blob: 6607487b9c207a92d7050c2de1645ade2a6ec2e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Vivante Corporation
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* The GPL License (GPL)
* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 Vivante Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Note: This software is released under dual MIT and GPL licenses. A
* recipient may use this file under the terms of either the MIT license or
* GPL License. If you wish to use only one license not the other, you can
* indicate your decision by deleting one of the above license notices in your
* version of this file.
#include "gc_hal.h"
#include "gc_hal_kernel.h"
#include "gc_hal_kernel_context.h"
#include "gc_hal_kernel_buffer.h"
******************************** Debugging Macro *******************************
/* Zone used for header/footer. */
************************** Context State Buffer Helpers ************************
#define _STATE(reg) \
Context, index, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
reg ## _Count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE \
#define _STATE_COUNT(reg, count) \
Context, index, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE \
#define _STATE_COUNT_OFFSET(reg, offset, count) \
Context, index, \
(reg ## _Address >> 2) + offset, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE \
#define _STATE_MIRROR_COUNT(reg, mirror, count) \
Context, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
count, \
mirror ## _Address >> 2 \
#define _STATE_HINT(reg) \
Context, index, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
reg ## _Count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE \
#define _STATE_HINT_BLOCK(reg, block, count) \
Context, index, \
(reg ## _Address >> 2) + (block << reg ## _BLK), \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE \
#define _STATE_COUNT_OFFSET_HINT(reg, offset, count) \
Context, index, \
(reg ## _Address >> 2) + offset, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE \
#define _STATE_X(reg) \
Context, index, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
reg ## _ResetValue, \
reg ## _Count, \
gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE \
#define _STATE_INIT_VALUE(reg, value) \
Context, index, \
reg ## _Address >> 2, \
value, \
reg ## _Count, \
gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE \
#define _CLOSE_RANGE() \
_TerminateStateBlock(Context, index)
#define _ENABLE(reg, field) \
do \
{ \
if (gcmVERIFYFIELDVALUE(data, reg, MASK_ ## field, ENABLED)) \
{ \
enable |= gcmFIELDMASK(reg, field); \
} \
} \
while (gcvFALSE)
#define _BLOCK_COUNT(reg) \
((reg ## _Count) >> (reg ## _BLK))
*********************** Support Functions and Definitions **********************
#define gcdSTATE_MASK \
#if gcdENABLE_3D
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Index
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
gctUINT32 align;
/* Determine if we need alignment. */
align = (Index & 1) ? 1 : 0;
/* Address correct index. */
buffer = (Context->buffer == gcvNULL)
? gcvNULL
: Context->buffer->logical;
/* Flush the current state block; make sure no pairing with the states
to follow happens. */
if (align && (buffer != gcvNULL))
buffer[Index] = 0xDEADDEAD;
/* Reset last address. */
Context->lastAddress = ~0U;
/* Return alignment requirement. */
return align;
#if (gcdENABLE_3D || gcdENABLE_2D)
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Index,
gctUINT32 flushSlots;
gctBOOL txCacheFix;
gctBOOL fcFlushStall;
gctBOOL iCacheInvalidate;
= gckHARDWARE_IsFeatureAvailable(Context->hardware, gcvFEATURE_TEX_CACHE_FLUSH_FIX);
= gckHARDWARE_IsFeatureAvailable(Context->hardware, gcvFEATURE_FC_FLUSH_STALL);
= ((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures3)) >> (0 ? 3:3) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1)))))) == (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1)))))));
flushSlots = 6;
if (Pipe == gcvPIPE_3D)
if (!txCacheFix)
/* Semaphore stall */
flushSlots += 4;
/* VST cache */
flushSlots += 2;
if (fcFlushStall)
/* Flush tile status cache. */
flushSlots += 6;
if (iCacheInvalidate)
flushSlots += 12;
if (Context->buffer != gcvNULL)
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
/* Address correct index. */
buffer = Context->buffer->logical + Index;
if (Pipe == gcvPIPE_3D && !txCacheFix)
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Flush the current pipe. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E03) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= (Pipe == gcvPIPE_2D)
? ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 3:3))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 3:3)))
: ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 1:1) - (0 ? 1:1) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 1:1) - (0 ? 1:1) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 1:1))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 1:1) - (0 ? 1:1) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 1:1) - (0 ? 1:1) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 1:1)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 2:2) - (0 ? 2:2) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 2:2) - (0 ? 2:2) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 2:2))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 2:2) - (0 ? 2:2) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 2:2) - (0 ? 2:2) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 2:2)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5)));
/* Flush VST in separate cmd. */
if (Pipe == gcvPIPE_3D)
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E03) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
*buffer++ = ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4)));
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
if (fcFlushStall)
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0594) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)));
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
if (iCacheInvalidate)
/* Invalidate I$ after pipe is stalled */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0218) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x0 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x021A) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0218) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x021A) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 0:0) - (0 ? 0:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 0:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5)));
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Number of slots taken by flushing pipe. */
return flushSlots;
#if gcdENABLE_3D
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Index
if (Context->buffer != gcvNULL)
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
/* Address correct index. */
buffer = Context->buffer->logical + Index;
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Semaphore/stall takes 4 slots. */
return 4;
#if (gcdENABLE_3D || gcdENABLE_2D)
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Index,
gctUINT32 slots = 6;
if (Context->buffer != gcvNULL)
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
/* Address correct index. */
buffer = Context->buffer->logical + Index;
/* LoadState(AQPipeSelect, 1), pipe. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E00) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)));
= (Pipe == gcvPIPE_2D)
? 0x1
: 0x0;
/* Semaphore from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (1) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0x0E02) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
/* Stall from FE to PE. */
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x09 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:0) - (0 ? 4:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:0)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x07 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 12:8) - (0 ? 12:8) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 12:8)));
