blob: f9cd90568bb6d58027f9952f5f78abe37133472e [file] [log] [blame]
* File Name: wlu_server_shared.c
* Common server specific functions for linux and win32
* Copyright (C) 2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* $Id: wlu_server_shared.c 428561 2013-10-09 09:32:29Z $
* Description: Main Server specific wrappers
* This module implements all the server specific functions
* for Win32 and Linux
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef TARGETOS_symbian
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#endif /* TARGETOS_symbian */
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#if !defined(TARGETOS_symbian)
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <epictrl.h>
#include <irelay.h>
#include <proto/ethernet.h>
#include <nuiouser.h>
#include <bcmendian.h>
#include <oidencap.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#include <proto/802.11.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */
#include <bcmcdc.h>
#include <wlioctl.h>
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <bcmendian.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#if defined(RWL_WIFI) || defined(WIFI_REFLECTOR)
#include <rwl_wifi.h>
#endif /* defined(RWL_WIFI) || defined(WIFI_REFLECTOR) */
#include "wlu.h"
#include "wlu_remote.h"
#include "wlu_pipe.h"
#include "wlu_server_shared.h"
#ifdef RWLASD
extern int g_serv_sock_desc;
int g_rwl_hndle;
int set_ctrlc = 0;
static rem_ioctl_t loc_cdc;
static const char* cmdname = "remote";
static const char* dongleset = "dongleset";
extern void store_old_interface(void *wl, char *old_intf_name);
extern int wl_check(void *wl);
extern void handle_ctrlc(int unused);
/* Function: rwl_transport_setup
* This will do the initialization for
* for all the transports
static int
rwl_transport_setup(int argc, char** argv)
int transport_descriptor = -1;
/* This function will parse the socket command line arguments
* & open the socket in listen mode
remote_type = REMOTE_SOCKET;
transport_descriptor = rwl_init_server_socket_setup(argc, argv, remote_type);
if (transport_descriptor < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "wl_socket_server:Transport setup failed \n");
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
#if defined(RWL_DONGLE) || defined(RWL_WIFI) || defined(RWL_SERIAL)
g_rem_pkt_ptr = &g_rem_pkt;
transport_descriptor = 0;
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
remote_type = REMOTE_WIFI;
remote_type = REMOTE_DONGLE;
#endif /* RWL_DONGLE */
remote_type = REMOTE_SERIAL;
if (argc < 2) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Port name is required from the command line\n");
} else {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "Port name is %s\n", *argv);
transport_descriptor = *(int*) rwl_open_transport(remote_type, *argv, 0, 0);
#endif /* RWL_SERIAL */
#ifdef RWLASD
g_serv_sock_desc = transport_descriptor;
return transport_descriptor;
/* Function: remote_rx_header
* This function will receive the CDC header from client
* for socket transport
* It will receive the command or ioctl from dongle driver for
* dongle UART serial transport and wifi transport.
