blob: 1cb07df9e1e9b53dea5d22136f44d14b7c23f0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file string_manip_tests.cpp
* @remark Copyright 2003 OProfile authors
* @remark Read the file COPYING
* @author John Levon
* @author Philippe Elie
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include "string_manip.h"
using namespace std;
template <typename Input, typename Output>
struct input_output {
Input input;
Output output;
template <typename Input, typename Output, typename Result>
static void check_result(char const * fct_name, Input const & input,
Output const & output, Result const & result)
if (result != output) {
cerr << fct_name << ": \n"
<< "for:\n\"" << input << "\"\n"
<< "expect:\n\"" << output << "\"\n"
<< "found:\n\"" << result << "\"\n";
static input_output<char const*, char const*> expect_erase[] =
{ "", "" },
{ ";;;", "" },
{ "ab;;;cd", "cd" },
{ ";;;cd", "cd" },
{ "ab;;;", "" },
{ 0, 0 }
static void erase_to_last_of_tests()
input_output<char const *, char const*> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_erase; cur->input; ++cur) {
string result = erase_to_last_of(cur->input, ';');
check_result("erase_to_last_of()", cur->input, cur->output,
static input_output<char const *, pair<string, string> > expect_split[] =
#define MAKE_PAIR(a, b) make_pair(string(a), string(b))
{ "ab;cd", MAKE_PAIR("ab", "cd") },
{ ";cd", MAKE_PAIR("", "cd") },
{ "ab;", MAKE_PAIR("ab", "") },
{ "b;d", MAKE_PAIR("b", "d") },
{ ";d", MAKE_PAIR("", "d") },
{ "a;", MAKE_PAIR("a", "") },
{ ";", MAKE_PAIR("", "") },
{ "", MAKE_PAIR("", "") },
{ 0, MAKE_PAIR("", "") }
#undef MAKE_PAIR
static void split_tests()
input_output<char const *, pair<string, string> > const * cur;
for (cur = expect_split; cur->input; ++cur) {
string temp = cur->input;
string result = split(temp, ';');
check_result("split()", cur->input, cur->output.first, temp);
check_result("split()", cur->input, cur->output.second, result);
static input_output<char const *, pair<string, bool> > expect_is_prefix[] =
#define MAKE_PAIR(a, b) make_pair(string(a), b)
{ "abcd", MAKE_PAIR("abc", true) },
{ "abcd", MAKE_PAIR("ac", false) },
{ "babcd", MAKE_PAIR("abc", false) },
// these invoke undefined behavior from is_prefix, we keep them
// for the record.
// { "babcd", MAKE_PAIR("", false) },
// { "", MAKE_PAIR("", false) },
{ 0, MAKE_PAIR("", true) }
#undef MAKE_PAIR
static void is_prefix_tests()
input_output<char const *, pair<string, bool> > const * cur;
for (cur = expect_is_prefix; cur->input; ++cur) {
bool result = is_prefix(cur->input, cur->output.first);
if (result != cur->output.second) {
cerr << "is_prefix(" << cur->input << ", "
<< cur->output.first << ") "
<< "return " << result << endl;
static const size_t max_token = 8;
static input_output<char const *, char const *[max_token]> expect_separate_token[] =
{ "aa", { "aa" } },
{ "a\\c", { "a\\c" } },
{ "a\\\\c", { "a\\\\c" } },
{ "a\\\\c\\", { "a\\\\c\\" } },
{ "ab;cd;ef;gh", { "ab", "cd", "ef", "gh" } },
{ "ab\\;cd", { "ab;cd" } },
{ "a;a", { "a", "a" } },
{ ";a", { "", "a" } },
{ ";", { "", "" } },
{ ";;", { "", "", "" } },
{ 0, { 0, } }
static void separate_token_tests()
input_output<char const *, char const *[max_token]> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_separate_token; cur->input; ++cur) {
vector<string> result = separate_token(cur->input, ';');
if (result.size() > max_token) {
cerr << "separate_token(): too many token\n"
<< "input:\n"
<< '"' << cur->input << "\"\n"
<< "output\n";
copy(result.begin(), result.end(),
ostream_iterator<string>(cerr, "\n"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
if (result[i] != cur->output[i]) {
cerr << "separate_token():\n"
<< "input:\n"
<< cur->input << endl;
cerr << "expect:\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_token; ++i) {
if (!cur->output[i])
cerr << cur->output[i] << endl;
cerr << "output:\n";
copy(result.begin(), result.end(),
ostream_iterator<string>(cerr, "\n"));
static input_output<char const *, char const *> expect_rtrim[] =
{ "abc", "abc" },
{ "abc ", "abc" },
{ " abc ", " abc" },
{ " abc \t \t", " abc" },
{ " ", "" },
{ "\t \t", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ 0, 0 }
static void rtrim_tests()
input_output<char const *, char const*> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_rtrim; cur->input; ++cur) {
string result = rtrim(cur->input);
check_result("rtrim()", cur->input, cur->output, result);
static input_output<char const *, char const *> expect_ltrim[] =
{ "abc", "abc" },
{ "abc ", "abc " },
{ " abc ", "abc " },
{ "\t \tabc ", "abc " },
{ " ", "" },
{ "\t \t", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ 0, 0 }
static void ltrim_tests()
input_output<char const *, char const*> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_ltrim; cur->input; ++cur) {
string result = ltrim(cur->input);
check_result("ltrim()", cur->input, cur->output, result);
static input_output<char const *, char const *> expect_trim[] =
{ "abc", "abc" },
{ "abc ", "abc" },
{ " abc ", "abc" },
{ "\t \tabc \t", "abc" },
{ " ", "" },
{ "\t \t", "" },
{ "", "" },
{ 0, 0 }
static void trim_tests()
input_output<char const *, char const*> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_trim; cur->input; ++cur) {
string result = trim(cur->input);
check_result("trim()", cur->input, cur->output, result);
static input_output<double, char const *> expect_format_percent[] =
{ 2.2, " 2.2000" },
{ 0, " 0" },
{ 100.00, "100.000" },
{ 99.99999, "100.000" },
{ 0.00000344, "3.4e-06" },
// FIXME, must be 3.e-124 but output is 3.4e-124
// { 0.34e-123, "3.e-124" },
{ -1.0, 0 }
static void format_percent_tests()
input_output<double, char const*> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_format_percent; cur->input != -1.0; ++cur) {
string result = format_percent(cur->input, percent_int_width,
check_result("format_percent()", cur->input, cur->output,
static input_output<unsigned int, char const *> expect_from_str_to_uint[] =
{ 123, "123" },
{ 33, "33" },
{ 0, "0" },
{ 0, 0 }
static void tostr_tests()
input_output<unsigned int, char const *> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_from_str_to_uint; cur->output; ++cur) {
string result = op_lexical_cast<string>(cur->input);
check_result("op_lexical_cast()", cur->input,
cur->output, result);
static void touint_tests()
// reversed input/output of the previous tests
input_output<unsigned int, char const *> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_from_str_to_uint; cur->output; ++cur) {
unsigned int result =
op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(cur->output);
check_result("op_lexical_cast()", cur->output, cur->input,
static input_output<char const*, bool> expect_from_str_to_bool[] =
{ "0", false },
{ "1", true },
{ 0, 0 }
static void tobool_tests()
input_output<char const *, bool> const * cur;
for (cur = expect_from_str_to_bool; cur->input; ++cur) {
bool result = op_lexical_cast<bool>(cur->input);
check_result("op_lexical_cast()", cur->input, cur->output,
// FIXME: more op_lexical_cast<> tests
int main()