BDF_FaceRec): New element `default_glyph'.
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_add_property, _bdf_parse_start),
+	src/bdf/bdf.h (bdf_font_t): s/default_glyph/default_char/.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Fix number of glyphs.
+	Set `default_glyph'.
+	(BDF_Glyph_Load): Use `default_glyph' for undefined glyph.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-06-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-06-21  David Turner  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph,
+	load_truetype_glyph): Don't access (unrounded)
+	`TT_Size.root.metrics' but (rounded) `TT_Size.metrics'.  This fixes
+	a scaling bug that caused incorrect rendering when the bytecode
+	interpreter was enabled.
+2004-06-14  Huw D M Davies  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Face_Init): Set x_ppem and y_ppem
+	based on pixel_width and pixel_height.
+	(FNT_Size_Set_Pixels): Updated.
+2004-06-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/lzw/zopen.c: Comment out inclusion of signal.h and unistd.h.
+	Reported by Hyvärinen Jyrki Juhani.
+2004-06-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-06-10  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftobject.c, src/base/fthash.c, src/base/ftexcept.c,
+	src/base/ftsysio.c, src/base/ftsysmem.c, src/base/ftlist.c: Removed.
+	Obsolete.
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Alignment, PAlignment): New union to fix
+	problems with 64bit systems.
+	(AlignProfileSize): Use it.
+2004-06-08  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_GlyphMetrics): Move `lsb_delta'
+	and `rsb_delta' elements to...
+	(FT_GlyphSlotRec): Here to retain binary compatibility with older
+	FreeType versions.
+	Update all users.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (tt_face_get_name): Remove compiler warning.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Add missing initialization
+	of slot->metrics.width and slot->metrics.height when loading a
+	Windows FNT glyph.  Thanks to Huw Davies.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcmru.h (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc): Change
+	return type to FT_Bool.
+	* src/cache/ftbasic.c (ftc_basic_family_compare): Change return
+	type to FT_Bool.
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c (FTC_Cache_Init, ftc_cache_init): Make
+	the former call the latter, not vice versa.
+	(FTC_Cache_Done, ftc_cache_done): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c (FTC_GNode_Compare, ftc_gnode_compare): Make
+	the former call the latter, not vice versa.
+	(FTC_GCache_Init, ftc_gcache_init): Ditto.
+	(FTC_GCache_Done, ftc_gcache_done): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c (FTC_INode_Free, ftc_inode_free): Make the
+	former call the latter, not vice versa.
+	(FTC_INode_Weight, ftc_inode_weight): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_size_node_compare,
+	ftc_size_node_compare_faceid, ftc_face_node_compare): Change return
+	type to FT_Bool.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (FTC_SNode_Free, ftc_snode_free): Make the
+	former call the latter, not vice versa.
+	(FTC_SNode_Weight, ftc_snode_weight): Ditto.
+	(FTC_SNode_Compare, ftc_snode_compare): Ditto.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c: Fix some bugs and inefficiencies in the cache
+	sub-system.
+2004-06-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g): Set `lsb_delta' and
+	`rsb_delta' in slot->metrics and tune side bearings slightly.
+2004-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-06-04  David Chester  <>
+	Improve inter-letter spacing for autohinted glyphs.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Glyph_Metrics): Add elements
+	`lsb_delta' and `rsb_delta'.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load): Set `lsb_delta' and
+	`rsb_delta' in slot->metrics and tune side bearings slightly.
+2004-06-04  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autofit/*: Important fixes to the auto-fitter.  The output
+	now seems to be 100% equivalent to the auto-hinter, while being
+	about 2% faster (which proves that script-specific algorithm
+	selection isn't a performance problem).
+	To test it, change `autohint' to `autofit' in
+	<freetype/config/ftmodule.h> and recompile.
+	A few more testing is needed before making this the official
+	auto-hinting module.
+2004-06-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (compute_glyph_metrics): Fix compiler
+	warnings.
+2004-06-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (tt_face_get_name): Make sure that an English
+	name record for the Apple platform is preferred to a non-English
+	entry for the Microsoft platform.  Problem reported by HANDA
+	Ken'ichi.
+2004-05-19  George Williams  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (mm_axis_unmap, mm_weights_unmap): New
+	auxiliary functions.
+	(T1_Get_MM_Var): Provide axis tags.
+	Use mm_axis_unmap and mm_weights_unmap to provide default values
+	for design and normalized axis coordinates.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h (PS_DesignMapRec): Change type of
+	`design_points' to FT_Long.
+	Update all users.
+2004-05-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftbbox.c (BBox_Conic_Check): Fix boundary cases.
+	Reported by Mikey Anbary <>.
+2004-05-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_done_face): Free face->postscript_name.
+2004-05-15  George Williams  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_max_profile): Always set
+	face->root.num_glyphs.
+2004-05-14  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	    George Williams  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (sfnt_dir_check): Handle `bhed' properly.
+2004-05-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c (ftc_basic_family_compare,
+	ftc_basic_family_init, ftc_basic_family_get_count,
+	ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap, ftc_basic_family_load_glyph,
+	ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid): Adjust parameters and return types
+	to prototypes given in header files from include/freetype/cache.
+	Use casts to proper types locally.
+	(ftc_basic_image_family_class, ftc_basic_image_cache_class,
+	ftc_basic_sbit_family_class, ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class): Remove
+	casts.
+	* src/cache/ftccback.h: Adjust parameters and return types to
+	prototypes given in header files from include/freetype/cache.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c (ftc_inode_free, ftc_inode_new,
+	ftc_inode_weight): Adjust parameters and return types to prototypes
+	given in header files from include/freetype/cache.  Use casts to
+	proper types locally.
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_snode_free, ftc_snode_new,
+	ftc_snode_weight, ftc_snode_compare): Adjust parameters and return
+	types to prototypes given in header files from
+	include/freetype/cache.  Use casts to proper types locally.
+	* src/cache/ftccmap.c (ftc_cmap_node_free, ftc_cmap_node_new,
+	ftc_cmap_node_weight, ftc_cmap_node_compare,
+	ftc_cmap_node_remove_faceid): Adjust parameters and return types to
+	prototypes given in header files from include/freetype/cache.  Use
+	casts to proper types locally.
+	(ftc_cmap_cache_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c (ftc_gnode_compare, ftc_gcache_init,
+	ftc_gcache_done): Adjust parameters and return types to prototypes
+	given in header files from include/freetype/cache.  Use casts to
+	proper types locally.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_size_node_done, ftc_size_node_compare,
+	ftc_size_node_init, ftc_size_node_reset,
+	ftc_size_node_compare_faceid, ftc_face_node_init,
+	ftc_face_node_done, ftc_face_node_compare: Adjust parameters and
+	return types to prototypes given in header files from
+	include/freetype/cache.  Use casts to proper types locally.
+	(ftc_size_list_class, ftc_face_list_class): Remove casts.
+2004-05-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahmodule.c (ft_autohinter_init, ft_autohinter_done):
+	Use FT_Module as parameter and do a cast to FT_AutoHinter locally.
+	(autohint_module_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (ft_bitmap_glyph_init, ft_bitmap_glyph_copy,
+	ft_bitmap_glyph_done, ft_bitmap_glyph_bbox, ft_outline_glyph_init,
+	ft_outline_glyph_done, ft_outline_glyph_copy,
+	ft_outline_glyph_transform, ft_outline_glyph_bbox,
+	ft_outline_glyph_prepare): Use FT_Glyph as parameter and do a cast
+	to FT_XXXGlyph locally.
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF throughout.
+	(ft_bitmap_glyph_class, ft_outline_glyph_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_cmap_init, bdf_cmap_done,
+	bdf_cmap_char_index, bdf_cmap_char_next): Use FT_CMap as parameter
+	and do a cast to BDF_CMap locally.
+	(bdf_cmap_class): Remove casts.
+2004-05-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.h (CFF_Builder): Remove `error'.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings): Replace
+	`Memory_Error' with `Fail' und update all users.
+2004-05-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_ParseState): New
+	enumeration.
+	(T1_BuilderRec): Replace `path_begun' with `parse_state'.
+	Remove `error'.
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (t1_decoder_parse_charstrings): Replace
+	`Memory_Error' with `Fail' and update all users.
+	Don't use `builder->error'.
+	Replace `path_begun' with `parse_state' and check parsing states.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (t1_builder_init, t1_builder_start_point):
+	Replace `path_begun' with `parse_state' and check parsing states.
+2004-05-10  George Williams  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttxgvar.c (ft_var_load_avar): Do free arrays in case
+	of error -- `avar' is optional so we can't rely on tt_done_blend
+	being called automatically.
+2004-05-09  George Williams  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttxgvar.c (ft_var_load_avar, ft_var_load_gvar): Fix
+	error handling.
+2004-05-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c, src/pfr/pfrobjs.h (pfr_face_init,
+	pfr_face_done, pfr_face_get_kerning, pfr_slot_init, pfr_slot_done,
+	pfr_slot_load): Don't use PFR_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are
+	typecast to the proper PFR_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_get_kerning, pfr_get_advance,
+	pfr_get_metrics, pfr_get_service): Don't use PFR_XXX but FT_XXX
+	arguments which are typecast to the proper PFR_XXX types within the
+	function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF throughout.
+	(pfr_metrics_service_rec, pfr_driver_class): Remove casts.
+2004-05-06  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_load_gvar): Use FT_FACE_STREAM.
+	(*): Rename local variable OffsetToData to offsetToData.
+2004-05-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_size_done, cff_size_init, cff_size_reset,
+	cff_slot_done, cff_slot_init, cff_face_init, cff_face_done): Access
+	root fields directly.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (Load_Glyph): Access root fields directly.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Process_Simple_Glyph): Save current
+	frame before calling TT_Vary_Get_Glyph_Deltas.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_CMapRec): Rename `cmap' to `root' for
+	consistency.
+	(pcf_cmap_init, pcf_cmap_done, pcf_cmap_char_index,
+	pcf_cmap_char_next): Don't use PCF_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which
+	are typecast to the proper PCF_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	(pcf_cmap_class): Remove casts.
+	(PCF_Face_Done, PCF_Face_Init, PCF_Set_Pixel_Size): Don't use
+	PCF_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the proper
+	PCF_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF throughout.
+	(PCF_Set_Point_Size): New wrapper function.
+	(PCF_Glyph_Load, pcf_driver_requester): Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF.
+	(pcf_driver_class): Remove casts.
+2004-05-04  Steve Hartwell  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_driver_done): Fix typo.
+2004-05-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Done, BDF_Face_Init,
+	BDF_Set_Pixel_Size): Don't use BDF_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which
+	are typecast to the proper BDF_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF throughout.
+	(BDF_Set_Point_Size): New wrapper function.
+	(bdf_driver_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (Get_Kerning, Load_Glyph, cff_get_interface):
+	Don't use CFF_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the
+	proper CFF_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF throughout.
+	(cff_driver_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h, src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_size_done,
+	cff_size_init, cff_size_reset, cff_slot_done, cff_slot_init,
+	cff_face_init, cff_face_done, cff_driver_init, cff_driver_done):
+	Don't use CFF_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the
+	proper CFF_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	(cff_point_size_reset): New wrapper function.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.h, src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_slot_done,
+	cid_slot_init, cid_size_done, cid_size_init, cid_size_reset,
+	cid_face_done, cid_face_init, cid_driver_init, cid_driver_done):
+	Don't use CID_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the
+	proper CID_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	(cid_point_size_reset): New wrapper function.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c, src/cid/cidgload.h (cid_slot_load_glyph):
+	Don't use CID_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the
+	proper CID_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	* src/cid/cidriver.c (cid_get_interface):
+	Don't use CID_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the
+	proper CID_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	(t1cid_driver_class): Remove casts.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (tt_get_interface): Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_load_avar): Don't free non-local
+	variables (this is done later).
+	(ft_var_load_avar): Fix call to FT_FRAME_ENTER.
+	(TT_Get_MM_Var): Fix size for `fvar_fields'.
+	(TT_Vary_Get_Glyph_Deltas): Handle deallocation of local variables
+	correctly.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c (ft_mem_debug_realloc): Don't abort if
+	current size is zero.
+2004-05-03  Steve Hartwell  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h, src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_face_init,
+	tt_face_done, tt_size_init, tt_size_done, tt_driver_init,
+	tt_driver_done): Don't use TT_XXX but FT_XXX arguments which are
+	typecast to the proper TT_XXX types within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Get_Kerning, Set_Char_Sizes,
+	Set_Pixel_Sizes, Load_Glyph, tt_get_interface): Don't use TT_XXX but
+	FT_XXX arguments which are typecast to the proper TT_XXX types
+	within the function.
+	Update code accordingly.
+	(tt_driver_class): Remove casts.
+2004-05-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_free_names): Check that `table->names'
+	is not NULL.  Reported by Gordon Childs <>.
+2004-04-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/formats.txt: Add more information on PFR format.
+2004-04-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/formats.txt: New file.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-04-28  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (GX_BlendRec_)
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.h (GX_BlendRec_): Fix a typo.
+2004-04-27  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.h: Use FT_LOCAL instead of FT_LOCAL_DEF
+	for function declarations.
+2004-04-25  George Williams  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c (ft_var_apply_tuple): Fix typo.
+2004-04-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/Jamfile, docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-04-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: Revert change from 2004-04-17.
+	* src/pcf/pcfutil.c: Use FT_LOCAL_DEF.
+	* src/pcf/pcfutil.h: Include FT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H.
+2004-04-24  George Williams  <>
+	Add support for Apple's distortable font technology (in GX fonts).
+	* devel/ftoption.h, include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+	* include/freetype/ftmm.h (FT_Var_Axis, FT_Var_Named_Style,
+	FT_MM_Var): New structures.
+	(FT_Get_MM_Var, FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates,
+	FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates): New function declarations.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svmm.h (FT_Get_MM_Var_Func,
+	FT_Set_Var_Design_Func): New typedefs.
+	Update MultiMasters service.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h
+	(GX_Blend) [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: New typedef.
+	(TT_Face) [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: New members `doblend'
+	and `blend'.
