blob: 16ed1ee47e1cf37d57c98ff10c72f5d81bdecd74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Flash-based transactional key-value store
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc.
* Author: Eugene Surovegin, Terry Heo
#include "common.h"
#include "nflash_drv.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "nand_priv.h"
#include "com_type.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "errno-base.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "flash_ts.h"
#define printf lgpl_printf
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define EMMC_INT_PAGE_BUFF_SIZE (8448/4 + 32)
#define ALIGNED(val, n) ((((unsigned int)val) + (n) - 1) & (~((unsigned int)(n) - 1)))
extern struct mv_nand_data nand_data ;
extern unsigned long simple_strtoul(const char *cp,char **endp,unsigned int base);
inline int nand_page_size() {
return (nand_data.szofpg);
inline int nand_block_size() {
return (nand_data.szofblk);
inline int nand_read_page(int page, void *buf, int size) {
#ifdef NAND_BOOT
static int page_buff[NAND_INT_PAGE_BUFF_SIZE];
#elif defined(EMMC_BOOT)
static int temp[EMMC_INT_PAGE_BUFF_SIZE];
int *page_buff;
page_buff = (int *)ALIGNED(temp, 32);
loff_t offset = page * nand_page_size();
if (size > nand_page_size()) {
return -1;
if (NFlash_PageRead(offset, page_buff)) {
// page may be not erased. return default data.
memset(buf, 0xff, size);
return 0;
UtilMemCpy(buf, page_buff, size);
return 0;
inline int nand_write_page(int page, const void *buf, int size) {
#ifdef NAND_BOOT
static int page_buff[NAND_INT_PAGE_BUFF_SIZE];
#elif defined(EMMC_BOOT)
static int temp[EMMC_INT_PAGE_BUFF_SIZE];
int *page_buff;
page_buff = (int *)ALIGNED(temp, 32);
loff_t offset = page * nand_page_size();
if (size > nand_page_size()) {
return -1;
memset(page_buff, 0xff, sizeof(page_buff));
UtilMemCpy(page_buff, buf, size);
if (NFlash_PageWrite(offset, page_buff)) {
lgpl_printf("Write failed @ 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)offset);
return -1;
return 0;
/* Compatibility defines to keep code as similar as possible
* to the Linux version.
#define DRV_NAME "fts"
static inline int is_power_of_2(unsigned int n)
return (n != 0 && ((n & (n - 1)) == 0));
//typedef unsigned u32;
//typedef long loff_t;
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
/* Keep in sync with 'struct flash_ts' */
#define FLASH_TS_HDR_SIZE (4 * sizeof(u32))
#define FLASH_TS_MAX_SIZE (16 * 1024)
#define FLASH_TS_MAGIC 0x53542a46
/* Physical flash layout */
struct flash_ts {
u32 magic; /* "F*TS" */
u32 crc; /* doesn't include magic and crc fields */
u32 len; /* real size of data */
u32 version; /* generation counter, must be positive */
/* data format is very similar to Unix environment:
* key1=value1\0key2=value2\0\0
/* Internal state */
static struct flash_ts_priv {
/* chunk size, >= sizeof(struct flash_ts) */
size_t chunk;
/* current record offset within NAND partition */
loff_t offset;
loff_t base; /* NAND partition base offset */
size_t size; /* NAND partition size */
size_t erasesize; /* block size */
size_t writesize; /* page size */
/* in-memory copy of flash content */
struct flash_ts cache;
/* temporary buffers
* - one backup for failure rollback
* - another for read-after-write verification
struct flash_ts cache_tmp_backup;
struct flash_ts cache_tmp_verify;
} __ts_priv;
static struct flash_ts_priv *__ts = NULL;
static int flash_block_isbad(struct flash_ts_priv *ts, loff_t off)
return is_block_bad(ts->base + off);
static int flash_erase(struct flash_ts_priv *ts, loff_t off)
lgpl_printf(DRV_NAME ": flash_erase @ 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)(ts->base + off));
int res = NFlash_Erase(ts->base + off);
if (unlikely(res))
printf(DRV_NAME ": flash_erase(0x%08x) failed, errno %d\n",
(unsigned)off, res);
return res;
static int flash_write(struct flash_ts_priv *ts, loff_t off,
