blob: 013f8af51faeb5dc31eb7c6133c5f9714f705c9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Wlm (Wireless LAN Manufacturing) test library.
* Copyright (C) 2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* $Id: wlm.c 425281 2013-09-23 17:40:45Z $
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <bcmcdc.h> // cdc_ioctl_t used in wlu_remote.h
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <bcmstdlib.h>
#include <bcmendian.h>
#include <bcmutils.h> // ARRAYSIZE, bcmerrorstr()
#include <bcmsrom_fmt.h> // SROM4_WORDS
#include <bcmsrom_tbl.h> // pavars_t
#include <wlioctl.h>
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <epictrl.h> // ADAPTER
#include <proto/ethernet.h> // ETHER_ADDR_LEN
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <proto/bcmip.h> // ipv4_addr
#include <arpa/inet.h> // struct sockaddr_in
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "wlu_remote.h" // wl remote type defines (ex: NO_REMOTE)
#include "wlu_pipe.h" // rwl_open_pipe()
#include "wlu.h" // wl_ether_atoe()
#include "wlm.h"
#include "wlc_ppr.h"
/* IOCTL swapping mode for Big Endian host with Little Endian dongle. Default to off */
#define htod32(i) (i)
#define htod16(i) (i)
#define dtoh32(i) (i)
#define dtoh16(i) (i)
#define htodchanspec(i) (i)
#define dtohchanspec(i) (i)
#define htodenum(i) (i)
#define dtohenum(i) (i)
#if defined(WIN32)
static HANDLE irh;
int adapter;
static void * irh;
#define HANDLE void *
static char interfaceName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = {0};
static WLM_BAND curBand = WLM_BAND_AUTO;
static int ioctl_version;
extern int wl_os_type_get_rwl(void);
extern void wl_os_type_set_rwl(int os_type);
extern int wl_ir_init_rwl(HANDLE *irh);
extern int wl_ir_init_adapter_rwl(HANDLE *irh, int adapter);
extern void wl_close_rwl(int remote_type, HANDLE irh);
extern int rwl_init_socket(void);
extern int wlu_get(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
extern int wlu_set(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
extern int wlu_iovar_get(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *outbuf, int len);
extern int wlu_iovar_set(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int paramlen);
extern int wlu_iovar_getint(void *wl, const char *iovar, int *pval);
extern int wlu_iovar_setint(void *wl, const char *iovar, int val);
extern int wlu_var_getbuf(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len, void **bufptr);
extern int wlu_var_setbuf(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len);
extern int wlu_var_getbuf_med(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int parmlen, void **bufptr);
extern int wlu_var_setbuf_med(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len);
extern int wlu_var_getbuf_sm(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int parmlen, void **bufptr);
extern int wlu_var_setbuf_sm(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len);
extern int wl_seq_batch_in_client(bool enable);
extern int wl_seq_start(void *wl, cmd_t *cmd, char **argv);
extern int wl_seq_stop(void *wl, cmd_t *cmd, char **argv);
static int wlmPhyTypeGet(void);
static const char *
static const char *bcmerrorstrtable[] = BCMERRSTRINGTABLE;
static char errorString[256];
int bcmerror;
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "bcmerror", &bcmerror))
return "Failed to retrieve error";
if (bcmerror > 0 || bcmerror < BCME_LAST) {
sprintf(errorString, "Undefined error (%d)", bcmerror);
} else {
sprintf(errorString, "%s (%d)", bcmerrorstrtable[-bcmerror], bcmerror);
return errorString;
int wlmWLMVersionGet(const char **buffer)
*buffer = WLM_VERSION_STR;
return TRUE;
int wlmApiInit(void)
curBand = WLM_BAND_AUTO;
return TRUE;
int wlmApiCleanup(void)
wl_close_rwl(rwl_get_remote_type(), irh);
irh = 0;
return TRUE;
int wlmSelectInterface(WLM_DUT_INTERFACE ifType, char *ifName,
int val;
/* close previous handle */
if (irh != NULL) {
switch (ifType) {
/* ERROR! Unknown interface! */
return FALSE;
if (ifName) {
strncpy(interfaceName, ifName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LENGTH);
switch (dutOs) {
case WLM_DUT_OS_WIN32:
/* ERROR! Unknown OS! */
return FALSE;
switch (rwl_get_remote_type()) {
struct ipv4_addr temp;
if (!wl_atoip(interfaceName, &temp)) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: IP address invalid\n");
return FALSE;
rwl_set_serial_port_name(interfaceName); /* x (port number) or /dev/ttySx */
if ((irh = rwl_open_pipe(rwl_get_remote_type(),
rwl_get_serial_port_name(), 0, 0)) == NULL) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: rwl_open_pipe failed\n");
return FALSE;
rwl_set_serial_port_name(interfaceName); /* COMx or /dev/ttySx */
if ((irh = rwl_open_pipe(rwl_get_remote_type(), "\0", 0, 0)) == NULL) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: rwl_open_pipe failed\n");
return FALSE;
if (!wl_ether_atoe(interfaceName,
(struct ether_addr *)rwl_get_wifi_mac())) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: ethernet MAC address invalid\n");
return FALSE;
/* intentionally no break here to pass through to NO_REMOTE case */
#if defined(WIN32)
adapter = atoi(interfaceName);
if (adapter == 0)
adapter = -1;
if (wl_ir_init_adapter_rwl(&irh, adapter) != 0) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: Adapter %d init failed\n", adapter);
return FALSE;
if (wl_ir_init_rwl(&irh) != 0) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: initialize failed\n");
return FALSE;
/* ERROR! Invalid interface!
