blob: d852aa6b97f86e293a756eaade1c2e17675aafc1 [file] [log] [blame]
BlueZ D-Bus Adapter API description
Adapter hierarchy
Service org.bluez
Interface org.bluez.Adapter1
Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}
Methods void StartDiscovery()
This method starts the device discovery session. This
includes an inquiry procedure and remote device name
resolving. Use StopDiscovery to release the sessions
This process will start creating Device objects as
new devices are discovered.
During discovery RSSI delta-threshold is imposed.
Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.NotReady
void StopDiscovery()
This method will cancel any previous StartDiscovery
Note that a discovery procedure is shared between all
discovery sessions thus calling StopDiscovery will only
release a single session.
Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.NotReady
void RemoveDevice(object device)
This removes the remote device object at the given
path. It will remove also the pairing information.
Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
void SetDiscoveryFilter(dict filter)
This method sets the device discovery filter for the
caller. When this method is called with no filter
parameter, filter is removed.
Parameters that may be set in the filter dictionary
include the following:
array{string} UUIDs
Filter by service UUIDs, empty means match
_any_ UUID.
When a remote device is found that advertises
any UUID from UUIDs, it will be reported if:
- Pathloss and RSSI are both empty.
- only Pathloss param is set, device advertise
TX pwer, and computed pathloss is less than
Pathloss param.
- only RSSI param is set, and received RSSI is
higher than RSSI param.
int16 RSSI
RSSI threshold value.
PropertiesChanged signals will be emitted
for already existing Device objects, with
updated RSSI value. If one or more discovery
filters have been set, the RSSI delta-threshold,
that is imposed by StartDiscovery by default,
will not be applied.
uint16 Pathloss
Pathloss threshold value.
PropertiesChanged signals will be emitted
for already existing Device objects, with
updated Pathloss value.
string Transport (Default "auto")
Transport parameter determines the type of
Possible values:
"auto" - interleaved scan
"bredr" - BR/EDR inquiry
"le" - LE scan only
If "le" or "bredr" Transport is requested,
and the controller doesn't support it,
org.bluez.Error.Failed error will be returned.
If "auto" transport is requested, scan will use
LE, BREDR, or both, depending on what's
currently enabled on the controller.
bool DuplicateData (Default: true)
Disables duplicate detection of advertisement
When enabled PropertiesChanged signals will be
generated for either ManufacturerData and
ServiceData everytime they are discovered.
When discovery filter is set, Device objects will be
created as new devices with matching criteria are
discovered regardless of they are connectable or
discoverable which enables listening to
non-connectable and non-discoverable devices.
When multiple clients call SetDiscoveryFilter, their
filters are internally merged, and notifications about
new devices are sent to all clients. Therefore, each
client must check that device updates actually match
its filter.
When SetDiscoveryFilter is called multiple times by the
same client, last filter passed will be active for
given client.
SetDiscoveryFilter can be called before StartDiscovery.
It is useful when client will create first discovery
session, to ensure that proper scan will be started
right after call to StartDiscovery.
Possible errors: org.bluez.Error.NotReady
array{string} GetDiscoveryFilters()
Return available filters that can be given to
Possible errors: None
Properties string Address [readonly]
The Bluetooth device address.
string Name [readonly]
The Bluetooth system name (pretty hostname).
This property is either a static system default
or controlled by an external daemon providing
access to the pretty hostname configuration.
string Alias [readwrite]
The Bluetooth friendly name. This value can be
In case no alias is set, it will return the system
provided name. Setting an empty string as alias will
convert it back to the system provided name.
When resetting the alias with an empty string, the
property will default back to system name.
On a well configured system, this property never
needs to be changed since it defaults to the system
name and provides the pretty hostname. Only if the
local name needs to be different from the pretty
hostname, this property should be used as last
uint32 Class [readonly]
The Bluetooth class of device.
This property represents the value that is either
automatically configured by DMI/ACPI information
or provided as static configuration.
boolean Powered [readwrite]
Switch an adapter on or off. This will also set the
appropriate connectable state of the controller.
The value of this property is not persistent. After
restart or unplugging of the adapter it will reset
back to false.
boolean Discoverable [readwrite]
Switch an adapter to discoverable or non-discoverable
to either make it visible or hide it. This is a global
setting and should only be used by the settings
If the DiscoverableTimeout is set to a non-zero
value then the system will set this value back to
false after the timer expired.
In case the adapter is switched off, setting this
value will fail.
When changing the Powered property the new state of
this property will be updated via a PropertiesChanged
For any new adapter this settings defaults to false.
boolean Pairable [readwrite]
Switch an adapter to pairable or non-pairable. This is
a global setting and should only be used by the
settings application.
Note that this property only affects incoming pairing
For any new adapter this settings defaults to true.
uint32 PairableTimeout [readwrite]
The pairable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
pairable mode forever.
The default value for pairable timeout should be
disabled (value 0).
uint32 DiscoverableTimeout [readwrite]
The discoverable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
discoverable/limited mode forever.
The default value for the discoverable timeout should
be 180 seconds (3 minutes).
boolean Discovering [readonly]
Indicates that a device discovery procedure is active.
array{string} UUIDs [readonly]
List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the available
local services.
string Modalias [readonly, optional]
Local Device ID information in modalias format
used by the kernel and udev.