blob: 868ad90355ba24fa1bc1ea1c6588a2c32b533348 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) NXP Semiconductors (PLMA)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef __TFA_CONTAINER_H__
#define __TFA_CONTAINER_H__
* tfa98xx container firmware header
struct nxpTfaDescPtr {
u32 offset:24;
u8 type; // (== enum nxpTfaDescriptorType, assure 8bits length)
struct nxpTfaDevice {
u8 length; // nr of items in the list
u8 bus; // bus
u8 dev; // device
u8 func; // subfunction or subdevice
u32 devid; // device hw fw id
struct nxpTfaDescPtr name; // device name
struct nxpTfaDescPtr list[]; // items list
} __attribute__((packed));
#define HDR(c1,c2) (c2<<8|c1) // little endian
enum tfa_cnt_header_type {
params = HDR('P','M'),
volstep = HDR('V','P'),
patch = HDR('P','A'),
speaker = HDR('S','P'),
preset = HDR('P','R'),
config = HDR('C','O'),
equalizer = HDR('E','Q'),
drc = HDR('D','R')
enum nxpTfaHeaderType {
paramsHdr = HDR('P','M'),
volstepHdr = HDR('V','P'),
patchHdr = HDR('P','A'),
speakerHdr = HDR('S','P'),
presetHdr = HDR('P','R'),
configHdr = HDR('C','O'),
equalizerHdr = HDR('E','Q'),
drcHdr = HDR('D','R')
#define TFA_PM_VERSION '1'
#define TFA_PM_SUBVERSION "00"
enum nxpTfaDescriptorType {
dscDevice, // device list
dscProfile, // profile list
dscRegister, // register patch
dscString, // ascii, zero terminated string
dscFile, // filename + file contents
dscPatch, // patch file
dscMarker, // marker to indicate end of a list
dscMode, // mode support
dscCfMem, // coolflux memory x,y,io
dscFilter, // filter settings
dscBitfieldBase=0x80 // start of bitfield enums
* profile descriptor list
struct nxpTfaProfile {
u8 length; // nr of items in the list
u32 ID:24; // profile ID
struct nxpTfaDescPtr name; // profile name
struct nxpTfaDescPtr list[]; // items list
} __attribute__((packed));
#define TFA_PROFID 0x1234
//static char nostring[]="Undefined string";
* generic file descriptor
struct nxpTfaFileDsc {
struct nxpTfaDescPtr name;
u32 size; // file data length in bytes
u8 data[]; //payload
} __attribute__((packed));
struct nxpTfaContainer {
char id[2]; // "XX" : XX=type
char version[2]; // "V_" : V=version, vv=subversion
char subversion[2]; // "vv" : vv=subversion
u32 size; // data size in bytes following CRC
u32 CRC; // 32-bits CRC for following data
u16 rev; // "extra chars for rev nr"
char customer[8]; // “name of customer”
char application[8]; // “application name”
char type[8]; // “application type name”
u16 ndev; // "nr of device lists"
u16 nprof; // "nr of profile lists"
struct nxpTfaDescPtr index[]; // start of item index table
} __attribute__((packed));
struct tfa_cnt_header {
u16 id;
char version[2]; /* "V_" : V=version */
char subversion[2]; // "vv" : vv=subversion
u32 size; // data size in bytes following CRC
u32 CRC; // 32-bits CRC for following data
u16 rev;
char customer[8]; // “name of customer”
char application[8]; // “application name”
char type[8]; // “application type name”
u16 ndev; // "nr of device lists"
u16 nprof; // "nr of profile lists"
struct nxpTfaDescPtr index[]; // start of item index table
} __attribute__((packed));
* the generic header
* all char types are in ASCII
struct nxpTfaHeader {
u16 id;
char version[2]; // "V_" : V=version, vv=subversion
char subversion[2]; // "vv" : vv=subversion
u16 size; // data size in bytes following CRC
u32 CRC; // 32-bits CRC for following data
char customer[8]; // “name of customer”
char application[8]; // “application name”
char type[8]; // “application type name”
} __attribute__((packed));
struct nxpTfaPatch {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
* typedef for 24 bit value using 3 bytes
typedef struct uint24 {
u8 b[3];
} u24;
* coolflux direct memory access
struct nxpTfaDspMem {
u8 type; /* 0--3: p, x, y, iomem */
u16 address; /* target address */
u8 size; /* data size in words */
s32 words[]; /* payload in signed 32bit integer (two's complement) */
} __attribute__((packed));
* the biquad coefficients for the API together with index in filter
* the biquad_index is the actual index in the equalizer +1
struct nxpTfaBiquad {
u8 bytes[6*sizeof(u24)];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct nxpTfaBiquadFloat {
float headroom;
float b0;
float b1;
float b2;
float a1;
float a2;
enum nxpTfaFilterType {
fCustom, //User defined biquad coefficients
fFlat, //Vary only gain
fLowpass, //2nd order Butterworth low pass
fHighpass, //2nd order Butterworth high pass
* filter parameters for biquad (re-)calculation
struct nxpTfaFilter {
struct nxpTfaBiquad biquad;
u8 enabled;
u8 type; // (== enum FilterTypes, assure 8bits length)
float frequency;
float Q;
float gain;
} __attribute__((packed)); //8 * float + int32 + byte == 37
* standalone filter data in container file
* contains data for recalculation and payload data
struct nxpTfaBiquadSettings {
int8_t index; /**< index determines destination type; anti-alias, integrator,eq */
uint8_t type;
float cutOffFreq; // cut off frequency
float samplingFreq;
float rippleDb_leakage; // rippleDb or integrator leakage
float rolloff;
uint8_t bytes[5*3]; // payload 5*24bits coeffs
} __attribute__((packed));
#define TFA98XX_MAX_EQ 10
struct nxpTfaEqualizer {
struct nxpTfaFilter filter[TFA98XX_MAX_EQ];// note: API index counts from 1..10
* equalizer file
struct nxpTfaEqualizerFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 samplerate; // ==enum samplerates, assure 8 bits
struct nxpTfaFilter filter[TFA98XX_MAX_EQ];// note: API index counts from 1..10
} __attribute__((packed));
* config file
struct nxpTfaConfigFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
* preset file
struct nxpTfaPresetFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
* drc file
* TODO: Add DRC filter data, treshold ...
