blob: a36eac683720ff42043674b7dd684b5a88922410 [file] [log] [blame]
* Common code for wl routines
* Broadcom Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright (C) 2017,
* All Rights Reserved.
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
* or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
* written permission of Broadcom.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Proprietary:>>
* $Id: wlu_common.c 583196 2015-09-01 07:11:55Z $
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include "wlu_common.h"
#include "wlu.h"
#include <bcmendian.h>
extern int wl_get(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
extern int wl_set(void *wl, int cmd, void *buf, int len);
wl_cmd_list_t cmd_list;
int cmd_pkt_list_num;
bool cmd_batching_mode;
const char *wlu_av0;
/* global wlc index indentifier for RSDB -W/--wlc option */
int g_wlc_idx = -1;
/* IOCTL swapping mode for Big Endian host with Little Endian dongle. Default to off */
bool g_swap = FALSE;
extern int debug;
* format an iovar buffer
* iovar name is converted to lower case
static uint
wl_iovar_mkbuf(const char *name, char *data, uint datalen, char *iovar_buf, uint buflen, int *perr)
uint iovar_len;
char *p;
iovar_len = strlen(name) + 1;
/* check for overflow */
if ((iovar_len + datalen) > buflen) {
return 0;
/* copy data to the buffer past the end of the iovar name string */
if (datalen > 0)
memmove(&iovar_buf[iovar_len], data, datalen);
/* copy the name to the beginning of the buffer */
strcpy(iovar_buf, name);
/* wl command line automatically converts iovar names to lower case for
* ease of use
p = iovar_buf;
while (*p != '\0') {
*p = tolower((int)*p);
*perr = 0;
return (iovar_len + datalen);
cmd_pkt_list_num = 0;
cmd_batching_mode = FALSE;
wl_seq_cmd_pkt_t *this_cmd, *next_cmd;
this_cmd = cmd_list.head;
while (this_cmd != NULL) {
next_cmd = this_cmd->next;
if (this_cmd->data != NULL) {
this_cmd = next_cmd;
cmd_list.head = NULL;
cmd_list.tail = NULL;
cmd_pkt_list_num = 0;
add_one_batched_cmd(int cmd, void *cmdbuf, int len)
wl_seq_cmd_pkt_t *new_cmd;
new_cmd = malloc(sizeof(wl_seq_cmd_pkt_t));
if (new_cmd == NULL) {
printf("malloc(%d) failed, free %d batched commands and exit batching mode\n",
(int)sizeof(wl_seq_cmd_pkt_t), cmd_pkt_list_num);
goto free_and_exit;
} else {
if (debug)
#endif /* SERDOWNLOAD */
printf("batching %dth command %d\n", cmd_pkt_list_num+1, cmd);
new_cmd->cmd_header.cmd = cmd;
new_cmd->cmd_header.len = len;
new_cmd->next = NULL;
new_cmd->data = malloc(len);
if (new_cmd->data == NULL) {
printf("malloc(%d) failed, free %d batched commands and exit batching mode\n",
len, cmd_pkt_list_num);
goto free_and_exit;
memcpy(new_cmd->data, cmdbuf, len);
if (cmd_list.tail != NULL)
cmd_list.tail->next = new_cmd;
cmd_list.head = new_cmd;
cmd_list.tail = new_cmd;
cmd_pkt_list_num ++;
return 0;
if (cmd_batching_mode) {
cmd_batching_mode = FALSE;
else {
printf("calling add_one_batched_cmd() at non-command-batching mode, weird\n");
return -1;
wlu_get_req_buflen(int cmd, void *cmdbuf, int len)
int modified_len = len;
char *cmdstr = (char *)cmdbuf;
if (len == WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN) {
if ((strcmp(cmdstr, "dump") == 0) ||
modified_len = WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN;
modified_len = WLC_IOCTL_MEDLEN;
return modified_len;
/* Wrapper function that converts -W option in to "wlc:" prefix
* (1) It converts an existing iovar to the following format
* wlc:<iovar_name>\0<wlc_idx><param>
* (2) It converts an existing ioctl to the following format
* wlc:ioc\0<wlc_idx><ioct_cmd_id><param>
* NOTE: (2) requires new iovar named "ioc" in driver
static int
wlu_wlc_wrapper(void *wl, bool get, int* cmd, void *cmdbuf, int len, void **outbuf, int *outlen)
void *param = cmdbuf;
int paramlen = len;
int wlc_idx = g_wlc_idx;
char *name = NULL;
/* Wrap only if we find a valid WLC index and iovar name */
if (wlc_idx >= 0) {
int cmdlen = 0;
int prefix_len = 0;
char *lbuf = NULL;
char *buf = NULL;
bool ioctl_wrap = FALSE;
if ((*cmd == WLC_GET_VAR) || (*cmd == WLC_SET_VAR)) {
/* incoming command is an iovar */
/* pull out name\0param */
name = cmdbuf;
cmdlen = strlen(name);
param = ((char*)cmdbuf) + cmdlen + 1;
paramlen = len - cmdlen - 1;
} else {
/* we are an ioctl, invoke the common "ioc" iovar and wrap the cmd */
name = "ioc";
cmdlen = strlen(name);
