blob: 8464b3cbc1a5ec5ba900c6adf5c70172c8a21605 [file] [log] [blame]
* Linux port of dhd command line utility, hacked from wl utility.
* Copyright (C) 2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* $Id: dhdu_common.h 379386 2013-01-17 07:20:55Z $
/* Common header file for dhdu_linux.c and dhdu_ndis.c */
#ifndef _dhdu_common_h
#define _dhdu_common_h
#if !defined(RWL_WIFI) && !defined(RWL_DONGLE) && !defined(RWL_SOCKET) && \
#define NO_REMOTE 0
#define REMOTE_WIFI 3
/* For cross OS support */
#define LINUX_OS 1
#define WIN32_OS 2
#define MAC_OSX 3
#define BACKLOG 4
#define WINVISTA_OS 5
#define INDONGLE 6
#define RWL_WIFI_ACTION_CMD "wifiaction"
#define RWL_WIFI_GET_ACTION_CMD "rwlwifivsaction"
#define RWL_DONGLE_SET_CMD "dongleset"
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAIL -1
#define NO_PACKET -2
/* Added for debug utility support */
#define ERR stderr
#define OUTPUT stdout
#define DEBUG_ERR 0x0001
#define DEBUG_INFO 0x0002
#define DEBUG_DBG 0x0004
#define DPRINT_ERR if (defined_debug & DEBUG_ERR) \
#define DPRINT_INFO if (defined_debug & DEBUG_INFO) \
#define DPRINT_DBG if (defined_debug & DEBUG_DBG) \
extern int wl_get(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
extern int wl_set(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
/* DHD utility function declarations */
extern int dhd_check(void *dhd);
extern int dhd_atoip(const char *a, struct ipv4_addr *n);
extern int dhd_option(char ***pargv, char **pifname, int *phelp);
void dhd_usage(cmd_t *port_cmds);
/* Remote DHD declarations */
int remote_type = NO_REMOTE;
extern char *g_rwl_buf_mac;
extern char* g_rwl_device_name_serial;
unsigned short g_rwl_servport;
char *g_rwl_servIP = NULL;
unsigned short defined_debug = DEBUG_ERR | DEBUG_INFO;
static int process_args(struct ifreq* ifr, char **argv);
#define dtoh32(i) i
#define dtoh16(i) i
#endif /* _dhdu_common_h_ */