* NOTE: API should not allow code to come here.
return FALSE;
/* Query the IOCTL API version */
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_VERSION, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: IOCTL Version query failed\n");
return FALSE;
ioctl_version = dtoh32(val);
if (ioctl_version != WLC_IOCTL_VERSION &&
ioctl_version != 1) {
printf("wlmSelectInterface: Version mismatch, please upgrade."
"Got %d, expected %d or 1\n",
ioctl_version, WLC_IOCTL_VERSION);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmVersionGet(char *buf, int len)
if (buf == 0) {
printf("wlmVersionGet: buffer invalid\n");
return FALSE;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
/* query for 'ver' to get version info */
if (wlu_iovar_get(irh, "ver", buf, (len < WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN) ? len : WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN)) {
printf("wlmVersionGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmEnableAdapterUp(int enable)
/* Enable/disable adapter */
if (enable)
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_UP, NULL, 0)) {
printf("wlmEnableAdapterUp: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
else {
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_DOWN, NULL, 0)) {
printf("wlmEnableAdapterUp: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIsAdapterUp(int *up)
/* Get 'isup' - check if adapter is up */
up = dtoh32(up);
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_UP, up, sizeof(int))) {
printf("wlmIsAdapterUp: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMinPowerConsumption(int enable)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "mpc", enable)) {
printf("wlmMinPowerConsumption: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMimoPreambleGet(int* type)
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "mimo_preamble", type)) {
printf("wlmMimoPreambleGet(): %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMimoPreambleSet(int type)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "mimo_preamble", type)) {
printf("wlmMimoPreambleSet(): %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmChannelSet(int channel)
/* Check band lock first before set channel */
if ((channel <= 14) && (curBand != WLM_BAND_2G)) {
curBand = WLM_BAND_2G;
} else if ((channel > 14) && (curBand != WLM_BAND_5G)) {
curBand = WLM_BAND_5G;
/* Set 'channel' */
channel = htod32(channel);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_CHANNEL, &channel, sizeof(channel))) {
printf("wlmChannelSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRateSet(WLM_RATE rate)
char aname[] = "a_rate";
char bgname[] = "bg_rate";
char *name;
switch (curBand) {
printf("wlmRateSet: must set channel or band lock first \n");
return FALSE;
printf("wlmRateSet: must set channel or band lock first\n");
return FALSE;
case WLM_BAND_5G :
name = (char *)aname;
case WLM_BAND_2G :
name = (char *)bgname;
default :
return FALSE;
rate = htod32(rate);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, name, rate)) {
printf("wlmRateSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmLegacyRateSet(WLM_RATE rate)
uint32 nrate = 0;
if (ioctl_version == 1) {
nrate |= (rate & OLD_NRATE_RATE_MASK);
} else {
nrate = WL_RSPEC_ENCODE_RATE; /* 11abg */
nrate |= (rate & WL_RSPEC_RATE_MASK);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "nrate", (int)nrate)) {
printf("wlmMcsRateSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMcsRateSet(WLM_MCS_RATE mcs_rate, WLM_STF_MODE stf_mode)
uint32 nrate = 0;
uint stf;
if (mcs_rate > 32) {
printf("wlmMcsRateSet: MCS %d out of range\n", mcs_rate);
return FALSE;
if (ioctl_version == 1) {
nrate |= mcs_rate;
if (!stf_mode) {
stf = 0;
if (mcs_rate <= HIGHEST_SINGLE_STREAM_MCS ||
mcs_rate == 32)
stf = OLD_NRATE_STF_SDM; /* SDM */
} else
stf = stf_mode;
} else {
nrate = WL_RSPEC_ENCODE_HT; /* 11n HT */
nrate |= mcs_rate;
/* decode WLM stf value into tx expansion and STBC */
if (stf_mode == WLM_STF_MODE_CDD) {
nrate |= (1 << WL_RSPEC_TXEXP_SHIFT);
} else if (stf_mode == WLM_STF_MODE_STBC) {
nrate |= WL_RSPEC_STBC;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "nrate", (int)nrate)) {
printf("wlmMcsRateSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPreambleSet(WLM_PREAMBLE preamble)
preamble = htod32(preamble);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_PLCPHDR, &preamble, sizeof(preamble))) {
printf("wlmPreambleSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmBandSet(WLM_BAND band)
band = htod32(band);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_BAND, (void *)&band, sizeof(band))) {
printf("wlmBandSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
curBand = band;
return TRUE;
int wlmGetBandList(WLM_BAND * bands)
unsigned int list[3];
unsigned int i;
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_BANDLIST, list, sizeof(list))) {
printf("wlmGetBandList: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
list[0] = dtoh32(list[0]);
list[1] = dtoh32(list[1]);
list[2] = dtoh32(list[2]);
/* list[0] is count, followed by 'count' bands */
if (list[0] > 2)
list[0] = 2;
for (i = 1, *bands = (WLM_BAND)0; i <= list[0]; i++)
*bands |= list[i];
return TRUE;
int wlmGmodeSet(WLM_GMODE gmode)
/* Set 'gmode' - select mode in 2.4G band */
gmode = htod32(gmode);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_GMODE, (void *)&gmode, sizeof(gmode))) {
printf("wlmGmodeSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRxAntSet(int antenna)
/* Set 'antdiv' - select receive antenna */
antenna = htod32(antenna);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_ANTDIV, &antenna, sizeof(antenna))) {
printf("wlmRxAntSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxAntSet(int antenna)
/* Set 'txant' - select transmit antenna */
antenna = htod32(antenna);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_TXANT, &antenna, sizeof(antenna))) {
printf("wlmTxAntSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmEstimatedPowerGet(int *estPower, int chain)
int mimo;
int is2g;
