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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR).
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-2000
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* Scan functions for NSPR types
* Author: Wan-Teh Chang
* Acknowledgment: The implementation is inspired by the source code
* in P.J. Plauger's "The Standard C Library," Prentice-Hall, 1992.
#include <limits.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef SUNOS4
#include "md/sunos4.h" /* for strtoul */
#include "prprf.h"
#include "prdtoa.h"
#include "prlog.h"
#include "prerror.h"
* A function that reads a character from 'stream'.
* Returns the character read, or EOF if end of stream is reached.
typedef int (*_PRGetCharFN)(void *stream);
* A function that pushes the character 'ch' back to 'stream'.
typedef void (*_PRUngetCharFN)(void *stream, int ch);
* The size specifier for the integer and floating point number
* conversions in format control strings.
typedef enum {
_PR_size_none, /* No size specifier is given */
_PR_size_h, /* The 'h' specifier, suggesting "short" */
_PR_size_l, /* The 'l' specifier, suggesting "long" */
_PR_size_L, /* The 'L' specifier, meaning a 'long double' */
_PR_size_ll /* The 'll' specifier, suggesting "long long" */
} _PRSizeSpec;
* The collection of data that is passed between the scan function
* and its subordinate functions. The fields of this structure
* serve as the input or output arguments for these functions.
typedef struct {
_PRGetCharFN get; /* get a character from input stream */
_PRUngetCharFN unget; /* unget (push back) a character */
void *stream; /* argument for get and unget */
va_list ap; /* the variable argument list */
int nChar; /* number of characters read from 'stream' */
PRBool assign; /* assign, or suppress assignment? */
int width; /* field width */
_PRSizeSpec sizeSpec; /* 'h', 'l', 'L', or 'll' */
PRBool converted; /* is the value actually converted? */
} ScanfState;
#define GET(state) ((state)->nChar++, (state)->get((state)->stream))
#define UNGET(state, ch) \
((state)->nChar--, (state)->unget((state)->stream, ch))
* The following two macros, GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH and WITHIN_WIDTH,
* are always used together.
* GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH calls the GET macro and assigns its return
* value to 'ch' only if we have not exceeded the field width of
* 'state'. Therefore, after GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH, the value of
* 'ch' is valid only if the macro WITHIN_WIDTH evaluates to true.
#define GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch) \
if (--(state)->width >= 0) { \
(ch) = GET(state); \
#define WITHIN_WIDTH(state) ((state)->width >= 0)
* _pr_strtoull:
* Convert a string to an unsigned 64-bit integer. The string
* 'str' is assumed to be a representation of the integer in
* base 'base'.
* Warning:
* - Only handle base 8, 10, and 16.
* - No overflow checking.
static PRUint64
_pr_strtoull(const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
static const int BASE_MAX = 16;
static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
char *digitPtr;
PRUint64 x; /* return value */
PRInt64 base64;
const char *cPtr;
PRBool negative;
const char *digitStart;
PR_ASSERT(base == 0 || base == 8 || base == 10 || base == 16);
if (base < 0 || base == 1 || base > BASE_MAX) {
if (endptr) {
*endptr = (char *) str;
return LL_ZERO;
cPtr = str;
while (isspace(*cPtr)) {
negative = PR_FALSE;
if (*cPtr == '-') {
negative = PR_TRUE;
} else if (*cPtr == '+') {
if (base == 16) {
if (*cPtr == '0' && (cPtr[1] == 'x' || cPtr[1] == 'X')) {
cPtr += 2;
} else if (base == 0) {
if (*cPtr != '0') {
base = 10;
} else if (cPtr[1] == 'x' || cPtr[1] == 'X') {
base = 16;
cPtr += 2;
} else {
base = 8;
PR_ASSERT(base != 0);
LL_I2L(base64, base);
digitStart = cPtr;
/* Skip leading zeros */
while (*cPtr == '0') {
LL_I2L(x, 0);
while ((digitPtr = (char*)memchr(digits, tolower(*cPtr), base)) != NULL) {
PRUint64 d;
LL_I2L(d, (digitPtr - digits));
LL_MUL(x, x, base64);
LL_ADD(x, x, d);
if (cPtr == digitStart) {
if (endptr) {
*endptr = (char *) str;
return LL_ZERO;
if (negative) {
/* The cast to a signed type is to avoid a compiler warning */
x = -(PRInt64)x;
LL_NEG(x, x);
if (endptr) {
*endptr = (char *) cPtr;
return x;
* The maximum field width (in number of characters) that is enough
* (may be more than necessary) to represent a 64-bit integer or
* floating point number.
