blob: 234dd5d7959d01d731fa769d35fa46278b4bd6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* freetype.user.props
* You can specify custom options here without altering the project file.
* Multiple entries within each property are separated by semicolons (;).
* NOTE: If you want to link against zlib, libpng, bzip2 or harfbuzz, you
* should alter these values appropriately.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
* `;'-separated list of symbols to #define
* path where your custom `ftoption.h' lives;
* this is searched BEFORE any other path
<!-- <UserOptionDirectory>..\..\..\devel</UserOptionDirectory> -->
* `;'-separated list of paths to additional include directories,
* e.g., where to find zlib.h, png.h, etc.;
* this is searched AFTER any other path
<!-- <UserIncludeDirectories>..\..\..\..\zlib-1.2.8;..\..\..\..\libpng-1.6.12</UserIncludeDirectories> -->
* `;'-separated list of paths to additional library directories,
* e.g., where to find zlib.lib, libpng.lib, etc.
<!-- <UserLibraryDirectories>..\..\..\..\zlib-1.2.8;..\..\..\..\libpng-1.6.12</UserLibraryDirectories> -->
* `;'-separated list of additional linker dependencies,
* e.g., zlib.lib, libpng.lib, etc.
<!-- <UserDependencies>zlib.lib;libpng16.lib</UserDependencies> -->
* Example configuration for x64 debug build only
<PropertyGroup Label="DebugProperties"