Context->pipeSelectBytes = slots * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
return slots;
#if gcdENABLE_3D
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Index,
IN gctUINT32 Address,
IN gctUINT32 Value,
IN gctUINT32 Size,
IN gctBOOL FixedPoint,
IN gctBOOL Hinted
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
gctUINT32 align;
gctUINT32 i;
/* Determine if we need alignment. */
align = (Index & 1) ? 1 : 0;
/* Address correct index. */
buffer = (Context->buffer == gcvNULL)
? gcvNULL
: Context->buffer->logical;
if ((buffer == gcvNULL) && (Address + Size > Context->maxState))
/* Determine maximum state. */
Context->maxState = Address + Size;
if (buffer == gcvNULL)
/* Update number of states. */
Context->numStates += Size;
/* Do we need a new entry? */
if ((Address != Context->lastAddress) || (FixedPoint != Context->lastFixed))
if (buffer != gcvNULL)
if (align)
/* Add filler. */
buffer[Index++] = 0xDEADDEAD;
/* LoadState(Address, Count). */
gcmkASSERT((Index & 1) == 0);
if (FixedPoint)
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 26:26))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 26:26)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (Size) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (Address) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x01 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 26:26))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x0 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 26:26) - (0 ? 26:26) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 26:26)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (Size) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (Address) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
/* Walk all the states. */
for (i = 0; i < (gctUINT32)Size; i += 1)
/* Set state to uninitialized value. */
buffer[Index + 1 + i] = Value;
/* Set index in state mapping table. */
Context->map[Address + i].index = (gctUINT)Index + 1 + i;
/* Save hint. */
if (Context->hint != gcvNULL)
Context->hint[Address + i] = Hinted;
/* Save information for this LoadState. */
Context->lastIndex = (gctUINT)Index;
Context->lastAddress = Address + (gctUINT32)Size;
Context->lastSize = Size;
Context->lastFixed = FixedPoint;
/* Return size for load state. */
return align + 1 + Size;
/* Append this state to the previous one. */
if (buffer != gcvNULL)
/* Update last load state. */
buffer[Context->lastIndex] =
((((gctUINT32) (buffer[Context->lastIndex])) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (Context->lastSize + Size) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)));
/* Walk all the states. */
for (i = 0; i < (gctUINT32)Size; i += 1)
/* Set state to uninitialized value. */
buffer[Index + i] = Value;
/* Set index in state mapping table. */
Context->map[Address + i].index = (gctUINT)Index + i;
/* Save hint. */
if (Context->hint != gcvNULL)
Context->hint[Address + i] = Hinted;
/* Update last address and size. */
Context->lastAddress += (gctUINT32)Size;
Context->lastSize += Size;
/* Return number of slots required. */
return Size;
static gctUINT32
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 Address,
IN gctUINT32 Size,
IN gctUINT32 AddressMirror
gctUINT32 i;
/* Process when buffer is set. */
if (Context->buffer != gcvNULL)
/* Walk all states. */
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
/* Copy the mapping address. */
Context->map[Address + i].index =
Context->map[AddressMirror + i].index;
/* Return the number of required maps. */
return Size;
#if (gcdENABLE_3D || gcdENABLE_2D)
static gceSTATUS
IN gckCONTEXT Context
gctUINT32_PTR buffer;
gctUINT32 index;
#if gcdENABLE_3D
gctBOOL halti0, halti1, halti2, halti3;
gctUINT i;
gctUINT vertexUniforms, fragmentUniforms, vsConstBase, psConstBase, constMax;
gctBOOL unifiedUniform;
gctUINT fe2vsCount;
/* Reset the buffer index. */
index = 0;
/* Reset the last state address. */
Context->lastAddress = ~0U;
/* Get the buffer pointer. */
buffer = (Context->buffer == gcvNULL)
? gcvNULL
: Context->buffer->logical;
/* Build 2D states. *******************************************************/
#if gcdENABLE_3D
/* Build 3D states. *******************************************************/
halti0 = (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures1)) >> (0 ? 23:23)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 23:23) - (0 ? 23:23) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 23:23) - (0 ? 23:23) + 1)))))) );
halti1 = (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures2)) >> (0 ? 11:11)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1)))))) );
halti2 = (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures4)) >> (0 ? 16:16)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 16:16) - (0 ? 16:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 16:16) - (0 ? 16:16) + 1)))))) );
halti3 = (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures5)) >> (0 ? 9:9)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 9:9) - (0 ? 9:9) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 9:9) - (0 ? 9:9) + 1)))))) );
/* Query how many uniforms can support for non-unified uniform mode. */
{if (Context->hardware->identity.numConstants > 256){ unifiedUniform = gcvTRUE; vsConstBase = 0xC000; psConstBase = 0xC000; vertexUniforms = gcmMIN(512, Context->hardware->identity.numConstants - 64); fragmentUniforms = gcmMIN(512, Context->hardware->identity.numConstants - 64); constMax = Context->hardware->identity.numConstants;}else if (Context->hardware->identity.numConstants == 256){ if (Context->hardware->identity.chipModel == gcv2000 && Context->hardware->identity.chipRevision == 0x5118) { unifiedUniform = gcvFALSE; vsConstBase = 0x1400; psConstBase = 0x1C00; vertexUniforms = 256; fragmentUniforms = 64; constMax = 320; } else { unifiedUniform = gcvFALSE; vsConstBase = 0x1400; psConstBase = 0x1C00; vertexUniforms = 256; fragmentUniforms = 256; constMax = 512; }}else{ unifiedUniform = gcvFALSE; vsConstBase = 0x1400; psConstBase = 0x1C00; vertexUniforms = 168; fragmentUniforms = 64; constMax = 232;}};
if (Context->hardware->identity.numConstants > 256)
unifiedUniform = gcvTRUE;
unifiedUniform = gcvFALSE;
/* Store the 3D entry index. */
Context->entryOffset3D = (gctUINT)index * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
/* Switch to 3D pipe. */
index += _SwitchPipe(Context, index, gcvPIPE_3D);
/* Current context pointer. */
#if gcdDEBUG
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03850 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _FlushPipe(Context, index, gcvPIPE_3D);
/* Global states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03814 >> 2, 0x00000001, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03818 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0381C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03820 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03828 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0382C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03834 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03838 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03854 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0384C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Front End states. */
fe2vsCount = 12;
if (halti0)
fe2vsCount = 16;