#define FMAX 31
#define DECIMAL_POINT '.'
static PRStatus
GetInt(ScanfState *state, int code)
char buf[FMAX + 1], *p;
int ch;
static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
PRBool seenDigit = PR_FALSE;
int base;
int dlen;
switch (code) {
case 'd': case 'u':
base = 10;
case 'i':
base = 0;
case 'x': case 'X': case 'p':
base = 16;
case 'o':
base = 8;
return PR_FAILURE;
if (state->width == 0 || state->width > FMAX) {
state->width = FMAX;
p = buf;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
*p++ = ch;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && ch == '0') {
seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
*p++ = ch;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)
&& (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X')
&& (base == 0 || base == 16)) {
base = 16;
*p++ = ch;
} else if (base == 0) {
base = 8;
if (base == 0 || base == 10) {
dlen = 10;
} else if (base == 8) {
dlen = 8;
} else {
PR_ASSERT(base == 16);
dlen = 16 + 6; /* 16 digits, plus 6 in uppercase */
while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && memchr(digits, ch, dlen)) {
*p++ = ch;
seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)) {
UNGET(state, ch);
if (!seenDigit) {
return PR_FAILURE;
*p = '\0';
if (state->assign) {
if (code == 'd' || code == 'i') {
if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_ll) {
PRInt64 llval = _pr_strtoull(buf, NULL, base);
*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt64 *) = llval;
} else {
long lval = strtol(buf, NULL, base);
if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_none) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRIntn *) = lval;
} else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_h) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt16 *) = (PRInt16)lval;
} else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt32 *) = lval;
} else {
return PR_FAILURE;
} else {
if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_ll) {
PRUint64 llval = _pr_strtoull(buf, NULL, base);
*va_arg(state->ap, PRUint64 *) = llval;
} else {
unsigned long lval = strtoul(buf, NULL, base);
if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_none) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRUintn *) = lval;
} else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_h) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRUint16 *) = (PRUint16)lval;
} else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRUint32 *) = lval;
} else {
return PR_FAILURE;
state->converted = PR_TRUE;
return PR_SUCCESS;
static PRStatus
GetFloat(ScanfState *state)
char buf[FMAX + 1], *p;
int ch;
PRBool seenDigit = PR_FALSE;
if (state->width == 0 || state->width > FMAX) {
state->width = FMAX;
p = buf;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
*p++ = ch;
while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
*p++ = ch;
seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && ch == DECIMAL_POINT) {
*p++ = ch;
while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
*p++ = ch;
seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
* This is not robust. For example, "1.2e+" would confuse
* the code below to read 'e' and '+', only to realize that
* it should have stopped at "1.2". But we can't push back
* more than one character, so there is nothing I can do.
/* Parse exponent */
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') && seenDigit) {
*p++ = ch;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
*p++ = ch;
while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
*p++ = ch;
if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)) {
UNGET(state, ch);
if (!seenDigit) {
return PR_FAILURE;
*p = '\0';
if (state->assign) {
PRFloat64 dval = PR_strtod(buf, NULL);
state->converted = PR_TRUE;
if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
*va_arg(state->ap, PRFloat64 *) = dval;
} else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_L) {
#if defined(OSF1) || defined(IRIX)
*va_arg(state->ap, double *) = dval;
*va_arg(state->ap, long double *) = dval;
} else {
*va_arg(state->ap, float *) = (float) dval;
return PR_SUCCESS;
* Convert, and return the end of the conversion spec.
