blob: a63b5c1479a37bbd27c73322fe26739a2742c549 [file] [log] [blame]
* wl server declarations
* Copyright (C) 2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Broadcom Corporation;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom Corporation.
* $Id: wlu_server_shared.h 287128 2011-09-30 04:27:53Z $
#ifndef _wlu_server_shared_h
#define _wlu_server_shared_h
extern int wl_ioctl(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len, bool set);
extern int dhd_ioctl(void *dhd, int cmd, void *buf, int len, bool set);
#ifdef RWLASD
/* streams' buffers */
BYTE *xcCmdBuf = NULL, *parmsVal = NULL;
BYTE *trafficBuf = NULL, *respBuf = NULL;
struct timeval *toutvalp = NULL;
#define POLLING_TIME 200
#define MESSAGE_LENGTH 1024
#define MAX_IOVAR 10000
int remote_type = NO_REMOTE;
rem_ioctl_t *g_rem_ptr;
extern int wl_ioctl(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len, bool set);
/* Function prototypes from shellpoc_linux.c/shell_ce.c */
extern int rwl_create_dir(void);
extern int remote_shell_execute(char *buf_ptr, void *wl);
extern int remote_shell_get_resp(char* shell_fname, void *wl);
extern void rwl_wifi_find_server_response(void *wl, dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t *rec_frame);
extern dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t *rwl_wifi_allocate_actionframe(void);
/* Common code for serial and wifi */
#if defined(RWL_DONGLE) || defined(RWL_WIFI) || defined(RWL_SERIAL)
typedef struct rem_packet {
rem_ioctl_t rem_cdc;
uchar message[MESSAGE_LENGTH];
} rem_packet_t;
#define REMOTE_PACKET_SIZE sizeof(rem_packet_t)
rem_packet_t *g_rem_pkt_ptr;
rem_packet_t g_rem_pkt;
static struct ether_addr rwlea;
static union {
uchar bufdata[WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN];
uint32 alignme;
} bufstruct_wlu;
static uchar* rwl_buf = (uchar*) &bufstruct_wlu.bufdata;
extern int need_speedy_response;
#endif /* _wlu_server_shared_h_ */