* Arguments: wl - handle to driver
* : Des - Socket Descriptor to pass in AcceptConnection
* : g_rwl_hndle - Return socket handle that is used for transmission
* : and reception of data in case of socket
* In case of serial, it is just a return value
static int
remote_rx_header(void *wl, int trans_Des)
struct sockaddr_in ClientAddress;
int SizeOfCliAdd = sizeof(ClientAddress);
/* Get the socket handle g_rwl_hndle for transmission & reception */
if ((g_rwl_hndle = rwl_acceptconnection(trans_Des,
(struct sockaddr *)&ClientAddress,
&SizeOfCliAdd)) == BCME_ERROR) {
return BCME_ERROR;
/* Get CDC header in order to determine buffer requirements */
if ((g_rem_ptr = remote_CDC_rx_hdr((void *)&g_rwl_hndle, 0)) == NULL) {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "\n Waiting for client to transmit command\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
void *pkt_ptr = NULL;
int error;
/* wl driver is polled after every 200 ms (POLLING_TIME) */
if ((error = rwl_var_getbuf(wl, cmdname, NULL, 0, &pkt_ptr)) < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "No packet in wl driver\r\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "Polling the wl driver, error status=%d\n", error);
if ((*(int *)pkt_ptr) == 0) {
DPRINT_DBG(ERR, "packet not received\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "packet received\n");
/* Extract CDC header in order to determine buffer requirements */
memcpy(g_rem_pkt_ptr, pkt_ptr, sizeof(rem_packet_t));
g_rem_ptr = &g_rem_pkt_ptr->rem_cdc;
#endif /* RWL_DONGLE */
if (g_rwl_hndle == -1) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "failed to open com port.\r\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
if ((g_rem_ptr = remote_CDC_rx_hdr((void *)&g_rwl_hndle, 1)) == NULL) {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "\n Waiting for client to transmit command\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
#endif /* RWL_SERIAL */
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
/* Poll the driver for the valid action frame and update the CDC + data */
dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t *list;
if ((list = rwl_wifi_allocate_actionframe()) == NULL) {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "remote_rx_header: Failed to allocate frame \n");
return BCME_ERROR;
if (remote_CDC_DATA_wifi_rx((void *)wl, list) < 0) {
return BCME_ERROR;
/* copy the valid length of the data to the g_rem_pkt_ptr */
memcpy(g_rem_pkt_ptr, &list->data[0], sizeof(rem_packet_t));
g_rem_ptr = &g_rem_pkt_ptr->rem_cdc;
#endif /* RWL_WIFI */
rwl_swap_header(g_rem_ptr, NETWORK_TO_HOST);
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "%d %d %d %d\r\n", g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, g_rem_ptr->msg.flags, g_rem_ptr->data_len);
return SUCCESS;
/* Function: remote_rx_data
* This function will receive the data from client
* for different transports
* In case of socket the data comes from a open TCP socket
* However in case of dongle UART or wi-fi the data is accessed
* from the driver buffers.
remote_rx_data(void* buf_ptr)
#if defined(RWL_SOCKET) || defined(RWL_SERIAL)
if ((remote_CDC_rx((void *)&g_rwl_hndle, g_rem_ptr, buf_ptr,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, 0)) == BCME_ERROR) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Reading CDC %d data bytes failed\n", g_rem_ptr->msg.len);
return BCME_ERROR;
#elif defined(RWL_DONGLE) || defined(RWL_WIFI)
if (g_rem_ptr->data_len != 0) {
int length = g_rem_ptr->data_len;
if (g_rem_ptr->data_len > g_rem_ptr->msg.len) {
length = g_rem_ptr->msg.len;
memcpy(buf_ptr, g_rem_pkt_ptr->message, length);
buf_ptr = NULL;
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET || RWL_SERIAL */
return SUCCESS;
* Function to send the serial response to wl driver
* The function calculates the no of frames based on the DATA_FRAME_LEN
* adds cdc header to every frame, copies the header and fragmented frame
* into rem_buf_ptr and sends the packet down to wl driver
static int
rwl_serial_fragmented_tx(void* wl, rem_ioctl_t *rem_ptr, uchar *buf_ptr, int error)