* Return NULL on error.
static const char *
Convert(ScanfState *state, const char *fmt)
const char *cPtr;
int ch;
char *cArg = NULL;
state->converted = PR_FALSE;
cPtr = fmt;
if (*cPtr != 'c' && *cPtr != 'n' && *cPtr != '[') {
do {
ch = GET(state);
} while (isspace(ch));
UNGET(state, ch);
switch (*cPtr) {
case 'c':
if (state->assign) {
cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
if (state->width == 0) {
state->width = 1;
for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
ch = GET(state);
if (ch == EOF) {
return NULL;
} else if (state->assign) {
*cArg++ = ch;
if (state->assign) {
state->converted = PR_TRUE;
case 'p':
case 'd': case 'i': case 'o':
case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
if (GetInt(state, *cPtr) == PR_FAILURE) {
return NULL;
case 'e': case 'E': case 'f':
case 'g': case 'G':
if (GetFloat(state) == PR_FAILURE) {
return NULL;
case 'n':
/* do not consume any input */
if (state->assign) {
switch (state->sizeSpec) {
case _PR_size_none:
*va_arg(state->ap, PRIntn *) = state->nChar;
case _PR_size_h:
*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt16 *) = state->nChar;
case _PR_size_l:
*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt32 *) = state->nChar;
case _PR_size_ll:
LL_I2L(*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt64 *), state->nChar);
case 's':
if (state->width == 0) {
state->width = INT_MAX;
if (state->assign) {
cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
ch = GET(state);
if ((ch == EOF) || isspace(ch)) {
UNGET(state, ch);
if (state->assign) {
*cArg++ = ch;
if (state->assign) {
*cArg = '\0';
state->converted = PR_TRUE;
case '%':
ch = GET(state);
if (ch != '%') {
UNGET(state, ch);
return NULL;
case '[':
PRBool complement = PR_FALSE;
const char *closeBracket;
size_t n;
if (*++cPtr == '^') {
complement = PR_TRUE;
closeBracket = strchr(*cPtr == ']' ? cPtr + 1 : cPtr, ']');
if (closeBracket == NULL) {
return NULL;
n = closeBracket - cPtr;
if (state->width == 0) {
state->width = INT_MAX;
if (state->assign) {
cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
ch = GET(state);
if ((ch == EOF)
|| (!complement && !memchr(cPtr, ch, n))
|| (complement && memchr(cPtr, ch, n))) {
UNGET(state, ch);
if (state->assign) {
*cArg++ = ch;
if (state->assign) {
*cArg = '\0';
state->converted = PR_TRUE;
cPtr = closeBracket;
return NULL;
return cPtr;
static PRInt32
DoScanf(ScanfState *state, const char *fmt)
PRInt32 nConverted = 0;
const char *cPtr;
int ch;
state->nChar = 0;
cPtr = fmt;
while (1) {
if (isspace(*cPtr)) {
/* white space: skip */
do {
} while (isspace(*cPtr));
do {
ch = GET(state);
} while (isspace(ch));
UNGET(state, ch);
} else if (*cPtr == '%') {
/* format spec: convert */
state->assign = PR_TRUE;
if (*cPtr == '*') {
state->assign = PR_FALSE;
for (state->width = 0; isdigit(*cPtr); cPtr++) {
state->width = state->width * 10 + *cPtr - '0';
state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_none;
if (*cPtr == 'h') {
state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_h;
} else if (*cPtr == 'l') {
if (*cPtr == 'l') {
state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_ll;
} else {
state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_l;
} else if (*cPtr == 'L') {
state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_L;
cPtr = Convert(state, cPtr);
if (cPtr == NULL) {
return (nConverted > 0 ? nConverted : EOF);
if (state->converted) {
} else {
/* others: must match */
if (*cPtr == '\0') {
return nConverted;
ch = GET(state);
if (ch != *cPtr) {
UNGET(state, ch);
return nConverted;
static int
StringGetChar(void *stream)
char *cPtr = *((char **) stream);
if (*cPtr == '\0') {
return EOF;
} else {
*((char **) stream) = cPtr + 1;
return (unsigned char) *cPtr;
static void
StringUngetChar(void *stream, int ch)
char *cPtr = *((char **) stream);
if (ch != EOF) {
*((char **) stream) = cPtr - 1;
PR_sscanf(const char *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
PRInt32 rv;
ScanfState state;
state.get = &StringGetChar;
state.unget = &StringUngetChar; = (void *) &buf;
va_start(state.ap, fmt);
rv = DoScanf(&state, fmt);
return rv;