blob: e7f9a3e819abef79052925db2fe6848cc23680f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Command structure for dhd command line utility, copied from wl utility
* $Copyright Open Broadcom Corporation$
* $Id: dhdu_cmd.h 241182 2011-02-17 21:50:03Z $
#ifndef _dhdu_cmd_h_
#define _dhdu_cmd_h_
typedef struct cmd cmd_t;
typedef int (cmd_func_t)(void *dhd, cmd_t *cmd, char **argv);
/* generic command line argument handler */
struct cmd {
char *name;
cmd_func_t *func;
int get;
int set;
char *help;
/* list of command line arguments */
extern cmd_t dhd_cmds[];
extern cmd_t dhd_varcmd;
/* Special set cmds to do download via dev node interface if present */
#define DHD_DLDN_ST 0x400
#define DHD_DLDN_END (DHD_DLDN_ST + 2)
/* per-port ioctl handlers */
extern int dhd_get(void *dhd, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
extern int dhd_set(void *dhd, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
#endif /* _dhdu_cmd_h_ */