const void *buf, size_t size)
int page = (ts->base + off) / ts->writesize;
int res = 0;
while (size) {
size_t chunk = min(size, ts->writesize);
res = nand_write_page(page, buf, chunk);
if (likely(!res)) {
buf = (const void*)((unsigned long)buf + chunk);
size -= chunk;
} else {
printf(DRV_NAME ": write_page(%u) failed, errno %d\n",
page, res);
return res;
static int flash_read(struct flash_ts_priv *ts, loff_t off, void *buf, size_t size)
int page = (ts->base + off) / ts->writesize;
int res = 0;
while (size) {
size_t chunk = min(size, ts->writesize);
res = nand_read_page(page, buf, chunk);
if (likely(!res)) {
buf = (void*)((unsigned long)buf + chunk);
size -= chunk;
} else {
printf(DRV_NAME ": read_page(%u), errno %d\n",
page, res);
return res;
static char *flash_ts_find(struct flash_ts_priv *ts, const char *key,
size_t key_len)
char *s = ts->;
while (*s) {
if (!strncmp(s, key, key_len)) {
if (s[key_len] == '=')
return s;
s += strlen(s) + 1;
return NULL;
static inline u32 flash_ts_crc(const struct flash_ts *cache)
const unsigned char *p;
u32 crc = 0;
size_t len;
/* skip magic and crc fields */
len = cache->len + 2 * sizeof(u32);
p = (const unsigned char*)&cache->len;
while (len--) {
int i;
crc ^= *p++;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ ((crc & 1) ? 0xedb88320 : 0);
return crc ^ ~0;
/* Verifies cache consistency and locks it */
static struct flash_ts_priv *__flash_ts_get(void)
struct flash_ts_priv *ts = __ts;
if (likely(ts)) {
if (unlikely(ts->cache.crc != flash_ts_crc(&ts->cache))) {
": memory corruption detected\n");
ts = NULL;
} else {
printf(DRV_NAME ": not initialized yet\n");
return ts;
static int flash_ts_commit(struct flash_ts_priv *ts)
loff_t off = ts->offset + ts->chunk;
/* we try to make two passes to handle non-erased blocks
* this should only matter for the inital pass over the whole device.
int max_iterations = (ts->size / ts->erasesize) * 2;
size_t size = (FLASH_TS_HDR_SIZE + ts->cache.len + ts->chunk - 1)
& ~(ts->chunk - 1);
/* fill unused part of data */
memset(ts-> + ts->cache.len, 0xff,
sizeof(ts-> - ts->cache.len);
while (max_iterations--) {
/* wrap around */
if (off >= ts->size)
off = 0;
/* new block? */
if (!(off & (ts->erasesize - 1))) {
if (flash_block_isbad(ts, off)) {
/* skip this block */
off += ts->erasesize;
if (unlikely(flash_erase(ts, off))) {
/* skip this block */
off += ts->erasesize;
/* write and read back to veryfy */
if (flash_write(ts, off, &ts->cache, size) ||
flash_read(ts, off, &ts->cache_tmp_verify, size)) {
/* hmm, probably unclean block, skip it for now */
off = (off + ts->erasesize) & ~(ts->erasesize - 1);
/* compare */
if (memcmp(&ts->cache, &ts->cache_tmp_verify, size)) {
": record v%u read mismatch @ 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)ts->cache.version, (unsigned)off);
/* skip this block for now */
off = (off + ts->erasesize) & ~(ts->erasesize - 1);
/* for new block, erase the previous block after write done,
* it's to speed up flash_ts_scan
if (!(off & (ts->erasesize - 1))) {
loff_t pre_block_base = ts->offset & ~(ts->erasesize - 1);
loff_t cur_block_base = off & ~(ts->erasesize - 1);
if (cur_block_base != pre_block_base)
flash_erase(ts, pre_block_base);
ts->offset = off;
printf(DRV_NAME ": record v%u commited @ 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)ts->cache.version, (unsigned)off);
return 0;
printf(DRV_NAME ": commit failure\n");
return -EIO;
int flash_ts_set(const char *key, const char *value)
struct flash_ts_priv *ts;
size_t klen = strlen(key);
size_t vlen = strlen(value);
int res;
char *p;
ts = __flash_ts_get();
if (unlikely(!ts))
return -EINVAL;
/* save current cache contents so we can restore it on failure */
memcpy(&ts->cache_tmp_backup, &ts->cache, sizeof(ts->cache_tmp_backup));
p = flash_ts_find(ts, key, klen);
if (p) {
/* we are replacing existing entry,
* empty value (vlen == 0) removes entry completely.
