blob: 3c3caf06955c0cd64f15816ccae0a8bc20d3dad7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Jean Delvare <>
# Parts inspired from decode-edid.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jean Delvare <>
# Parts inspired from the ddcmon driver and sensors' print_ddcmon function.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Mark D. Studebaker
# Parts inspired from the fbmon driver (Linux 2.6.10).
# Copyright (C) 2002 James Simmons <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Version 1.0 2005-01-04 Jean Delvare <>
# This script is a replacement for the now deprecated ddcmon kernel driver.
# Instead of having a dedicated driver, it is better to reuse the standard
# eeprom driver and implement the EDID-specific code in user-space.
# EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) is a VESA standard which
# allows storing (on manufacturer's side) and retrieving (on user's side)
# of configuration information about displays, such as manufacturer,
# serial number, physical dimensions and allowed horizontal and vertical
# refresh rates.
# Syntax: ddcmon [bus [address]]
# Address can be given in decimal or hexadecimal (with a 0x prefix).
# If no address is given, default is 0x50.
# Bus number must be given in decimal. If no bus number is given,
# try them all.
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :seek);
use vars qw(@standard_scales);
@standard_scales = ([1, 1], [3, 4], [4, 5], [16, 9]);
# Make sure the eeprom module is loaded.
# For non-modular kernels, we can't help.
if (-r '/proc/modules')
my $found = 0;
open(MODULES, '/proc/modules');
while (!$found && defined ($_ = <MODULES>))
$found++ if m/^eeprom\s+/;
unless ($found)
print STDERR
"This script requires the eeprom module to be loaded.\n";
exit 1;
# Only used for sysfs
sub rawread
my $filename = shift;
my $length = shift;
my $offset = shift || 0;
my $bytes = '';
sysopen(FH, $filename, O_RDONLY)
or die "Can't open $filename";
if ($offset)
sysseek(FH, $offset, SEEK_SET)
or die "Can't seek in $filename";
$offset = 0;
while ($length)
my $r = sysread(FH, $bytes, $length, $offset);
die "Can't read $filename"
unless defined($r);
die "Unexpected EOF in $filename"
unless $r;
$offset += $r;
$length -= $r;
return $bytes;
sub get_edid_sysfs
my ($bus, $addr) = @_;
my @bytes = unpack("C*", rawread("/sys/bus/i2c/devices/$bus-00$addr/eeprom", 128));
return \@bytes;
sub get_edid_procfs
my ($bus, $addr) = @_;
my @bytes;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 0x80; $i += 0x10)
my $filename = sprintf("/proc/sys/dev/sensors/eeprom-i2c-\%s-\%s/\%02x",
$bus, $addr, $i);
open(EEDATA, $filename)
or die "Can't read $filename";
push @bytes, split(/\s+/, <EEDATA>);
return \@bytes;
sub print_line
my $label = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
printf("\%-24s$pattern\n", $label.':', @_);
sub extract_byte
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
return $bytes->[$offset];
sub extract_word
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
return ($bytes->[$offset]
| ($bytes->[$offset+1] << 8));
sub extract_manufacturer
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
my $i = ($bytes->[$offset+1] | ($bytes->[$offset] << 8));
return sprintf('%c%c%c',
(($i >> 10) & 0x1f) + ord('A') - 1,
(($i >> 5) & 0x1f) + ord('A') - 1,
($i & 0x1f) + ord('A') - 1);
sub extract_sesquiword
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
return ($bytes->[$offset]
| ($bytes->[$offset+1] << 8)
| ($bytes->[$offset+2] << 16));
sub extract_dword
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
return ($bytes->[$offset]
| ($bytes->[$offset+1] << 8)
| ($bytes->[$offset+2] << 16)
| ($bytes->[$offset+3] << 24));
