blob: b69183d8d634a4d577b86aa08da9bca16b8cd4a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 ZXing authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "ZXASCIIEncoder.h"
#import "ZXBase256Encoder.h"
#import "ZXC40Encoder.h"
#import "ZXEdifactEncoder.h"
#import "ZXEncoderContext.h"
#import "ZXHighLevelEncoder.h"
#import "ZXSymbolInfo.h"
#import "ZXSymbolShapeHint.h"
#import "ZXTextEncoder.h"
#import "ZXX12Encoder.h"
* Padding character
const unichar PAD_CHAR = 129;
* 05 Macro header
static NSString *MACRO_05_HEADER = nil;
* 06 Macro header
static NSString *MACRO_06_HEADER = nil;
* Macro trailer
static NSString *MACRO_TRAILER = nil;
@implementation ZXHighLevelEncoder
+ (void)initialize {
MACRO_05_HEADER = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"[)>%C05%C", (unichar)0x001E, (unichar)0x001D];
MACRO_06_HEADER = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"[)>%C06%C", (unichar)0x001E, (unichar)0x001D];
MACRO_TRAILER = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%C%C", (unichar)0x001E, (unichar)0x0004];
+ (unichar)latchToC40 {
return 230;
+ (unichar)latchToBase256 {
return 231;
+ (unichar)upperShift {
return 235;
+ (unichar)macro05 {
return 236;
+ (unichar)macro06 {
return 237;
+ (unichar)latchToAnsiX12 {
return 238;
+ (unichar)latchToText {
return 239;
+ (unichar)latchToEdifact {
return 240;
+ (unichar)c40Unlatch {
return 254;
+ (unichar)x12Unlatch {
return 254;
+ (int)asciiEncodation {
return 0;
+ (int)c40Encodation {
return 1;
+ (int)textEncodation {
return 2;
+ (int)x12Encodation {
return 3;
+ (int)edifactEncodation {
return 4;
+ (int)base256Encodation {
return 5;
+ (int8_t *)bytesForMessage:(NSString *)msg {
return (int8_t *)[[msg dataUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding) 0x80000400] bytes]; //See 4.4.3 and annex B of ISO/IEC 15438:2001(E)
+ (unichar)randomize253State:(unichar)ch codewordPosition:(int)codewordPosition {
int pseudoRandom = ((149 * codewordPosition) % 253) + 1;
int tempVariable = ch + pseudoRandom;
return tempVariable <= 254 ? (unichar) tempVariable : (unichar) (tempVariable - 254);
+ (NSString *)encodeHighLevel:(NSString *)msg {
return [self encodeHighLevel:msg shape:[ZXSymbolShapeHint forceNone] minSize:nil maxSize:nil];
+ (NSString *)encodeHighLevel:(NSString *)msg shape:(ZXSymbolShapeHint *)shape
minSize:(ZXDimension *)minSize maxSize:(ZXDimension *)maxSize {
//the codewords 0..255 are encoded as Unicode characters
NSArray *encoders = @[[[ZXASCIIEncoder alloc] init],
[[ZXC40Encoder alloc] init],
[[ZXTextEncoder alloc] init],
[[ZXX12Encoder alloc] init],
[[ZXEdifactEncoder alloc] init],
[[ZXBase256Encoder alloc] init]];
ZXEncoderContext *context = [[ZXEncoderContext alloc] initWithMessage:msg];
context.symbolShape = shape;
[context setSizeConstraints:minSize maxSize:maxSize];
if ([msg hasPrefix:MACRO_05_HEADER] && [msg hasSuffix:MACRO_TRAILER]) {
[context writeCodeword:[self macro05]];
[context setSkipAtEnd:2];
context.pos += MACRO_05_HEADER.length;
} else if ([msg hasPrefix:MACRO_06_HEADER] && [msg hasSuffix:MACRO_TRAILER]) {
[context writeCodeword:[self macro06]];
[context setSkipAtEnd:2];
context.pos += MACRO_06_HEADER.length;
int encodingMode = [self asciiEncodation]; //Default mode
while ([context hasMoreCharacters]) {
[encoders[encodingMode] encode:context];
if (context.newEncoding >= 0) {
encodingMode = context.newEncoding;
[context resetEncoderSignal];
NSUInteger len = context.codewords.length;
[context updateSymbolInfo];
int capacity = context.symbolInfo.dataCapacity;
if (len < capacity) {
if (encodingMode != [self asciiEncodation] && encodingMode != [self base256Encodation]) {