size_t pprsize = ppr_ser_size_by_bw(ppr_get_max_bw());
/* Allocate memory for structure and 2 serialisation buffer */
tx_pwr_rpt_t *ppr_wl = (tx_pwr_rpt_t *)malloc(sizeof(tx_pwr_rpt_t) + pprsize*2);
uint8 *ppr_ser;
if (ppr_wl == NULL)
return FALSE;
ppr_ser = ppr_wl->pprdata;
memset(ppr_wl, 0, sizeof(tx_pwr_rpt_t) + pprsize*2);
ppr_wl->board_limit_len = pprsize;
ppr_wl->target_len = pprsize;
ppr_wl->version = TX_POWER_T_VERSION;
/* init allocated mem for serialisation */
ppr_init_ser_mem_by_bw(ppr_ser, ppr_get_max_bw(), ppr_wl->board_limit_len);
ppr_ser += ppr_wl->board_limit_len;
ppr_init_ser_mem_by_bw(ppr_ser, ppr_get_max_bw(), ppr_wl->target_len);
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_CURRENT_PWR, ppr_wl, sizeof(tx_pwr_rpt_t) + pprsize*2) < 0) {
printf("wlmEstimatedPowerGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
ppr_wl->flags = dtoh32(ppr_wl->flags);
ppr_wl->chanspec = dtohchanspec(ppr_wl->chanspec);
mimo = (ppr_wl->flags & WL_TX_POWER_F_MIMO);
/* value returned is in units of quarter dBm, need to multiply by 250 to get milli-dBm */
if (mimo) {
*estPower = ppr_wl->est_Pout[chain] * 250;
} else {
*estPower = ppr_wl->est_Pout[0] * 250;
if (ioctl_version == 1) {
is2g = LCHSPEC_IS2G(ppr_wl->chanspec);
} else {
is2g = CHSPEC_IS2G(ppr_wl->chanspec);
if (!mimo && is2g) {
*estPower = ppr_wl->est_Pout_cck * 250;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxPowerGet(int *power)
int val;
if ((wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "qtxpower", &val)) < 0) {
printf("wlmTxPowerGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
/* value returned is in units of quarter dBm, need to multiply by 250 to get milli-dBm */
*power = val * 250;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxPowerSet(int powerValue)
int newValue = 0;
if (powerValue == -1) {
newValue = 127; /* Max val of 127 qdbm */
} else {
/* expected to be in units of quarter dBm */
newValue = powerValue / 250;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "qtxpower", newValue)) {
printf("wlmTxPowerSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static int wlmPhyTypeGet(void)
int phytype = PHY_TYPE_NULL;
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_PHYTYPE, &phytype, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmPhyTypeGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return phytype;
int wlmPaParametersGet(WLM_BANDRANGE bandrange,
unsigned int *a1, unsigned int *b0, unsigned int *b1)
uint16 inpa[WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN];
void *ptr = NULL;
uint16 *outpa;
int i = 0;
int phytype = PHY_TYPE_NULL;
*a1 = 0;
*b0 = 0;
*b1 = 0;
/* Do not rely on user to have knowledge of phytype */
phytype = wlmPhyTypeGet();
if (phytype != PHY_TYPE_NULL) {
inpa[i++] = phytype;
inpa[i++] = bandrange;
inpa[i++] = 0; /* Fix me: default with chain 0 for all SISO system */
} else {
printf("wlmPaParametersGet: unknow Phy type\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_var_getbuf_sm(irh, "pavars", inpa, WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN * sizeof(uint16), &ptr)) {
printf("wlmPaParametersGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
outpa = (uint16 *)ptr;
*b0 = outpa[i++];
*b1 = outpa[i++];
*a1 = outpa[i++];
return TRUE;
int wlmPaParametersSet(WLM_BANDRANGE bandrange,
unsigned int a1, unsigned int b0, unsigned int b1)
uint16 inpa[WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN];
int i = 0;
int phytype = PHY_TYPE_NULL;
/* Do not rely on user to have knowledge of phy type */
phytype = wlmPhyTypeGet();
if (phytype != PHY_TYPE_NULL) {
inpa[i++] = phytype;
inpa[i++] = bandrange;
inpa[i++] = 0; /* Fix me: default with chain 0 for all SISO system */
} else {
printf("wlmPaParametersSet: unknow Phy type\n");
return FALSE;
inpa[i++] = b0;
inpa[i++] = b1;
inpa[i++] = a1;
if (wlu_var_setbuf_sm(irh, "pavars", inpa, WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN * sizeof(uint16))) {
printf("wlmPaParametersSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMIMOPaParametersGet(WLM_BANDRANGE bandrange, int chain,
unsigned int *a1, unsigned int *b0, unsigned int *b1)
uint16 inpa[WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN];
void *ptr = NULL;
uint16 *outpa;
int i = 0;
int phytype = PHY_TYPE_NULL;
/* Do not rely on user to have knowledge of phytype */
phytype = wlmPhyTypeGet();
if (phytype != PHY_TYPE_NULL) {
inpa[i++] = phytype;
inpa[i++] = bandrange;
inpa[i++] = chain;
} else {
printf("wlmMIMOPaParametersGet: unknow Phy type\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_var_getbuf_sm(irh, "pavars", inpa, WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN * sizeof(uint16), &ptr)) {
printf("wlmMIMOPaParametersGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
outpa = (uint16 *)ptr;
*a1 = outpa[i++];
*b0 = outpa[i++];
*b1 = outpa[i++];
return TRUE;
int wlmMIMOPaParametersSet(WLM_BANDRANGE bandrange, int chain,
unsigned int a1, unsigned int b0, unsigned int b1)
uint16 inpa[WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN];
int i = 0;
int phytype = PHY_TYPE_NULL;
/* Do not rely on user to have knowledge of phy type */
phytype = wlmPhyTypeGet();
if (phytype != PHY_TYPE_NULL) {
inpa[i++] = phytype;
inpa[i++] = bandrange;
inpa[i++] = chain;
} else {
printf("wlmMIMOPaParametersSet: unknow Phy type\n");
return FALSE;
inpa[i++] = a1;
inpa[i++] = b0;
inpa[i++] = b1;
if (wlu_var_setbuf_sm(irh, "pavars", inpa, WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN * sizeof(uint16))) {
printf("wlmMIMOPaParametersSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMacAddrGet(char *macAddr, int length)
struct ether_addr ea = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
/* query for 'cur_etheraddr' to get MAC address */
if (wlu_iovar_get(irh, "cur_etheraddr", &ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) < 0) {
printf("wlmMacAddrGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
strncpy(macAddr, wl_ether_etoa(&ea), length);
return TRUE;
int wlmMacAddrSet(const char* macAddr)
struct ether_addr ea;
if (!wl_ether_atoe(macAddr, &ea)) {
