blob: 4945c9823ae32d38c62c87584664cabd2b2c0f50 [file] [log] [blame]
* ipc_s.h for HP-UX 10.30 and above
* This header file defines the ipc_s structure for lsof. The ipc_s structure
* is the streams equivalent of a Berkeley-style inpcb (Internet Protocol
* Control Block). The ipc_s holds the TCP/IP address for a stream.
* The original HP-UX 11 distribution has a flat ipc_s structure, with hash
* links to other ipc_s structures, and direct links to the the read and write
* sections of the stream.
* After patch bundle B11.00.43 the ipc_s structure definition requires
* two other Q4-derived structures, mirg_s and ipis_s. The ipis_s structure
* contains the hash and stream links formerly contained in ipc_s.
* V. Abell <>
* February, 1998
* Patch bundle update supplied by: Kevin Vajk <>
* February, 1999
#if !defined(LSOF_IPC_S_H)
#define LSOF_IPC_S_H
#include "kernbits.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef struct mirg_s {
uint mirg_gen;
} mirg_t;
# if defined(HAS_IPC_S_PATCH)
typedef struct ipis_s {
union {
KA_T u_ipc_hash_next;
KA_T u_ill_hash_next;
KA_T u_ipis_hash_next;
} ipis_hash_next_u;
union {
KA_T u_ipc_ptphn;
KA_T u_ill_ptphn;
KA_T u_ipis_ptphn;
} ipis_ptphn_u;
KA_T ipis_readers_next;
KA_T ipis_readers_ptpn;
KA_T ipis_ptr_hash_next;
KA_T ipis_ptr_ptphn;
KA_T ipis_rq;
KA_T ipis_wq;
mirg_t ipis_mirg;
uint ipis_msgsqueued;
# endif /* HAS_IPC_S_PATCH==2 */
} ipis_t;
# endif /* defined(HAS_IPC_S_PATCH) */
typedef struct ipc_s {
# if defined(HAS_IPC_S_PATCH)
ipis_t ipc_ipis;
# else /* !defined(HAS_IPC_S_PATCH) */
KA_T ipc_hash_next; /* hash link -- ipc_s
* structures are hashed in
* ipc_tcp_conn[] and
* ipc_udp_conn[] */
mirg_t ipc_mirg;
KA_T ipc_readers_next;
KA_T ipc_readers_ptpn;
KA_T ipc_ptphn;
KA_T ipc_rq; /* stream's read queue */
KA_T ipc_wq; /* stream's write queue */
# endif /* defined(HAS_IPC_S_PATCH) */
int ipc_ioctl_pended;
union {
struct {
uint32_t ipcu_lcl_addr; /* local IP address */
uint32_t ipcu_rem_addr; /* remote IP address */
uint16_t ipcu_rem_port; /* remote port */
uint16_t ipcu_lcl_port; /* local port */
} ipcu_addrs;
uint16_t ipcu_tcp_addr[6];
} ipc_ipcu;
* The rest of the q4 elements are ignored.
} ipc_s_t;
#define ipc_udp_port ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_lcl_port
#define ipc_udp_addr ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_lcl_addr
#define ipc_tcp_lport ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_lcl_port
#define ipc_tcp_laddr ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_lcl_addr
#define ipc_tcp_fport ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_rem_port
#define ipc_tcp_faddr ipc_ipcu.ipcu_addrs.ipcu_rem_addr
#endif /* !defined(LSOF_IPC_S_H) */