blob: c305f7ee8d4a796a2a7b9f3a637e26d2d7bc4170 [file] [log] [blame]
* HND Run Time Environment debug info area
* $Copyright Open Broadcom Corporation$
* $Id: hndrte_debug.h 342211 2012-07-02 02:23:04Z $
/* Magic number at a magic location to find HNDRTE_DEBUG pointers */
#define HNDRTE_DEBUG_PTR_PTR_MAGIC 0x50504244 /* DBPP */
/* Includes only when building dongle code */
/* We use explicit sizes here since this gets included from different
* systems. The sizes must be the size of the creating system
* (currently 32 bit ARM) since this is gleaned from dump.
#ifdef FWID
extern uint32 gFWID;
/* Define pointers for use on other systems */
#define _HD_EVLOG_P uint32
#define _HD_CONS_P uint32
#define _HD_TRAP_P uint32
typedef struct hndrte_debug {
uint32 magic;
#define HNDRTE_DEBUG_MAGIC 0x47424544 /* 'DEBG' */
uint32 version; /* Debug struct version */
uint32 fwid; /* 4 bytes of fw info */
char epivers[32];
_HD_TRAP_P trap_ptr; /* trap_t data struct */
_HD_CONS_P console; /* Console */
uint32 ram_base;
uint32 ram_size;
uint32 rom_base;
uint32 rom_size;
_HD_EVLOG_P event_log_top;
} hndrte_debug_t;
* timeval_t and prstatus_t are copies of the Linux structures.
* Included here because we need the definitions for the target processor
* (32 bits) and not the definition on the host this is running on
* (which could be 64 bits).
typedef struct { /* Time value with microsecond resolution */
uint32 tv_sec; /* Seconds */
uint32 tv_usec; /* Microseconds */
} timeval_t;
/* Linux/ARM 32 prstatus for notes section */
typedef struct prstatus {
int32 si_signo; /* Signal number */
int32 si_code; /* Extra code */
int32 si_errno; /* Errno */
uint16 pr_cursig; /* Current signal. */
uint16 unused;
uint32 pr_sigpend; /* Set of pending signals. */
uint32 pr_sighold; /* Set of held signals. */
uint32 pr_pid;
uint32 pr_ppid;
uint32 pr_pgrp;
uint32 pr_sid;
timeval_t pr_utime; /* User time. */
timeval_t pr_stime; /* System time. */
timeval_t pr_cutime; /* Cumulative user time. */
timeval_t pr_cstime; /* Cumulative system time. */
uint32 uregs[18];
int32 pr_fpvalid; /* True if math copro being used. */
} prstatus_t;
#ifdef __GNUC__
extern hndrte_debug_t hndrte_debug_info;
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
#endif /* _HNDRTE_DEBUG_H */