+	* include/freetype/tttags.h (TTAG_avar, TTAG_cvar, TTAG_gvar): New
+	macros.
+	* include/freetype/internal/fttrace.h: Add `ttgxvar'.
+	* src/base/ftmm.c (FT_Get_MM_Var, FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates,
+	FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates): New functions.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face)
+	flag for GX var fonts.
+	* src/truetype/ttgxvar.c, src/truetype/ttgxvar.h: New files.
+	* src/truetype/truetype.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Include
+	ttgxvar.c.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Include
+	(tt_service_gx_multi_masters) [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]:
+	New service.
+	(tt_services) [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Include
+	ttgxvar.h.
+	(TT_Process_Simple_Glyph, load_truetype_glyph)
+	[TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT] :Support GX var fonts.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Include
+	ttgxvar.h.
+	(tt_done_face) [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Call
+	tt_done_blend.
+	* src/truetype/ttpload.c [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Include
+	ttgxvar.h.
+	(tt_face_load_cvt)  [TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT]: Call
+	tt_face_vary_cvt.
+	* src/truetype/ (TT_DRV_SRC): Add ttgxvar.c.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_service_multi_masters): Add T1_Get_MM_Var
+	and T1_Set_Var_Design.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (FT_INT_TO_FIXED, FT_FIXED_TO_INT): New macros.
+	(T1_Get_MM_Var, T1_Set_Var_Design): New functions.
+	* src/type1/t1load.h (T1_Get_MM_Var, T1_Set_Var_Design): New
+	function declarations.
+2004-04-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h (FT_Get_CharMap_Index): Rename
+	declaration and move to...
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Get_Charmap_Index): Here.
+	(FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 9.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Charmap_Index): New function.
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 9:7:3.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+	* builds/win32/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.vcproj: s/218/219/.
+	* builds/ (refdoc), README, Jamfile (RefDoc):
+	s/2.1.8/2.1.9/.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/VERSION.DLL: Updated.
+2004-04-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_parser_run), src/psaux/psobjs.c
+	(ps_parser_load_field): Use FT_CHAR_BIT.
+2004-04-21  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.1.8 released.
+	=========================
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Fix a small memory leak.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g), src/autofit/afmodule.c
+	(af_autofitter_load_glyph), src/base/ftdebug.c (FT_Trace_Get_Name):
+	Remove compiler warnings.
+	* src/autofit/aftypes.h: Undefine AF_DEBUG.
+	* src/lzw/zopen.c (rmask), src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (pcf_service_bdf,
+	pcf_services), src/pcf/pcfread.c (tableNames), src/psaux/psobjs.c
+	(ft_char_table), src/type42/t42drivr.c (t42_service_glyph_dict,
+	t42_service_ps_font_name): Decorate data arrays with `const' to
+	avoid populating the `.data' segment.
+	* src/lzw/Jamfile: New file.
+2004-04-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (T1Radix): Renamed to...
+	(ps_radix): This.
+	Update current cursor position.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-04-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/truetype/ttgload.h (TT_Load_Glyph),
+	src/ttdriver.c (Load_Glyph): Change type of `glyph_index' to
+	FT_UInt.  From Lex Warners.
+2004-04-17  Chisato Yamauchi  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_sfnt_header): Really fix change
+	from 2004-03-19.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Use `ft_strlen'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfutil.c, src/pcf/pcfutil.h: Decorate functions with
+	`static'.
+	Remove unused function `RepadBitmap'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: Don't include pcfutil.h.
+2004-04-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ (usage): Fix and improve usage
+	information.
+2004-04-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/, builds/vms/ftconfig.h: Define
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Load_Glyph): Don't apply autohinting if
+	glyph is vertically distorted or mirrored.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): Handle zero `size' properly
+	for embedded bitmaps.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-04-15  bytesoftware  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h, src/base/ftstream.c
+	(FT_Stream_ReadFields): More fixes using FT_CHAR_BIT.
+2004-04-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h (FT_CHAR_BIT): New macro.
+2004-04-14  Alex Strelnikov  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_snode_load): Initialize `*asize' in case
+	of error.
+2004-04-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftmac.c [__GNUC__]: Define OS_INLINE.
+	* builds/unix/ Don't try to remove `-ansi' compilation
+	switch on the Mac.
+	* builds/unix/ Regenerated with `libtoolize --force
+	--copy' from libtool 1.5.6.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.8a.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf 2.59a.
+2004-04-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: Use CHAR_BIT to define
+	size of FT_SIZEOF_xxx.
+2004-04-12  Chisato Yamauchi  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/sfnt.h (TT_Find_SBit_Image_Func,
+	TT_Load_SBit_Metrics_Func): New typedefs.
+	(SFNT_Interface): Add find_sbit_image and load_sbit_metrics.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (sfnt_interface): Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.h (tt_find_sbit_image, tt_load_sbit_metrics): New
+	declarations.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (find_sbit_image): Renamed to...
+	(tt_find_sbit_image): This.
+	Updated all callers.
+	(load_sbit_metrics): Renamed to...
+	(tt_load_sbit_metrics): This.
+	Updated all callers.
+2004-04-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* configure: Accept makepp also.
+	* builds/unix/ Use proper path to
+	* builds/unix/ (BUILD_DIR, PLATFORM): Remove.
+	* builds/unix/ (BUILD_DIR, PLATFORM): Define.
+	* docs/INSTALL, docs/INSTALL.GNU, docs/INSTALL.UNX: Update
+	documentation on makepp.
+2004-04-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/lzw/zopen.c: Don't include sys/param.h and sys/stat.h.
+2004-04-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/lzw/ftlzw.c: Include zopen.h dependent on
+	* src/base/ftdebug.c: s/index/idx/ to avoid compiler warnings.
+2004-04-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Regenerated with `libtoolize --force
+	--copy' from libtool 1.5.2.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.8a.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf 2.59a.
+2004-04-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ft-munmap.m4 (FT_MUNMAP_PARAM): Fix arguments of
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.8a.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf 2.59a.
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated from
+	`config' CVS module at
+	* builds/unix/install-sh, builds/unix/mkinstalldirs: Updated from
+	`texinfo' CVS module at
+	* builds/ (refdoc): Updated.
+2004-03-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Handle broken FNT files which don't have a trailing NULL byte
+	in the face name string.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.h (FNT_FontRec): New member `family_name'.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (fnt_font_done): Free font->family_name.
+	(FNT_Face_Init): Append a final zero byte to the font face name.
+2004-03-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_sfnt_header): Fix change from
+	2004-03-19.
+2004-03-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/descrip.mms (OBJS): Add ftbbox.obj.
+2004-03-26  George Williams  <>
+	Add vertical phantom points.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_LoaderRec): Add
+	`top_bearing', `vadvance', `pp3', and `pp4'.
+	* src/autofit/afloader.c (af_loader_load_g): Handle two more points.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load): Handle two more points.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (Get_VMetrics): New function.
+	(TT_Load_Simple_Glyph, TT_Process_Simple_Glyph): Handle two more
+	points.
+	(load_truetype_glyph): Use Get_VMetrics.
+	Handle two more points.
+	(compute_glyph_metrics): Thanks to vertical phantom points we now
+	can always compute `advance_height' and `top_bearing'.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.h (TT_SubglyphRec): Add vertical phantom
+	points.
+	* src/autohint/ahglyph.c (ah_outline_load): Fix allocation of
+	`news'.
+2004-03-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Glyph_Load): Fix left side bearing.
+2004-03-20  Steve Hartwell  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcmru.c (FTC_MruList_RemoveSelection): Handle a NULL
+	value for `selection' as `select all'.
+2004-03-19  Steve Hartwell  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_sfnt_header): Reject face_index
+	values > 0 if loading non-TTC fonts.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (open_face_from_buffer): Set positive face_index
+	to zero before calling FT_Open_Face.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-03-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Jamfile,, builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype/vcproj, include/freetype/ftmoderr.h:
+	Add LZW module.
+	* Removed.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h: s/MIN/FT_MIN/, s/MAX/FT_MAX/,
+	s/ABS/FT_ABS/.  Updated all callers.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_dict), src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c
+	(PCF_Face_Init): Use FT_ERROR_BASE.
+2004-03-04  Albert Chin  <>
+	Add support for PCF fonts compressed with LZW (extension .pcf.Z,
+	created with `compress').
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h, devel/ftoption.h
+	* include/freetype/ftlzw.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_LZW_H): New macro for
+	ftlzw.h.
+	* src/lzw/*: New files.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: Include FT_LZW_H.
+	(PCF_Face_Init): Try LZW also.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c: s/0/Gzip_Err_Ok/ where appropriate.
+	Beautify.
+2004-03-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (psh_hint_table_init): Simplify code.
+2004-03-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add embedded bitmap support to CFF driver.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h (CFF_SizeRec): New structure.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_builder_init): Updated.
+	(cff_slot_load): Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (sbit_size_reset)
+	(cff_size_get_globals_funcs, cff_size_done, cff_size_init): Updated.
+	(cff_size_reset): Updated.
+	[TT_CONFIG_OPTION_EMBEDDED_BITMAPS]: Call sbit_size_reset.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (Load_Glyph): Updated.
+	(cff_driver_class): Use CFF_SizeRec.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-03-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_scale_widths): Don't use
+	FT_RoundFix but FT_PIX_ROUND.
+	(psh_blues_snap_stem): Don't use blue_shift but blue_threshold.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (PSH_STRONG_THRESHOLD_MAXIMUM): New macro.
+	(psh_glyph_find_string_points): Use PSH_STRONG_THRESHOLD_MAXIMUM.
+	(psh_glyph_find_blue_points): New function.  Needed for fonts like
+	p052003l.pfb (URW Palladio L Roman) which have flex curves at the
+	base line within blue zones, but the flex curves aren't covered by
+	hints.
+	(ps_hints_apply): Use psh_glyph_find_blue_points.
+2004-02-27  Garrick Meeker  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Fix compiler flags for
+	`--with-old-mac-fonts'.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c: s/TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON/!TARGET_API_MAC_OS8/.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_Resource): New function.
+	(FT_New_Face): Use FT_New_Face_From_Resource.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec): Use FT_New_Face_From_Resource.
+	[__MWERKS__]: Don't include FSp_fopen.h.
+2004-02-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_new): Fix value of
+	`dim->stdw.count'.
+	Don't assign default values to blue scale and blue shift.
+2004-02-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-02-25  Garrick Meeker  <>
+	    Steve Hartwell  <>
+	Improve MacOS fond support.  Provide a new API
+	`FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec' similar to `FT_New_Face'.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c [__MWERKS__]: Include FSp_fpopen.h.
+	STREAM_FILE [__MWERKS__]: New macro.
+	(ft_FSp_stream_close, ft_FSp_stream_io) [__MWERKS__]: New functions.
+	(file_spec_from_path) [__MWERKS__]: Updated #if statement.
+	(get_file_type, make_lwfn_spec): Use `const' for argument.
+	(is_dfont) [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON]: Removed.
+	(count_face_sfnt, count_faces): New functions.
+	(parse_fond): Do some range checking.
+	(read_lwfn): Change type of second argument.
+	No longer call FSpOpenResFile.
+	(OpenFileAsResource): New function.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_LWFN): Use `const' for second argument.
+	Use OpenFileAsResource.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_Suitcase): Change type of second argument.
+	No longer call FSpOpenResFile.
+	Loop over all resource indices.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_dfont) [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON]: Removed.
+	(FT_GetFile_From_Mac_Name): Use `const' for first argument.
+	(ResourceForkSize): Removed.
+	(FT_New_Face): Updated to use new functions.
+	(FT_New_Face_From_FSSpec): New function.
+	* include/freetype/ftmac.h: Updated.
+2004-02-24  Malcolm Taylor  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load) <FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE>:
+	Handle case where outline->num_vedges is zero while computing hinted
+	metrics.
+2004-02-24  Gordon Childs  <>
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c (cff_cmap_unicode_init): Provide correct value
+	for `count'.
+2004-02-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h (PS_PrivateRec): Add
+	`expansion_factor'.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob (psh_blues_scale_zones): Fix computation
+	of blues->no_overshoots -- `blues_scale' is stored with a
+	magnification of 1000, and `scale' returns fractional pixels.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_Open_Face): Initialize `blue_shift',
+	`blue_fuzz', `expansion_factor', and `blue_scale' according to the
+	Type 1 specification.
+	* src/type1/t1tokens.h: Handle `ExpansionFactor'.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-02-24  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	Provide generic access to MacOS resource forks.
+	* src/base/ftrfork.c, include/freetype/internal/ftrfork.h: New
+	files.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_RFORK_H.
+	(Mac_Read_POST_Resource, Mac_Read_sfnt_Resource): Remove arguments
+	`resource_listoffset' and `resource_data' and adapt code
+	accordingly.  These values are calculated outside of the function
+	now.
+	Add new argument `offsets'.
+	(IsMacResource): Use `FT_Raccess_Get_HeaderInfo' and
+	`FT_Raccess_Get_DataOffsets'.
+	(load_face_in_embedded_rfork): New function.
+	(load_mac_face): Use load_face_in_embedded_rfork.
+	(ft_input_stream_new): Renamed to...
+	(FT_Stream_New): This.  Use FT_BASE_DEF.  Updated all callers.
+	(ft_input_stream_free): Renamed to...
+	(FT_Stream_Free): This.  Use FT_BASE_DEF.  Updated all callers.
+	* src/base/ftbase.c: Include ftrfork.c.
+	* src/base/ (BASE_SRC), src/base/Jamfile: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h (FT_INTERNAL_RFORK_H):
+	New macro.
+	* include/freetype/internal/fttrace.h: Added `rfork' as a new
+	trace definition.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftstream.h: Declare FT_Stream_New and
+	FT_Stream_Free.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h, devel/ftoption.h
+	* include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h (ft_strrchr): New macro.
+2004-02-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h: Include FT_FREETYPE_H.
+2004-02-23  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	Provide a simple API to control FreeType's tracing levels.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdebug.h (FT_Trace_Get_Count,
+	FT_Trace_Get_Name): New declarations.