rem_ioctl_t *loc_ptr = &loc_cdc;
uchar* rem_buf_ptr;
uint noframes = 1; /* Default noframes = 1 */
uint count;
uint frame_count;
uint rem_bytes;
loc_ptr->msg.cmd = error;
loc_ptr->msg.flags = REMOTE_REPLY;
loc_ptr->msg.len = rem_ptr->msg.len;
loc_ptr->data_len = rem_ptr->data_len;
/* Fragment the result if it is more than DATA_FRAME_LEN (960) */
if (loc_ptr->msg.len > DATA_FRAME_LEN) {
/* Calculate no of frames */
noframes = (loc_ptr->msg.len)/DATA_FRAME_LEN;
if ((loc_ptr->msg.len) % DATA_FRAME_LEN > 0) {
noframes += 1;
rem_bytes = (loc_ptr->msg.len) % DATA_FRAME_LEN;
} else {
rem_bytes = DATA_FRAME_LEN;
} else {
rem_bytes = loc_ptr->msg.len;
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "No of frames = %d, rem_bytes:%d\n", noframes, rem_bytes);
count = 0;
frame_count = noframes;
rem_buf_ptr = (uchar*)malloc(DONGLE_TX_FRAME_SIZE + REMOTE_SIZE);
while (count < noframes) {
memset(rem_buf_ptr, 0, DONGLE_TX_FRAME_SIZE + REMOTE_SIZE);
/* Send reply to client */
rem_ptr->msg.cmd = loc_ptr->msg.cmd;
rem_ptr->msg.flags = loc_ptr->msg.flags;
rem_ptr->msg.len = loc_ptr->msg.len;
if (frame_count == 1)
rem_ptr->data_len = rem_bytes;
rem_ptr->data_len = DATA_FRAME_LEN;
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "GET--rem_ptr->data_len=%d\n", rem_ptr->data_len);
/* Copy CDC Header */
memcpy(rem_buf_ptr, (uchar*)rem_ptr, REMOTE_SIZE);
/* Copy Data now */
memcpy(&rem_buf_ptr[REMOTE_SIZE], &buf_ptr[count*DATA_FRAME_LEN],
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "%d %d %d %d\n", rem_ptr->msg.cmd, rem_ptr->msg.len,
rem_ptr->msg.flags, rem_ptr->data_len);
if ((error = rwl_var_setbuf(wl, cmdname, rem_buf_ptr,
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Unable to send to wl driver,error=%d\n", error);
if (rem_buf_ptr)
return BCME_ERROR;
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Packet sent to wl driver,error=%d\n", error);
if (rem_buf_ptr)
return error;
/* This function transmits the response to the dongle driver in the case
* of serial dongle transport.
* In the case of big response, it calls the rwl_serial_fragmented_response
* function to fragment the response and sends down to the driver.
static int
remote_CDC_dongle_tx(void *wl, uint cmd, uchar *buf, uint buf_len, uint data_len, uint flags)
int error;
rem_ioctl_t resp_rem_cdc;
if (flags & REMOTE_SET_IOCTL) {
uchar* rem_buf_ptr;
/* for set commands message length and data length should be set to zero
* unlike Get Ioctl which will have valid data and message length
resp_rem_cdc.msg.len = 0;
resp_rem_cdc.data_len = 0;
resp_rem_cdc.msg.cmd = cmd;
resp_rem_cdc.msg.flags = REMOTE_REPLY;
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Set:Resp packet:%d %d %d %d\n", resp_rem_cdc.msg.cmd,
resp_rem_cdc.msg.len, resp_rem_cdc.msg.flags, resp_rem_cdc.data_len);
if ((rem_buf_ptr = (uchar*)malloc(DONGLE_TX_FRAME_SIZE + REMOTE_SIZE)) == NULL) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "malloc failed for remote_CDC_dongle_tx\n");
return BCME_ERROR;
/* Send reply to client here */
memcpy(rem_buf_ptr, (char*)(&resp_rem_cdc), REMOTE_SIZE);
if ((error = rwl_var_setbuf((void*)wl, cmdname, rem_buf_ptr,
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "unable to send SET results to driver=%d\n", error);
} else
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Packet sent to wl driver, error=%d\n", error);
if (rem_buf_ptr)
} else { /* GET_IOCTL */
resp_rem_cdc.msg.cmd = cmd;
resp_rem_cdc.msg.len = buf_len;
resp_rem_cdc.msg.flags = flags;
resp_rem_cdc.data_len = data_len;
if ((error = rwl_serial_fragmented_tx(wl, &resp_rem_cdc, buf, cmd)) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "wl_server_serial: Return error code failed\n");
return error;
#endif /* RWL_DONGLE */
/* This function gets the command send by the client from the dongle driver */
rwl_var_getbuf(void* wl, const char* iovar, void* param, int param_len, void** buf_ptr)
int len;
memset(rwl_buf, 0, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
strcpy((char*)rwl_buf, iovar);
/* include the null */
len = strlen(iovar) + 1;