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00600 >> 2, 0x00000000, fe2vsCount, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00644 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00648 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0064C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00650 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00680 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x006A0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00674 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00670 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00678 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0067C >> 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x006C0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00700 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00740 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00780 >> 2, 0x3F800000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti2)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14600 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14640 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14680 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* This register is programed by all chips, which program all DECODE_SELECT as VS
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00860 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures3)) >> (0 ? 3:3) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1)))))) == (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 3:3) - (0 ? 3:3) + 1))))))))
/* I-Cache states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00868 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0086C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0304C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01028 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if (halti3)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00890 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0104C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* Vertex Shader states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00804 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00808 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0080C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00810 >> 2, 0x00000000, 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00820 >> 2, 0x00000000, 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00830 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* Primitive Assembly states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A00 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A04 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A08 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A0C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A10 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A14 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A18 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A1C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A28 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A2C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A30 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A40 >> 2, 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.varyingsCount, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A34 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A38 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A3C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A80 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A84 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A8C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00A88 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
#if gcdMULTI_GPU
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03A00 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03A04 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03A08 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Setup states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C00 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C04 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C08 >> 2, 0x45000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C0C >> 2, 0x45000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C10 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C14 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C18 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C1C >> 2, 0x42000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C20 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00C24 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvTRUE, gcvFALSE);
/* Raster states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E00 >> 2, 0x00000001, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E10 >> 2, 0x00000000, 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E04 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E40 >> 2, 0x00000000, 16, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E08 >> 2, 0x17000031, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E24 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E20 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti2)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00E0C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Pixel Shader states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01004 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01008 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0100C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01010 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01030 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti2)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0102C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01034 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01038 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* Texture states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02040 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02080 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x020C0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02100 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02140 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02180 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x021C0 >> 2, 0x00321000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02200 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x02240 >> 2, 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02400 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02440 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02480 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x024C0 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02500 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02540 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02580 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x025C0 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02600 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02640 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02680 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x026C0 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02700 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02740 >> 2) + (0 << 4), 0x00000000, 12, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if ((((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures1)) >> (0 ? 22:22)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 22:22) - (0 ? 22:22) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 22:22) - (0 ? 22:22) + 1)))))) ))
* Linear stride LODn will overwrite LOD0 on GC880,GC2000.
* And only LOD0 is valid for this register.
gctUINT count = halti1 ? 14 : 1;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i += 1)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x02C00 >> 2) + i * 16, 0x00000000, count, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti1)
gctUINT texBlockCount;
gctUINT gcregTXLogSizeResetValue;
/* Enable the integer filter pipe for all texture samplers
so that the floating point filter clock will shut off until
we start using the floating point filter.