+	* src/base/ftdebug.c (FT_Trace_Get_Count, FT_Trace_Get_Name): New
+	functions.
+2004-02-23  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autofit/afhints.c, src/autofit/afhints.h,
+	src/autofit/aflatin.c, src/autofit/afloader.c, src/types.h: Grave
+	bugs have been fixed.  The auto-fitter works, doesn't crash, but
+	still produces unexpected results...
+2004-02-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (PSH_STRONG_THRESHOLD): Changed to hold
+	the accepted shift for strong points in fractional pixels (which
+	is a heuristic value).
+	(psh_glyph_find_strong_points): Compute threshold for
+	psh_hint_table_find_strong_points.
+	(psh_hint_table_find_strong_point): Add parameter to pass threshold.
+2004-02-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c (ps_mask_table_set_bits): Don't call
+	ps_mask_table_alloc but ps_mask_table_last.
+	(ps_hints_t2mask): Use correct position and number for vertical
+	and horizontal hinter mask bits.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-02-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder): Fix enum handling.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_cmap_info): Remove compiler warning.
+2004-02-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Document FT_LOAD_TARGET_XXX properly.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (ft_bitmap_glyph_class,
+	ft_outline_glyph_class): Tag with FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF.
+	* src/smooth/ftsmooth.c (ft_smooth_render): Handle
+2004-02-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Fix callback functions in cache module.
+	* src/cache/ftccback.h: New file for callback declarations.
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c (ftc_basic_family_compare,
+	ftc_basic_family_init, ftc_basic_family_get_count,
+	ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap, ftc_basic_family_load_glyph,
+	ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid): Use FT_CALLBACK_DEF.
+	(ftc_basic_image_family_class, ftc_basic_image_cache_class,
+	ftc_basic_sbit_family_class, ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class):
+	Use FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF and local wrapper functions.
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c: Include ftccback.h.
+	(ftc_cache_init, ftc_cache_done): New wrapper functions which use
+	* src/cache/ftccmap.c: Include ftccback.h.
+	(ftc_cmap_cache_class): Use local wrapper functions.
+	* src/cache/ftcglyph.c: Include ftccback.h.
+	(ftc_gnode_compare, ftc_gcache_init, ftc_gcache_done): New wrapper
+	functions which use FT_LOCAL_DEF.
+	* src/cache/ftcimage.c: Include ftccback.h.
+	(ftc_inode_free, ftc_inode_new, ftc_inode_weight): New wrapper
+	functions which use FT_LOCAL_DEF.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_size_list_class, ftc_face_list_class):
+	* src/cache;/ftcsbits.c: Include ftccback.h.
+	(ftc_snode_free, ftc_snode_new, ftc_snode_weight,
+	ftc_snode_compare): New wrapper functions which use FT_LOCAL_DEF.
+	* src/cache/ (CACHE_DRV_H): Add ftccback.h.
+2004-02-17  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftmac.h (FT_GetFile_From_Mac_Name): Fix a typo
+	* include/freetype/ftxf86.h (FT_Get_X11_Font_Format): Ditto.
+2004-02-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Char_Size): Fix typo.
+2004-02-14  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* builds/unix/ftsystem.c: Include errno.h.
+	(ft_close_stream): Renamed to...
+	(ft_close_stream_by_munmap): This.
+	(ft_close_stream_by_free): New function.
+	(FT_Stream_Open): Use fallback method if mmap fails.
+	Use proper function for closing the stream.
+2004-02-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_dict): Initialize `start_binary'.
+2004-02-13  Robert Etheridge  <>
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init), src/type1/t1objs.c
+	(T1_Face_Init), src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_init): Fix computation
+	of underline_position and underline_thickness.
+2004-02-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Char_Size): Return immediately if
+	ppem values don't change.  Suggested by Graham Asher.
+2004-02-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_face_open): Always allocate
+	face->cid_stream so that we can deallocate it safely.
+2004-02-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make the PS parser more tolerant w.r.t. non-standard font data.  In
+	general, an error is only reported in case of a syntax error; a
+	wrong type is now simply ignored (if possible).  To be independent
+	of the order of various MM-specific keywords, the parse_shared_dict
+	routine has been removed -- the PS parser is now capable to skip
+	this data.  It no longer fails on parsing e.g.
+	  dup /WeightVector exch def
+	Since the token following /WeightVector isn't `[' (starting an
+	array) it is simply ignored.
+	* include/freetype/fterrdef.h: Define `FT_Err_Ignore' (0xA2) as a
+	new internal error value.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_blend_axis_types,
+	parse_blend_design_positions, parse_blend_design_map): Return
+	T1_Err_Ignore if no proper array is following the keyword.
+	(parse_weight_vector): Use T1_ToTokenArray, initializing `blend'
+	structure, if necessary.
+	Return T1_Err_Ignore if no proper array is following the keyword.
+	(parse_shared_dict): Removed.
+	(parse_encoding): Set parser->root.error to return T1_Err_Ignore
+	if no result can be obtained.
+	Check for errors before accessing `elements' array.
+	(t1_keywords): Remove /shareddict.
+	(parse_dict): Reset error if t1_load_keyword returns T1_Err_Ignore.
+	Set keyword_flag only in case of success.
+	Check error code if skipping an unrecognized token.
+	(T1_Open_Face) [!T1_CONFIG_OPTION_NO_MM_SUPPORT]: Call T1_Done_Blend
+	if blend commands haven't set up a proper MM font.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field_table): Remove special
+	code for synthetic fonts.
+	Return PSaux_Err_Ignore if no proper value has been found.
+2004-02-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings)
+	<cff_op_endchar>: Preserve glyph width before calling
+	cff_operator_seac.
+2004-02-09  Martin Muskens  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings): Handle special
+	first argument for `hintmask' and `cntrmask' operators also.
+2004-02-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ Call AC_SUBST for `enable_shared',
+	`hardcode_libdir_flag_spec', and `wl'.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+	* builds/unix/ Make --prefix and --exec-prefix
+	actually work.
+	Report a proper --rpath (or -R) value for --libs argument if a
+	shared library has been built.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-02-07  Keith Packard  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init, BDF_Set_Pixel_Size): Fix
+	computation of various vertical and horizontal metric values.
+	* src/pcfdrivr.c (PCF_Set_Pixel_Size), src/pcfread (pcf_load_font):
+	Ditto.
+2004-02-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/index.html,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsp,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.dsw, docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-02-07  Vitaliy Pasternak  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/freetype.sln,
+	builds/win32/visualc/freetype.vcproj: New files for VS.NET 2003.
+2004-02-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftccache.h (FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP):
+	Initialize `node'.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_dict): Initialize `have_integer'.
+2004-02-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_dict): Handle `RD' and `-|' commands
+	outside of /Subrs or /CharStrings.  This can happen if there is
+	additional code manipulating those two arrays so that FreeType
+	doesn't recognize them properly.
+	(T1_Open_Face): Improve an error message.
+2004-02-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_charstrings): Exit immediately if
+	there are no elements in /CharStrings.  This is needed for fonts
+	like Optima-Oblique which not only define /CharStrings but access it
+	also.
+2004-02-01  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/Jamfile: Removing `ttcmap' from the list of sources.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftccache.h (FTC_CACHE_LOOKUP_CMP)
+	<FTC_INLINE>: Provide macro version which doesn't use inline code.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h (FTC_GCACHE_LOOKUP_CMP)
+	<FTC_INLINE>: Ditto.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcmru.h (FTC_MRULIST_LOOKUP_CMP): New
+	macro.
+	* src/cache/Jamfile (_sources), src/cache/descrip.mms: Updated.
+	* src/cache/ftcbasic.c: Fix compiler warnings.
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (FTC_Manager_LookupSize,
+	* src/cache/ftcmru.c (FTC_MruList_Find): Fix a bug (found after
+	heavy testing).
+	* Jamfile: Updating `refdoc' target, and adding `autohint' to the
+	list of modules to build.  Both the autohinter and autofitter will
+	be built by default.  But which one will be used is determined by
+	the content of `ftmodule.h'.
+	* src/autofit/*: Many updates, but the code is still buggy...
+2004-01-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_operator_seac): Fix magnitude of
+	accent offset.
+	Update code similarly to the seac support for Type 1 fonts.
+	(cff_decoder_parse_charstrings) <cff_op_endchar>: Fix magnitude
+	of accent offset.
+	Don't hint glyphs twice if seac is emulated.
+	<cff_op_flex>: Assign correct point tags.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-01-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Use FT_MEM_MOVE, not
+	FT_MEM_COPY, for copying the private dict.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_subrs): Assign number of subrs only
+	in first run.
+	(parse_charstrings): Parse /CharStrings in second run without
+	assigning values.
+	(parse_dict): Skip all /CharStrings arrays but the first.  We need
+	this for non-standard fonts like `Optima' which have different
+	outlines depending on the resolution.  Note that there is no
+	guarantee that we get fitting /Subrs and /CharStrings arrays; this
+	can only be done by a real PS interpreter.
+2004-01-29  Antoine Leca  <>
+	* builds/win32/visualc/index.html: New file, giving detailed
+	explanations about forcing CR+LF line endings for the VC++ project
+	files.
+2004-01-22  Garrick Meeker  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_subfont_load): Initialize `dict'.
+2004-01-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Add support for the hexadecimal representation of binary data
+	started with `StartData' in CID-keyed Type 1 fonts.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h (CID_FaceRec): Add new
+	members `binary_data' and `cid_stream'.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_read_subrs): Use `face->cid_stream'.
+	(cid_hex_to_binary): New auxiliary function.
+	(cid_face_open): Add new argument `face_index' to return quickly
+	if less than zero.  Updated all callers.
+	Call `cid_hex_to_binary', then open and assign memory stream to
+	`face->cid_stream' if `parser->binary_length' is non-zero.
+	* src/cid/cidload.h: Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_done): Free `binary_data' and
+	`cid_stream'.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c (cid_parser_new): Check arguments to
+	`StartData' and set parser->binary_length accordingly.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.h (CID_Parser): New member `binary_length'.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_load_glyph): Use `face->cid_stream'.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-01-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h (ft_atoi): Replaced with...
+	(ft_atol): This.
+	* src/base/ftdbgmem.c: s/atol/ft_atol/.
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c: s/ft_atoi/ft_atol/.
+2004-01-20  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h: Delete duplicated definition of
+	FTC_FaceID.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_cmap_info): Call sfnt module's TT CMap
+	Info service function if the cmap comes from sfnt.  Return 0 if the
+	cmap is sythesized in cff module.
+2004-01-20  David Turner  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcmanag.c (ftc_size_node_compare): Call
+	FT_Activate_Size.
+2004-01-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Skip exactly one
+	CR, LF, or CR/LF after `eexec'.
+2004-01-18  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_set_sbit_strike): Remove compiler
+	warning.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/*: Updating beautifier tool.
+2004-01-15  David Turner  <>
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (ft_orientation_extremum_compute): Fix
+	infinite loop bug.
+	* include/freetype/ftstroke.h: Include FT_GLYPH_H.
+	(FT_Stroker_Rewind, FT_Glyph_Stroke, FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder): New
+	declarations.
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c: Include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H.
+	(FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder): Inverse result.
+	(FT_Stroker_Rewind, FT_Glyph_Stroke, FT_GlyphStrokeBorder): New
+	functions.
+	(FT_Stroker_EndSubPath): Close path if needed.
+	(FT_Stroker_Set, FT_Stroker_ParseOutline): Use FT_Stroker_Rewind.
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcmanag.h (FTC_ScalerRec,
+	FTC_Manager_LookupSize): Moved to...
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h (FTC_ScalerRec,
+	FTC_Manager_LookupSize): Here.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ New file to beautify the
+	documentation comments (e.g., to convert them to single block border
+	mode).
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (file_exists, make_file_list):
+	Moved to...
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (file_exists, make_file_list): Here.
+2004-01-14  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftmemory.h (FT_ARRAY_COPY,
+	FT_ARRAY_MOVE): New macros to make copying arrays easier.
+	Updated all relevant code to use them.
+2004-01-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_font_load): Load charstrings_index earlier.
+	Use number of charstrings as argument to CFF_Load_FD_Select (as
+	documented in the CFF specs).
+2004-01-13  Graham Asher  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (psh_glyph_init): Move assignment of
+	`glyph->memory' up to free arrays properly in case of failure.
+2004-01-10  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	Make `FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID' work with CFF.  Bug reported by
+	Steve Hartwell <>.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_TT_CMAP_H.
+	(cff_services): Added an entry for FT_SERVICE_ID_TT_CMAP.
+	(cff_get_cmap_info): New function.
+	(cff_service_get_cmap_info) New entry for cff_services.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c: Exit loop after a format match has been found.
+	Suggested by Steve Hartwell <>.
+2004-01-03  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (destroy_charmaps): New function.
+	(destroy_face, open_face): Use `destroy_charmaps'.
+2004-01-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2004-01-01  Michael Jansson  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Size_Set_Pixels): Fix sign of
+	size->metrics.descender.
+2003-12-31  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings)
+	<cff_op_flex1>: Change type of dx and dy to FT_Pos and remove
+	cast for accessing arguments.
+2003-12-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Simple_Glyph): Revert previous
+	change.  It's not necessary.
+2003-12-29  Smith Charles  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Simple_Glyph): Handle `repeated
+	flags set' correctly.
+2003-12-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Fix memory leak by deallocating
+	`full' and `weight' properly.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_decoder_parse_charstrings)
+	<cff_op_hintmask> [FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE]: Use `0x' as prefix for
+	tracing output.
+2003-12-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/sfnt.h (TT_Set_SBit_Strike_Func):
+	Use FT_UInt for ppem values.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_set_sbit_strike): Use FT_UInt for
+	ppem values.
+	* src/sfnt/ttsbit.h: Updated.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes): Don't allow ppem values
+	larger than -0FFFF.
+2003-12-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/fttrigon.c, src/base/ftgloadr.c: Inlude
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder,
+	FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder): s/or/o/ to make it compile with
+	C++ compilers.
