blob: b8f930269c5b2fdf9679eacd2c12b065602e1fcf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#ifndef foointernalhfoo
#define foointernalhfoo
This file is part of avahi.
avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
/** A locally registered DNS resource record */
typedef struct AvahiEntry AvahiEntry;
#include <avahi-common/llist.h>
#include <avahi-common/watch.h>
#include <avahi-common/timeval.h>
#include "core.h"
#include "iface.h"
#include "prioq.h"
#include "timeeventq.h"
#include "announce.h"
#include "browse.h"
#include "dns.h"
#include "rrlist.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "wide-area.h"
#include "multicast-lookup.h"
#include "dns-srv-rr.h"
#define AVAHI_FLAGS_VALID(flags, max) (!((flags) & ~(max)))
typedef struct AvahiLegacyUnicastReflectSlot AvahiLegacyUnicastReflectSlot;
struct AvahiLegacyUnicastReflectSlot {
AvahiServer *server;
uint16_t id, original_id;
AvahiAddress address;
uint16_t port;
int interface;
struct timeval elapse_time;
AvahiTimeEvent *time_event;
struct AvahiEntry {
AvahiServer *server;
AvahiSEntryGroup *group;
int dead;
AvahiPublishFlags flags;
AvahiRecord *record;
AvahiIfIndex interface;
AvahiProtocol protocol;
AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(AvahiEntry, entries);
AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(AvahiEntry, by_key);
AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(AvahiEntry, by_group);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiAnnouncer, announcers);
struct AvahiSEntryGroup {
AvahiServer *server;
int dead;
AvahiEntryGroupState state;
void* userdata;
AvahiSEntryGroupCallback callback;
unsigned n_probing;
unsigned n_register_try;
struct timeval register_time;
AvahiTimeEvent *register_time_event;
struct timeval established_at;
AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(AvahiSEntryGroup, groups);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiEntry, entries);
struct AvahiServer {
const AvahiPoll *poll_api;
AvahiInterfaceMonitor *monitor;
AvahiServerConfig config;
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiEntry, entries);
AvahiHashmap *entries_by_key;
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSEntryGroup, groups);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSRecordBrowser, record_browsers);
AvahiHashmap *record_browser_hashmap;
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSHostNameResolver, host_name_resolvers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSAddressResolver, address_resolvers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSDomainBrowser, domain_browsers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSServiceTypeBrowser, service_type_browsers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSServiceBrowser, service_browsers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSServiceResolver, service_resolvers);
AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(AvahiSDNSServerBrowser, dns_server_browsers);
int need_entry_cleanup, need_group_cleanup, need_browser_cleanup;
/* Used for scheduling RR cleanup */
AvahiTimeEvent *cleanup_time_event;
AvahiTimeEventQueue *time_event_queue;
char *host_name, *host_name_fqdn, *domain_name;
int fd_ipv4, fd_ipv6,
/* The following two sockets two are used for reflection only */
fd_legacy_unicast_ipv4, fd_legacy_unicast_ipv6;
AvahiWatch *watch_ipv4, *watch_ipv6,
*watch_legacy_unicast_ipv4, *watch_legacy_unicast_ipv6;
AvahiServerState state;
AvahiServerCallback callback;
void* userdata;
AvahiSEntryGroup *hinfo_entry_group;
AvahiSEntryGroup *browse_domain_entry_group;
unsigned n_host_rr_pending;
/* Used for assembling responses */
AvahiRecordList *record_list;
/* Used for reflection of legacy unicast packets */
AvahiLegacyUnicastReflectSlot **legacy_unicast_reflect_slots;
uint16_t legacy_unicast_reflect_id;
/* The last error code */
int error;
/* The local service cookie */
uint32_t local_service_cookie;
AvahiMulticastLookupEngine *multicast_lookup_engine;
AvahiWideAreaLookupEngine *wide_area_lookup_engine;
void avahi_entry_free(AvahiServer*s, AvahiEntry *e);
void avahi_entry_group_free(AvahiServer *s, AvahiSEntryGroup *g);
void avahi_cleanup_dead_entries(AvahiServer *s);
void avahi_server_prepare_response(AvahiServer *s, AvahiInterface *i, AvahiEntry *e, int unicast_response, int auxiliary);
void avahi_server_prepare_matching_responses(AvahiServer *s, AvahiInterface *i, AvahiKey *k, int unicast_response);
void avahi_server_generate_response(AvahiServer *s, AvahiInterface *i, AvahiDnsPacket *p, const AvahiAddress *a, uint16_t port, int legacy_unicast, int is_probe);
void avahi_s_entry_group_change_state(AvahiSEntryGroup *g, AvahiEntryGroupState state);
int avahi_entry_is_commited(AvahiEntry *e);
void avahi_server_enumerate_aux_records(AvahiServer *s, AvahiInterface *i, AvahiRecord *r, void (*callback)(AvahiServer *s, AvahiRecord *r, int flush_cache, void* userdata), void* userdata);
void avahi_host_rr_entry_group_callback(AvahiServer *s, AvahiSEntryGroup *g, AvahiEntryGroupState state, void *userdata);
void avahi_server_decrease_host_rr_pending(AvahiServer *s);
int avahi_server_set_errno(AvahiServer *s, int error);
int avahi_server_is_service_local(AvahiServer *s, AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, const char *name);
int avahi_server_is_record_local(AvahiServer *s, AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiRecord *record);
int avahi_server_add_ptr(
AvahiServer *s,
AvahiSEntryGroup *g,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiPublishFlags flags,
uint32_t ttl,
const char *name,
const char *dest);
#define AVAHI_CHECK_VALIDITY(server, expression, error) { \
if (!(expression)) \
return avahi_server_set_errno((server), (error)); \
#define AVAHI_CHECK_VALIDITY_RETURN_NULL(server, expression, error) { \
if (!(expression)) { \
avahi_server_set_errno((server), (error)); \
return NULL; \
} \
#define AVAHI_CHECK_VALIDITY_SET_RET_GOTO_FAIL(server, expression, error) {\
if (!(expression)) { \
ret = avahi_server_set_errno((server), (error)); \
goto fail; \
} \
#define AVAHI_ASSERT_TRUE(expression) { \
int __tmp = !!(expression); \
assert(__tmp); \
#define AVAHI_ASSERT_SUCCESS(expression) { \
int __tmp = (expression); \
assert(__tmp == 0); \