gcregTXLogSizeResetValue = ((((gctUINT32) (0x00000000)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 29:29) - (0 ? 29:29) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 29:29) - (0 ? 29:29) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 29:29))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 29:29) - (0 ? 29:29) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 29:29) - (0 ? 29:29) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 29:29)));
/* New texture block. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10080 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10100 >> 2, gcregTXLogSizeResetValue, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10180 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10200 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10280 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10300 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10380 >> 2, 0x00321000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10400 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10480 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if ((((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures2)) >> (0 ? 15:15)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:15) - (0 ? 15:15) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:15) - (0 ? 15:15) + 1)))))) ))
index += _State(Context, index, 0x12000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 256, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x12400 >> 2, 0x00000000, 256, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
texBlockCount = ((512) >> (4));
for (i = 0; i < texBlockCount; i += 1)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x10800 >> 2) + (i << 4), 0x00000000, 14, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
if (halti2)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10700 >> 2, 0x00000F00, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti3)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10780 >> 2, 0x00030000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* ASTC */
if ((((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures4)) >> (0 ? 13:13)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1)))))) ))
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10500 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10580 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10600 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x10680 >> 2, 0x00000000, 32, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* YUV. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01678 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0167C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01680 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01684 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01688 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0168C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01690 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01694 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01698 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0169C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* Thread walker states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00900 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00904 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00908 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0090C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00910 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00914 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00918 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0091C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00924 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures3)) >> (0 ? 21:21) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 21:21) - (0 ? 21:21) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 21:21) - (0 ? 21:21) + 1)))))) == (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 21:21) - (0 ? 21:21) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 21:21) - (0 ? 21:21) + 1))))))))
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00940 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00944 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00948 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0094C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00950 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00954 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if (!halti3)
if (Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount > 1024)
/* New Shader instruction PC registers. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0085C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0101C >> 2, 0x00000100, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
for (i = 0;
i < Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount << 2;
i += 256 << 2
index += _State(Context, index, (0x20000 >> 2) + i, 0x00000000, 256 << 2, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
else if (Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount > 256)
/* New Shader instruction PC registers. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0085C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0101C >> 2, 0x00000100, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* VX instruction memory. */
for (i = 0;
i < Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount << 2;
i += 256 << 2
index += _State(Context, index, (0x0C000 >> 2) + i, 0x00000000, 256 << 2, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
_StateMirror(Context, 0x08000 >> 2, Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount << 2 , 0x0C000 >> 2);
else /* if (Context->hardware->identity.instructionCount <= 256) */
/* old shader instruction PC registers */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00800 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00838 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01018 >> 2, 0x01000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x04000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1024, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x06000 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1024, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* I cache use the new instruction PC registers */
/* New Shader instruction PC registers. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0085C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0101C >> 2, 0x00000100, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if (unifiedUniform)
gctINT numConstants = Context->hardware->identity.numConstants;
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01024 >> 2, 0x00000100, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x00864 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
for (i = 0;
numConstants > 0;
i += 256 << 2,
numConstants -= 256
if (numConstants >= 256)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x30000 >> 2) + i, 0x00000000, 256 << 2, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x30000 >> 2) + i, 0x00000000, numConstants << 2, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x05000 >> 2, 0x00000000, vertexUniforms * 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x07000 >> 2, 0x00000000, fragmentUniforms * 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Store the index of the "XD" entry. */
Context->entryOffsetXDFrom3D = (gctUINT)index * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
/* Pixel Engine states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01400 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01404 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01408 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0140C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01414 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01418 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0141C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01420 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01424 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01428 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0142C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01434 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01454 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01458 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0145C >> 2, 0x00000010, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014A0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014A8 >> 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014AC >> 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if(((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures1)) >> (0 ? 11:11) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1)))))) == (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 11:11) - (0 ? 11:11) + 1))))))) )
