blob: c1cc646cde003944d41a05c1724d8175c42d2c12 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document
Author: Thomas Harning Jr <>
local jsonutil = require("json.util")
local table = require("table")
local table_concat = table.concat
local select = select
local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable
local assert = assert
local util = require("json.util")
local util_merge, isCall, decodeCall = util.merge, util.isCall, util.decodeCall
local defaultOptions = {
-- No real default-option handling needed...
default = nil
strict = nil
Encodes 'value' as a function call
Must have parameters in the 'callData' field of the metatable
name == name of the function call
parameters == array of parameters to encode
function getEncoder(options)
options = options and util_merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions
local function encodeCall(value, state)
if not isCall(value) then
return false
local encode = state.encode
local name, params = decodeCall(value)
local compositeEncoder = state.outputEncoder.composite
local valueEncoder = [[
for i = 1, (composite.n or #composite) do
local val = composite[i]
PUTINNER(i ~= 1)
val = encode(val, state)
val = val or ''
if val then
return compositeEncoder(valueEncoder, name .. '(', ')', ',', params, encode, state)
return {
table = encodeCall,
['function'] = encodeCall