+	* src/cache/ftcmru.c, include/freetype/cache/ftcmru.h:
+	s/select/selection/ to avoid compiler warning.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h: s/select/ftselect/ to avoid potential
+	compiler warning.
+2003-12-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (FTC_SNode_Weight):
+2003-12-24  David Turner  <>
+	* Fixed compilation problems in the cache sub-system.
+	* Partial updates to src/autofit.
+	* Jamfile (FT2_COMPONENTS): Add autofit module.
+2003-12-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode): Handle
+	CID-keyed fonts.
+2003-12-23  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_PAD_FLOOR, FT_PAD_ROUND,
+	are used to avoid compiler warnings with very pedantic compilers.
+	Note that `(x) & -64' causes a warning if (x) is not signed.  Use
+	`(x) & ~63' instead!
+	Updated all related code.
+	Add support for extraction of `inside' and `outside' borders.
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c (FT_StrokerBorder): New enumeration.
+	(FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder, FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder,
+	FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts, FT_Stroker_ExportBorder): New functions.
+	(FT_StrokeBorderRec): New boolean member `valid'.
+	(ft_stroke_border_get_counts): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/ftstroke.h: Updated.
+2003-12-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftwinfnt.h (FT_WinFNT_ID_*): New definitions
+	to describe the `charset' field in FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Face_Init): Set encoding to
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Encoding): Improve comment,
+	based on work by Detlef Würkner <>.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-12-22  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftcache.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcmanag.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftccache.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcmanag.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcmru.h (added),
+	include/freetype/cache/ftlru.h (removed),
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcsbits.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcimage.h,
+	include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h,
+	src/cache/ftcmru.c,
+	src/cache/ftcmanag.c,
+	src/cache/ftccache.c,
+	src/cache/ftcglyph.c,
+	src/cache/ftcimage.c,
+	src/cache/ftcsbits.c,
+	src/cache/ftccmap.c,
+	src/cache/ftcbasic.c (added),
+	src/cache/ftclru.c (removed):
+	  *Complete* rewrite of the cache sub-system to `solve' the
+	  following points:
+	    - all public APIs have been moved to FT_CACHE_H, everything
+	      under `include/freetype/cache' is only needed by client
+	      applications that want to implement their own caches
+	    - a new function named FTC_Manager_RemoveFaceID to deal
+	      with the uninstallation of FaceIDs
+	    - the image and sbit cache are now abstract classes, that
+	      can be extended much more easily by client applications
+	    - better performance in certain areas.  Further optimizations
+	      to come shortly anyway...
+	    - the FTC_CMapCache_Lookup function has changed its signature,
+	      charmaps can now only be retrieved by index
+	    - FTC_Manager_Lookup_Face => FTC_Manager_LookupFace
+	      FTC_Manager_Lookup_Size => FTC_Manager_LookupSize (still in
+	      private header for the moment)
+2003-12-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_dict): Stop parsing if `eexec' keyword
+	is encountered.
+2003-12-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cfftypes.h (CFF_MAX_CID_FONTS): Increase to 32.  For
+	example, the Japanese Hiragino font already contains 15 subfonts.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_font_load): Deallocate `sids' array for
+	CID-keyed fonts.
+	* devel/ftoption.h: Define FT_DEBUG_MEMORY.
+2003-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ttnameid.h (TT_ADOBE_ID_LATIN_1): New macro.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Init): Use TT_ADOBE_ID* values.
+2003-12-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cfftypes.h (CFF_FontRecDictRec): Change type of
+	`cid_count' to `FT_ULong'.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): Take care of empty `cids'
+	array.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_charset_done): Free `cids' array.
+	(cff_font_load): Create cids array only for CID-keyed fonts which
+	are subsetted.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Check the availability of
+	the PSNames modules for non-pure CFFs also.
+	Set FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES for a non-pure CFF also if it isn't
+	CID-keyed.
+	* src/cff/ (CFF_DRV_H): Add cfftypes.h.
+2003-12-17  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_init_face): Don't set
+	FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES if the font contains a version 3.0 `post'
+	table.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-12-17  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	Add new function FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID to extract the language ID
+	for TrueType/sfnt fonts.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svttcmap.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_SERVICE_TT_CMAP_H): Add
+	svttcmap.h.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include ttcmap0.h.
+	(tt_service_get_cmap_info): New service.
+	(sfnt_services): Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c (tt_cmap*_get_info): New functions.
+	(tt_cmap*_class_rec): Add tt_cmap*_get_info members.
+	(tt_get_cmap_info): New function.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.h: Include FT_SERVICE_TT_CMAP_H.
+	(TT_CMap_ClassRec): New field `get_cmap_info'.
+	(tt_get_cmap_info): New declaration.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Include FT_SERVICE_TT_CMAP_H.
+	(FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID): New function implementation.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h (FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID): New
+	function declaration.
+2003-12-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap.c, src/sfnt/ttcmap.h: Removed.  Obsolete.
+	* include/freetype/internal/sfnt.h (SFNT_Interface): Remove
+	obsolete fields `load_charmap' and `free_charmap'.
+	(TT_CharMap_Load_Func, TT_CharMap_Free_Func): Removed.
+	* src/sfnt/sfnt.c: Don't include ttcmap.c.
+	* src/sfnt/ (SFNT_DRV_SRC): Don't include ttcmap.c.
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c: Don't include ttcmap.h.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Don't include ttcmap.h.
+	(sfnt_interface): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_TableDirRec,
+	TT_CMapDirRec, TT_CMapDirEntryRec, TT_CMap0, TT_CMap2SubHeaderRec,
+	TT_CMap2Rec, TT_CMap4Segment, TT_CMap4Rec, TT_CMap6,
+	TT_CMapGroupRec, TT_CMap8_12Rec, TT_CMap10Rec, TT_CharMap_Func,
+	TT_CharNext_Func, TT_CMapTableRec, TT_CharMapRec): Removed.
+	Obsolete.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h (CFF_CharMapRec): Removed.  Obsolete.
+2003-12-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-12-15  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* builds/atari/*: New directory for building FreeType 2 on Atari
+	with the PureC compiler.
+2003-12-12  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Parse_Glyph_And_Get_Char_String): Add
+	cast.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_ps_has_glyph_names): Assure that return
+	value is either 0 or 1.
+2003-12-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_glyph_name): Improve error message.
+	(cff_get_name_index): Return if no PSNames service is available.
+	(cff_ps_has_glyph_names): Handle CID-keyed fonts correctly.
+	* src/cff/cfftypes.h (CFF_CharsetRec): New field `cids', used for
+	CID-keyed fonts.  This is the inverse mapping of `sids'.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_charset_load): New argument `invert'.
+	Initialize charset->cids if `invert' is set.
+	(cff_font_load): In call to cff_charset_load, set `invert' to true
+	for CID-keyed fonts.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_slot_load): Handle glyph index as CID
+	and map it to the real glyph index.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-12-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Don't set
+	FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES for CID-keyed fonts.
+	Don't construct a cmap for CID-keyed fonts.
+2003-12-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Use implementation specific SID value 0xFFFF to indicate that
+	a dictionary element is missing.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_subfont_load): Initialize all fields
+	which hold SIDs to 0xFFFF.
+	(cff_index_get_sid_string): Handle SID value 0xFFFF.
+	Handle case where `psnames' is zero.
+	(cff_font_load): Updated.
+	Don't load encoding for CID-keyed CFFs.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Updated.
+	Don't check for PSNames module if font is CID-keyed.
+	Compute style name properly (using the same algorithm as in the
+	CID driver).
+	Fix computation of style flags.
+	* src/cff/cfftoken.h: Comment out handling of base_font_name.
+	Rename `postscript' field to `embedded_postscript'
+	* src/cff/cfftypes.h (CFF_FontRecDictRec): Remove `base_font_name'
+	and `postscript'.
+2003-12-10  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (pcf_get_charset_id): New function (a clone
+	of the similar BDF function).
+	(pcf_service_bdf): Use it.
+2003-12-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Set FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES
+	only if a `post' table is present.
+2003-12-09  George Williams  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (load_mac_face): Recent versions of Linux
+	support Mac's HFS+ file system, thus enable code to read /rsrc on
+	non-Macintosh platforms also.
+2003-12-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (PS_TableRec): Change type
+	of `lengths' to FT_PtrDist.
+	(T1_DecoderRec): Change type of `subrs_len' to FT_PtrDist.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h (T1_FontRec): Change type
+	of `subrs_len' and `charstrings_len' to FT_PtrDist.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Replace `junk'
+	variable with better solution.
+	(IsMacResource): Remove unused variable `map_len'.
+	Replace `junk' variable with better solution.
+	(FT_Open_Face) [!FT_MACINTOSH]: Add conditional
+2003-12-08  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_hint_edges,
+	ah_hinter_align_strong_points): Add some casts.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_OrientationExtremumRec): Change type
+	of `pos' to FT_Long.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (Mac_Read_POST_Resource,
+	Mac_Read_sfnt_Resource): Change type of `len' to FT_Long.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_dict): Add cast for `n_keywords'.
+2003-12-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/raster.txt: New file, taken from FreeType 1 and completely
+	revised.
+2003-12-04  Masatake YAMATO  <>
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (Get_Interface): Remove FT_UNUSED for
+	t1_interface.  t1_interface is used.
+2003-11-27  David Turner  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_get_metrics): Revert incorrect change of
+	2003-11-23: For PFR fonts, metrics->x_scale and metrics->y_scale are
+	the scaling values for outline units, not for metric units.
+2003-11-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c, include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h
+	(FT_MulDiv_No_Round): Surround code with `#ifdef
+2003-11-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftcalc.c (FT_MulDiv_No_Round): New function (32 and
+	64 bit version).
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcalc.h: Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (TT_MULDIV_NO_ROUND): New macro.
+	(TT_INT64): Removed.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c (pfr_get_metrics): Directly use
+	metrics->x_scale and metrics->y_scale.
+2003-11-22  Rogier van Dalen  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (CUR_Func_move_orig): New macro.
+	(Direct_Move_Orig, Direct_Move_Orig_X, Direct_Move_Orig_Y): New
+	functions.  Similar to Direct_Move, Direct_Move_X, and
+	Direct_Move_Y but without touching.
+	(Compute_Funcs): Use new functions.
+	(Round_None, Round_To_Grid, Round_To_Half_Grid, Round_Down_To_Grid,
+	Round_Up_To_Grid, Round_To_Double_Grid, Round_Super,
+	Round_Super_45): Fix rounding of value zero.
+	(DO_DIV): Don't use TT_MULDIV.
+	(Ins_SHC): This instruction actually touches the points.
+	(Ins_MSIRP): Fix undocumented behaviour.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.h (TT_ExecContextRec): Updated.
+2003-11-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL, docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Char_Size): Make metrics->x_scale and
+	metrics->y_scale really precise.
+	(FT_Load_Glyph): Update computation of linearHoriAdvance and
+	linearVertAdvance.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Update_Max): Use FT_REALLOC.
+2003-11-22  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autofit/*: More updates.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 8.
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 9:6:3.
+	* README: Updated.
+2003-11-13  John A. Boyd Jr.  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_interpret_style), src/pcf/pcfread.c
+	(pcf_interpret_style): Replace spaces with dashes in properties
+	SETWIDTH_NAME and ADD_STYLE_NAME to simplify parsing.
+2003-11-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-11-11  John A. Boyd Jr.  <>
+	Handle SETWIDTH_NAME and ADD_STYLE_NAME properties for BDF and PCF
+	fonts.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_interpret_style): New auxiliary function.
+	(BDF_Face_Init): Don't handle style properties but call
+	bdf_interpret_style.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_interpret_style): New auxiliary function.
+	(pcf_load_font): Don't handle style properties but call
+	pcf_interpret_style.
+2003-11-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* Version 2.1.7 released.
+	=========================
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 7.
+	* builds/unix/ft2unix.h: Fix comments.
+	* builds/unix/ Synchronized with ANSI version.
+	Use `#undef' in templates as recommended in the autoconf
+	documentation.
+	Since real `#undef' lines don't survive during configuration, use
+	`/undef' instead; the postprocessing facility of the
+	AC_CONFIG_HEADERS autoconf macro converts them to `#undef'.
+	* builds/unix/ (install): Install Unix version of
+	`ftconfig.h'.
+	* builds/unix/ (CFLAGS): Set FT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H macro
+	to include the correct `ftconfig.h' file.
+	* builds/unix/ft-munmap.m4 (FT_MUNMAP_DECL): Removed.
+	(FT_MUNMAP_PARAM): Updated syntax to autoconf 2.59.
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.m4: Updated syntax to autoconf 2.59.
+	* builds/unix/ Use AC_CONFIG_HEADERS instead of
+	AC_CONFIG_HEADER to create ftconfig.h, and use second argument
+	to replace `/undef' with `#undef'.
+	Don't use FT_MUNMAP_DECL but AC_CHECK_DECLS to check for munmap.
+	Update syntax to autoconf 2.59.
+	* builds/unix/ Regenerated with `libtoolize --force
+	--copy' from libtool 1.5.
+	* builds/unix/aclocal.m4: Regenerated with `aclocal -I .' from
+	automake 1.7.8.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated with autoconf 2.59.
+	* builds/unix/config.guess, builds/unix/config.sub: Updated from
+	`config' CVS module at
+	* builds/unix/install-sh, builds/unix/mkinstalldirs: Updated from
+	`texinfo' CVS module at
+	* builds/vms/ftconfig.h: Synchronized with ANSI version.
+	* docs/CUSTOMIZE: Fix documentation error.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/VERSION.DLL, docs/release: Updated.
+	* builds/ (refdoc): Updated --title.
+2003-11-07  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.1.6 released.
+	=========================
+	* install: Removed.  Obsolete.
+2003-11-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_SFNT_H.
+	(sfnt_service_sfnt_table): New service.
+	(sfnt_services): Updated.
+	* docs/license.txt: Reworded.
+2003-11-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/*: Add a guard to all public header files which
+	load FT_FREETYPE_H to reject freetype.h from FreeType 1.