sub extract_display_input
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
my @voltage = ('0.700V/0.300V', '0.714V/0.286V',
'1.000V/0.400V', '0.700V/0.000V');
return 'Digital'
if ($bytes->[$offset] & 0x80);
return 'Analog ('.$voltage[($bytes->[$offset] & 0x60) >> 5].')';
sub extract_dpms
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
my @supported;
push @supported, 'Active Off' if ($bytes->[$offset] & 0x20);
push @supported, 'Suspend' if ($bytes->[$offset] & 0x40);
push @supported, 'Standby' if ($bytes->[$offset] & 0x80);
return join(', ', @supported)
if (@supported);
return 'None supported';
sub extract_color_mode
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
my @mode = ('Monochrome', 'RGB Multicolor', 'Non-RGB Multicolor');
return $mode[($bytes->[$offset] >> 3) & 0x03];
sub good_signature
my $bytes = shift;
return $bytes->[0] == 0x00
&& $bytes->[1] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[2] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[3] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[4] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[5] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[6] == 0xff
&& $bytes->[7] == 0x00;
sub verify_checksum
my $bytes = shift;
my $cs;
for (my $i = 0, $cs = 0; $i < 0x80; $i++)
$cs += $bytes->[$i];
return (($cs & 0xff) == 0 ? 'OK' : 'Not OK');
sub add_timing
my ($timings, $new) = @_;
my $mode = sprintf('%ux%u@%u%s', $new->[0], $new->[1],
$new->[2], defined ($new->[3]) &&
$new->[3] eq 'interlaced' ? 'i' : '');
$timings->{$mode} = $new;
sub add_standard_timing
my ($timings, $byte0, $byte1) = @_;
# Unused slot
return if ($byte0 == $byte1)
&& ($byte0 == 0x01 || $byte0 == 0x00 || $byte0 == 0x20);
my $width = ($byte0 + 31) * 8;
my $height = $width * $standard_scales[$byte1 >> 6]->[0]
/ $standard_scales[$byte1 >> 6]->[1];
my $refresh = 60 + ($byte1 & 0x3f);
add_timing($timings, [$width, $height, $refresh]);
sub sort_timings
# First order by width
return -1 if $a->[0] < $b->[0];
return 1 if $a->[0] > $b->[0];
# Second by height
return -1 if $a->[1] < $b->[1];
return 1 if $a->[1] > $b->[1];
# Third by frequency
# Interlaced modes count for half their frequency
my $freq_a = $a->[2];
my $freq_b = $b->[2];
$freq_a /= 2 if defined $a->[3] && $a->[3] eq 'interlaced';
$freq_b /= 2 if defined $b->[3] && $b->[3] eq 'interlaced';
return -1 if $freq_a < $freq_b;
return 1 if $freq_a > $freq_b;
return 0;
sub print_timings
my ($bytes, $timings) = @_;
# Established Timings
my @established =
[720, 400, 70],
[720, 400, 88],
[640, 480, 60],
[640, 480, 67],
[640, 480, 72],
[640, 480, 75],
[800, 600, 56],
[800, 600, 60],
[800, 600, 72],
[800, 600, 75],
[832, 624, 75],
[1024, 768, 87, 'interlaced'],
[1024, 768, 60],
[1024, 768, 70],
[1024, 768, 75],
[1280, 1024, 75],
undef, undef, undef,
[1152, 870, 75],
my $temp = extract_sesquiword($bytes, 0x23);
for (my $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++)
next unless defined($established[$i]);
add_timing($timings, $established[$i])
if ($temp & (1 << $i));
# Standard Timings
for (my $i = 0x26; $i < 0x36; $i += 2)
add_standard_timing($timings, $bytes->[$i], $bytes->[$i+1]);
foreach my $v (sort sort_timings values(%{$timings}))
print_line("Timing", '%ux%u @ %u Hz%s',
$v->[0], $v->[1], $v->[2],
defined($v->[3]) ? ' ('.$v->[3].')' : '');
sub extract_string
my ($bytes, $offset) = @_;
my $string = '';
for (my $i = 5; $i < 18; $i++)
last if $bytes->[$offset+$i] == 0x0a
|| $bytes->[$offset+$i] == 0x00;
$string .= chr($bytes->[$offset+$i])
if ($bytes->[$offset+$i] >= 32
&& $bytes->[$offset+$i] < 127);
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Some blocks contain different information:
# 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa: Additional standard timings block
# 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc: Monitor block
# 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd: Limits block
# 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe: Ascii block
# 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff: Serial block
# Return a reference to a hash containing all information.
sub extract_detailed_timings
my ($bytes) = @_;
my %info = ('timings' => {});
for (my $offset = 0x36; $offset < 0x7e; $offset += 18)
if ($bytes->[$offset] == 0x00
&& $bytes->[$offset+1] == 0x00
&& $bytes->[$offset+2] == 0x00
&& $bytes->[$offset+4] == 0x00)
if ($bytes->[$offset+3] == 0xfa)
for (my $i = $offset + 5; $i < $offset + 17; $i += 2)
elsif ($bytes->[$offset+3] == 0xfc)
$info{'monitor'} .= extract_string($bytes, $offset);
elsif ($bytes->[$offset+3] == 0xfd)
$info{'limits'}{'vsync_min'} = $bytes->[$offset+5];
$info{'limits'}{'vsync_max'} = $bytes->[$offset+6];
$info{'limits'}{'hsync_min'} = $bytes->[$offset+7];
$info{'limits'}{'hsync_max'} = $bytes->[$offset+8];
$info{'limits'}{'clock_max'} = $bytes->[$offset+9];
elsif ($bytes->[$offset+3] == 0xfe)
$info{'ascii'} .= extract_string($bytes, $offset);
elsif ($bytes->[$offset+3] == 0xff)
$info{'serial'} .= extract_string($bytes, $offset);
# Detailed Timing
my $width = $bytes->[$offset+2] + (($bytes->[$offset+4] & 0xf0) << 4);
my $height = $bytes->[$offset+5] + (($bytes->[$offset+7] & 0xf0) << 4);
my $clock = extract_word($bytes, $offset) * 10000;
my $hblank = $bytes->[$offset+3] + (($bytes->[$offset+4] & 0x0f) << 8);
my $vblank = $bytes->[$offset+6] + (($bytes->[$offset+7] & 0x0f) << 8);
my $area = ($width + $hblank) * ($height + $vblank);
next unless $area; # Should not happen, but...
my $refresh = ($clock + $area / 2) / $area; # Proper rounding
add_timing($info{'timings'}, [$width, $height, $refresh]);
return \%info;
sub print_edid
my ($bus, $address) = @_;
my $bytes;
if (-r "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/$bus-00$address/eeprom")
$bytes = get_edid_sysfs($bus, $address);
elsif (-r "/proc/sys/dev/sensors/eeprom-i2c-$bus-$address/00")
$bytes = get_edid_procfs($bus, $address);
return 1 unless defined $bytes;
return 2 unless good_signature($bytes);
print_line('Checksum', '%s', verify_checksum($bytes));
my $edid_version = extract_byte($bytes, 0x12);
my $edid_revision = extract_byte($bytes, 0x13);
print_line('EDID Version', '%u.%u', $edid_version,
if ($edid_version > 1 || $edid_revision > 2)
$standard_scales[0][0] = 16;
$standard_scales[0][1] = 10;
$standard_scales[0][0] = 1;
$standard_scales[0][1] = 1;
my $info = extract_detailed_timings($bytes);
print_line('Manufacturer ID', '%s', extract_manufacturer($bytes, 0x08));
print_line('Model Number', '0x%04X', extract_word($bytes, 0x0A));
print_line('Model Name', '%s', $info->{'monitor'})
if defined $info->{'monitor'};
if ($info->{'serial'})
print_line('Serial Number', '%s', $info->{'serial'})
elsif ((my $temp = extract_dword($bytes, 0x0C)))
print_line('Serial Number', '%u', $temp)
print_line('Manufacture Time', '%u-W%02u',
1990 + extract_byte($bytes, 0x11),
extract_byte($bytes, 0x10));
print_line('Display Input', '%s', extract_display_input($bytes, 0x14));
print_line('Monitor Size (cm)', '%ux%u', extract_byte($bytes, 0x15),
extract_byte($bytes, 0x16));
print_line('Gamma Factor', '%.2f',
1 + extract_byte($bytes, 0x17) / 100.0);
print_line('DPMS Modes', '%s', extract_dpms($bytes, 0x18));
print_line('Color Mode', '%s', extract_color_mode($bytes, 0x18))
if (($bytes->[0x18] & 0x18) != 0x18);
print_line('Additional Info', '%s', $info->{'ascii'})
if $info->{'ascii'};
if (defined($info->{'limits'}))
print_line('Vertical Sync (Hz)', '%u-%u',
print_line('Horizontal Sync (kHz)', '%u-%u',
print_line('Max Pixel Clock (MHz)', '%u',
$info->{'limits'}{'clock_max'} * 10)
unless $info->{'limits'}{'clock_max'} == 0xff;
print_timings($bytes, $info->{'timings'});
return 0;
# Get the address. Default to 0x50 if not given.
my $address;
if (defined($ARGV[1]))
$address = $ARGV[1];
# Convert to decimal, whatever the value.
$address = oct $address if $address =~ m/^0/;
# Convert to an hexadecimal string.
$address = sprintf '%02x', $address;
$address = '50';
if (defined($ARGV[0]))
my $error = print_edid($ARGV[0], $address);
if ($error == 1)
print STDERR
"No EEPROM found at 0x$address on bus $ARGV[0].\n";
exit 1;
elsif ($error == 2)
print STDERR
"EEPROM found at 0x$address on bus $ARGV[0], but is not an EDID EEPROM.\n";
exit 1;
# If no bus is given, try them all.
my $total = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)
$total++ unless print_edid($i, $address);
unless ($total)
print STDERR
"No EDID EEPROM found.\n";
exit 1;