if (param_len)
memcpy(&rwl_buf[len], param, param_len);
*buf_ptr = rwl_buf;
return wl_get(wl, WLC_GET_VAR, &rwl_buf[0], WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
/* This function will send the buffer to the dongle driver */
rwl_var_setbuf(void* wl, const char* iovar, void* param, int param_len)
int len;
memset(rwl_buf, 0, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
strcpy((char*)rwl_buf, iovar);
/* include the null */
len = strlen(iovar) + 1;
if (param_len)
memcpy(&rwl_buf[len], param, param_len);
len += param_len;
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "setbuf:%s, len:%d\n", rwl_buf, len);
return wl_set(wl, WLC_SET_VAR, &rwl_buf[0], len);
/* This function will send the buffer to the dongle driver */
rwl_var_send_vs_actionframe(void* wl, const char* iovar, void* param, int param_len)
int len;
memset(rwl_buf, 0, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
strcpy((char*) rwl_buf, iovar);
/* include the null */
len = strlen(iovar) + 1;
if (param_len)
memcpy((void*)&rwl_buf[len+ OFFSETOF(wl_action_frame_t, data)], param, param_len);
/* Set the PacketID (not used by remote WL */
memset((void*)&rwl_buf[len + OFFSETOF(wl_action_frame_t, packetId)], 0, 4);
/* Set the dest addr */
memcpy((void*)&rwl_buf[len + OFFSETOF(wl_action_frame_t, da)],
/* set the length */
memcpy((void*)&rwl_buf[len + OFFSETOF(wl_action_frame_t, len)], (void*) &param_len, 2);
len += param_len + ETHER_ADDR_LEN + 2 + 4;
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "setbuf:%s, len:%d\n", rwl_buf, len);
return wl_set(wl, WLC_SET_VAR, &rwl_buf[0], len);
* This function is used for transmitting the response over different
* transports.
* In case of socket the data is directly sent to the client which is waiting on a open socket.
* In case of socket the data is sent in one big chunk unlike other transports
* In case of serial the data is sent to the driver using remote_CDC_dongle_tx function
* which in turn may fragment the data and send it in chunks to the client.
* In case of wi-fi the data is sent to the driver using the remote_CDC_tx. However
* in this case the data is converted into 802.11 Action frames and sent using wi-fi driver.
* Arguments: wl - Driver handle
* hndle - Socket handle for socket transport.
remote_tx_response(void *wl, void* buf_ptr, int cmd)
int error = -1;
#if defined(RWL_SOCKET) || defined(RWL_SERIAL)
if ((error = remote_CDC_tx((void*)&g_rwl_hndle, cmd, buf_ptr, g_rem_ptr->msg.len,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, REMOTE_REPLY, 0)) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "wl_server: Return results failed\n");
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET || RWL_SERIAL */
if ((error = remote_CDC_dongle_tx(wl, cmd, buf_ptr, g_rem_ptr->msg.len,
g_rem_ptr->data_len, g_rem_ptr->msg.flags)) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "wl_server: Return results failed\n");
#endif /* RWL_DONGLE */
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
/* Purge all the queued cmd's , this to ensure late response time out at */
/* client side and client might issue the next cmd if server is slow */
if ((g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_SHELL_CMD) ||
(g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_GET_IOCTL)||
(g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_ASD_CMD) ||
(g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_VISTA_CMD)) {
if ((error = remote_CDC_tx(wl, cmd, buf_ptr, g_rem_ptr->msg.len,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, REMOTE_REPLY, 0)) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Wifi_server: Return results failed\n");
} else {
if ((error = remote_CDC_tx(wl, cmd, buf_ptr, 0, 0, REMOTE_REPLY, 0)) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Failed due to bad flag %d\n", g_rem_ptr->msg.flags);
#endif /* RWL_WIFI */
return error;
/* Close the Socket handle */
void close_sock_handle(int hndle)
rwl_close_pipe(remote_type, (void*)&hndle);
* Send the response to the remote if the channel of the server matches with the
* server channel.