+2003-11-02  Patrick Welche  <>
+	* builds/unix/freetype2.m4, builds/unix/ft-munmap.m4: Protect
+	first argument of AC_DEFUN with brackets to avoid possible
+	expansion.
+2003-11-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h: Don't include stddef.h.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Fix check for ft2build.h.
+2003-11-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Check that ft2build.h has been
+	loaded first.
+	* src/base/fttype1.c (FT_Get_PS_Font_Info): Fix incorrectly applied
+	patch.
+2003-10-31  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/base/fttype1.c (FT_Get_PS_Font_Info, FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names):
+	Fix parameter order in calls to FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE.
+2003-10-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c (t42_services): Updated.
+2003-10-29  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/bdftypes.h: Removed.  Obsolete.
+	* src/base/ftbdf.c: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h: Moved to...
+	* src/cff/cfftypes.h: This place since no other module needs to
+	know about those types.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t42types.h: Moved to...
+	* src/type42/t42types.h: This place since no other module needs to
+	know about those types.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svbdf.h: Include FT_BDF_H.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpsname.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpscmap.h: This.
+	Updated `FT_Service_PsNames' -> `FT_Service_PsCMaps' and
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpsinfo.h: New file, providing
+	PostScript info service.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_CMAPS_H,
+	FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_INFO_H): New macros for svpscmap.h and
+	svpsinfo.h.
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h (FT_INTERNAL_TYPE42_TYPES_H,
+	* src/base/fttype1.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_TYPE1_TYPES_H and
+	(FT_Get_PS_Font_Info, FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names): Use new
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_INFO_H.
+	(cff_ps_has_glyph_names): New function.
+	(cff_service_ps_info): New service.
+	(cff_services): Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffload.h, src/cff/cffobjs.h, src/cff/cffparse.h: Don't
+	include FT_INTERNAL_CFF_TYPES_H but cfftypes.h directly.
+	* src/cif/cidriver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_INFO_H.
+	(cid_ps_get_font_info): New function.
+	(cid_service_ps_info): New service.
+	(cid_services): Updated.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_INFO_H.
+	(t1_ps_get_font_info, t1_ps_has_glyph_names): New functions.
+	(t1_service_ps_info): New service.
+	(t1_services): Updated.
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_INFO_H.
+	(t42_ps_get_font_info, t42_ps_has_glyph_names): New functions.
+	(t42_service_ps_info): New service.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.h: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_TYPE42_TYPES_H
+	but t42types.h directly.
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (psnames_interface, psnames_services):
+	Renamed to...
+	(pscmaps_interface, pscmaps_services): This.
+	Updated all users.
+	* src/gzip/infblock.c (inflate_blocks): Remove compiler warning.
+2003-10-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_encoding): Handle `/Encoding [ ... ]'.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (T1_Get_Private_Dict): Test whether `eexec'
+	is real.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_encoding): Improve boundary
+	checking while parsing.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-10-21  Josselin Mouette  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h (T1_FontRec): `paint_type'
+	and `stroke_width' aren't pointers.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Done), src/type1/t1objs.c
+	(T1_Face_Done): Don't free `paint_type' and `stroke_width'.
+2003-10-20  Graham Asher  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (fnt_cmap_class): Fix position of `const'.
+2003-10-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph): Patch from
+	2003-08-18 introduced a severe bug (FT_Render_Glyph was called
+	twice under some circumstances, causing strange results).  This
+	is fixed now by clearing the FT_LOAD_RENDER bit of `load_flags'.
+	* src/base/ftpfr.c (FT_Get_PFR_Metrics): Initialize `error'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_tobytes): Initialize `n'.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_sfnts): Initialize `string_size'.
+2003-10-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Completely revised Type 42 parser.  It now handles both fonts
+	produced with ttftot42 (tested version 0.3.1) and
+ (tested version May 2001; it is necessary to
+	fix the broken header comment to be `%!PS-TrueTypeFont...').
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_GlyphSlot_Load): Change fourth
+	parameter to `FT_UInt'.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.h: Updated.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.h (T42_ParserRec): Change type of `in_memory'
+	to FT_Bool.
+	(T42_Loader): Change type of `num_chars' and `num_glyphs' to
+	FT_UInt.
+	Add `swap_table' element.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (T42_KEYWORD_COUNT, T1_ToFixed,
+	T1_ToCoordArray, T1_ToTokenArray): Removed.
+	(T1_ToBytes): New macro.
+	(t42_is_alpha, t42_hexval): Removed.
+	(t42_is_space): Handle `\0'.
+	(t42_parse_encoding): Updated to use new PostScript parser routines
+	from psaux.
+	Handle `/Encoding [ ... ]' also.
+	(T42_Load_Status): New enumeration.
+	(t42_parse_sfnts): Updated to use new PostScript parser routines
+	from psaux.
+	(t42_parse_charstrings): Updated to use new PostScript parser
+	routines from psaux.
+	Handle `/CharStrings << ... >>' also.
+	Don't expect that /.notdef is the first element in dictionary.  Copy
+	code from type1 module to handle this.
+	(t42_parse_dict): Updated to use new PostScript parser routines
+	from psaux.
+	Remove code for synthetic fonts (which can't occur in Type 42
+	fonts).
+	(t42_loader_done): Release `swap_table'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (skip_string): Increase `cur' properly.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_charstrings): Make test for `.notdef'
+	faster.
+2003-10-15  Graham Asher  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahglobal.c (blue_chars), src/winfonts/winfnt.c
+	(fnt_cmap_class_rec, fnt_cmap_class), src/bdf/bdflib.c (empty,
+	_num_bdf_properties), src/gzip/infutil.c (inflate_mask),
+	src/gzip/inffixed.h (fixed_bl, fixed_bd, fixed_tl, fixed_td),
+	src/gzip/inftrees.h (inflate_trees_fixed), srf/gzip/inftrees.c
+	(inflate_trees_fixed): Decorate with more `const' to avoid
+	writable global variables which are disallowed on ARM.
+2003-10-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_matrix, parse_charstrings): Remove
+	code specially for synthetic fonts; this is handled elsewhere.
+	(parse_encoding): Remove code specially for synthetic fonts; this is
+	handled elsewhere.
+	Improve boundary checking while parsing.
+	(parse_dict): Improve boundary checking while parsing.
+	Use ft_memcmp to simplify code.
+2003-10-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_subrs, parse_dict): Handle synthetic
+	fonts properly.
+	(parse_charstrings): Copy correct number of characters into
+	`name_table'.
+2003-10-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Heavy modification of the PS parser to handle comments and strings
+	correctly.  This doesn't slow down the loading of PS fonts
+	significantly since charstrings aren't affected.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h (ft_xdigit): Renamed to...
+	(ft_isxdigit): This.  Updated all callers.
+	(ft_isdigit): New alias to `isdigit'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (PS_Parser_FuncsRec): Renamed
+	`skip_alpha' to `skip_PS_token'.
+	Add parameter to `to_bytes' and change some argument types.
+	* src/psaux/psauxmod.c (ps_parser_funcs): Updated.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ft_char_table): New array to map character
+	codes (ASCII and EBCDIC) of digits to numbers.
+	(OP): New auxiliary macro holding either `>=' or `<' depending on
+	the character encoding.
+	(skip_comment): New function.
+	(skip_spaces): Use it.
+	(skip_alpha): Removed.
+	(skip_literal_string, skip_string): New functions.
+	(ps_parser_skip_PS_token): New function.  This is a better
+	replacement of...
+	(ps_parser_skip_alpha): Removed.
+	(ps_parser_to_token, ps_parser_to_token_array): Updated.
+	(T1Radix): Rewritten, using `ft_char_table'.
+	(t1_toint): Renamed to...
+	(ps_toint): This.  Update all callers.
+	Use `ft_char_table'.
+	(ps_tobytes): Add parameter to handle delimiters and change some
+	argument types.
+	Use `ft_char_table'.
+	(t1_tofixed): Renamed to...
+	(ps_tofixed): This.  Update all callers.
+	Use `ft_char_table'.
+	(t1_tocoordarray): Renamed and updated to...
+	(ps_tocoordarray): This.  Update all callers.
+	(t1_tofixedarray): Renamed and updated to...
+	(ps_tofixedarray): This.  Update all callers.
+	(t1_tobool): Renamed to...
+	(ps_tobool): This.  Update all callers.
+	(ps_parser_load_field): Updated.
+	(ps_parser_load_field_table): Use `T1_MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS'
+	everywhere.
+	(ps_parser_to_int, ps_parser_to_fixed, ps_parser_to_coord_array,
+	ps_parser_to_fixed_array): Skip spaces.  Updated.
+	(ps_parser_to_bytes): Add parameter to handle delimiters and change
+	some argument types.  Updated.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.h: Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_parse_dict): Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.c (cid_parser_new): Check whether the `StartData'
+	token was really found.
+	* src/cid/cidparse.h (cid_parser_skip_alpha): Updated and renamed
+	to...
+	(cid_parser_skip_PS_token): This.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.h (T1_ParserRec): Use `FT_Bool' for boolean
+	fields.
+	(T1_Skip_Alpha): Replaced with...
+	(T1_Skip_PS_Token): This new macro.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (hexa_value): Removed.
+	(T1_Get_Private_Dict): Use `ft_isxdigit' and
+	`psaux->ps_parser_funcs_to_bytes' for handling ASCII hexadecimal
+	encoding.
+	After decrypting, replace the four random bytes at the beginning
+	with whitespace.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (t1_allocate_blend): Use proper error values.
+	(parser_blend_design_positions, parse_blend_design_map,
+	parse_weight_vector): Updated.
+	(is_space): Handle `\f' also.
+	(is_name_char): Removed.
+	(read_binary_data): Updated.
+	(parse_encoding): Use `ft_isdigit'.
+	Updated.
+	(parse_subrs): Updated.
+	(TABLE_EXTEND): New macro.
+	(parse_charstrings): Updated.
+	Provide a workaround for buggy fonts which have more entries in the
+	/CharStrings dictionary then expected; the function now adds some
+	slots and skips entries which still exceed the new limit.
+	(parse_dict): Updated.
+	Terminate on the token `closefile'.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (T1_Skip_Alpha): Replaced with...
+	(T1_Skip_PS_Token): This new macro.  Updated all callers.
+	(t42_parse_encoding): Use `ft_isdigit'.
+	* src/base/ftmm.c (ft_face_get_mm_service): Return FT_Err_OK if
+	success.
+2003-10-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftmodule.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/ftmodapi.h: This to avoid duplicate file names.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_MODULE_H): Updated.
+2003-10-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_OrientationExtremumRec,
+	FT_Outline_Get_Orientation): Trivial typo fixes to make it compile.
+2003-10-02  Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FT_WinFNT_HeaderRec): `color_table_offset'
+	has four bytes, not two.
+	Fix all users.
+	(fnt_font_load, FNT_Load_Glyph): Add more font validity tests.
+2003-10-01  David Turner  <>
+	* src/autofit/*: Adding first source files of the new multi-script
+	`auto-fitter'.
+	* include/freetype/ftoutln.h (FT_Orientation): New enumeration.
+	(FT_Outline_Get_Orientation): New declaration.
+	* src/base/ftoutln.c (FT_OrientationExtremumRec): New structure.
+	(ft_orientation_extremum_compute): New auxiliary function.
+	(FT_Outline_Get_Orientation): New function to compute the fill
+	orientation of a given glyph outline.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_LOOKUP_SERVICE): Fixed
+	trivial bug which could crash the font engine when a cached service
+	pointer was retrieved.
+2003-09-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_parse_dict): Skip token if no keyword is
+	found.
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (IS_T1_WHITESPACE, IS_T1_LINESPACE,
+	IS_T1_SPACE): Removed.
+	(PFB_Tag): Removed.
+	(read_pfb_tag): Don't use PFB_Tag.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_is_space): Handle `\f' also.
+	(t42_parse_encoding): Handle synthetic fonts.
+2003-09-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h: Don't include
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c: Don't include
+2003-09-29  David Turner  <>
+	Added new service to handle glyph name dictionaries, replacing the
+	old internal header named `psnames.h' by `services/svpsname.h'.
+	Note that this is different from `services/svpostnm.h' which only
+	handles the retrieval of PostScript font names for a given face.
+	(Should we merge these two services into a single header?)
+	* include/freetype/internal/psnames.h: Removed.  Most of its
+	contents is moved to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpsname.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpostnm.h
+	(PsName): Service named changed to...
+	(PsFontName): This.
+	Updated `FT_Service_PsName' -> `FT_Service_PsFontName' and
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h: Include
+	(T1_DecoderRec): Updated type of `psnames'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h: Don't include
+	* include/freetype/internal/t42types.h: Don't include
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_FaceRec): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE): Changed
+	order of parameters.  All callers updated.
+	(FT_FACE_FIND_GLOBAL_SERVICE): New macro to look up a service
+	globally, checking all modules.
+	(FT_ServiceCacheRec): Updated.
+	(FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H): New macro for accessing
+	`svpsname.h'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h, src/base/ftobjs.c
+	(ft_module_get_service): New function.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	(cff_get_glyph_name, cff_get_name_index): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES
+	service.
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c (cff_cmap_unicode_init): Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c, src/cff/cffload.h:  Don't include
+	(cff_index_get_sid_string): Updated.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c:  Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	(cff_face_init): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.h:  Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c:  Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	(cid_face_init): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/cid/cidriver.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H.
+	* src/psaux/t1cmap.c (t1_cmap_std_init, t1_cmap_unicode_init): Use
+	new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.h (t1_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode,
+	t1_decode_init): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/psaux/t1cmap.h, src/psaux/t1decode.h: Dont' include
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c:  Don't include
+	(ps_build_unicode_table): Renamed to...
+	(ps_unicodes_init): This.
+	(ps_lookup_unicode): Renamed to...
+	(ps_unicodes_char_index): This.
+	(ps_next_unicode): Renamed to...
+	(ps_unicodes_char_next): This.
+	(psnames_interface): Updated.
+	(psnames_services): New services list.
+	(psnames_get_service): New function.