printf("wlmMacAddrSet: MAC address invalid: %s\n", macAddr);
return FALSE;
/* Set 'cur_etheraddr' to set MAC address */
if (wlu_iovar_set(irh, "cur_etheraddr", (void *)&ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) {
printf("wlmMacAddrSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmEnableCarrierTone(int enable, int channel)
int val = channel;
if (!enable) {
val = 0;
else {
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_OUT, NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmEnableCarrierTone: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_FREQ_ACCURACY, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmEnableCarrierTone: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmEnableEVMTest(int enable, WLM_RATE rate, int channel)
int val[3] = {0};
val[1] = WLM_RATE_1M; /* default value */
if (enable) {
val[0] = htod32(channel);
val[1] = htod32(rate);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_OUT, NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmEnableEVMTest: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_EVM, val, sizeof(val)) < 0) {
printf("wlmEnableEVMTest: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxPacketStart(unsigned int interPacketDelay,
unsigned int numPackets, unsigned int packetLength,
const char* destMac, int withAck, int syncMode)
wl_pkteng_t pkteng;
if (!wl_ether_atoe(destMac, (struct ether_addr *)&pkteng.dest)) {
printf("wlmTxPacketStart: destMac invalid\n");
return FALSE;
if (syncMode)
pkteng.flags |= WL_PKTENG_SYNCHRONOUS;
pkteng.flags &= ~WL_PKTENG_SYNCHRONOUS;
pkteng.delay = interPacketDelay;
pkteng.length = packetLength;
pkteng.nframes = numPackets;
pkteng.seqno = 0; /* not used */
pkteng.src = ether_null; /* implies current ether addr */
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "pkteng", &pkteng, sizeof(pkteng))) {
printf("wlmTxPacketStart: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxPacketStop(void)
wl_pkteng_t pkteng;
memset(&pkteng, 0, sizeof(pkteng));
pkteng.flags = WL_PKTENG_PER_TX_STOP;
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "pkteng", &pkteng, sizeof(pkteng)) < 0) {
printf("wlmTxPacketStop: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRxPacketStart(const char* srcMac, int withAck,
int syncMode, unsigned int numPackets, unsigned int timeout)
wl_pkteng_t pkteng;
if (!wl_ether_atoe(srcMac, (struct ether_addr *)&pkteng.dest)) {
printf("wlmRxPacketStart: srcMac invalid\n");
return FALSE;
if (syncMode) {
pkteng.flags |= WL_PKTENG_SYNCHRONOUS;
pkteng.nframes = numPackets;
pkteng.delay = timeout;
else {
pkteng.flags &= ~WL_PKTENG_SYNCHRONOUS;
pkteng.length = 0;
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "pkteng", &pkteng, sizeof(pkteng))) {
printf("wlmRxPacketStart: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRxPacketStop(void)
wl_pkteng_t pkteng;
memset(&pkteng, 0, sizeof(pkteng));
pkteng.flags = WL_PKTENG_PER_RX_STOP;
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "pkteng", &pkteng, sizeof(pkteng)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRxPacketStop: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxGetAckedPackets(unsigned int *count)
wl_cnt_t *cnt;
if (wlu_var_getbuf(irh, "counters", NULL, 0, (void **)&cnt)) {
printf("wlmTxGetAckedPackets: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
*count = dtoh32(cnt->rxackucast);
return TRUE;
int wlmRxGetReceivedPackets(unsigned int *count)
wl_cnt_t *cnt;
if (wlu_var_getbuf_med(irh, "counters", NULL, 0, (void **)&cnt)) {
printf("wlmRxGetReceivedPackets: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
cnt->version = dtoh16(cnt->version);
cnt->length = dtoh16(cnt->version);
/* current wl_cnt_t version is 7 */
if (cnt->version == WL_CNT_T_VERSION) {
*count = dtoh32(cnt->pktengrxducast);
} else {
*count = dtoh32(cnt->rxdfrmucastmbss);
return TRUE;
int wlmRssiGet(int *rssi)
wl_pkteng_stats_t *cnt;
if (wlu_var_getbuf(irh, "pkteng_stats", NULL, 0, (void **)&cnt)) {
printf("wlmRssiGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
*rssi = dtoh32(cnt->rssi);
return TRUE;
int wlmSequenceStart(int clientBatching)
if (wl_seq_batch_in_client((bool)clientBatching)) {
printf("wlmSequenceStart: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (wl_seq_start(irh, 0, 0)) {
printf("wlmSequenceStart: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSequenceStop(void)
if (wl_seq_stop(irh, 0, 0)) {
printf("wlmSequenceStop: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSequenceDelay(int msec)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "seq_delay", msec)) {
printf("wlmSequenceDelay: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSequenceErrorIndex(int *index)
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "seq_error_index", index)) {
printf("wlmSequenceErrorIndex: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmDeviceImageWrite(const char* byteStream, int length, WLM_IMAGE_TYPE imageType)
srom_rw_t *srt;
char buffer[WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN] = {0};
char *bufp;
char *cisp, *cisdata;
cis_rw_t cish;
if (byteStream == NULL) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: Buffer is invalid!\n");
return FALSE;
if (length > SROM_MAX+1) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: Data length should be less than %d bytes\n", SROM_MAX);
return FALSE;
switch (imageType) {
srt = (srom_rw_t *)buffer;
memcpy(srt->buf, byteStream, length);
if (length == SROM4_WORDS * 2) {
if ((srt->buf[SROM4_SIGN] != SROM4_SIGNATURE) &&
(srt->buf[SROM8_SIGN] != SROM4_SIGNATURE)) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: Data lacks a REV4 signature!\n");
return FALSE;
} else if ((length != SROM_WORDS * 2) && (length != SROM_MAX)) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: Data length is invalid!\n");
return FALSE;
srt->nbytes = length;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_SROM, buffer, length + 8)) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
bufp = buffer;
strcpy(bufp, "ciswrite");
bufp += strlen("ciswrite") + 1;
cisp = bufp;
cisdata = cisp + sizeof(cish);