void remote_wifi_response(void* wl)
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t *list;
if ((list = rwl_wifi_allocate_actionframe()) == NULL) {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "remote_wifi_response: Failed to allocate frame \n");
/* it's sync frame and received from client */
memcpy((char*)&list->data[REMOTE_SIZE], g_rem_pkt_ptr->message,
list->type = RWL_WIFI_FIND_MY_PEER;
/* Store the client mac addr */
memcpy((void*)&rwlea, (void*)&list->data[RWL_DUT_MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET], ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
/* send the response to client if server is on the same channel */
rwl_wifi_find_server_response(wl, list);
#endif /* RWL_WIFI */
/* Function to check IN-dongle mode firmware */
rwl_iovar_check(void *wl)
void *ptr;
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t rec_frame;
/* Check for indongle mode firmware */
return rwl_var_getbuf(wl, RWL_WIFI_GET_ACTION_CMD, &rec_frame,
return rwl_var_getbuf(wl, "remote", NULL, 0, &ptr);
return 0;
#ifndef TARGETOS_symbian
/* Function to get a ctrl-c packet */
get_ctrlc_header(void *wl)
#if defined(RWL_SOCKET) || defined(RWL_SERIAL)
fd_set fdset;
struct timeval tv;
FD_SET((unsigned)g_rwl_hndle, &fdset);
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
if ((select(g_rwl_hndle+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv)) > 0) {
if (FD_ISSET(g_rwl_hndle, &fdset)) {
remote_CDC_rx_hdr((void *)&g_rwl_hndle, 0);
return BCME_OK;
return BCME_ERROR;
return remote_rx_header(wl, 0);
#endif /* if defined(RWL_SOCKET) || defined(RWL_SERIAL) */
#endif /* TARGETOS_symbian */
/* Main server module common for all transports
* This module will do the initial transport setups.
* Then it receives the command from client in CDC format
* and transmits the response back to the client.
* In the case of socket, it receives the command from the client
* and sends the response directly to the client via TCP socket.
* In the case of serial & wifi , it receives the command from the driver
* and sends the response to the driver.
remote_server_exec(int argc, char **argv, void *wl)
int err;
int transport_descriptor;
char *async_cmd_flag = NULL;
int skip;
int download_flag = 0;
FILE *fp = NULL;
char *fn = "dwnldfile.bin";
char old_intf_name[IFNAMSIZ];
#ifdef WIN32
char shell_fname[MAX_SHELL_FILE_LENGTH];
DWORD dwlen;
int uart_enable = 1;
/* To set dongle flag when dongle server starts */
if ((err = rwl_var_setbuf(wl, dongleset, &uart_enable,
sizeof(int))) < 0) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Unable to send to wl driver,error=%d\n", err);
if (rwl_iovar_check (wl) < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "wl_server: RWL_WIFI/RWL_DONGLE not defined ");
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Or In-Dongle mode enabled\n");
/* Initialise for all the transports - socket, serial, and wifi
* In Socket transport, main socket handler will be returned.
if ((transport_descriptor = rwl_transport_setup(argc, argv)) < 0)
return BCME_ERROR;
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
/* Create a directory /tmp/RWL for the shell response files */
if (rwl_create_dir() < 0)
return BCME_ERROR;
#ifdef RWLASD
/* DUT initialization function */
wfa_dut_init(&trafficBuf, &respBuf, &parmsVal, &xcCmdBuf, &toutvalp);
/* Copy old interface name to restore it */
store_old_interface(wl, old_intf_name);
while (1) {
uchar *buf_ptr = NULL;
char *errstr = NULL;
int index;
char *vista_buf[MAX_VISTA_ARGC];
g_rwl_hndle = transport_descriptor;
g_rwl_hndle = -1;
if (set_ctrlc) {
uart_enable = 0;
if ((err = rwl_var_setbuf(wl, dongleset, &uart_enable,
sizeof(int))) < 0) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "Unable to send to wl driver,error=%d\n", err);
set_ctrlc = 0;
#endif /* RWL_DONGLE */
/* Receive the CDC header */
if ((remote_rx_header(wl, transport_descriptor)) == BCME_ERROR) {
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "\n Waiting for client to transmit command\n");
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "REC : cmd %d\t msg len %d msg flag %d\t msg status %d\n",
g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd, g_rem_ptr->msg.len,
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags, g_rem_ptr->msg.status);
#ifdef RWL_WIFI
/* send the response to remote if it is findserver cmd, this is specific to wifi */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_FINDSERVER_IOCTL) {
#endif /* RWL_WIFI */
* Allocate buffer only if there is a response message expected.