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014B0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014B4 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014A4 >> 2, 0x000E400C, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01580 >> 2, 0x00000000, 3, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014B8 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Composition states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03008 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01460 >> 2) + (0 << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
if (Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes == 1)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01430 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01410 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
if (Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes > 1 || halti0)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01480 >> 2) + (0 << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01500 >> 2) + (i << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
if (halti2)
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x14800 >> 2) + (i << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14900 >> 2, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti3)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x014BC >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Resolve states. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01604 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01608 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0160C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01610 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01614 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01620 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01630 >> 2, 0x00000000, 2, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01640 >> 2, 0x00000000, 4, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0163C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016A0 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016B4 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if ((Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes > 1) || halti1)
index += _State(Context, index, (0x016C0 >> 2) + (0 << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x016E0 >> 2) + (0 << 3), 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01700 >> 2, 0x00000000, Context->hardware->identity.pixelPipes, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
#if gcd3DBLIT
index += _State(Context, index, (0x14000 >> 2) + (0 << 1), 0x00000000, 2, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14008 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1400C >> 2, 0x0001C800, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14010 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14014 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x14018 >> 2) + (0 << 1), 0x00000000, 2, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14020 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14024 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14028 >> 2, 0x0001C800, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1402C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14030 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14034 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14038 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1403C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14040 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14044 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14048 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1404C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14050 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14058 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1405C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14054 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14100 >> 2, 0x00000000, 64, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14200 >> 2, 0x00000000, 64, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14064 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14068 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1406C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14070 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14074 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14078 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1407C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14080 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14084 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14088 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x1408C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14090 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14094 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x14098 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
/* Tile status. */
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01654 >> 2, 0x00200000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01658 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0165C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01660 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01664 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01668 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x0166C >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01670 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01674 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016A4 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016AC >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016A8 >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01720 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01740 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01760 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
if (halti2)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01780 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, 0x016BC >> 2, 0x00000000, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x017A0 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x017C0 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x017E0 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01A00 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01A20 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _State(Context, index, (0x01A40 >> 2) + 1, 0x00000000, 7, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if(((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures4)) >> (0 ? 25:25) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:25) - (0 ? 25:25) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:25) - (0 ? 25:25) + 1)))))) == (0x1 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:25) - (0 ? 25:25) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:25) - (0 ? 25:25) + 1))))))))
index += _State(Context, index, 0x03860 >> 2, 0x6, 1, gcvFALSE, gcvFALSE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
if (halti3)
index += _State(Context, index, 0x01A80 >> 2, 0x00000000, 8, gcvFALSE, gcvTRUE);
index += _CLOSE_RANGE();
/* Semaphore/stall. */
index += _SemaphoreStall(Context, index);
/* Link to another address. ***********************************************/
Context->linkIndex3D = (gctUINT)index;
if (buffer != gcvNULL)
buffer[index + 0]
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x08 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
buffer[index + 1]
= 0;
index += 2;
/* Store the end of the context buffer. */
Context->bufferSize = index * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
/* Pipe switch for the case where neither 2D nor 3D are used. *************/
/* Store the 3D entry index. */
Context->entryOffsetXDFrom2D = (gctUINT)index * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
/* Flush 2D pipe. */