[context writeCodeword:(unichar)0x00fe]; //Unlatch (254)
NSMutableString *codewords = context.codewords;
if (codewords.length < capacity) {
[codewords appendFormat:@"%C", PAD_CHAR];
while (codewords.length < capacity) {
[codewords appendFormat:@"%C", [self randomize253State:PAD_CHAR codewordPosition:(int)codewords.length + 1]];
return [NSString stringWithString:context.codewords];
+ (int)lookAheadTest:(NSString *)msg startpos:(int)startpos currentMode:(int)currentMode {
if (startpos >= msg.length) {
return currentMode;
float charCounts[6];
//step J
if (currentMode == [self asciiEncodation]) {
charCounts[0] = 0;
charCounts[1] = 1;
charCounts[2] = 1;
charCounts[3] = 1;
charCounts[4] = 1;
charCounts[5] = 1.25f;
} else {
charCounts[0] = 1;
charCounts[1] = 2;
charCounts[2] = 2;
charCounts[3] = 2;
charCounts[4] = 2;
charCounts[5] = 2.25f;
charCounts[currentMode] = 0;
int charsProcessed = 0;
while (YES) {
//step K
if ((startpos + charsProcessed) == msg.length) {
int min = INT_MAX;
int8_t mins[6];
int intCharCounts[6];
min = [self findMinimums:charCounts intCharCounts:intCharCounts min:min mins:mins];
int minCount = [self minimumCount:mins];
if (intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] == min) {
return [self asciiEncodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self base256Encodation]] > 0) {
return [self base256Encodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self edifactEncodation]] > 0) {
return [self edifactEncodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self textEncodation]] > 0) {
return [self textEncodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self x12Encodation]] > 0) {
return [self x12Encodation];
return [self c40Encodation];
unichar c = [msg characterAtIndex:startpos + charsProcessed];
//step L
if ([self isDigit:c]) {
charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] += 0.5;
} else if ([self isExtendedASCII:c]) {
charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] = (int) ceil(charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]]);
charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] += 2;
} else {
charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] = (int) ceil(charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]]);
charCounts[[self asciiEncodation]]++;
//step M
if ([self isNativeC40:c]) {
charCounts[[self c40Encodation]] += 2.0f / 3.0f;
} else if ([self isExtendedASCII:c]) {
charCounts[[self c40Encodation]] += 8.0f / 3.0f;
} else {
charCounts[[self c40Encodation]] += 4.0f / 3.0f;
//step N
if ([self isNativeText:c]) {
charCounts[[self textEncodation]] += 2.0f / 3.0f;
} else if ([self isExtendedASCII:c]) {
charCounts[[self textEncodation]] += 8.0f / 3.0f;
} else {
charCounts[[self textEncodation]] += 4.0f / 3.0f;
//step O
if ([self isNativeX12:c]) {
charCounts[[self x12Encodation]] += 2.0f / 3.0f;
} else if ([self isExtendedASCII:c]) {
charCounts[[self x12Encodation]] += 13.0f / 3.0f;
} else {
charCounts[[self x12Encodation]] += 10.0f / 3.0f;
//step P
if ([self isNativeEDIFACT:c]) {
charCounts[[self edifactEncodation]] += 3.0f / 4.0f;
} else if ([self isExtendedASCII:c]) {
charCounts[[self edifactEncodation]] += 17.0f / 4.0f;
} else {
charCounts[[self edifactEncodation]] += 13.0f / 4.0f;
// step Q
if ([self isSpecialB256:c]) {
charCounts[[self base256Encodation]] += 4;
} else {
charCounts[[self base256Encodation]]++;
//step R
if (charsProcessed >= 4) {
int intCharCounts[6];
int8_t mins[6];
[self findMinimums:charCounts intCharCounts:intCharCounts min:INT_MAX mins:mins];
int minCount = [self minimumCount:mins];