* Some commands such as up/down do not output anything.
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.len) {
if ((buf_ptr = malloc(g_rem_ptr->msg.len)) == NULL) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "malloc of %d bytes failed\n", g_rem_ptr->msg.len);
/* Receive the data */
if ((err = remote_rx_data(buf_ptr)) == BCME_ERROR) {
if (buf_ptr)
/* Process RWL negotiate commands */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_NEGOTIATE_CMD) {
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd == NEGOTIATE_GET_OS) {
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.len >= sizeof(int)) {
*(int*)buf_ptr = LINUX_OS;
g_rem_ptr->msg.len = sizeof(int);
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "RESP : os type %d\n", *(int*)buf_ptr);
if (remote_tx_response(wl, buf_ptr, 0) < 0)
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "\nReturn results failed\n");
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
if (buf_ptr)
/* Process command */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_SHELL_CMD) {
/* Get the response length first and get the response buffer in case of
* synchronous shell commands and the buf_ptr will have the response file
* name. In case of asynchronous shell commands, buf_ptr
* will be get updated by the remote_shell_execute function.
need_speedy_response = 1;
#ifndef WIN32
if (buf_ptr) {
async_cmd_flag = strstr((char*)buf_ptr, "%");
if ((err = remote_shell_execute((char*)buf_ptr, wl)) > 0) {
if (async_cmd_flag)
g_rem_ptr->msg.len = err;
/* Sync shell command: No need to send response from here */
else {
/* Transmitted to client. Then close the handle &
* get the new handle for next transmission & reception.
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
if ((err = remote_shell_execute((char*)buf_ptr, wl)) != SUCCESS) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Error in executing shell command\n");
if (buf_ptr)
/* Transmitted to client. Then close the handle &
* get the new handle for next transmission & reception.
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
/* Get the response from the temporary file */
if ((err = remote_shell_get_resp(shell_fname, wl)) != SUCCESS) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Error in executing shell command\n");
if (buf_ptr)
/* Transmitted to client. Then close the handle &
* get the new handle for next transmission & reception.
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifdef RWLASD
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_ASD_CMD) {
if ((err = remote_asd_exec(buf_ptr, (int *)&g_rem_ptr->msg.len)) < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Error in executing asd command\n");
* added to take care of OID base problem for cross OS RWL cleint server
* In case of LX Server and WIN32 client OID base need to be removed
* In case of WIN32 server and LX client OID base need to be added
if (!(g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_ASD_CMD)) {
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd > MAX_IOVAR)
g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd -= WL_OID_BASE;
#if defined(WIN32)
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd < MAX_IOVAR)
g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd += WL_OID_BASE;
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_VISTA_CMD) {
vista_buf[0] = strtok(buf_ptr, " \t\n");
for (index = 1; (vista_buf[index] = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL;
if ((err = remote_vista_exec(wl, vista_buf)) < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Error in executing vista command\n");
memcpy(buf_ptr, vista_buf[0], strlen(vista_buf[0]));
g_rem_ptr->msg.len = strlen(vista_buf[0]);
#endif /* VISTA_SERVER */
#ifndef RWL_DONGLE
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_GET_IOCTL ||
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_SET_IOCTL) {
if (strlen(g_rem_ptr->intf_name) != 0) {
struct ifreq ifr;
/* validate the interface */
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
if (g_rem_ptr->intf_name)
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, g_rem_ptr->intf_name, IFNAMSIZ);
if (wl_check((void *)&ifr)) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "%s: wl driver adapter not found\n",
/* Signal end of command output */
g_rem_ptr->msg.len = 0;
remote_tx_response(wl, NULL, BCME_NODEVICE);
if (buf_ptr)
if (set_interface(wl, g_rem_ptr->intf_name) == BCME_OK)
DPRINT_DBG(OUTPUT, "\n %s Interface will be used \n",
(char *)wl);
#endif /* ifndef RWL_DONGLE */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_SET_IOCTL ||
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & RDHD_SET_IOCTL) {
