blob: 90d3c01617f0f7016551923a5216bb5542e06dfc [file] [log] [blame]
* Fundamental constants relating to DHCP Protocol
* Copyright (C) 1999-2017, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: bcmdhcp.h 597933 2015-11-06 18:52:06Z $
#ifndef _bcmdhcp_h_
#define _bcmdhcp_h_
/* DHCP params */
#define DHCP_TYPE_OFFSET 0 /* DHCP type (request|reply) offset */
#define DHCP_TID_OFFSET 4 /* DHCP transition id offset */
#define DHCP_FLAGS_OFFSET 10 /* DHCP flags offset */
#define DHCP_CIADDR_OFFSET 12 /* DHCP client IP address offset */
#define DHCP_YIADDR_OFFSET 16 /* DHCP your IP address offset */
#define DHCP_GIADDR_OFFSET 24 /* DHCP relay agent IP address offset */
#define DHCP_CHADDR_OFFSET 28 /* DHCP client h/w address offset */
#define DHCP_OPT_OFFSET 236 /* DHCP options offset */
#define DHCP_OPT_MSGTYPE 53 /* DHCP message type */
#define DHCP_OPT_MSGTYPE_ACK 5 /* DHCP message type - ACK */
#define DHCP_OPT_CODE_OFFSET 0 /* Option identifier */
#define DHCP_OPT_LEN_OFFSET 1 /* Option data length */
#define DHCP_OPT_DATA_OFFSET 2 /* Option data */
#define DHCP_OPT_CODE_CLIENTID 61 /* Option identifier */
#define DHCP_TYPE_REQUEST 1 /* DHCP request (discover|request) */
#define DHCP_TYPE_REPLY 2 /* DHCP reply (offset|ack) */
#define DHCP_PORT_SERVER 67 /* DHCP server UDP port */
#define DHCP_PORT_CLIENT 68 /* DHCP client UDP port */
#define DHCP_FLAG_BCAST 0x8000 /* DHCP broadcast flag */
#define DHCP_FLAGS_LEN 2 /* DHCP flags field length */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_SOLICIT 1 /* DHCP6 solicit */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_ADVERTISE 2 /* DHCP6 advertise */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_REQUEST 3 /* DHCP6 request */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_CONFIRM 4 /* DHCP6 confirm */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_RENEW 5 /* DHCP6 renew */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_REBIND 6 /* DHCP6 rebind */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_REPLY 7 /* DHCP6 reply */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_RELEASE 8 /* DHCP6 release */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_DECLINE 9 /* DHCP6 decline */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_RECONFIGURE 10 /* DHCP6 reconfigure */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_INFOREQ 11 /* DHCP6 information request */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_RELAYFWD 12 /* DHCP6 relay forward */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_RELAYREPLY 13 /* DHCP6 relay reply */
#define DHCP6_TYPE_OFFSET 0 /* DHCP6 type offset */
#define DHCP6_MSG_OPT_OFFSET 4 /* Offset of options in client server messages */
#define DHCP6_RELAY_OPT_OFFSET 34 /* Offset of options in relay messages */
#define DHCP6_OPT_CODE_OFFSET 0 /* Option identifier */
#define DHCP6_OPT_LEN_OFFSET 2 /* Option data length */
#define DHCP6_OPT_DATA_OFFSET 4 /* Option data */
#define DHCP6_PORT_SERVER 547 /* DHCP6 server UDP port */
#define DHCP6_PORT_CLIENT 546 /* DHCP6 client UDP port */
#endif /* #ifndef _bcmdhcp_h_ */