+	(psnames_module_class): Updated.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	(sfnt_init_face): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/sfnt/ttpost.c: Don't include FT_INTERNAL_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES_H
+	(tt_face_get_ps_name): Updated.
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c:  Don't include
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c:  Don't include
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c:  Don't include
+	(T1_Face_Init): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES service.
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c (t42_get_ps_name): Renamed to...
+	(t42_get_ps_font_name): This.
+	(t42_service_ps_name): Renamed to...
+	(t42_service_ps_font_name): This.
+	(t42_services): Updated.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Use new POSTSCRIPT_NAMES
+	service.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.h:  Don't include
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Get_Glyph): Don't access `slot' before
+	testing its validity.  Reported by Henry Maddocks
+	<>.
+2003-09-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE):
+	Fix compilation warning (s/pptr/Pptr/).
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h (FT_INTERNAL_PFR_H,
+2003-09-21  David Turner  <>
+	Migrating the PFR and WINFNT drivers to the new service-based
+	internal API.
+	* include/freetype/internal/fnttypes.h: Removed.  Most of its data
+	are moved to winfnt.h and...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svwinfnt.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/internal/pfr.h: Removed.  Most of its data are
+	moved to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpfr.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE,
+	FT_FACE_LOOKUP_SERVICE): Simplify fix of 2003-09-16 by removing
+	pointer type argument.
+	Updated all callers.
+	Update macro names of services header files.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Name_Index): Simplified code.
+	* src/base/ftpfr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_PFR_H instead of
+	(ft_pfr_check, FT_Get_PFR_Metrics, FT_Get_PFR_Kerning,
+	FT_Get_PFR_Advance): Use services provided in `PFR_METRICS'.
+	* src/base/ftwinfnt.c: Include FT_SERVICE_WINFNT_H instead of
+	(FT_Get_WinFNT_Header): Use service provided in `WINFNT'.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_PFR_H and
+	(pfr_service_bdf): Updated.
+	(pfr_services): New services list.
+	(pfr_get_service): New function.
+	(pfr_driver_class): Updated.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c: Include FT_SERVICE_WINFNT_H and
+	(winfnt_get_header, winfnt_get_service): New functions.
+	(winfnt_service_rec): New structure providing WINFNT services.
+	(winfnt_services): New services list.
+	(winfnt_driver_class): Updated.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.h: Add most of the removed fnttypes.h data.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c (sfnt_service_ps_name): Fix typo.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c (t1_service_ps_name): Fix typo.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c, src/cid/cidobjs.c, src/pfr/pfrsbit.c,
+	src/psaux/psobjs.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c, src/truetype/ttobjs.c,
+	src/type1/t1objs.c, src/type42/t42objs.c: Removing various compiler
+	warnings.
+2003-09-19  David Bevan  <>
+	* src/type1/t1parse.c (pfb_tag_fields): Removed.
+	(read_pfb_tag): Fix code so that it doesn't fail on end-of-file
+	indicator (0x8003).
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-09-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE,
+	FT_FACE_LOOKUP_SERVICE): Add parameter to pass pointer type.
+	Ugly, I know, but this is needed for compilation with C++ --
+	maybe someone knows a better solution?
+	Updated all callers.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Get_Name_Index, FT_Get_Glyph_Name): Remove
+	C++ compiler warnings.
+	* src/base/ftbdf.c (FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID, FT_Get_BDF_Property):
+	Fix order of arguments passed to FT_FACE_FIND_SERVICE.
+2003-09-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Avoid header files with identical names.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/bdf.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svbdf.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/glyfdict.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svgldict.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/multmast.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svmm.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/sfnt.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svsfnt.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/postname.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svpostnm.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/xf86name.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/svxf86nm.h: This.
+	Add copyright notice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h: Add FT_BEGIN_HEADER and
+	Add copyright notice.
+	Update macro names of services header files.
+	* builds/ (SERVICES_DIR): New variable.
+	(BASE_H): Add services header files.
+2003-09-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (distclean): Remove `builds/unix/freetype2.pc'.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: Don't load headers twice.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h (FT_SERVICE_SFNT_H): New macro.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Include FT_SERVICE_SFNT_H.
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c: Include `cfferrs.h'.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c: Include `pfrerror.h'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include `sferrors.h'.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.h: Add declaration for `ps_parser_to_bytes'.
+2003-09-11  David Turner  <>
+	Introducing the concept of `module services'.  This is the first
+	step towards a massive simplification of the engine's internals, in
+	order to get rid of various numbers of hacks.
+	Note that these changes will break source & binary compatibility for
+	authors of external font drivers.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h (FT_BEGIN_STMNT, FT_END_STMNT,
+	FT_DUMMY_STMNT): New macros.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftserv.h: New file, containing the new
+	structures and macros to provide `services'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/internal.h (FT_INTERNAL_EXTENSION_H,
+	Removed, obsolete.
+	(FT_INTERNAL_SERVICE_H): New macro for `ftserv.h'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/bdf.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/services/glyfdict.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/services/postname.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/services/xf86name.h: New files.
+	* include/freetype/ftmm.h (FT_Get_MM_Func, FT_Set_MM_Design_Func,
+	FT_Set_MM_Blend_Func): Function pointers moved (in modified form)
+	to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/multmast.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/internal/sfnt.h (SFNT_Interface): `get_interface'
+	is now of type `FT_Module_Requester'.
+	(SFNT_Get_Interface_Func, SFNT_Load_Table_Func): Function pointers
+	moved (in modified form) to...
+	* include/freetype/internal/services/sfnt.h: New file.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h (FT_Get_Sfnt_Table_Func): Function
+	pointer moved (in modified form) to `services/sfnt.h'.
+	* include/freetype/ftmodule.h (FT_Module_Interface): Make it a
+	a typedef to `FT_Pointer'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/tttypes.h (TT_FaceRec): Add
+	`postscript_name'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_Face_InternalRec): Remove
+	`postscript_name'.
+	Add `services' element.
+	(FT_LibraryRec): Remove `meta_class'.
+	* src/base/ftbdf.c: Include FT_SERVICE_BDF_H.
+	(test_font_type): Removed.
+	(FT_Get_BDF_Charset_ID, FT_Get_BDF_Property): Use services
+	provided in `FT_SERVICE_ID_BDF'.
+	* src/base/ftmm.c: Include FT_SERVICE_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H.
+	(ft_face_get_mm_service): New auxiliary function to get services
+	(FT_Get_Multi_Master, FT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates,
+	FT_Set_MM_Blend_Coordinates): Use `ft_face_get_mm_service'.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_NAME_H and
+	(ft_service_list_lookup): New function to get a specific service.
+	(destroy_face): Updated.
+	(Mac_Read_POST_Resource): Simplify some code.
+	(IsMacResource): Fix warnings.
+	(FT_Get_Name_Index, FT_Get_Glyph_Name): Use services provided in
+	(FT_Get_Postscript_Name): Use service provided in
+	(FT_Get_Sfnt_Table, FT_Load_Sfnt_Table): Use services provided in
+	* src/base/ftxf86.c: Include FT_SERVICE_XFREE86_NAME_H.
+	(FT_Get_X11_Font_Format): Use service provided in
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_BDF_H and
+	(bdf_get_charset_id): New function.
+	(bdf_service_bdf): New structure providing BDF services.
+	(bdf_services): New services list.
+	(bdf_driver_requester): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_XFREE86_NAME_H and
+	(cff_service_glyph_dict): New structure providing CFF services.
+	(cff_services): New services list.
+	(cff_get_interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/cid/cidriver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_POSTSCRIPT_NAME_H and
+	(cid_service_ps_name): New structure providing CID services.
+	(cid_services): New services list.
+	(cid_get_interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_BDF_H and
+	(pcf_service_bdf): New structure providing PCF services.
+	(pcf_services): New services list.
+	(pcf_driver_requester): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_GLYPH_DICT_H and
+	(get_sfnt_glyph_name): Renamed to...
+	(sfnt_get_glyph_name): This.
+	(get_sfnt_postscript_name): Renamed to...
+	(sfnt_get_ps_name): This.
+	Updated.
+	(sfnt_service_glyph_dict, sfnt_service_ps_name): New structures
+	providing services.
+	(sfnt_services): New services list.
+	(sfnt_get_interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_XFREE86_NAME_H.
+	(tt_services): New services list.
+	(tt_get_interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/type1/t1driver.c: Include FT_SERVICE_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H,
+	(t1_service_glyph_dict, t1_service_ps_name,
+	t1_service_multi_masters): New structures providing Type 1 services.
+	(t1_services): New services list.
+	(Get_Interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* src/type42/t42drivr.c: Include FT_SERVICE_XFREE86_NAME_H,
+	(t42_service_glyph_dict, t42_service_ps_name): New strucures
+	providing Type 42 services.
+	(t42_services): New services list.
+	(T42_Get_Interface): Use `ft_service_list_lookup'.
+	* README, docs/CHANGES: Updating version numbers for 2.1.6, and
+	removing obsolete warnings in the documentation.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 6.
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 9:5:3.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Regenerated.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftcore.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/ftexcept.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/fthash.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/ftobject.h: Removed.  Obsolete.
+2003-09-09  David Turner  <>
+	Fixing PFR kerning support.  The tables within the font file contain
+	(charcode,charcode) kerning pairs, we need to convert them to
+	(gindex,gindex).
+	* src/base/ftpfr.c (ft_pfr_check): Fix serious typo.
+	* src/pfr/prfload.c: Remove dead code.
+	(pfr_get_gindex, pfr_compare_kern_pairs, pfr_sort_kerning_pairs):
+	New functions.
+	(pfr_phy_font_done): Free `kern_pairs'.
+	(pfr_phy_font_load): Call `pfr_sort_kerning_pairs'.
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_face_get_kerning): Fix kerning extraction.
+	* src/pfr/pfrtypes.h (PFR_KERN_PAIR_INDEX): New macro.
+	(PFR_KernPairRec): Make `kerning' an FT_Int.
+	(PFR_PhyFontRec): New element `kern_pairs'.
+	(PFR_KernFlags): Values of PFR_KERN_2BYTE_CHAR and
+	PFR_KERN_2BYTE_ADJ were erroneously reversed.
+	* include/freetype/ftoption.h: Commenting out the macro
+2003-09-02  David Turner  <>
+	* Version 2.1.5 released.
+	=========================
+2003-08-31  Manish Singh  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_readstream): Don't use FT_MEM_COPY but
+2003-08-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_ENCODING_SJIS, FT_ENCODING_GB2312,
+	enumerations of FT_Encoding.  The FT_ENCODING_MS_* variants except
+	FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL are now deprecated.
+	Updated all users.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Document it.
+2003-08-27  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Accept lowercase characters
+	for spacing.
+2003-08-27  Mike FABIAN  <>
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font), src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c
+	(BDF_Face_Init): Accept lowercase characters for slant and weight.
+2003-08-18  David Turner  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Disabling TrueType bytecode
+	interpreter until the UNPATENTED_HINTING works as advertised.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph): Use `|' for
+	setting `load_flags'.
+	* Jamfile: Adding the `refdoc' target to the Jamfile in order to
+	build the API Reference in `docs/reference' automatically.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h (PS_FontInfoRec), src/cid/cidtoken.h,
+	src/type1/t1tokens.h, src/type42/t42parse.c: Resetting the types of
+	`italic_angle', `underline_position', and `underline_thickness' to
+	their previous values (i.e., long, short, and ushort) in order to
+	avoid breaking binary compatibility.
+	* include/freetype/ttunpat.h: Fixing documentation comment.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h, devel/ftoption.h
+	with...
+	(TT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNPATENTED_HINTING): This.  Updated all users.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_DEBUG_HOOK_TYPE1): Removed.
+	(FT_DEBUG_HOOK_UNPATENTED_HINTING): New macro.  Use this with
+	`FT_Set_Debug_Hook' to get the same effect as the removed
+	* src/truetype/ttobjs.c (tt_face_init): Use
+2003-08-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Load_Glyph), src/cff/cffgload.c
+	(cff_slot_load), src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_slot_load_glyph): Fix
+	previous change.
+2003-08-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/type1/t1gload.c (T1_Load_Glyph), src/cff/cffgload.c
+	(cff_slot_load), src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_slot_load_glyph): Apply
+	font matrix to advance width also.
+	* docs/CHANGES: Updated.
+2003-07-26  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 9:4:3.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/VERSION.DLL: Updated.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_GlyphSlot): Change 2003-06-16
+	also breaks binary compatibility.  Reintroduce an unsigned integer
+	at the old position of `flags' called `reserved'.
+2003-07-25  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Make API reference valid HTML 4.01 transitional.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (html_header_1): Add doctype
+	and charset.
+	(html_header_2): Fix style elements and add some more.
+	Fix syntax.
+	(block_header, block_footer, description_header, description_footer,
+	marker_header, marker_footer, source_header, source_footer,
+	chapter_header): Don't use <center>...</center> but `align=center'
+	table attribute.
+	(chapter_inter, chapter_footer): Add <li> and use special <ul>
+	class.
+	Use double quotes around table widths given in percent.
+	(keyword_prefix, keyword_suffix): Don't change font colour directly
+	but use a new <span> class.
+	(section_synopsis_header, section_synopsis_footer): Don't change
+	colour.
+	(code_header, code_footer): Don't change font colour directly but
+	use a special <pre> class.
+	(print_html_field): <tr> gets the `valign' attribute, not <table>.
+	(print_html_field_list): Ditto.
+	(index_exit): Don't use <center>...</center> but `align=center'
+	table attribute.
+	(section_enter): Ditto.
+	(toc_exit): Don't emit </table>.
+	(block_enter): Use <h4><a>, not <a><h4>.
+	(__init__): Fix tag order in self.html_footer.
+2003-07-25  David Turner  <>
+	This change reimplements fix from 2003-05-30 without breaking
+	binary compatibility.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h (PS_FontInfoRec): `italic_angle',
+	`is_fixed_pitch', `underline_position', `underline_thickness' are
+	reverted to be normal values.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_FieldType): Remove
+	T1_FIELD_FIXED_1000_P): Removed.