index += _FlushPipe(Context, index, gcvPIPE_2D);
/* Switch to 3D pipe. */
index += _SwitchPipe(Context, index, gcvPIPE_3D);
/* Store the location of the link. */
Context->linkIndexXD = (gctUINT)index;
if (buffer != gcvNULL)
buffer[index + 0]
= ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x08 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)))
| ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (0) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 15:0) - (0 ? 15:0) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 15:0)));
buffer[index + 1]
= 0;
index += 2;
/* Save size for buffer. **************************************************/
Context->totalSize = index * gcmSIZEOF(gctUINT32);
/* Success. */
return gcvSTATUS_OK;
static gceSTATUS
IN gckCONTEXT Context
gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK;
if (Context != gcvNULL)
gcsCONTEXT_PTR bufferHead;
/* Free context buffers. */
for (bufferHead = Context->buffer; Context->buffer != gcvNULL;)
/* Get a shortcut to the current buffer. */
gcsCONTEXT_PTR buffer = Context->buffer;
/* Get the next buffer. */
gcsCONTEXT_PTR next = buffer->next;
/* Last item? */
if (next == bufferHead)
next = gcvNULL;
/* Destroy the signal. */
if (buffer->signal != gcvNULL)
Context->os, buffer->signal
buffer->signal = gcvNULL;
/* Free state delta map. */
if (buffer->logical != gcvNULL)
if (Context->hardware->kernel->virtualCommandBuffer)
buffer->logical = gcvNULL;
/* Free context buffer. */
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, buffer));
/* Remove from the list. */
Context->buffer = next;
/* Free the hint array. */
if (Context->hint != gcvNULL)
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, Context->hint));
/* Free record array copy. */
if (Context->recordArrayMap != gcvNULL)
gctUINT i;
for (i = 0; i < gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT; i++)
gcsRECORD_ARRAY_MAP_PTR map = &Context->recordArrayMap[i];
if (map->kData != gcvNULL)
/* Free record array. */
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, map->kData));
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, Context->recordArrayMap));
if (Context->recordArray != gcvNULL)
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, Context->recordArray));
/* Mark the gckCONTEXT object as unknown. */
Context->object.type = gcvOBJ_UNKNOWN;
/* Free the gckCONTEXT object. */
gcmkONERROR(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, Context));
return status;
**************************** Context Management API ****************************
** gckCONTEXT_Construct
** Construct a new gckCONTEXT object.
** gckOS Os
** Pointer to gckOS object.
** gctUINT32 ProcessID
** Current process ID.
** gckHARDWARE Hardware
** Pointer to gckHARDWARE object.
** gckCONTEXT * Context
** Pointer to a variable thet will receive the gckCONTEXT object
** pointer.
#if (gcdENABLE_3D || gcdENABLE_2D)
IN gckOS Os,
IN gckHARDWARE Hardware,
IN gctUINT32 ProcessID,
OUT gckCONTEXT * Context
gceSTATUS status;
gckCONTEXT context = gcvNULL;
gctUINT32 allocationSize;
gctUINT i;
gctPOINTER pointer = gcvNULL;
gctUINT32 address;
gcmkHEADER_ARG("Os=0x%08X Hardware=0x%08X", Os, Hardware);
/* Verify the arguments. */
gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Context != gcvNULL);
/* Allocate and initialize basic fields of gckCONTEXT. ********************/
/* The context object size. */
allocationSize = gcmSIZEOF(struct _gckCONTEXT);
/* Allocate the object. */
Os, allocationSize, &pointer
context = pointer;
/* Reset the entire object. */
gcmkONERROR(gckOS_ZeroMemory(context, allocationSize));
/* Initialize the gckCONTEXT object. */
context->object.type = gcvOBJ_CONTEXT;
context->os = Os;
context->hardware = Hardware;
#if !gcdENABLE_3D
context->entryPipe = gcvPIPE_2D;
context->exitPipe = gcvPIPE_2D;
#elif gcdCMD_NO_2D_CONTEXT
context->entryPipe = gcvPIPE_3D;
context->exitPipe = gcvPIPE_3D;
= (((((gctUINT32) (context->hardware->identity.chipFeatures)) >> (0 ? 9:9)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 9:9) - (0 ? 9:9) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 9:9) - (0 ? 9:9) + 1)))))) )
? gcvPIPE_2D
: gcvPIPE_3D;
context->exitPipe = gcvPIPE_3D;
/* Get the command buffer requirements. */
/* Mark the context as dirty to force loading of the entire state table
the first time. */
context->dirty = gcvTRUE;
/* Get the size of the context buffer. ************************************/
/* Compute the size of the record array. **********************************/
= gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD) * (gctUINT)context->maxState;
= gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD) * (gctUINT)context->numStates;
if (!((context->hardware->identity.chipModel == gcv3000)
&& (context->hardware->identity.chipRevision == 0x5450)
&& (context->hardware->identity.chipFlags & gcvCHIP_FLAG_GC2000_R2))
= gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD) * (gctUINT)context->numStates;
if (context->maxState > 0)
/* Allocate and reset the state mapping table. ****************************/
if (context->hardware->kernel->command->stateMap == gcvNULL)
/* Allocate the state mapping table. */
gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_MAP) * context->maxState,
context->map = pointer;
/* Zero the state mapping table. */
context->map, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_MAP) * context->maxState
context->hardware->kernel->command->stateMap = pointer;
context->map = context->hardware->kernel->command->stateMap;
/* Allocate the hint array. ***********************************************/
/* Allocate hints. */
gcmSIZEOF(gctBOOL) * context->maxState,
context->hint = pointer;
/* Allocate the context and state delta buffers. **************************/
for (i = 0; i < gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT; i += 1)
/* Allocate a context buffer. */
gcsCONTEXT_PTR buffer;
gctSIZE_T totalSize = context->totalSize;
/* Allocate the context buffer structure. */
buffer = pointer;
/* Reset the context buffer structure. */
buffer, gcmSIZEOF(gcsCONTEXT)
/* Append to the list. */
if (context->buffer == gcvNULL)
buffer->next = buffer;
context->buffer = buffer;
buffer->next = context->buffer->next;
context->buffer->next = buffer;
/* Set the number of delta in the order of creation. */
buffer->num = i;
/* Create the busy signal. */
Os, gcvFALSE, &buffer->signal
/* Set the signal, buffer is currently not busy. */
Os, buffer->signal, gcvTRUE
/* Create a new physical context buffer. */
if (context->hardware->kernel->virtualCommandBuffer)
buffer->logical = pointer;
buffer->address = address;
/* Set gckEVENT object pointer. */
buffer->eventObj = Hardware->kernel->eventObj;
/* Set the pointers to the LINK commands. */
if (context->linkIndex2D != 0)
buffer->link2D = &buffer->logical[context->linkIndex2D];
if (context->linkIndex3D != 0)
buffer->link3D = &buffer->logical[context->linkIndex3D];
if (context->linkIndexXD != 0)
gctPOINTER xdLink;
gctUINT32 xdEntryAddress;
gctUINT32 xdEntrySize;
gctUINT32 linkBytes;
/* Determine LINK parameters. */
= &buffer->logical[context->linkIndexXD];
= buffer->address
+ context->entryOffsetXDFrom3D;
= context->bufferSize
- context->entryOffsetXDFrom3D;
/* Query LINK size. */
Hardware, gcvNULL, 0, 0, &linkBytes, gcvNULL, gcvNULL
/* Generate a LINK. */
/* Initialize the context buffers. ****************************************/
/* Initialize the current context buffer. */
/* Make all created contexts equal. */
gcsCONTEXT_PTR currContext, tempContext;
/* Set the current context buffer. */
currContext = context->buffer;
/* Get the next context buffer. */
tempContext = currContext->next;
/* Loop through all buffers. */
while (tempContext != currContext)
if (tempContext == gcvNULL)
/* Copy the current context. */
/* Get the next context buffer. */
tempContext = tempContext->next;
/* Return pointer to the gckCONTEXT object. */
*Context = context;
/* Success. */
gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Context=0x%08X", *Context);
return gcvSTATUS_OK;
/* Roll back on error. */
/* Return the status. */
return status;
** gckCONTEXT_Destroy
** Destroy a gckCONTEXT object.
** gckCONTEXT Context
** Pointer to an gckCONTEXT object.
** Nothing.
IN gckCONTEXT Context
gceSTATUS status;
gcmkHEADER_ARG("Context=0x%08X", Context);
/* Verify the arguments. */
/* Destroy the context and all related objects. */
status = _DestroyContext(Context);
/* Success. */
return status;