cish.source = htod32(0);
memcpy(cisdata, byteStream, length);
cish.byteoff = htod32(0);
cish.nbytes = htod32(length);
memcpy(cisp, (char*)&cish, sizeof(cish));
if (wl_set(irh, WLC_SET_VAR, buffer, (cisp - buffer) + sizeof(cish) + length) < 0) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (!wlmDeviceImageWrite(byteStream, length, WLM_TYPE_SROM) &&
!wlmDeviceImageWrite(byteStream, length, WLM_TYPE_OTP)) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("wlmDeviceImageWrite: Invalid image type!\n");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmDeviceImageRead(char* byteStream, unsigned int len, WLM_IMAGE_TYPE imageType)
srom_rw_t *srt;
cis_rw_t *cish;
char buf[WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN] = {0};
unsigned int numRead = 0;
if (byteStream == NULL) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: Buffer is invalid!\n");
return FALSE;
if (len > SROM_MAX) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: byteStream should be less than %d bytes!\n", SROM_MAX);
return FALSE;
if (len & 1) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: Invalid byte count %d, must be even\n", len);
return FALSE;
switch (imageType) {
if (len < 2*SROM4_WORDS) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: Buffer not large enough!\n");
return FALSE;
srt = (srom_rw_t *)buf;
srt->byteoff = 0;
srt->nbytes = htod32(2 * SROM4_WORDS);
/* strlen("cisdump ") = 9 */
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_SROM, buf, 9 + (len < SROM_MAX ? len : SROM_MAX)) < 0) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
memcpy(byteStream, buf + 8, srt->nbytes);
numRead = srt->nbytes;
strcpy(buf, "cisdump");
/* strlen("cisdump ") = 9 */
if (wl_get(irh, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, 9 + (len < SROM_MAX ? len : SROM_MAX)) < 0) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
cish = (cis_rw_t *)buf;
cish->source = dtoh32(cish->source);
cish->byteoff = dtoh32(cish->byteoff);
cish->nbytes = dtoh32(cish->nbytes);
if (len < cish->nbytes) {
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: Buffer not large enough!\n");
return FALSE;
memcpy(byteStream, buf + sizeof(cis_rw_t), cish->nbytes);
numRead = cish->nbytes;
numRead = wlmDeviceImageRead(byteStream, len, WLM_TYPE_SROM);
if (!numRead) {
numRead = wlmDeviceImageRead(byteStream, len, WLM_TYPE_OTP);
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
printf("wlmDeviceImageRead: Invalid image type!\n");
return FALSE;
return numRead;
int wlmSecuritySet(WLM_AUTH_TYPE authType, WLM_AUTH_MODE authMode,
WLM_ENCRYPTION encryption, const char *key)
int length = 0;
int wpa_auth;
int sup_wpa;
int primary_key = 0;
wl_wsec_key_t wepKey[4];
wsec_pmk_t psk;
int wsec;
if (encryption != WLM_ENCRYPT_NONE && key == 0) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: invalid key\n");
return FALSE;
if (key) {
length = strlen(key);
switch (encryption) {
sup_wpa = 0;
int i;
int len = length / 4;
sup_wpa = 0;
if (!(length == 40 || length == 104 || length == 128 || length == 256)) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: invalid WEP key length %d"
" - expect 40, 104, 128, or 256"
" (i.e. 10, 26, 32, or 64 for each of 4 keys)\n", length);
return FALSE;
/* convert hex key string to 4 binary keys */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
wl_wsec_key_t *k = &wepKey[i];
const char *data = &key[i * len];
unsigned int j;
memset(k, 0, sizeof(*k));
k->index = i;
k->len = len / 2;
for (j = 0; j < k->len; j++) {
char hex[] = "XX";
char *end = NULL;
strncpy(hex, &data[j * 2], 2);
k->data[j] = (char)strtoul(hex, &end, 16);
if (*end != 0) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: invalid WEP key"
" - expect hex values\n");
return FALSE;
switch (k->len) {
case 5:
k->algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP1;
case 13:
k->algo = CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128;
case 16:
case 32:
/* invalid */
return FALSE;
k->flags |= WL_PRIMARY_KEY;
if (authMode != WLM_WPA_AUTH_PSK && authMode != WLM_WPA2_AUTH_PSK) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: authentication mode must be WPA PSK or WPA2 PSK\n");
return FALSE;
wpa_auth = authMode;
sup_wpa = 1;
if (length < WSEC_MIN_PSK_LEN || length > WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: passphrase must be between %d and %d characters\n",
return FALSE;
psk.key_len = length;
psk.flags = WSEC_PASSPHRASE;
memcpy(psk.key, key, length);
printf("wlmSecuritySet: encryption not supported\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "auth", authType)) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "wpa_auth", wpa_auth)) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "sup_wpa", sup_wpa)) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (encryption == WLM_ENCRYPT_WEP) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
wl_wsec_key_t *k = &wepKey[i];
k->index = htod32(k->index);
k->len = htod32(k->len);
k->algo = htod32(k->algo);
k->flags = htod32(k->flags);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_KEY, k, sizeof(*k))) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
primary_key = htod32(primary_key);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_KEY_PRIMARY, &primary_key, sizeof(primary_key)) < 0) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
else if (encryption == WLM_ENCRYPT_TKIP || encryption == WLM_ENCRYPT_AES) {
psk.key_len = htod16(psk.key_len);
psk.flags = htod16(psk.flags);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK, &psk, sizeof(psk))) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
wsec = htod32(encryption);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_WSEC, &wsec, sizeof(wsec)) < 0) {
printf("wlmSecuritySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmJoinNetwork(const char* ssid, WLM_JOIN_MODE mode)
wlc_ssid_t wlcSsid;
int infra = htod32(mode);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_INFRA, &infra, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmJoinNetwork: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
