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// RACSignal.h
// ReactiveCocoa
// Created by Josh Abernathy on 3/1/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "RACStream.h"
@class RACDisposable;
@class RACScheduler;
@class RACSubject;
@protocol RACSubscriber;
@interface RACSignal : RACStream
/// Creates a new signal. This is the preferred way to create a new signal
/// operation or behavior.
/// Events can be sent to new subscribers immediately in the `didSubscribe`
/// block, but the subscriber will not be able to dispose of the signal until
/// a RACDisposable is returned from `didSubscribe`. In the case of infinite
/// signals, this won't _ever_ happen if events are sent immediately.
/// To ensure that the signal is disposable, events can be scheduled on the
/// +[RACScheduler currentScheduler] (so that they're deferred, not sent
/// immediately), or they can be sent in the background. The RACDisposable
/// returned by the `didSubscribe` block should cancel any such scheduling or
/// asynchronous work.
/// didSubscribe - Called when the signal is subscribed to. The new subscriber is
/// passed in. You can then manually control the <RACSubscriber> by
/// sending it -sendNext:, -sendError:, and -sendCompleted,
/// as defined by the operation you're implementing. This block
/// should return a RACDisposable which cancels any ongoing work
/// triggered by the subscription, and cleans up any resources or
/// disposables created as part of it. When the disposable is
/// disposed of, the signal must not send any more events to the
/// `subscriber`. If no cleanup is necessary, return nil.
/// **Note:** The `didSubscribe` block is called every time a new subscriber
/// subscribes. Any side effects within the block will thus execute once for each
/// subscription, not necessarily on one thread, and possibly even
/// simultaneously!
+ (RACSignal *)createSignal:(RACDisposable * (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))didSubscribe;
/// Returns a signal that immediately sends the given error.
+ (RACSignal *)error:(NSError *)error;
/// Returns a signal that never completes.
+ (RACSignal *)never;
/// Immediately schedules the given block on the given scheduler. The block is
/// given a subscriber to which it can send events.
/// scheduler - The scheduler on which `block` will be scheduled and results
/// delivered. Cannot be nil.
/// block - The block to invoke. Cannot be NULL.
/// Returns a signal which will send all events sent on the subscriber given to
/// `block`. All events will be sent on `scheduler` and it will replay any missed
/// events to new subscribers.
+ (RACSignal *)startEagerlyWithScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler block:(void (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))block;
/// Invokes the given block only on the first subscription. The block is given a
/// subscriber to which it can send events.
/// Note that disposing of the subscription to the returned signal will *not*
/// dispose of the underlying subscription. If you need that behavior, see
/// -[RACMulticastConnection autoconnect]. The underlying subscription will never
/// be disposed of. Because of this, `block` should never return an infinite
/// signal since there would be no way of ending it.
/// scheduler - The scheduler on which the block should be scheduled. Note that
/// if given +[RACScheduler immediateScheduler], the block will be
/// invoked synchronously on the first subscription. Cannot be nil.
/// block - The block to invoke on the first subscription. Cannot be NULL.
/// Returns a signal which will pass through the events sent to the subscriber
/// given to `block` and replay any missed events to new subscribers.
+ (RACSignal *)startLazilyWithScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler block:(void (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))block;
@interface RACSignal (RACStream)
/// Returns a signal that immediately sends the given value and then completes.
+ (RACSignal *)return:(id)value;
/// Returns a signal that immediately completes.
+ (RACSignal *)empty;
/// Subscribes to `signal` when the source signal completes.
- (RACSignal *)concat:(RACSignal *)signal;
/// Zips the values in the receiver with those of the given signal to create
/// RACTuples.
/// The first `next` of each stream will be combined, then the second `next`, and
/// so forth, until either signal completes or errors.
/// signal - The signal to zip with. This must not be `nil`.
/// Returns a new signal of RACTuples, representing the combined values of the
/// two signals. Any error from one of the original signals will be forwarded on
/// the returned signal.
