| These are simple tests for Lua. Some of them contain useful code. |
| They are meant to be run to make sure Lua is built correctly and also |
| to be read, to see how Lua programs look. |
| |
| Here is a one-line summary of each program: |
| |
| bisect.lua bisection method for solving non-linear equations |
| cf.lua temperature conversion table (celsius to farenheit) |
| echo.lua echo command line arguments |
| env.lua environment variables as automatic global variables |
| factorial.lua factorial without recursion |
| fib.lua fibonacci function with cache |
| fibfor.lua fibonacci numbers with coroutines and generators |
| globals.lua report global variable usage |
| hello.lua the first program in every language |
| life.lua Conway's Game of Life |
| luac.lua bare-bones luac |
| printf.lua an implementation of printf |
| readonly.lua make global variables readonly |
| sieve.lua the sieve of of Eratosthenes programmed with coroutines |
| sort.lua two implementations of a sort function |
| table.lua make table, grouping all data for the same item |
| trace-calls.lua trace calls |
| trace-globals.lua trace assigments to global variables |
| xd.lua hex dump |
| |