wlcSsid.SSID_len = htod32(strlen(ssid));
memcpy(wlcSsid.SSID, ssid, wlcSsid.SSID_len);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_SSID, &wlcSsid, sizeof(wlc_ssid_t)) < 0) {
printf("wlmJoinNetwork: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmDisassociateNetwork(void)
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_DISASSOC, NULL, 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmDisassociateNetwork: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSsidGet(char *ssid, int length)
wlc_ssid_t wlc_ssid;
if (length < SSID_FMT_BUF_LEN) {
printf("wlmSsidGet: Ssid buffer too short - %d bytes at least\n",
return FALSE;
/* query for 'ssid' */
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_SSID, &wlc_ssid, sizeof(wlc_ssid_t))) {
printf("wlmSsidGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
wl_format_ssid(ssid, wlc_ssid.SSID, dtoh32(wlc_ssid.SSID_len));
return TRUE;
int wlmBssidGet(char *bssid, int length)
struct ether_addr ea;
if (length != ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
printf("wlmBssiGet: bssid requires %d bytes", ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
return FALSE;
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_BSSID, &ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {
/* associated - format and return bssid */
strncpy(bssid, wl_ether_etoa(&ea), length);
else {
/* not associated - return empty string */
memset(bssid, 0, length);
return TRUE;
int wlmGlacialTimerSet(int val)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "glacial_timer", val)) {
printf("wlmGlacialTimerSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmFastTimerSet(int val)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "fast_timer", val)) {
printf("wlmFastTimerSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSlowTimerSet(int val)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "slow_timer", val)) {
printf("wlmGlacialTimerSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmScanSuppress(int on)
int val;
if (on)
val = 1;
val = 0;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_SCANSUPPRESS, &val, sizeof(int))) {
printf("wlmSetScansuppress: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmCountryCodeSet(const char * country_name)
wl_country_t cspec;
int err;
memset(&cspec, 0, sizeof(cspec));
cspec.rev = -1;
/* arg matched a country name */
memcpy(cspec.country_abbrev, country_name, WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ);
err = 0;
/* first try the country iovar */
if (cspec.rev == -1 && cspec.ccode[0] == '\0')
err = wlu_iovar_set(irh, "country", &cspec, WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ);
err = wlu_iovar_set(irh, "country", &cspec, sizeof(cspec));
if (err == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int wlmFullCal(void)
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "lpphy_fullcal", NULL, 0)) {
printf("wlmLPPY_FULLCAL: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIoctlGet(int cmd, void *buf, int len)
if (wlu_get(irh, cmd, buf, len)) {
printf("wlmIoctlGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIoctlSet(int cmd, void *buf, int len)
if (wlu_set(irh, cmd, buf, len)) {
printf("wlmIoctlSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarGet(const char *iovar, void *buf, int len)
if (wlu_iovar_get(irh, iovar, buf, len)) {
printf("wlmIovarGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarSet(const char *iovar, void *buf, int len)
if (wlu_iovar_set(irh, iovar, buf, len)) {
printf("wlmIovarSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarIntegerGet(const char *iovar, int *val)
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, iovar, val)) {
printf("wlmIovarIntegerGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarIntegerSet(const char *iovar, int val)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, iovar, val)) {
printf("wlmIovarIntegerSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarBufferGet(const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len, void **bufptr)
if (wlu_var_getbuf(irh, iovar, param, param_len, bufptr)) {
printf("wlmIovarBufferGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmIovarBufferSet(const char *iovar, void *param, int param_len)
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, iovar, param, param_len)) {
printf("wlmIovarBufferSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmCga5gOffsetsSet(char* values, int len)
if (len != CGA_5G_OFFSETS_LEN) {
printf("wlmCga5gOffsetsSet() requires a %d-value array as a parameter\n",
return FALSE;
if ((wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "sslpnphy_cga_5g", values,
CGA_5G_OFFSETS_LEN * sizeof(int8))) < 0) {
printf("wlmCga5gOffsetsSet(): Error setting offset values (%s)\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmCga5gOffsetsGet(char* buf, int len)
if (len != CGA_5G_OFFSETS_LEN) {
printf("wlmCga5gOffsetsGet() requires a %d-value array as a parameter\n",
return FALSE;
if ((wlu_iovar_get(irh, "sslpnphy_cga_5g", buf, CGA_5G_OFFSETS_LEN * sizeof(int8))) < 0) {
printf("wlmCga5gOffsetsGet(): Error setting offset values (%s)\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmCga2gOffsetsSet(char* values, int len)
if (len != CGA_2G_OFFSETS_LEN) {
printf("wlmCga2gOffsetsSet(): requires a %d-value array as a parameter\n",
return FALSE;
if ((wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "sslpnphy_cga_2g", values,
CGA_2G_OFFSETS_LEN * sizeof(int8))) < 0) {
printf("wlmCga2gOffsetsSet(): Error setting offset values (%s)\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmCga2gOffsetsGet(char* buf, int len)
if (len != CGA_2G_OFFSETS_LEN) {
printf("wlmCga2gOffsetsGet(): requires a %d-value array as a parameter\n",
return FALSE;
if ((wlu_iovar_get(irh, "sslpnphy_cga_2g", buf, CGA_2G_OFFSETS_LEN * sizeof(int8))) < 0) {
printf("wlmCga2gOffsetsGet(): Error setting offset values (%s)\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRadioOn(void)
int val;
/* val = WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE << 16; */
