blob: 6718c104b0294e557363ad3b0f69d6bb2a36447b [file] [log] [blame]
* Definitions for DHD command-line utility
* $Copyright Open Broadcom Corporation$
* $Id: dhdu.h 379386 2013-01-17 07:20:55Z $
#ifndef _dhdu_h_
#define _dhdu_h_
#include "dhdu_cmd.h"
extern char *dhdu_av0;
/* parse common option */
extern int dhd_option(char ***pargv, char **pifname, int *phelp);
extern void dhd_cmd_init(void);
/* print usage */
extern void dhd_cmd_usage(cmd_t *cmd);
extern void dhd_usage(cmd_t *port_cmds);
extern void dhd_cmds_usage(cmd_t *port_cmds);
/* print helpers */
extern void dhd_printlasterror(void *dhd);
extern void dhd_printint(int val);
/* check driver version */
extern int dhd_check(void *dhd);
/* utility functions */
struct ipv4_addr;
int dhd_ether_atoe(const char *a, struct ether_addr *n);
int dhd_atoip(const char *a, struct ipv4_addr *n);
/* integer output format */
#define INT_FMT_DEC 0 /* signed integer */
#define INT_FMT_UINT 1 /* unsigned integer */
#define INT_FMT_HEX 2 /* hexdecimal */
/* command line argument usage */
#define CMD_ERR -1 /* Error for command */
#define CMD_OPT 0 /* a command line option */
#define CMD_DHD 1 /* the start of a dhd command */
#endif /* _dhdu_h_ */