blob: 2a7b4aa0a82e73272e39eac7efcfc0dc06b11a66 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
run() {
prog=$1; shift
name=$1; shift
answer=$1; shift
echo Running test $name.
result=`HOME=$builddir $builddir/$prog $*`
if [ "$answer" != "$result" ]; then
echo "Test \"$prog $*\" failed with: \"$result\" != \"$answer\" "
exit 2
run_diff() {
prog=$1; shift
name=$1; shift
in_file=$1; shift
answer_file=$1; shift
echo Running test $name.
$builddir/$prog $in_file > $out
diff $out $answer_file > $diff_file
if [ "$diff_ret" != "0" ]; then
echo "Test \"$name\" failed output is in $out, diff is:"
cat $diff_file
exit 2
rm $out $diff_file
cd ${srcdir}
echo "Running tests in `pwd`"
#make -q testcases
run test1 "test1 - 1" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none)" --arg1
run test1 "test1 - 2" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo" --arg2 foo
run test1 "test1 - 3" "arg1: 1 arg2: something" --arg1 --arg2 something
run test1 "test1 - 4" "arg1: 0 arg2: another" --simple another
run test1 "test1 - 5" "arg1: 1 arg2: alias" --two
run test1 "test1 - 6" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none) rest: --arg2" --arg1 -- --arg2
run test1 "test1 - 7" "arg1: 0 arg2: abcd rest: --arg1" --simple abcd -- --arg1
run test1 "test1 - 8" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none) rest: --arg2" --arg1 --takerest --arg2
run test1 "test1 - 9" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo" -2 foo
run test1 "test1 - 10" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) arg3: 50" -3 50
run test1 "test1 - 11" "arg1: 0 arg2: bar" -T bar
run test1 "test1 - 12" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none)" -O
run test1 "test1 - 13" "arg1: 1 arg2: foo" -OT foo
run test1 "test1 - 14" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) inc: 1" --inc
run test1 "test1 - 15" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo inc: 1" -I --arg2 foo
run test1 "test1 - 16" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none) rest: foo --arg2 something" --arg1 foo --arg2 something
run test1 "test1 - 17" "arg1: 1 arg2: (none) rest: foo --arg2 something" --arg1 foo --arg2 something
run test1 "test1 - 18" "callback: c sampledata bar arg1: 1 arg2: (none)" --arg1 --cb bar
run test1 "test1 - 19" "" --echo-args
run test1 "test1 - 20" "--arg1" --echo-args --arg1
run test1 "test1 - 21" "--arg2 something" -T something -e
run test1 "test1 - 22" "--arg2 something more args" -T something -a more args
run test1 "test1 - 23" "--echo-args -a" --echo-args -e -a
run test1 "test1 - 24" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) short: 1" -onedash
run test1 "test1 - 25" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) short: 1" --onedash
run test1 "test1 - 26" "callback: c arg for cb2 foo arg1: 0 arg2: (none)" --cb2 foo
run test1 "test1 - 27" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) rest: -" -
run test1 "test1 - 28" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo rest: -" - -2 foo
run test1 "test1 - 29" "arg1: 0 arg2: bbbb" --arg2=aaaa -2 bbbb
run test1 "test1 - 30" "arg1: 0 arg2: 'foo bingo' rest: boggle" --grab bingo boggle
run test1 "test1 - 31" "arg1: 0 arg2: 'foo bar' rest: boggle" --grabbar boggle
run test1 "test1 - 32" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aInt: 123456789" -i 123456789
run test1 "test1 - 33" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aInt: 123456789" --int 123456789
run test1 "test1 - 34" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aShort: 12345" -s 12345
run test1 "test1 - 35" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aShort: 12345" --short 12345
run test1 "test1 - 36" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aLong: 1123456789" -l 1123456789
run test1 "test1 - 37" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aLong: 1123456789" --long 1123456789
run test1 "test1 - 38" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aLongLong: 1111123456789" -L 1111123456789
run test1 "test1 - 39" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aLongLong: 1111123456789" --longlong 1111123456789
run test1 "test1 - 40" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFloat: 10.1" -f 10.1
run test1 "test1 - 41" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFloat: 10.1" --float 10.1
run test1 "test1 - 42" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aDouble: 10.1" -d 10.1