+	(T1_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL): Renamed to...
+	(T1_FIELD_BOOL): New macro.  Updated all callers.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c: `italic_angle', `is_fixed_pitch',
+	`underline_position', `underline_thickness', `paint_type',
+	`stroke_width' are reverted to be normal values.
+	(T42_KEYWORD_COUNT): New macro.
+	(t42_parse_dict): New array `keyword_flags' to mark that a value has
+	already been assigned to a dictionary entry.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init, T42_Face_Done): Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidtoken.h: `italic_angle', `is_fixed_pitch',
+	`underline_position', `underline_thickness' are reverted to be
+	normal values.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_done, cid_face_init): Updated.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field): Updated.
+	* src/type1/t1tokens.h: `italic_angle', `is_fixed_pitch',
+	`underline_position', `underline_thickness', `paint_type',
+	`stroke_width' are reverted to be normal values.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Done, T1_Face_Init): Updated.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (T1_FIELD_COUNT): New macro.
+	(parse_dict): Add parameter for keyword flags.
+	Record only first instance of a field.
+	(T1_Open_Face): New array `keyword_flags'.
+2003-07-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FREETYPE_PATCH): Set to 5.
+	* builds/unix/ (version_info): Set to 10:0:3.
+	* builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+	* builds/ (refdoc): Fix --title.
+	* docs/CHANGES, docs/VERSION.DLL, README: Updated.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (re_crossref): Fix regular
+	expression to handle trailing punctuation characters.
+	* src/tools/docmaker/ (make_html_word): Updated.
+	* docs/release: New file.
+2003-07-23  YAMANO-UCHI Hidetoshi  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (PS_Parser_FuncsRec): New
+	member function `to_bytes'.
+	* src/psaux/psauxmod.c (ps_parser_funcs): New member
+	`ps_parser_to_bytes'.
+	(psaux_module_class): Increase version to 0x20000L.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (IS_T1_LINESPACE): Add \f.
+	(IS_T1_NULLSPACE): New macro.
+	(IS_T1_SPACE): Add it.
+	(skip_spaces, skip_alpha): New functions.
+	(ps_parser_skip_spaces, ps_parser_skip_alpha): Use them.
+	(ps_tobytes, ps_parser_to_bytes): New functions.
+2003-07-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/ (DOC_DIR): New variable.
+	(refdoc): Use *_DIR variables.
+	(distclean): Remove documentation files.
+	* builds/ (std_setup, dos_setup): Mention `make refdoc'.
+	* configure: Set DOC_DIR variable.
+2003-07-07  Patrik Hägglund  <>
+	* builds/ (refdoc): New target to build the
+	documentation.
+	(.PHONY): Updated.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h: Improve documentation of FT_CharMap.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage,h: Fix documentation of FT_OUTLINE_FLAGS.
+	* include/freetype/tttables.h: Document FT_Sfnt_Tag.
+2003-07-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init), src/pcf/pcfread.c
+	(pcf_load_font): Fix computation of height if PIXEL_SIZE property is
+	missing.
+2003-07-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftcsbits.c (ftc_sbit_node_compare): Only add `size' if
+	there is no error.  Reported by Knut St. Osmundsen
+	<>.
+2003-06-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	A new try to synchronize bitmap font access.
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Bitmap_Size): `height' is now
+	defined to return the baseline-to-baseline distance.  This was
+	already the value returned by the BDF and PCF drivers.
+	The `width' field now gives the average width.  I wasn't able to
+	find something better.  It should be taken as informative only.
+	New fields `size', `x_ppem', and `y_ppem'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Updated to properly fill
+	FT_Bitmap_Size.
+	Do proper rounding and conversion from 72.27 to 72 points.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Updated to properly fill
+	FT_Bitmap_Size.
+	Do proper rounding and conversion from 72.27 to 72 points.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Updated to properly fill
+	FT_Bitmap_Size.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Face_Init): Updated to properly fill
+	FT_Bitmap_Size.
+2003-06-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Redesigning the FNT driver to return multiple faces, not multiple
+	strikes.  At least one font (app850.fon from WinME) contains
+	different FNT charmaps for its subfonts.  Consequently, the previous
+	design of having multiple bitmap strikes in a single font face fails
+	since we have only one charmap per face.
+	* include/freetype/internal/fnttypes.h (FNT_Size_Rec): Removed.
+	(FNT_FaceRec): Remove `num_fonts' field and replace `fonts' with
+	`font'.
+	* src/base/ftwinfnt.c (FT_Get_WinFNT_Header): Updated.
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (fnt_font_load): Don't set pixel_width equal
+	to pixel_height.
+	(fnt_face_done_fonts): Removed.
+	(fnt_face_get_dll_fonts): Renamed to...
+	(fnt_face_get_dll_font): This.  Add second function argument to
+	select face index.
+	Updated to load just one subfont.
+	(fnt_font_done, FNT_Face_Done): Updated.
+	(FNT_Face_Init): Handle `face_index'.
+	Updated.
+	(FNT_Size_Set_Pixels): Simplified; similar to BDF and PCF, the
+	bitmap width is now ignored.
+	(FNT_Load_Glyph): Updated.
+	Fix glyph index computation.
+	(winfnt_driver_class): Updated.
+2003-06-25  Owen Taylor  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttload.c (tt_face_load_hdmx): Don't assign
+	num_records until we actually decide to load the table,
+	otherwise, we'll segfault in tt_face_free_hdmx.
+2003-06-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffdrivr.c (cff_get_glyph_name): Protect against zero
+	glyph name pointer.  Reported by Mikey Anbary <>.
+2003-06-23  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/tools/ Updated to AGL 2.0.
+	* src/psnames/pstables.h: Regenerated.
+2003-06-22  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/cache/ftcglyph.h, include/freetype/ttnameid.h,
+	src/base/ftcalc.c, src/base/fttrigon.c, src/cff/cffgload.c,
+	src/otlayout/otlgsub.c, src/pshinter/pshrec.c,
+	src/psnames/psmodule.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c, src/truetype/ttdriver.c:
+	Decorate constants with `U' and `L' if appropriate.
+	* include/freetype/ftmoderr.h: Updated to include recent module
+	additions.
+	* src/pshinter/pshnterr.h (FT_ERR_BASE): Define as
+	`FT_Mod_Err_PShinter'.
+	* src/type42/t42error.h (FT_ERR_BASE): Define as
+	`FT_Mod_Err_Type42'.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.h (PS_HINTS_MAGIC): Removed.  Not used.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h [__MWERKS__]: Define FT_LONG64
+	and FT_INT64.
+2003-06-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Use first_char in
+	computation of glyph_index.
+	(FNT_Size_Set_Pixels): To find a strike, first check pixel_height
+	only, then try to find a better hit by comparing pixel_width also.
+	Without this fix it isn't possible to access all strikes.
+	Also compute metrics.max_advance to be in sync with other bitmap
+	drivers.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Char_Size): Remove redundant code.
+	(FT_Set_Pixel_Size): Assign value to `metrics' after validation of
+	arguments.
+2003-06-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Synchronize computation of height and width for bitmap strikes.  The
+	`width' field in the FT_Bitmap_Size structure is now only useful to
+	enumerate different strikes.  The `max_advance' field of the
+	FT_Size_Metrics structure should be used to get the (maximum) width
+	of a strike.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init): Don't use AVERAGE_WIDTH for
+	computing `available_sizes->width' but make it always equal to
+	`available_sizes->height'.
+	* src/pcf/pcfread.c (pcf_load_font): Don't use RESOLUTION_X for
+	computing `available_sizes->width' but make it always equal to
+	`available_sizes->height'.
+	* src/truetype/ttdriver.c (Set_Pixel_Sizes): Pass only single
+	argument to function.
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (ps_unicode_value): Handle `.' after
+	`uniXXXX' and `uXXXX[X[X]]'.
+2003-06-19  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c: s/FT_Err_/BDF_Err/.
+	* src/cache/ftccache.c, src/cache/ftcsbits.c, src/cache/ftlru.c:
+	s/FT_Err_/FTC_Err_/.
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c: s/FT_Err_/CFF_Err_/.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: s/FT_Err_/PCF_Err_/.
+	* src/psaux/t1cmap.c: Include psauxerr.h.
+	s/FT_Err_/PSaux_Err_/.
+	* src/pshinter/pshnterr.h: New file.
+	* src/pshinter/ Updated.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.c, src/pshinter/pshrec.c: Include pshnterr.h.
+	s/FT_Err_/PSH_Err_/.
+	* src/pfr/pfrdrivr.c, src/pfr/pfrobjs.c, src/pfr/pfrsbit.c:
+	s/FT_Err_/PFR_Err_/.
+	* src/sfnt/sfdriver.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c, src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c,
+	src/sfnt/ttload.c: s/FT_Err_/SFNT_Err_/.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c: s/FT_Err_/TT_Err_/.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c: Load FT_MODULE_ERRORS_H and define
+	s/FT_Err_/Gzip_Err_/.
+2003-06-19  Dirck Blaskey  <>
+	* src/cff/cffload (cff_encoding_load): `nleft' must be FT_UInt,
+	otherwise adding 1 might wrap the result.
+2003-06-18  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/psnames/psmodule.c (ps_unicode_value): Add support to
+	recognize `uXXXX[X[X]]' glyph names.
+	Don't handle glyph names starting with `uni' which have more than
+	four digits.
+2003-06-16  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Open_Flags): Replaced with
+	#defines for the constants.
+	(FT_Open_Args): Change type of `flags' to FT_UInt.
+	(FT_GlyphSlot): Move `flags' to FT_Slot_Internal.
+	* include/freetype/ftimage.h (FT_Outline_Flags, FT_Raster_Flag):
+	Replaced with #defines for the constants.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_Slot_Internal): New
+	field `flags' (from FT_GlyphSlot).
+	Updated all affected source files.
+	(FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP): New macro (from ftgloadr.h).
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftgloadr.h (FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP): Moved
+	to ftobjs.h.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Use dummy
+	FT_GlyphSlot_Internal object.
+2003-06-15  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/compiler/, builds/compiler/ (CFLAGS):
+	Add -fno-strict-aliasing to get rid of zillion warnings from gcc
+	version 3.3.
+2003-06-14  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftglyph.h (ft_glyph_bbox_unscaled,
+	ft_glyph_bbox_subpixels, ft_glyph_bbox_gridfit,
+	ft_glyph_bbox_truncate, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels): Replaced with
+	The lowercase variants are now (deprecated aliases) to the uppercase
+	versions.
+	Updated all other files.
+	* include/freetype/ftmodule.h (ft_module_font_driver,
+	ft_module_renderer, ft_module_hinter, ft_module_styler,
+	ft_module_driver_scalable, ft_module_driver_no_outlines,
+	ft_module_driver_has_hinter): Replaced with FT_MODULE_FONT_DRIVER,
+	The lowercase variants are now (deprecated aliases) to the uppercase
+	versions.
+	Updated all other files.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_Get_CBox): Handle bbox_mode better
+	as enumeration.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c (pcf_driver_class), src/winfonts/winfnt.c
+	(winfnt_driver_class), src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (bdf_driver_class): Add
+2003-06-13  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_slot_load): Apply font matrix.
+2003-06-13  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* builds/dos/ Test not only for `Dos' but for `DOS' also.
+	* builds/dos/, builds/compiler/ New files for
+	EMX gcc compiler.
+	* builds/dos/ Add target `emx'.
+	* builds/compiler/ (LINK_LIBRARY): GNU Make for DOS doesn't
+	like a trailing semicolon; add a dummy command.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c: Remove parse_font_bbox code (already enclosed
+	with #if 0 ... #endif).
+	* src/type1/t1tokens.h: Handle /FontName.
+	* src/type1/t1load.c (parse_font_name): Removed.
+	Remove parse_font_bbox code (already enclosed with #if 0 ...
+	#endif).
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_font_name): Removed.
+	Remove t42_parse_font_bbox code (already enclosed with #if 0 ...
+	#endif).
+	(t42_keywords): Handle /FontName with T1_FIELD_KEY.
+2003-06-12  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_FieldType): Add
+	(T1_FIELD_KEY): New macro.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field): Handle
+	* src/cid/cidtoken.h: Use T1_FIELD_KEY for /CIDFontName.
+2003-06-11  Alexander Malmberg  <>
+	* src/cache/ftlru.c (FT_LruList_Remove_Selection): Decrease
+	number of nodes.
+	(FT_LruList_Lookup): Fix assertion for out-of-memory case.
+2003-06-11  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_decrypt): Removed.
+	(cid_read_subrs): Use t1_decrypt from psaux module.
+	* src/cid/cidload.h: Updated.
+	* src/cid/cidgload.c (cid_load_glyph): Use t1_decrypt from psaux
+	module.
+2003-06-10  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c: Apply change 2003-05-31 from <>.
+	Compute style flags.
+	Fix computation of root->height.
+	* src/cid/cidtoken.h: Handle FontBBox.
+	* src/cid/cidload.c (cid_load_keyword): Handle
+	(parse_font_bbox): Commented out.
+	(cid_field_record): Comment out element for parsing FontBBox.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c (t42_parse_font_bbox): Commented out.
+	(t42_keywords): Handle FontBBox with T1_FIELD_BBOX, not with
+	(t42_parse_font_bbox): Commented out.
+	(t42_load_keyword): Handle T1_FIELD_LOCATION_BBOX.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Apply change 2003-05-31
+	from <>.
+2003-06-09  George Williams  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (SetSuperRound) <0x30>: Follow Apple's
+	TrueType specification.
+	(Ins_MDRP, Ins_MIRP): Fix single width cut-in test.
+2003-06-09  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c: (inflate_mask): Replaced with...
+	* src/gzip/infutil.h: Declare `inflate_mask' conditionally by
+2003-06-09  Alexis S. L. Carvalho  <>
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (ft_gzip_file_fill_output): Handle Z_STREAM_END
+	correctly.
+2003-06-09  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_new): Change calculation of
+	dim->stdw.count to avoid compiler problem.
