blob: 5fde76d35f7409d996567bad3540cc9cec5f73ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Common code for wl command line utility
* Copyright 2002, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
* duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
* permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* $Id: wlu.h 432727 2013-10-29 12:39:22Z $
#ifndef _wlu_h_
#define _wlu_h_
#include "wlu_cmd.h"
extern const char *wlu_av0;
extern int g_wlc_idx;
/* parse common option */
extern int wl_option(char ***pargv, char **pifname, int *phelp);
extern void wl_cmd_init(void);
extern void wlu_init(void);
/* print usage */
extern void wl_cmd_usage(FILE *fid, cmd_t *cmd);
extern void wl_usage(FILE *fid, cmd_t *port_cmds);
extern void wl_cmds_usage(FILE *fid, cmd_t *port_cmds);
/* print helpers */
extern void wl_printlasterror(void *wl);
extern void wl_printint(int val);
/* pretty print an SSID */
extern int wl_format_ssid(char* buf, uint8* ssid, int ssid_len);
/* pretty hex print a contiguous buffer */
extern void wl_hexdump(uchar *buf, uint nbytes);
/* check driver version */
extern int wl_check(void *wl);
/* wl functions used by the ndis wl. */
extern void dump_rateset(uint8 *rates, uint count);
extern uint freq2channel(uint freq);
extern int wl_ether_atoe(const char *a, struct ether_addr *n);
extern char *wl_ether_etoa(const struct ether_addr *n);
struct ipv4_addr; /* forward declaration */
extern int wl_atoip(const char *a, struct ipv4_addr *n);
extern char *wl_iptoa(const struct ipv4_addr *n);
extern cmd_func_t wl_int;
extern cmd_func_t wl_varint;
extern void wl_dump_raw_ie(bcm_tlv_t *ie, uint len);
extern int wl_mk_ie_setbuf(const char *command, uint32 pktflag_ok, char **argv,
vndr_ie_setbuf_t **buf, int *buf_len);
extern cmd_func_t wl_list_ie;
extern void wl_printlasterror(void *wl);
extern bool wc_cmd_check(const char *cmd);
/* functions for downloading firmware to a device via serial or other transport */
#ifdef BCMDLL
#ifdef LOCAL
extern FILE *dll_fd;
extern void * dll_fd_out;
extern void * dll_fd_in;
#undef printf
#undef fprintf
#define printf printf_to_fprintf /* printf to stdout */
#define fprintf fprintf_to_fprintf /* fprintf to stderr */
extern void fprintf_to_fprintf(FILE * stderror, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void printf_to_fprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void raw_puts(const char *buf, void *dll_fd_out);
#define fputs(buf, stdout) raw_puts(buf, dll_fd_out)
#endif /* BCMDLL */
#define RAM_SIZE_4325 0x60000
#define RAM_SIZE_4329 0x48000
#define RAM_SIZE_43291 0x60000
#define RAM_SIZE_4330_a1 0x3c000
#define RAM_SIZE_4330_b0 0x48000
/* useful macros */
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#endif /* ARRAYSIZE */
/* buffer length needed for wl_format_ssid
* 32 SSID chars, max of 4 chars for each SSID char "\xFF", plus NULL
#define SSID_FMT_BUF_LEN (4*32+1) /* Length for SSID format string */
#define USAGE_ERROR -1 /* Error code for Usage */
#define CMD_DEPRECATED -4 /* Commands that are functionally deprecated or don't provide
* a useful value to a specific OS port of wl
/* integer output format */
#define INT_FMT_DEC 0 /* signed integer */
#define INT_FMT_UINT 1 /* unsigned integer */
#define INT_FMT_HEX 2 /* hexdecimal */
/* command line argument usage */
#define CMD_ERR -1 /* Error for command */
#define CMD_OPT 0 /* a command line option */
#define CMD_WL 1 /* the start of a wl command */
#endif /* _wlu_h_ */