size_t cur_len = strlen(p) + 1;
size_t new_len = vlen ? klen + 1 + vlen + 1 : 0;
if (cur_len != new_len) {
/* we need to move stuff around */
if ((ts->cache.len - cur_len) + new_len >
goto no_space;
memmove(p + new_len, p + cur_len,
ts->cache.len - (p - ts-> + cur_len));
ts->cache.len = (ts->cache.len - cur_len) + new_len;
} else if (!strcmp(p + klen + 1, value)) {
/* skip update if new value is the same as the old one */
res = 0;
goto out;
if (vlen) {
p += klen + 1;
memcpy(p, value, vlen);
p[vlen] = '\0';
} else {
size_t len = klen + 1 + vlen + 1;
/* don't do anything if value is empty */
if (!vlen) {
res = 0;
goto out;
if (ts->cache.len + len > sizeof(ts->
goto no_space;
/* add new entry at the end */
p = ts-> + ts->cache.len - 1;
memcpy(p, key, klen);
p += klen;
*p++ = '=';
memcpy(p, value, vlen);
p += vlen;
*p++ = '\0';
*p = '\0';
ts->cache.len += len;
ts->cache.crc = flash_ts_crc(&ts->cache);
res = flash_ts_commit(ts);
if (unlikely(res))
memcpy(&ts->cache, &ts->cache_tmp_backup, sizeof(ts->cache));
goto out;
printf(DRV_NAME ": no space left for '%s=%s'\n", key, value);
res = -ENOSPC;
return res;
void flash_ts_get(const char *key, char *value, unsigned int size)
size_t klen = strlen(key);
struct flash_ts_priv *ts;
const char *p;
*value = '\0';
ts = __flash_ts_get();
if (unlikely(!ts))
p = flash_ts_find(ts, key, klen);
if (p)
strlcpy(value, p + klen + 1, size);
int flash_ts_get_int(const char *key, int default_value)
char value[16];
int res;
flash_ts_get(key, value, sizeof(value));
if (!value[0])
return default_value;
res = (int)simple_strtoul(value, (char**)NULL, 0);
return res;
static inline u32 flash_ts_check_header(const struct flash_ts *cache)
if (cache->magic == FLASH_TS_MAGIC &&
cache->version &&
cache->len && cache->len <= sizeof(cache->data) &&
cache->crc == flash_ts_crc(cache) &&
/* check correct null-termination */
!cache->data[cache->len - 1] &&
(cache->len == 1 || !cache->data[cache->len - 2])) {
/* all is good */
return cache->version;
return 0;
static int flash_ts_scan(struct flash_ts_priv *ts)
int res, good_blocks = 0;
loff_t off = 0;
do {
/* new block ? */
if (!(off & (ts->erasesize - 1))) {
if (flash_block_isbad(ts, off)) {
": skipping bad block @ 0x%08x\n",
off += ts->erasesize;
} else
res = flash_read(ts, off, &ts->cache_tmp_verify,
if (!res) {
u32 version =
if (version > ts->cache.version) {
memcpy(&ts->cache, &ts->cache_tmp_verify,
ts->offset = off;
if (0 == version &&
sizeof(ts->cache_tmp_verify))) {
/* skip the whole block if chunk is blank */
off = (off + ts->erasesize) & ~(ts->erasesize - 1);
} else
off += ts->chunk;
} else {
off += ts->chunk;
} while (off < ts->size);
if (unlikely(!good_blocks)) {
printf(DRV_NAME ": no good blocks\n");
return -ENODEV;
if (unlikely(good_blocks < 2))
printf(DRV_NAME ": less than 2 good blocks,"
" reliability is not guaranteed\n");
return 0;
/* Round-up to the next power-of-2,
* from "Hacker's Delight" by Henry S. Warren.
static inline u32 clp2(u32 x)
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x + 1;
int flash_ts_init(int start_block, int blocks)
struct flash_ts_priv *ts = &__ts_priv;
int writesize = nand_page_size();
int erasesize = nand_block_size();
int res;
/* make sure both page and block sizes are power-of-2
* (this will make chunk size determination simpler).
if (unlikely(writesize < 0 || !is_power_of_2(writesize) ||
erasesize < 0 || !is_power_of_2(erasesize))) {
printf(DRV_NAME ": unsupported flash geometry: erasesize=%d, writesize=%d\n",
erasesize, writesize);
return -ENODEV;
/* determine chunk size so it doesn't cross block boundary,
* is multiple of page size and there is no wasted space in a block.
* We assume page and block sizes are power-of-2.
ts->chunk = clp2((sizeof(struct flash_ts) + writesize - 1) &
~(writesize - 1));
if (unlikely(ts->chunk > (unsigned int)erasesize)) {
printf(DRV_NAME ": NAND block size is too small\n");
return -ENODEV;
if (writesize > MV_NAND_MAX_PAGE_SIZE) {
printf(DRV_NAME ": NAND page size is too large\n");
return -ENODEV;
/* write flash information */
ts->size = blocks * erasesize;
ts->base = start_block * erasesize;
ts->erasesize = erasesize;
ts->writesize = writesize;
/* default empty state */
ts->offset = ts->size - ts->chunk;
ts->cache.magic = FLASH_TS_MAGIC;
ts->cache.version = 0;
ts->cache.len = 1;
ts->[0] = '\0';
ts->cache.crc = flash_ts_crc(&ts->cache);
/* scan flash partition for the most recent record */
res = flash_ts_scan(ts);
if (unlikely(res))
return res;
if (ts->cache.version)
printf(DRV_NAME ": v%u loaded from 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)ts->cache.version, (unsigned)ts->offset);
/* "enable" it */
__ts = ts;
return res;