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (TT_Load_Simple_Glyph): Move the block
+	variables to the beginning of the function to avoid compiler
+	problems.
+	Add casts necessary for 16bit compilers.
+2003-06-09  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pfr/ (PFR_DRV_SRC): Add pfrsbit.c.
+	(PFR_DRV_H): Add pfrtypes.h.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h: s/__MWKS__/__MWERKS__/.
+2003-06-08  Karl Schultz  <>
+	* src/pfr/pfrsbit.c (pfr_bitwriter_init): Change type of third
+	argument to FT_Bool.
+	(pfr_lookup_bitmap_data): Change type of third and fourth argument
+	to FT_UInt.  Updated caller.
+	(pfr_load_bitmap_bits): Change type of fourth argument to FT_Bool.
+2003-06-08  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Completely revised FreeType's make management.
+	. In all makefiles `/' is used as the path separator.  The
+	  conversion to the real path separators is done as late as
+	  possible using $(subst ...).
+	. $(HOSTSEP) no longer exists.  Now, $(SEP) gives the path separator
+	  for the operating system, and the new $(COMPILER_SEP) the path
+	  separator for the compiler tools.
+	. $(BUILD) has been renamed to $(BUILD_DIR).  In general, all
+	  directory variables end with `_DIR'.  The variants ending in `_'
+	  (like `BASE_' have been removed).
+	The following ChangeLog entries only describe changes which are
+	not related to the redesign.
+	* builds/beos/ (BUILD_DIR): Fix typo.
+	* builds/compiler/ (LINK_LIBRARY): Fix linker call to avoid
+	overlong arguments as suggested by J. Ali Harlow
+	<>.
+	* builds/dos/ New file.
+	* builds/ (FREETYPE_H): Include header files from the
+	`devel' subdirectory.
+	* builds/os2/, builds/unix/,
+	builds/unix/, builds/win32/,
+	builds/win32/ (BUILD_DIR): Fix path.
+	* builds/unix/, builds/unix/configure: Updated.
+	* builds/unix/ (DISTCLEAN): Add `freetype2.pc'.
+2003-06-07  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (FT_New_Face_From_SFNT): s/rlen/sfnt_size/ to
+	make it compile.
+	* devel/ftoption.h: Updated.
+2003-06-07  Detlef Würkner  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h, src/truetype/ttgload.h:
+	s/index/idx/ to fix compiler warnings.
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c (tt_face_build_cmaps): Use more `volatile' to
+	fix compiler warning.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (BUILDFIXED): Removed.
+	* src/gzip/inftrees.c (inflate_trees_fixed) [!BUILDFIXED]: Use
+	FT_UNUSED to remove compiler warning.
+2003-06-06  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/ftstroker.h: Renamed to...
+	* include/freetype/ftstroke.h: This.
+	* src/base/ftstroker.c: Renamed to...
+	* src/base/ftstroke.c: This.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftheader.h (FT_STROKER_H): Updated.
+	* src/base/descrip.mms, src/base/Jamfile, src/base/
+	Updated.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.c: Renamed to...
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.c: This.
+	* src/pcf/pcfdriver.h: Renamed to...
+	* src/pcf/pcfdrivr.h: This.
+	* src/pcf/Jamfile, src/pcf/ Updated.
+2003-06-05  Wenlin Institute (Tom Bishop)  <>
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (file_spec_from_path) [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON]:
+	Add `#if !defined(__MWERKS__)'.
+2003-06-05  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_FieldType): Add
+	(T1_FIELD_FIXED_1000, T1_FIELD_FIXED_1000_P): New macros.
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field): Handle
+	* src/cff/cffparse.c (cff_kind_fixed_thousand): New enumeration.
+	(CFF_FIELD_FIXED_1000): New macro.
+	(cff_parser_run): Handle cff_kind_fixed_thousand.
+	* src/cff/cfftoken.h: Use CFF_FIELD_FIXED_1000 for blue_scale.
+	* src/cff/cffload (cff_subfont_load): Fix default values of
+	expansion_factor and blue_scale.
+	* src/cif/cidtoken.h, src/type1/t1tokens.h: Use T1_FIELD_FIXED_1000
+	for blue_scale.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c (psh_globals_new): Fix default value of
+	blue_scale.
+2003-06-04  Wolfgang Domröse  <>
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftdriver.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h,
+	include/freetype/internal/psaux.h, src/cid/cidgload.c,
+	src/psaux/psobjs.c, src/psaux/t1decode.c, src/psaux/psobjs.h,
+	src/pshinter/pshrec.c, src/pshinter/pshalgo.c,
+	src/psnames/psmodule.c, src/raster/ftraster.c, src/sfnt/sfobjs.c,
+	src/smooth/ftgrays.c, src/smooth/ftsmooth.c, src/truetype/ttobjs.c,
+	src/truetype/ttdriver.c, src/truetype/ttgload.c, src/type1/t1afm.c,
+	src/type1/t1gload.c, src/type1/t1gload.h, src/type1/t1load.c,
+	src/type1/t1objs.c, src/type42/t42parse.c, src/type42/t42parse.h:
+	Many casts and slight argument type changes to make it work with
+	a 16bit compiler.
+2003-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Defining
+	since some fonts (e.g. Arial) produce worse results than without
+	hinting.  Reverted.
+2003-06-04  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/truetype/ttgload.c (load_truetype_glyph)
+	FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoints before adding phantom points.  This fixes
+	a segfault bug with fonts (e.g. htst3.ttf) which have nested
+	subglyphs more than one level deep.  Reported by Anthony Fok.
+	* include/freetype/config/ftoption.h: Define
+	default.
+2003-06-03  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_hint_edges): Removed.  Just a
+	wrapper for ah_hint_edges.
+	(ah_hint_edges): Renamed to...
+	(ah_hinter_hint_edges): This.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (FT_Set_Hint_Flags): Removed.  Unused.
+	* include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h (FT_Face_InternalRec),
+	include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_DecoderRec),
+	src/cff/cffgload.h (CFF_Builder): Remove `hint_flags' field.
+	Unused.
+	* src/cff/cffgload.c (cff_builder_init): Updated.
+	(cff_decoder_parse_charstrings) <cff_op_endchar>: Call hinter->apply
+	with decoder->hint_mode instead of builder->hint_flags.
+	* src/psaux/t1decode.c (t1_decoder_init): Updated.
+	* src/base/ftstroker.c (ft_stroke_border_export): s/index/idx/.
+	* src/sfnt/sfobjs.c (sfnt_load_face): Commented out code which
+	increased root->height by 15% if the line gap was zero.  There exist
+	fonts (containing e.g. form drawing characters) which intentionally
+	have a zero line gap value.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (Free_Project, CUR_Func_freeProj):
+	Removed.  Unused.
+	Updated all callers.
+2003-06-02  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Use symbolic names for
+	Adobe specific encoding IDs (there was a wrong EID value for custom
+	encoding).
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.h (CFF_CMapStdRec): Remove `count'.
+	* src/cff/cffcmap.c (cff_cmap_encoding_init,
+	cff_cmap_encoding_done): Updated.
+	(cff_cmap_encoding_char_index, cff_cmap_encoding_char_next): Use
+	256 as limit for character code.
+2003-06-01  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/winfonts/winfnt.c (FNT_Load_Glyph): Revert change from
+	2003-03-20.
+2003-05-31  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/fttrigon.h (FT_Vector_Normalize): Removed.
+2003-05-31    <>
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Init): Improve algorithm for guessing
+	the font style by ignoring spaces and hyphens.
+	* builds/unix/ Fix `Version' field.
+2003-05-30  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	Avoid overwriting of numeric font dictionary entries for synthetic
+	fonts.  Additionally, some entries were handled as `integer' instead
+	of `number'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/psaux.h (T1_FieldType): Add
+	* src/psaux/psobjs.c (ps_parser_load_field): Handle new field types.
+	* include/freetype/internal/cfftypes.h (CFF_FontRecDict),
+	src/cff/cfftoken.h: Change type of underline_position and
+	underline_thickness to FT_Fixed.
+	* src/cff/cffload.c (cff_subfont_load): Fix default values of
+	underline_position and underline_thickness.
+	* src/cff/cffobjs.c (cff_face_init): Set underline_position
+	and underline_thickness in `root'.
+	* include/freetype/internal/t1types.h (T1_Font): Change point_type
+	and stroke_width to pointers.
+	* include/freetype/t1tables.h (PS_FontInfo): Change italic_angle,
+	is_fixed_pitch, underline_position, and underline_thickness to
+	pointers.
+	* src/type1/t1tokens.h: Change italic_angle, is_fixed_pitch,
+	underline_position, and underline_thickness to pointers.  Change
+	the type of the latter two to `fixed'.
+	Change type of stroke_width to `fixed' and make it a pointer.
+	Change paint_type to pointer.
+	* src/type1/t1objs.c (T1_Face_Done): Updated.
+	(T1_Face_Init): Updated.
+	Fix assignment of underline_position and underline_thickness.
+	* src/cid/cidtoken.h: Change italic_angle, is_fixed_pitch,
+	underline_position, and underline_thickness to pointers.  Change
+	the type of the latter two to `fixed'.
+	Change type of stroke_width to `fixed'.
+	* src/cid/cidobjs.c (cid_face_done): Updated.
+	(cid_face_init): Updated.
+	Fix assignment of underline_position and underline_thickness.
+	* src/type42/t42parse.c: Change italic_angle, is_fixed_pitch,
+	underline_position, and underline_thickness to pointers.  Change the
+	type of the latter two to `fixed'.
+	Change type of stroke_width to `fixed' and make it a pointer.
+	Change paint_type to pointer.
+	* src/type42/t42objs.c (T42_Face_Init): Updated.
+	Fix assignment of underline_position and underline_thickness.
+	(T42_Face_Done): Updated.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (open_face_from_buffer): Fix compiler warning.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.c, src/pshinter/pshglob.h
+	(psh_globals_set_scale): Make it a local function.
+	* test/gview.c: Fix renaming ps3->ps typo.
+	Formatting.
+2003-05-29  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo1.[ch], src/pshinter/pshalgo2.[ch]: Removed.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.h: Removed.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo3.[ch]: Renamed to...
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo.[ch]: New files.
+	s/PSH3/PSH/.
+	s/psh3/psh/.
+	s/ps3/ps/.
+	* src/pshinter/pshrec.c, src/pshinter/pshinter.c: Updated.
+	* src/pshinter/, src/pshinter/Jamfile: Updated.
+	* src/pshinter/pshglob.[ch] (psh_dimension_snap_width): Commented
+	out.
+	* tests/gview.c: Remove code for pshalgo1 and pshalgo2.
+	Updated.
+2003-05-28  Martin Zinser  <>
+	* Reworked support for shareable images on VMS.  The
+	first version was kind of a hack; the current implementation of the
+	procedure to extract the required symbols is much cleaner.
+	Reworked creation of MMS files, avoiding a number of temporary files
+	which were created in the previous version.
+	Further work on creating descrip.mms files on the fly.
+	* builds/vms/descrip.mms, src/autohint/descrip.mms,
+	src/type1/descrip.mms: Removed.
+2003-05-28  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo3.c (psh3_glyph_compute_extrema): Skip
+	contours with only a single point to avoid segfault.
+	* src/base/ftglyph.c (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap): Activate code for
+	handling `origin'.
+2003-05-24  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahtypes.h (AH_OPTION_NO_STRONG_INTERPOLATION):
+	Removed since unused.
+2003-05-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* include/freetype/config/ftstdlib.h (ft_strcat): New wrapper macro
+	for strcat.
+	* src/base/ftmac.c (create_lwfn_name): s/isupper/ft_isupper/.
+	(parse_font): s/memcpy/ft_memcpy/.
+	(is_dfont) [TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON]: s/memcmp/ft_memcmp/.
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (load_mac_face) [FT_MACINTOSH]:
+	s/strlen/ft_strlen/.
+	s/strcat/ft_strcat/.
+	s/strcpy/ft_strcpy/.
+	* src/gzip/zutil.h: s/memset/ft_memset/.
+	s/memcmp/ft_memcmp/.
+	* src/bdf/bdfdrivr.c (BDF_Face_Init), src/pcf/pcfdriver.c
+	(PCF_Face_Init): Test for charset registry case-insensitively.
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (ft_gzip_fil_io): Revert change from yesterday;
+	it has already been fixed differently.
+	* src/truetype/ttinterp.c (DO_SFVTL): Add missing braces around
+	if-clause.
+2003-05-21  Martin Zinser  <>
+	* t1load.c (parse_blend_axis_types): Fix compiler warning.
+	* descrip.mms: Removed.  Now created by...
+	* New file.
+2003-05-21  Weiqi Gao  <>
+	* src/gzip/ftgzip.c (ft_gzip_file_io): Avoid zero value of `delta'
+	to prevent infinite loop.
+2003-05-21  Lars Clausen  <>
+	* docs/VERSION.DLL: Provide better autoconf snippet to check
+	FreeType version.
+2003-05-21  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/base/ftobjs.c (open_face): Free `internal' not
+	`face->internal' in case of error to avoid possible segfault.
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo3.c (ps3_hints_apply): Check whether we
+	actually have an outline.
+2003-05-20  David Chester  <>
+	* src/pshinter/pshalgo3.c (ps3_hints_apply): Try to optimize
+	y_scale so that the top of non-capital letters is aligned on a pixel
+	boundary whenever possible.
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hint_edges): Make sure that lowercase
+	m's maintain their symmetry.
+2003-05-20  Werner Lemberg  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph): Oops!  David's
+	patch from yesterday has been resolved already in a different
+	way.  Reverted.
+2003-05-19  David Chester  <>
+	* src/autohint/ahhint.c (ah_hinter_load_glyph): Don't scale
+	y_scale locally but face->size->metrics.y_scale.
+2003-05-19  David Turner  <>
+	* src/sfnt/ttcmap0.c (tt_cmap4_char_next): Select proper start
+	value for `hi' to avoid infinite loop.
+2003-05-18  Yong Sun  <>
+	* src/raster/ftraster.c (Insert_Y_Turn): Fix overflow test.