blob: efc7fd62a722630687ac67cbadf7c6ea863c4ac0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document
Author: Thomas Harning Jr <>
local lpeg = require("lpeg")
local tonumber = tonumber
local merge = require("json.util").merge
local util = require("json.decode.util")
local digit = lpeg.R("09")
local digits = digit^1
int = (lpeg.P('-') + 0) * (lpeg.R("19") * digits + digit)
local int = int
local frac = lpeg.P('.') * digits
local exp = lpeg.S("Ee") * (lpeg.S("-+") + 0) * digits
local nan = lpeg.S("Nn") * lpeg.S("Aa") * lpeg.S("Nn")
local inf = lpeg.S("Ii") * lpeg.P("nfinity")
local ninf = lpeg.P('-') * lpeg.S("Ii") * lpeg.P("nfinity")
local hex = (lpeg.P("0x") + lpeg.P("0X")) * lpeg.R("09","AF","af")^1
local defaultOptions = {
nan = true,
inf = true,
frac = true,
exp = true,
hex = false
default = nil -- Let the buildCapture optimization take place
strict = {
nan = false,
inf = false
local nan_value = 0/0
local inf_value = 1/0
local ninf_value = -1/0
Options: configuration options for number rules
nan: match NaN
inf: match Infinity
frac: match fraction portion (.0)
exp: match exponent portion (e1)
DEFAULT: nan, inf, frac, exp
local function buildCapture(options)
options = options and merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions
local ret = int
if options.frac then
ret = ret * (frac + 0)
if options.exp then
ret = ret * (exp + 0)
if options.hex then
ret = hex + ret
-- Capture number now
ret = ret / tonumber
if options.nan then
ret = ret + nan / function() return nan_value end
if options.inf then
ret = ret + ninf / function() return ninf_value end + inf / function() return inf_value end
return ret
function register_types()
function load_types(options, global_options, grammar)
local integer_id = util.types.INTEGER
local capture = buildCapture(options)
util.append_grammar_item(grammar, "VALUE", capture)
grammar[integer_id] = int / tonumber