blob: 63f1b9760373640d193c34ab4078c6020261f629 [file] [log] [blame]
/* visorchannel.h
* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 UNISYS CORPORATION
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
#ifndef __VISORCHANNEL_H__
#define __VISORCHANNEL_H__
#include <linux/uuid.h>
#include "memregion.h"
#include "channel.h"
#define HOSTADDRESS u64
#ifndef BOOL
#define BOOL int
/* Note that for visorchannel_create() and visorchannel_create_overlapped(),
* <channel_bytes> and <guid> arguments may be 0 if we are a channel CLIENT.
* In this case, the values can simply be read from the channel header.
struct visorchannel *visorchannel_create(HOSTADDRESS physaddr,
ulong channel_bytes, uuid_le guid);
struct visorchannel *visorchannel_create_overlapped(ulong channel_bytes,
struct visorchannel *parent,
ulong off, uuid_le guid);
struct visorchannel *visorchannel_create_with_lock(HOSTADDRESS physaddr,
ulong channel_bytes,
uuid_le guid);
struct visorchannel *visorchannel_create_overlapped_with_lock(
ulong channel_bytes,
struct visorchannel *parent,
ulong off, uuid_le guid);
void visorchannel_destroy(struct visorchannel *channel);
int visorchannel_read(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset,
void *local, ulong nbytes);
int visorchannel_write(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset,
void *local, ulong nbytes);
int visorchannel_clear(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset,
u8 ch, ulong nbytes);
BOOL visorchannel_signalremove(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
void *msg);
BOOL visorchannel_signalinsert(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
void *msg);
int visorchannel_signalqueue_slots_avail(struct visorchannel *channel,
u32 queue);
int visorchannel_signalqueue_max_slots(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue);
HOSTADDRESS visorchannel_get_physaddr(struct visorchannel *channel);
ulong visorchannel_get_nbytes(struct visorchannel *channel);
char *visorchannel_id(struct visorchannel *channel, char *s);
char *visorchannel_zoneid(struct visorchannel *channel, char *s);
u64 visorchannel_get_clientpartition(struct visorchannel *channel);
uuid_le visorchannel_get_uuid(struct visorchannel *channel);
struct memregion *visorchannel_get_memregion(struct visorchannel *channel);
char *visorchannel_uuid_id(uuid_le *guid, char *s);
void visorchannel_debug(struct visorchannel *channel, int num_queues,
struct seq_file *seq, u32 off);
void visorchannel_dump_section(struct visorchannel *chan, char *s,
int off, int len, struct seq_file *seq);
void __iomem *visorchannel_get_header(struct visorchannel *channel);