run test1 "test1 - 43" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aDouble: 10.1" --double 10.1
run test1 "test1 - 44" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) oStr: (none)" --optional
run test1 "test1 - 45" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) oStr: yadda" --optional=yadda
run test1 "test1 - 46" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) oStr: yadda" --optional yadda
run test1 "test1 - 47" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) oStr: ping rest: pong" --optional=ping pong
run test1 "test1 - 48" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) oStr: ping rest: pong" --optional ping pong
run test1 "test1 - 49" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aArgv: A B rest: C" --argv A --argv B C
run test1 "test1 - 50" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo=bar" -2foo=bar
run test1 "test1 - 51" "arg1: 0 arg2: foo=bar" -2=foo=bar
run test1 "test1 - 52" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFlag: 0xfeed" --bitxor
run test1 "test1 - 53" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFlag: 0xffff" --bitset
run test1 "test1 - 54" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFlag: 0x28c" --bitclr
run test1 "test1 - 55" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFlag: 0x8888" --nobitset
run test1 "test1 - 56" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aFlag: 0xface" --nobitclr
run test1 "test1 - 57" "arg1: 0 arg2: (none) aBits: foo,baz" --bits foo,bar,baz,!bar
run test1 "test1 - 58" "\
Usage: lt-test1 [-I?] [-c|--cb2=STRING] [--arg1] [-2|--arg2=ARG]
[-3|--arg3=ANARG] [-onedash] [--optional=STRING] [--val]
[-i|--int=INT] [-s|--short=SHORT] [-l|--long=LONG]
[-L|--longlong=LONGLONG] [-f|--float=FLOAT] [-d|--double=DOUBLE]
[--randint=INT] [--randshort=SHORT] [--randlong=LONG]
[--randlonglong=LONGLONG] [--argv=STRING] [--bitset] [--bitclr]
[--bitxor] [--nstr=STRING] [--lstr=STRING] [-I|--inc]
[-c|--cb=STRING] [--longopt] [-?|--help] [--usage] [--simple=ARG]" --usage
run test1 "test1 - 59" "\
Usage: lt-test1 [OPTION...]
--arg1 First argument with a really long
description. After all, we have to test
argument help wrapping somehow, right?
-2, --arg2=ARG Another argument (default: \"(none)\")
-3, --arg3=ANARG A third argument
-onedash POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH: Option takes a single -
--optional[=STRING] POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL: Takes an optional
string argument
--val POPT_ARG_VAL: 125992 141421
-i, --int=INT POPT_ARG_INT: 271828 (default: 271828)
-s, --short=SHORT POPT_ARG_SHORT: 4523 (default: 4523)
-l, --long=LONG POPT_ARG_LONG: 738905609 (default: 738905609)
-L, --longlong=LONGLONG POPT_ARG_LONGLONG: 738905609 (default:
-f, --float=FLOAT POPT_ARG_FLOAT: 3.14159 (default: 3.14159)
-d, --double=DOUBLE POPT_ARG_DOUBLE: 9.8696 (default: 9.8696)
--randint=INT POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental
--randshort=SHORT POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental
--randlong=LONG POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental
--randlonglong=LONGLONG POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental
--argv STRING POPT_ARG_ARGV: append string to argv array
(can be used multiple times)
--[no]bitset POPT_BIT_SET: |= 0x7777
--[no]bitclr POPT_BIT_CLR: &= ~0xf842
--bitxor POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR: ^= (0x8ace^0xfeed)
--nstr=STRING POPT_ARG_STRING: (null) (default: null)
--lstr=STRING POPT_ARG_STRING: \"123456789...\" (default:
\"This tests default strings and exceeds the
... limit.
123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ 123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ 1234567...\")
arg for cb2
-c, --cb2=STRING Test argument callbacks
-I, --inc An included argument
Callback arguments
-c, --cb=STRING Test argument callbacks
--longopt Unused option for help testing
Options implemented via popt alias/exec:
--simple=ARG simple description
Help options:
-?, --help Show this help message
--usage Display brief usage message" --help
#run_diff test3 "test3 - 51" test3-data/01.input test3-data/01.answer
#run_diff test3 "test3 - 52" test3-data/02.input test3-data/02.answer
#run_diff test3 "test3 - 53" test3-data/03.input test3-data/03.answer
echo ""
echo "Passed."