if (intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] < intCharCounts[[self base256Encodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] < intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] < intCharCounts[[self textEncodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] < intCharCounts[[self x12Encodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]] < intCharCounts[[self edifactEncodation]]) {
return [self asciiEncodation];
if (intCharCounts[[self base256Encodation]] < intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]]
|| (mins[[self c40Encodation]] + mins[[self textEncodation]] + mins[[self x12Encodation]] + mins[[self edifactEncodation]]) == 0) {
return [self base256Encodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self edifactEncodation]] > 0) {
return [self edifactEncodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self textEncodation]] > 0) {
return [self textEncodation];
if (minCount == 1 && mins[[self x12Encodation]] > 0) {
return [self x12Encodation];
if (intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] + 1 < intCharCounts[[self asciiEncodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] + 1 < intCharCounts[[self base256Encodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] + 1 < intCharCounts[[self edifactEncodation]]
&& intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] + 1 < intCharCounts[[self textEncodation]]) {
if (intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] < intCharCounts[[self x12Encodation]]) {
return [self c40Encodation];
if (intCharCounts[[self c40Encodation]] == intCharCounts[[self x12Encodation]]) {
int p = startpos + charsProcessed + 1;
while (p < msg.length) {
char tc = [msg characterAtIndex:p];
if ([self isX12TermSep:tc]) {
return [self x12Encodation];
if (![self isNativeX12:tc]) {
return [self c40Encodation];
+ (int)findMinimums:(float *)charCounts intCharCounts:(int *)intCharCounts min:(int)min mins:(int8_t *)mins {
memset(mins, 0, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
intCharCounts[i] = (int) ceil(charCounts[i]);
int current = intCharCounts[i];
if (min > current) {
min = current;
memset(mins, 0, 6);
if (min == current) {
return min;
+ (int)minimumCount:(int8_t *)mins {
int minCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
minCount += mins[i];
return minCount;
+ (BOOL)isDigit:(unichar)ch {
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
+ (BOOL)isExtendedASCII:(unichar)ch {
return ch >= 128 && ch <= 255;
+ (BOOL)isNativeC40:(unichar)ch {
return (ch == ' ') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');
+ (BOOL)isNativeText:(unichar)ch {
return (ch == ' ') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z');
+ (BOOL)isNativeX12:(unichar)ch {
return [self isX12TermSep:ch] || (ch == ' ') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');
+ (BOOL)isX12TermSep:(unichar)ch {
return (ch == '\r') //CR
|| (ch == '*')
|| (ch == '>');
+ (BOOL)isNativeEDIFACT:(unichar)ch {
return ch >= ' ' && ch <= '^';
+ (BOOL)isSpecialB256:(unichar)ch {
+ (int)determineConsecutiveDigitCount:(NSString *)msg startpos:(int)startpos {
int count = 0;
NSUInteger len = msg.length;
int idx = startpos;
if (idx < len) {
unichar ch = [msg characterAtIndex:idx];
while ([self isDigit:ch] && idx < len) {
if (idx < len) {
ch = [msg characterAtIndex:idx];
return count;
+ (void)illegalCharacter:(unichar)c {
NSString *hex = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%x", c];
hex = [[@"0000" substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, hex.length)] stringByAppendingString:hex];
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Illegal character: %C (0x%@)", c, hex];