/* additional 4 bytes for storing IOCTL_CMD_ID */
prefix_len = sizeof(int);
ioctl_wrap = TRUE;
prefix_len += strlen("wlc:") + 1 + cmdlen + sizeof(int);
/* now create wlc:<name>\0<wlc_idx><param> */
buf = lbuf = malloc(prefix_len + paramlen);
if (buf == NULL) {
printf("%s:malloc(%d) failed\n", __FUNCTION__, prefix_len + paramlen);
return BCME_NOMEM;
memcpy(buf, "wlc:", 4); buf += 4;
strcpy(buf, name); buf += (cmdlen+1);
wlc_idx = htod32(wlc_idx);
memcpy(buf, &wlc_idx, sizeof(int32)); buf += sizeof(int32);
if (ioctl_wrap) {
/* For IOCTL wlc:ioc\0<wlc_idx><ioctl_id><param> */
int32 ioctl_cmd = htod32(*cmd);
memcpy(buf, &ioctl_cmd, sizeof(int32)); buf += sizeof(int32);
memcpy(buf, param, paramlen);
*cmd = (get) ? WLC_GET_VAR : WLC_SET_VAR;
param = lbuf;
paramlen += prefix_len;
*outlen = paramlen;
*outbuf = param;
return BCME_OK;
/* now IOCTL GET commands shall call wlu_get() instead of wl_get() so that the commands
* can be batched when needed
wlu_get(void *wl, int cmd, void *cmdbuf, int len)
void *outbuf = NULL;
int outlen;
int err = 0;
if (cmd_batching_mode) {
printf("IOCTL GET command %d is not supported in batching mode\n", cmd);
err = wlu_wlc_wrapper(wl, TRUE, &cmd, cmdbuf, len, &outbuf, &outlen);
if (err != BCME_OK) return err;
err = wl_get(wl, cmd, outbuf, outlen);
if (outbuf != cmdbuf) {
memcpy(cmdbuf, outbuf, len);
return err;
/* now IOCTL SET commands shall call wlu_set() instead of wl_set() so that the commands
* can be batched when needed
wlu_set(void *wl, int cmd, void *cmdbuf, int len)
int err = 0;
void *outbuf = NULL;
int outlen;
err = wlu_wlc_wrapper(wl, FALSE, &cmd, cmdbuf, len, &outbuf, &outlen);
if (err != BCME_OK) return err;
if (cmd_batching_mode) {
err = add_one_batched_cmd(cmd, outbuf, outlen);
else {
err = wl_set(wl, cmd, outbuf, outlen);
if (outbuf != cmdbuf) {
memcpy(cmdbuf, outbuf, len);
return err;
* get named iovar providing both parameter and i/o buffers
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_getbuf(void* wl, const char *iovar,
void *param, int paramlen, void *bufptr, int buflen)
int err;
wl_iovar_mkbuf(iovar, param, paramlen, bufptr, buflen, &err);
if (err)
return err;
return wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_VAR, bufptr, buflen);
* set named iovar providing both parameter and i/o buffers
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_setbuf(void* wl, const char *iovar,
void *param, int paramlen, void *bufptr, int buflen)
int err;
int iolen;
iolen = wl_iovar_mkbuf(iovar, param, paramlen, bufptr, buflen, &err);
if (err)
return err;
return wlu_set(wl, WLC_SET_VAR, bufptr, iolen);
* get named iovar without parameters into a given buffer
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_get(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *outbuf, int len)
char smbuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
int err;
/* use the return buffer if it is bigger than what we have on the stack */
if (len > (int)sizeof(smbuf)) {
err = wlu_iovar_getbuf(wl, iovar, NULL, 0, outbuf, len);
} else {
memset(smbuf, 0, sizeof(smbuf));
err = wlu_iovar_getbuf(wl, iovar, NULL, 0, smbuf, sizeof(smbuf));
if (err == 0)
memcpy(outbuf, smbuf, len);
return err;
* set named iovar given the parameter buffer
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_set(void *wl, const char *iovar, void *param, int paramlen)
char smbuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN*2];
memset(smbuf, 0, sizeof(smbuf));
return wlu_iovar_setbuf(wl, iovar, param, paramlen, smbuf, sizeof(smbuf));
* get named iovar as an integer value
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_getint(void *wl, const char *iovar, int *pval)
int ret;
ret = wlu_iovar_get(wl, iovar, pval, sizeof(int));
if (ret >= 0)
*pval = dtoh32(*pval);
return ret;
* set named iovar given an integer parameter
* iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_setint(void *wl, const char *iovar, int val)
val = htod32(val);
return wlu_iovar_set(wl, iovar, &val, sizeof(int));
* Name lookup utility.
* Given a name table and an ID, will return the name matching the ID,
* or a string with the raw ID, i.e. "ID:<num>"
const char* wlu_lookup_name(const wlu_name_entry_t* tbl, uint id)
const wlu_name_entry_t *elt = tbl;
static char unknown[64];
for (elt = tbl; elt->name != NULL; elt++) {
if (id == elt->id)
return elt->name;
snprintf(unknown, sizeof(unknown), "ID:%d", id);
return unknown;