blob: 3534ea03838fe7d617cda759fcccd331f78e7926 [file] [log] [blame]
i2c-tools CHANGES
3.0.2 (2008-11-29)
i2c-dev.h: Drop I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_*I2C_BLOCK_2 defines
decode-dimms: Add support for little-endian word hexdumps
Only export the ceil function from POSIX
decode-vaio: Remove history
i2cdetect: Support i2c bus passed by name
Shorten the usage message
i2cdump: Support i2c bus passed by name
Shorten the usage message
Restrict the chip address to 0x03-0x77
Split the functionality checking code into a separate function
Better error message on missing adapter functionality
i2cget: Support i2c bus passed by name
Shorten the usage message
Better error message on missing adapter functionality
i2cset: Support i2c bus passed by name
Shorten the usage message
Restrict the chip address to 0x03-0x77
Split the code into several functions for clarity
Add support for short writes (SMBus send byte)
Better error message on missing adapter functionality
Set the data value mask with -m
Make reading back the written value optional
i2c-stub-from-dump: Add support for partial dumps
Report if only garbage is found in dump file
Behave properly when i2c-stub is already loaded
Stop on i2cset error
3.0.1 (2008-04-04)
Drop the trailing .pl from all perl script names
decode-dimms: Fix DDR2 SDRAM module speed decoding
Update manufacturer IDs
Don't print anything by default if checksum fails
Decode all DDR2 SDRAM timing information
Add support for reading SPD data from hexdumps
Make command line parsing more robust
decode-vaio: Private data might not be readable by non-root users
Print the asset tag
Fix the timestamp decoding
i2cdump: Fix I2C block mode error code
Remove man page reference to hardware monitoring chips
Let the user specify a register range
i2cset: Final status messages go to stdout
Return success even when readback fails or doesn't match
i2c-stub-from-dump: New helper script to use with i2c-stub
3.0.0 (2007-10-14)
Initial release