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(RWL_DONGLE) || defined(RWL_WIFI)
/* For commands with msg length as zero initialize the buffer to null */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.len == 0)
buf_ptr = NULL;
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.len == 0)
buf_ptr = NULL;
#endif /* WIN32 */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_SET_IOCTL) {
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR && buf_ptr &&
!strncmp((const char *)buf_ptr,
"init", g_rem_ptr->msg.len)) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "REC : init command\n");
err = 0;
} else if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR && buf_ptr &&
!strncmp((const char *)buf_ptr,
"download", g_rem_ptr->msg.len)) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "REC : download command\n");
download_flag = download_flag? 0: 1;
if (download_flag) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "download started\n");
if (!(fp = fopen(fn, "wb"))) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Failed to open file\n");
err = -2;
} else {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "download completed\n");
if (fp != NULL)
err = 0;
} else if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR && buf_ptr &&
!strncmp((const char *)buf_ptr,
"membytes", g_rem_ptr->msg.len)) {
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "REC : membytes command\n");
skip = strlen("membytes ") + 8;
if (fp != NULL)
fwrite(buf_ptr + skip, 1,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len - skip, fp);
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Download file has been closed.\n");
err = 0;
} else {
err = wl_ioctl(wl, g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd,
(void *)buf_ptr, g_rem_ptr->msg.len, TRUE);
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "SEND : cmd %d\t msg len %d\n",
g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd, g_rem_ptr->msg.len);
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "error code: %d\n", err);
if (err == BCME_IOCTL_ERROR) {
if (rwl_var_getbuf(wl, "bcmerrorstr", NULL, 0, (void**)&errstr)) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Error in executing wl_ioctl\r\n");
} else {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "%s\n", errstr);
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Setting Default Interface1 \n");
set_interface(wl, old_intf_name);
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & RDHD_SET_IOCTL) {
err = dhd_ioctl(wl, g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd,
(void *)buf_ptr, g_rem_ptr->msg.len, TRUE);
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags = REMOTE_SET_IOCTL;
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_GET_IOCTL ||
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & RDHD_GET_IOCTL) {
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd == WLC_GET_VAR && buf_ptr &&
strncmp((const char *)buf_ptr, "exit", g_rem_ptr->msg.len) == 0) {
/* exit command from remote client terminates server */
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & REMOTE_GET_IOCTL)
err = wl_ioctl(wl, g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd, (void *)buf_ptr,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, FALSE);
if (err == BCME_IOCTL_ERROR) {
if (rwl_var_getbuf(wl, "bcmerrorstr", NULL, 0, (void**)&errstr)) {
"REMOTE_GET_IOCTL::Error in executing wl_ioctl\n");
} else {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "%s\n", errstr);
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "Setting Default Interface \n");
set_interface(wl, old_intf_name);
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags & RDHD_GET_IOCTL)
err = dhd_ioctl(wl, g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd, (void *)buf_ptr,
g_rem_ptr->msg.len, FALSE);
g_rem_ptr->msg.flags = REMOTE_GET_IOCTL;
DPRINT_INFO(OUTPUT, "RESP : cmd %d\t msg len %d\n",
g_rem_ptr->msg.cmd, g_rem_ptr->msg.len);
/* setting back default interface */
set_interface(wl, old_intf_name);
/* Transmit the response results */
if (remote_tx_response(wl, buf_ptr, err) < 0) {
DPRINT_ERR(ERR, "\nReturn results failed\n");
if (g_rem_ptr->msg.flags != REMOTE_SHELL_CMD)
/* Transmitted to client. Then close the handle & get the new handle
* for next transmission & reception. In case of shell commands this
* should be closed in respective shellproc files.
#endif /* RWL_SOCKET */
if (buf_ptr) {
} /* end of while */
#if defined(RWL_SOCKET)
/* Close the main handle for socket */
#elif defined(RWL_SERIAL)
/* Close the main handle for serial pipe */
rwl_close_pipe(remote_type, (void*)&transport_descriptor);
#ifdef RWLASD
return err;