blob: 01c626a1f2262047ff177f209bccc4fc84b4b717 [file] [log] [blame]
# This validates that the kernel will fall back to using the user helper
# to load firmware it can't find on disk itself. We must request a firmware
# that the kernel won't find, and any installed helper (e.g. udev) also
# won't find so that we can do the load ourself manually.
set -e
modprobe test_firmware
# CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER has a sysfs class under /sys/class/firmware/
# These days no one enables CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER so check for that
# as an indicator for CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER.
HAS_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER=$(if [ -d /sys/class/firmware/ ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi)
if [ "$HAS_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER" = "yes" ]; then
OLD_TIMEOUT=$(cat /sys/class/firmware/timeout)
echo "usermode helper disabled so ignoring test"
exit 0
FWPATH=$(mktemp -d)
echo "$OLD_TIMEOUT" >/sys/class/firmware/timeout
rm -f "$FW"
rmdir "$FWPATH"
local name="$1"
local file="$2"
# This will block until our load (below) has finished.
echo -n "$name" >"$DIR"/trigger_request &
# Give kernel a chance to react.
local timeout=10
while [ ! -e "$DIR"/"$name"/loading ]; do
sleep 0.1
timeout=$(( $timeout - 1 ))
if [ "$timeout" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$0: firmware interface never appeared" >&2
exit 1
echo 1 >"$DIR"/"$name"/loading
cat "$file" >"$DIR"/"$name"/data
echo 0 >"$DIR"/"$name"/loading
# Wait for request to finish.
trap "test_finish" EXIT
# This is an unlikely real-world firmware content. :)
echo "ABCD0123" >"$FW"
NAME=$(basename "$FW")
# Test failure when doing nothing (timeout works).
echo -n 2 >/sys/class/firmware/timeout
echo -n "nope-$NAME" >"$DIR"/trigger_request 2>/dev/null &
# Give the kernel some time to load the loading file, must be less
# than the timeout above.
sleep 1
if [ ! -f $DEVPATH ]; then
echo "$0: fallback mechanism immediately cancelled"
echo ""
echo "The file never appeared: $DEVPATH"
echo ""
echo "This might be a distribution udev rule setup by your distribution"
echo "to immediately cancel all fallback requests, this must be"
echo "removed before running these tests. To confirm look for"
echo "a firmware rule like /lib/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules"
echo "and see if you have something like this:"
echo ""
echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"firmware\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{loading}=\"-1\""
echo ""
echo "If you do remove this file or comment out this line before"
echo "proceeding with these tests."
exit 1
if diff -q "$FW" /dev/test_firmware >/dev/null ; then
echo "$0: firmware was not expected to match" >&2
exit 1
echo "$0: timeout works"
# Put timeout high enough for us to do work but not so long that failures
# slow down this test too much.
echo 4 >/sys/class/firmware/timeout
# Load this script instead of the desired firmware.
load_fw "$NAME" "$0"
if diff -q "$FW" /dev/test_firmware >/dev/null ; then
echo "$0: firmware was not expected to match" >&2
exit 1
echo "$0: firmware comparison works"
# Do a proper load, which should work correctly.
load_fw "$NAME" "$FW"
if ! diff -q "$FW" /dev/test_firmware >/dev/null ; then
echo "$0: firmware was not loaded" >&2
exit 1
echo "$0: user helper firmware loading works"
exit 0