val = (1<<0) << 16;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_RADIO, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRadioOn: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRadioOff(void)
int val;
val = (1<<0) << 16 | (1<<0);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_RADIO, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRadioOff: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPMmode(int val)
if (val < 0 || val > 2) {
printf("wlmPMmode: setting for PM mode out of range [0,2].\n");
/* 0: CAM constant awake mode */
/* 1: PS (Power save) mode */
/* 2: Fast PS mode */
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_PM, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmPMmode: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRoamingOn(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "roam_off", 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmRoamingOn: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRoamingOff(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "roam_off", 1) < 0) {
printf("wlmRoamingOff: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRoamTriggerLevelGet(int *val, WLM_BAND band)
struct {
int val;
int band;
} x; = htod32(band);
x.val = -1;
if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_ROAM_TRIGGER, &x, sizeof(x)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRoamTriggerLevelGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
*val = htod32(x.val);
return TRUE;
int wlmRoamTriggerLevelSet(int val, WLM_BAND band)
struct {
int val;
int band;
} x; = htod32(band);
x.val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_ROAM_TRIGGER, &x, sizeof(x)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRoamTriggerLevelSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmFrameBurstOn(void)
int val = 1;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmFrameBurstOn: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmFrameBurstOff(void)
int val = 0;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmFrameBurstOff: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmBeaconIntervalSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_BCNPRD, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmBeaconIntervalSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmAMPDUModeSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "ampdu", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmAMPDUModeSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmMIMOBandwidthCapabilitySet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "mimo_bw_cap", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmMIMOBandwidthCapabilitySet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmInterferenceSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (val < 0 || val > 4) {
printf("wlmInterferenceSet: interference setting out of range [0, 4]\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_INTERFERENCE_MODE, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmInterferenceSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmInterferenceOverrideSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (val < 0 || val > 4) {
printf("wlmInterferenceOverrideSet: interference setting out of range [0, 4]\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_INTERFERENCE_OVERRIDE_MODE, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmInterferenceOverrideSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTransmitBandwidthSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "mimo_txbw", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmTransmitBadnwidthSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmShortGuardIntervalSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "sgi_tx", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmShortGuardIntervalSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmObssCoexSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "obss_coex", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmObssCoexSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYPeriodicalCalSet(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_percal", 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYPeriodicalCalSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYForceCalSet(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_forcecal", 0) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYForceCalSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYScramblerUpdateDisable(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_scraminit", 0x7f) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYScramblerUpdateDisable: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYScramblerUpdateEnable(void)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_scraminit", -1) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYScramblerUpdateEnable: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYWatchdogSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_watchdog", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYWatchdogSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTemperatureSensorDisable(void)
int val = 1; /* 0 = temp sensor enabled; 1 = temp sensor disabled */
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "tempsense_disable", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmTempSensorDisable %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTemperatureSensorEnable(void)
int val = 0; /* 0 = temp sensor enabled; 1 = temp sensor disabled */
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "tempsense_disable", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmTempSensorEnable %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTransmitCoreSet(int val)
{ val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "txcore", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmTransmitCoreSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmPhyTempSenseGet(int *val)
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "phy_tempsense", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmPhyTempSense: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmOtpFabidGet(int *val)