- (RACSignal *)zipWith:(RACSignal *)signal;
@interface RACSignal (Subscription)
/// Subscribes `subscriber` to changes on the receiver. The receiver defines which
/// events it actually sends and in what situations the events are sent.
/// Subscription will always happen on a valid RACScheduler. If the
/// +[RACScheduler currentScheduler] cannot be determined at the time of
/// subscription (e.g., because the calling code is running on a GCD queue or
/// NSOperationQueue), subscription will occur on a private background scheduler.
/// On the main thread, subscriptions will always occur immediately, with a
/// +[RACScheduler currentScheduler] of +[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler].
/// This method must be overridden by any subclasses.
/// Returns nil or a disposable. You can call -[RACDisposable dispose] if you
/// need to end your subscription before it would "naturally" end, either by
/// completing or erroring. Once the disposable has been disposed, the subscriber
/// won't receive any more events from the subscription.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to the `next` event.
/// This corresponds to `IObserver<T>.OnNext` in Rx.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to the `next` and `completed` events.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock completed:(void (^)(void))completedBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to the `next`, `completed`, and `error` events.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock error:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorBlock completed:(void (^)(void))completedBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to `error` events.
/// This corresponds to the `IObserver<T>.OnError` in Rx.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeError:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to `completed` events.
/// This corresponds to the `IObserver<T>.OnCompleted` in Rx.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeCompleted:(void (^)(void))completedBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to `next` and `error` events.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock error:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorBlock;
/// Convenience method to subscribe to `error` and `completed` events.
- (RACDisposable *)subscribeError:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorBlock completed:(void (^)(void))completedBlock;
/// Additional methods to assist with debugging.
@interface RACSignal (Debugging)
/// Logs all events that the receiver sends.
- (RACSignal *)logAll;
/// Logs each `next` that the receiver sends.
- (RACSignal *)logNext;
/// Logs any error that the receiver sends.
- (RACSignal *)logError;
/// Logs any `completed` event that the receiver sends.
- (RACSignal *)logCompleted;
/// Additional methods to assist with unit testing.
/// **These methods should never ship in production code.**
@interface RACSignal (Testing)
/// Spins the main run loop for a short while, waiting for the receiver to send a `next`.
/// **Because this method executes the run loop recursively, it should only be used
/// on the main thread, and only from a unit test.**
/// defaultValue - Returned if the receiver completes or errors before sending
/// a `next`, or if the method times out. This argument may be
/// nil.
/// success - If not NULL, set to whether the receiver completed
/// successfully.
/// error - If not NULL, set to any error that occurred.
/// Returns the first value received, or `defaultValue` if no value is received
/// before the signal finishes or the method times out.
- (id)asynchronousFirstOrDefault:(id)defaultValue success:(BOOL *)success error:(NSError **)error;
/// Spins the main run loop for a short while, waiting for the receiver to complete.
/// **Because this method executes the run loop recursively, it should only be used
/// on the main thread, and only from a unit test.**
/// error - If not NULL, set to any error that occurs.
/// Returns whether the signal completed successfully before timing out. If NO,
/// `error` will be set to any error that occurred.
- (BOOL)asynchronouslyWaitUntilCompleted:(NSError **)error;
@interface RACSignal (Deprecated)
+ (RACSignal *)start:(id (^)(BOOL *success, NSError **error))block __attribute__((deprecated("Use +startEagerlyWithScheduler:block: instead")));
+ (RACSignal *)startWithScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler subjectBlock:(void (^)(RACSubject *subject))block __attribute__((deprecated("Use +startEagerlyWithScheduler:block: instead")));
+ (RACSignal *)startWithScheduler:(RACScheduler *)scheduler block:(id (^)(BOOL *success, NSError **error))block __attribute__((deprecated("Use +startEagerlyWithScheduler:block: instead")));