blob: 9b2ef121e26dd0defdd3bd22219bec7c64fe2de0 [file] [log] [blame]
## This is a common config file that is used mainly by modules
## or brand makefiles. The ".usf" suffix stands for "universal
## settings file". The important feature is that this file is
## both legal makefile and shell syntax, and could be parsed as
## a properties file by any language (Perl, Python, Java, ...)
## which understands properties.
## Rules: Each line is either an assignment, a comment, or blank.
## Assignments MUST be of the form "foo=bar" (no spaces) and
## comments have a leading "#" character.
## It can be included by common templates like,
## or by brand makefiles, or sourced by build scripts.
## $Id: WLAN.usf 429692 2013-10-15 19:51:40Z jqliu $
# Current list of components
# This list is used in module makefiles to set vpath search
# paths and include paths
WLAN_COMPONENT_PATHS=src/shared/bcmwifi src/wl/clm src/wl/lwip src/wl/plqmr src/wl/ppr src/wl/rel_mcast src/wl/gas src/wl/encode src/wl/olpc src/wl/keymgmt src/wl/iocv src/wl/dump src/wl/phymods/cmn/hal src/wl/phymods
# This is a staging area for generated content that need to be shared
# between build step and packaging step. E.g when CLM data files
# need to be packaged, they are first staged to $(WLAN_GEN_BASEDIR)
# and packaged from there.
# This is the conventional Windows mount point for network files.