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "otp_fabid", val)) {
printf("wlmOtpFabid: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmChannelSpecSet(int channel, int bandwidth, int sideband)
chanspec_t chanspec = 0;
if (channel > 224) {
printf("wlmChannelSpecSet: %d is invalid channel\n", channel);
return FALSE;
} else
chanspec |= channel;
if ((bandwidth != 20) && (bandwidth != 40)) {
printf("wlChannelSpecSet: %d is invalid channel bandwidth.\n", bandwidth);
return FALSE;
if ((sideband != -1) && (sideband != 1) && (sideband != 0)) {
printf("wlmChannelSpecSet: %d is invalid channel sideband.\n", sideband);
return FALSE;
if (ioctl_version == 1) {
if (channel > 14)
chanspec |= WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_5G;
chanspec |= WL_LCHANSPEC_BAND_2G;
if (bandwidth == 20)
chanspec |= WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_20;
chanspec |= WL_LCHANSPEC_BW_40;
if (sideband == -1)
else if (sideband == 1)
} else {
if (channel > 14)
chanspec |= WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_5G;
chanspec |= WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_2G;
if (bandwidth == 20)
chanspec |= WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20;
chanspec |= WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40;
if (sideband == -1)
else if (sideband == 1)
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "chanspec", (int) chanspec) < 0) {
printf("wlmChannelSpecSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRtsThresholdOverride(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "rtsthresh", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmRtsThresholdOverride: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSTBCTxSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "stbc_tx", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmSTBCTxSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmSTBCRxSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "stbc_rx", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmSTBCRxSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmTxChainSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "txchain", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmTxChainSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRxChainSet(int val)
val = htod32(val);
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "rxchain", val) < 0) {
printf("wlmRxChainSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRxIQEstGet(float *val, int sampleCount, int ant)
uint32 rxiq;
int sample_count = sampleCount; /* [0, 16], default: maximum 15 sample counts */
int antenna = ant ; /* [0, 3], default: antenna 0 */
int err;
uint8 resolution = 1; /* resolution default to 0.25dB */
float x, y;
/* default: resolution 1 (coarse), samples = 1024 (2^10) and antenna 3 */
rxiq = (10 << 8) | 3;
if ((sample_count < 0) || (sample_count > 16)) {
printf("wlmRxIQGet: SampleCount out of range of [0, 15].\n");
return FALSE;
} else {
rxiq = (((sample_count & 0xff) << 8) | (rxiq & 0xff));
if ((antenna < 0) || (antenna > 3)) {
printf("wlmRxIQGet: Antenna out of range of [0, 3].\n");
return FALSE;
} else {
rxiq = ((rxiq & 0xff00) | (antenna & 0xff));
if ((err = wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "phy_rxiqest", (int) rxiq)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRxIQGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if ((err = wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "phy_rxiqest", (int*)&rxiq)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRxIQGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (resolution == 1) {
/* fine resolutin power reporting (0.25dB resolution) */
if (rxiq >> 20) {
} else if (rxiq >> 10) {
} else {
/* 1-chain specific */
int16 tmp;
tmp = (rxiq & 0x3ff);
tmp = ((int16)(tmp << 6)) >> 6; /* sing extension */
if (tmp < 0) {
tmp = -1 * tmp;
x = (float)(tmp >> 2);
y = (float)(tmp & 0x3);
*val = (x + y * 25 /100) * (-1);
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYTxPowerIndexGet(unsigned int *val, const char *chipid)
uint32 power_index = (uint32)-1;
uint32 txpwridx[4] = {0};
int chip = atoi(chipid);
switch (chip) {
case 4329:
case 43291:
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "sslpnphy_txpwrindex", (int *)&power_index) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
*val = power_index;
case 4325:
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "lppphy_txpwrindex",
(int *)&power_index) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
*val = power_index;
if (wlu_iovar_getint(irh, "phy_txpwrindex", (int *)&txpwridx[0]) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
txpwridx[0] = dtoh32(txpwridx[0]);
*val = txpwridx[0];
return TRUE;
int wlmPHYTxPowerIndexSet(unsigned int val, const char *chipid)
uint32 power_index;
uint32 txpwridx[4] = {0};
int chip = atoi(chipid);
power_index = dtoh32(val);
switch (chip) {
case 4329:
case 43291:
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "sslpnphy_txpwrindex", power_index) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
case 4325:
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "lppphy_txpwrindex", power_index) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
txpwridx[0] = (int8) (power_index & 0xff);
txpwridx[1] = (int8) ((power_index >> 8) & 0xff);
txpwridx[2] = (int8) ((power_index >> 16) & 0xff);
txpwridx[3] = (int8) ((power_index >> 24) & 0xff);
if (wlu_var_setbuf(irh, "phy_txpwrindex", txpwridx, 4*sizeof(uint32)) < 0) {
printf("wlmPHYTxPowerIndexSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int wlmRIFSEnable(int enable)
int val, rifs;
val = rifs = htod32(enable);
if (rifs != 0 && rifs != 1) {
printf("wlmRIFSEnable: Usage: input must be 0 or 1\n");
return FALSE;
if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
printf("wlmRIFSEnable: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
if (wlu_iovar_setint(irh, "rifs", (int)rifs) < 0) {
printf("wlmRIFSEnable: %s\n", wlmLastError());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;