** gckCONTEXT_Update
** Merge all pending state delta buffers into the current context buffer.
** gckCONTEXT Context
** Pointer to an gckCONTEXT object.
** gctUINT32 ProcessID
** Current process ID.
** gcsSTATE_DELTA_PTR StateDelta
** Pointer to the state delta.
** Nothing.
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
IN gctUINT32 ProcessID,
#if gcdENABLE_3D
gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK;
gcsSTATE_DELTA _stateDelta;
gckKERNEL kernel;
gcsCONTEXT_PTR buffer;
gctBOOL needCopy = gcvFALSE;
gcsSTATE_DELTA_PTR uDelta = gcvNULL;
gcsSTATE_DELTA_PTR kDelta = gcvNULL;
gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD_PTR recordArray = gcvNULL;
gcsRECORD_ARRAY_MAP_PTR recordArrayMap = gcvNULL;
gctUINT elementCount;
gctUINT address;
gctUINT32 mask;
gctUINT32 data;
gctUINT index;
gctUINT i, j;
gctUINT32 dirtyRecordArraySize;
"Context=0x%08X ProcessID=%d StateDelta=0x%08X",
Context, ProcessID, StateDelta
/* Verify the arguments. */
/* Get a shortcut to the kernel object. */
kernel = Context->hardware->kernel;
/* Check wehther we need to copy the structures or not. */
gcmkONERROR(gckOS_QueryNeedCopy(Context->os, ProcessID, &needCopy));
/* Allocate the copy buffer for the user record array. */
if (needCopy && (Context->recordArrayMap == gcvNULL))
gctSIZE_T size = gcmSIZEOF(struct _gcsRECORD_ARRAY_MAP)
/* Allocate enough maps. */
(gctPOINTER *) &Context->recordArrayMap
gcmkONERROR(gckOS_ZeroMemory(Context->recordArrayMap, size));
for (i = 0; i < gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT; i++)
/* Next mapping id. */
gctUINT n = (i + 1) % gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT;
recordArrayMap = &Context->recordArrayMap[i];
/* Allocate the buffer. */
status = gckOS_Allocate(
(gctPOINTER *) &recordArrayMap->kData
if (gcmIS_ERROR(status))
/* Initialize fields. */
recordArrayMap->key = 0;
recordArrayMap->next = &Context->recordArrayMap[n];
if (gcmIS_ERROR(status))
/* Error roll back. */
for (i = 0; i < gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT; i++)
recordArrayMap = &Context->recordArrayMap[i];
if (recordArrayMap->kData)
/* Free allocated recordArray. */
gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, recordArrayMap->kData);
recordArrayMap->kData = gcvNULL;
/* Free recordArray map. */
gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Context->os, Context->recordArrayMap);
Context->recordArrayMap = gcvNULL;
if (needCopy && (Context->recordArray == gcvNULL))
/* Allocate the buffer. */
(gctPOINTER *) &Context->recordArray
/* Get the current context buffer. */
buffer = Context->buffer;
/* Wait until the context buffer becomes available; this will
also reset the signal and mark the buffer as busy. */
Context->os, buffer->signal, gcvINFINITE
/* Get the cache form the database. */
gcmkONERROR(gckKERNEL_GetProcessDBCache(kernel, ProcessID, &cache));
#if gcmIS_DEBUG(gcdDEBUG_CODE) && 1 && gcdENABLE_3D
/* Update current context token. */
= (gctUINT32)gcmPTR2INT32(Context);
/* Are there any pending deltas? */
if (buffer->deltaCount != 0)
/* Get the state map. */
map = Context->map;
/* Get the first delta item. */
uDelta = buffer->delta;
/* Reset the vertex stream count. */
elementCount = 0;
/* Merge all pending deltas. */
for (i = 0; i < buffer->deltaCount; i += 1)
/* Get access to the state delta. */
kernel, needCopy,
uDelta, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA),
(gctPOINTER *) &kDelta
= gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA_RECORD) * kDelta->recordCount;
if (needCopy)
recordArray = gcvNULL;
recordArrayMap = Context->recordArrayMap;
/* Check if recordArray is alreay opened. */
if (recordArrayMap->key == kDelta->recordArray)
/* Found. */
recordArray = recordArrayMap->kData;
recordArrayMap = recordArrayMap->next;
while (recordArrayMap != Context->recordArrayMap);
if (recordArray == gcvNULL)
while (recordArrayMap->key != 0)
/* Found an empty slot. */
recordArrayMap = recordArrayMap->next;
if (dirtyRecordArraySize)
/* Get access to the state records. */
/* Save user pointer as key. */
recordArrayMap->key = kDelta->recordArray;
recordArray = recordArrayMap->kData;
if (dirtyRecordArraySize)
/* Get access to the state records. */
(gctPOINTER *) &recordArray
if (dirtyRecordArraySize)
/* Get access to the state records. */
kernel, needCopy,
(gctPOINTER *) &recordArray
/* Merge all pending states. */
for (j = 0; j < kDelta->recordCount; j += 1)
if (j >= Context->numStates)
/* Get the current state record. */
record = &recordArray[j];
/* Get the state address. */
address = record->address;
/* Make sure the state is a part of the mapping table. */
if (address >= Context->maxState)
"%s(%d): State 0x%04X is not mapped.\n",
/* Get the state index. */
index = map[address].index;
/* Skip the state if not mapped. */
if (index == 0)
/* Get the data mask. */
mask = record->mask;
/* Masked states that are being completly reset or regular states. */
if ((mask == 0) || (mask == ~0U))
/* Get the new data value. */
data = record->data;
/* Process special states. */
if (address == 0x0595)
/* Force auto-disable to be disabled. */
data = ((((gctUINT32) (data)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x0 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 5:5) - (0 ? 5:5) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 5:5)));
data = ((((gctUINT32) (data)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x0 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 4:4) - (0 ? 4:4) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 4:4)));