struct nxpTfaDrcFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 data[];
} __attribute__((packed));
* volume step structures
/* VP01 */
#define NXPTFA_VP1_VERSION '1'
struct nxpTfaVolumeStep1 {
u32 attenuation; // contain IEEE single float
} __attribute__((packed));
/* VP02 */
#define NXPTFA_VP2_VERSION '2'
struct nxpTfaVolumeStep2 {
u32 attenuation; // contain IEEE single float
struct nxpTfaFilter filter[TFA98XX_MAX_EQ];// note: API index counts from 1..10
} __attribute__((packed));
* Register patch descriptor
struct nxpTfaRegpatch {
u8 address; // register address
u16 value; // value to write
u16 mask; // mask of bits to write
} __attribute__((packed));
* Mode descriptor
struct nxpTfaMode {
u32 value; // mode value, maps to enum Tfa98xx_Mode
} __attribute__((packed));
* volumestep file
struct nxpTfaVolumeStepFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 vsteps; // can also be calulated from size+type
u8 samplerate; // ==enum samplerates, assure 8 bits
u8 payload; //start of variable length contents:N times volsteps
} __attribute__((packed));
* volumestep2 file
struct nxpTfaVolumeStep2File {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
u8 vsteps; // can also be calulated from size+type
u8 samplerate; // ==enum samplerates, assure 8 bits
struct nxpTfaVolumeStep2 vstep[]; //start of variable length contents:N times volsteps
} __attribute__((packed));
* speaker file
struct nxpTfaSpeakerFile {
struct nxpTfaHeader hdr;
char name[8]; // speaker nick name (e.g. “dumbo”)
char vendor[16];
char type[8];
/* dimensions (mm) */
u8 height;
u8 width;
u8 depth;
u16 ohm;
} __attribute__((packed));
* Bitfield descriptor
struct nxpTfaBitfield {
u16 value;
u16 field; // ==datasheet defined, 16 bits
} __attribute__((packed));
* Bitfield enumuration bits descriptor
struct nxpTfaBfEnum {
u16 len:4; // this is the actual length-1
u16 pos:4;
u16 address:8;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct drcBiquad {
u24 freq; // center frequency
u24 Q; // Q factor
u24 gain; // gain in dB
u24 type; // filter type (= enum dspBqFiltType_t)
struct drc {
u24 enabled; // drc enabled
u24 sidechain; // side chain usage
u24 kneetype; // knee type enum
u24 env; // envelope
u24 attack; // attack time in ms
u24 release; // release time in ms;
u24 thresDb; // threshold in dB;
u24 ratio;
u24 makeupGain; // make up gain in dB
struct drcBandLimited {
u24 enabled; // band limted drc enabled (0 = off)
struct drcBiquad biquad; // biquad for band
struct drc limiter; // band limiter
struct drcParamBlock {
u24 drcOn; // drc module enabled. 0 == off
struct drcBiquad hi1bq; // high band biquads
struct drcBiquad hi2bq;
struct drcBiquad mi1bq; // mid band biqauds
struct drcBiquad mi2bq;
struct drcBiquad mi3bq;
struct drcBiquad mi4bq;
struct drcBiquad lo1bq; // low band biquads
struct drcBiquad lo2bq;
struct drcBiquad po1bq; // post biquads
struct drcBiquad po2bq;
struct drc hi1drc; // high compressors
struct drc hi2drc;
struct drc mi1drc; // mid compressors
struct drc mi2drc;
struct drc lo1drc; // low compressors
struct drc lo2drc;
struct drc po1drc; // post compressors
struct drc po2drc;
struct drcBandLimited bl;// band limited compressor
int tfa98xx_cnt_loadfile(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int index);
char *tfaContBfName(u16 num);
int tfaContWriteRegsProf(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int profile);
int tfaContWriteRegsDev(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx);
void tfaContShowHeader(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaHeader *hdr);
int tfaContWritePatch(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx);
int tfaContWriteFilterbank(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaFilter *filter);
int tfaContWriteEq(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaEqualizerFile *eqf);
int tfaContWriteVstep(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaVolumeStep2File *vp);
int tfaContWriteFile(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaFileDsc *file);
int tfaContWriteItem(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, struct nxpTfaDescPtr * dsc);
int tfaContWriteProfile(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int profile, int vstep);
int tfaContWriteFilesProf(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int profile, int vstep);
int tfaContWriteFiles(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx);
int tfa98xx_dsp_write_drc(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int len, const u8 *data);
int tfaContWriteFilesVstep(struct tfa98xx *tfa98xx, int profile, int vstep);