data = ((((gctUINT32) (data)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 13:13))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x0 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 13:13) - (0 ? 13:13) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 13:13)));
/* Do we need to convert the logical address? */
if (Context->hint[address])
/* Map handle into physical address. */
kernel, cache, (gctPOINTER) &data
/* Set new data. */
buffer->logical[index] = data;
/* Masked states that are being set partially. */
= (~mask & buffer->logical[index])
| (mask & record->data);
/* Get the element count. */
if (kDelta->elementCount != 0)
elementCount = kDelta->elementCount;
/* Dereference delta. */
kDelta->refCount -= 1;
gcmkASSERT(kDelta->refCount >= 0);
/* Get the next state delta. */
nDelta = gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kDelta->next);
if (needCopy)
if (kDelta->refCount == 0)
/* No other reference, reset the mapping. */
recordArrayMap->key = 0;
if (dirtyRecordArraySize)
/* Close access to the state records. */
(gctPOINTER *) recordArray
recordArray = gcvNULL;
if (dirtyRecordArraySize)
/* Get access to the state records. */
kernel, needCopy,
(gctPOINTER *) &recordArray
/* Close access to the current state delta. */
kernel, needCopy,
uDelta, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA),
(gctPOINTER *) &kDelta
/* Update the user delta pointer. */
uDelta = nDelta;
/* Hardware disables all input streams when the stream 0 is programmed,
it then reenables those streams that were explicitely programmed by
the software. Because of this we cannot program the entire array of
values, otherwise we'll get all streams reenabled, but rather program
only those that are actully needed by the software. */
if (elementCount != 0)
gctUINT base;
gctUINT nopCount;
gctUINT32_PTR nop;
gctUINT fe2vsCount = 12;
if ((((((gctUINT32) (Context->hardware->identity.chipMinorFeatures1)) >> (0 ? 23:23)) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 23:23) - (0 ? 23:23) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 23:23) - (0 ? 23:23) + 1)))))) ))
fe2vsCount = 16;
/* Determine the base index of the vertex stream array. */
base = map[0x0180].index;
/* Set the proper state count. */
buffer->logical[base - 1]
= ((((gctUINT32) (buffer->logical[base - 1])) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16))) | (((gctUINT32) ((gctUINT32) (elementCount ) & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 25:16) - (0 ? 25:16) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 25:16)));
/* Determine the number of NOP commands. */
= (fe2vsCount / 2)
- (elementCount / 2);
/* Determine the location of the first NOP. */
nop = &buffer->logical[base + (elementCount | 1)];
/* Fill the unused space with NOPs. */
for (i = 0; i < nopCount; i += 1)
if (nop >= buffer->logical + Context->totalSize)
/* Generate a NOP command. */
*nop = ((((gctUINT32) (0)) & ~(((gctUINT32) (((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27))) | (((gctUINT32) (0x03 & ((gctUINT32) ((((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1) == 32) ? ~0 : (~(~0 << ((1 ? 31:27) - (0 ? 31:27) + 1))))))) << (0 ? 31:27)));
/* Advance. */
nop += 2;
/* Reset pending deltas. */
buffer->deltaCount = 0;
buffer->delta = gcvNULL;
/* Set state delta user pointer. */
uDelta = StateDelta;
/* Get access to the state delta. */
kernel, needCopy,
uDelta, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA),
(gctPOINTER *) &kDelta
/* State delta cannot be attached to anything yet. */
if (kDelta->refCount != 0)
"%s(%d): kDelta->refCount = %d (has to be 0).\n",
/* Attach to all contexts. */
buffer = Context->buffer;
/* Attach to the context if nothing is attached yet. If a delta
is allready attached, all we need to do is to increment
the number of deltas in the context. */
if (buffer->delta == gcvNULL)
buffer->delta = uDelta;
/* Update reference count. */
kDelta->refCount += 1;
/* Update counters. */
buffer->deltaCount += 1;
/* Get the next context buffer. */
buffer = buffer->next;
if (buffer == gcvNULL)
while (Context->buffer != buffer);
/* Close access to the current state delta. */
kernel, needCopy,
uDelta, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA),
(gctPOINTER *) &kDelta
/* Schedule an event to mark the context buffer as available. */
buffer->eventObj, buffer->signal, gcvKERNEL_PIXEL
/* Advance to the next context buffer. */
Context->buffer = buffer->next;
/* Return the status. */
return gcvSTATUS_OK;
/* Get access to the state records. */
if (kDelta != gcvNULL)
kernel, needCopy,
gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kDelta->recordArray), Context->recordArraySize,
(gctPOINTER *) &recordArray
/* Close access to the current state delta. */
kernel, needCopy,
uDelta, gcmSIZEOF(gcsSTATE_DELTA),
(gctPOINTER *) &kDelta
/* Return the status. */
return status;
return gcvSTATUS_OK;
IN gckCONTEXT Context,
OUT gctUINT32 *Physicals,
OUT gctUINT64 *Logicals,
OUT gctUINT32 *Bytes
gceSTATUS status;
int i = 0;
gctSIZE_T pageCount;
gckKERNEL kernel = Context->hardware->kernel;
gctPOINTER logical;
gctPHYS_ADDR physical;
gcsCONTEXT_PTR buffer;
buffer = Context->buffer;
for (i = 0; i < gcdCONTEXT_BUFFER_COUNT; i++)
if (kernel->virtualCommandBuffer)
commandBuffer = (gckVIRTUAL_COMMAND_BUFFER_PTR)buffer->physical;
physical = commandBuffer->physical;
physical = buffer->physical;
Physicals[i] = gcmPTR_TO_NAME(physical);
Logicals[i] = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(logical);
buffer = buffer->next;
*Bytes = (gctUINT)Context->totalSize;
return gcvSTATUS_OK;
return status;